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Thai Embassy

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There is a Royal Thai Consulate in that location (not an Embassy) and believe they issue the full range of normal visas but have no direct knowledge so someone may be able to confirm B visa requirements for you.

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There is a Royal Thai Consulate in that location (not an Embassy) and believe they issue the full range of normal visas but have no direct knowledge so someone may be able to confirm B visa requirements for you.

the consulate also issue non immigrant b visas, if you go there around 9 am, you can get your visa around 3 pm no need to stay over night.

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Not the easiest place to get a single entry Non-imm B from. This is what a chap said around 8 months or so ago (this is for a teacher so you may require different paperwork):

"Just returned from Laos. I barely got my visa as I didn't have any transcripts for them. I agreed to fax them this week, and I got my single entry visa in three hours:)"

And what another friend said:

"I just got back and sad to say that I only got a single entry B visa. The visa was easy to get, no dragon lady, just some young guy who was pretty helpful. He requested even more documents than what I had but I just pleaded ignorance. He couldn't explain to me in English what the documents were so I just kept a vacant look on my face."

This is what they went with:

Letter (although the contract might be enough on it's own), contract, school reg, business reg, one other bit of paper that I think was the principals licence, degree and a TEFL.

So not the easiest place to get one from, but Vientianne isn't much better (if at all!).

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Whoops, it looks as thou my book is out of date.

The email address may have changed to [email protected]

And they may haved moved out of the Nanhai Hotel into a detached house.

Try http://www.mfa.go.th/web/1854.php?depcode=22930100

for more information.

Last time I was there it was single entries only.

The very helpful young guy there even got out the visa manual to show me that double entries did not exist. When I pointed out the box on the visa sticker saying "number of entries" he did not understand.

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