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Thai G/f Moving In With Me In Bkk


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32 sqm is of course completely ok for many thais and of course, they live as couples just like everywhere else in the world. The size is not a problem. I know because Ive done it.

Dont forget the majority of posters here have zero experience with "thai university girls" so be careful about what you listen to.

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"I found that when my gf did something wrong and i said so she would go quiet and not talk about it. Just leave it at that and she will think about it herself and change herself. Don't continue to look displeased. Just change the subject and get into doing something else. I've found thai's have a short attention span and don't tend to dwell on things. Theres no point and I actually am starting to like that about them.

Don't let her get away with anything strange, if you let her walk all over you she will continue to do so. All girls test the boundries of the relationship at the start so dont let her get away with anything you dont agree with or she will continue to do it. Don't worry coz she will let you know about the things she doesn't like one way or another. So don't be affriad to do the same. But always keep it light and don't try to get into involved conversations about those things as to her it is not neccessary and over the top in her mind. Don't get hung up on any of that as your obvious upset when you keep it on your mind and show it will be observed by her as unhappiness with her and she will begin to think you don't like her and may start thinking she should leave. So point something out and then forget it. Only if it keeps coming up would you then seek to discuss it in detail. But don't expect her willingness to get into long discussions about her weaknesses or bad habits. In her mind trying to discuss it in detail is just making her wrong and wont have any benefit."

This part was especially well done. Someone else has said they have no second thoughts about most things.

You may be off the mark with the "obvious upset." You should always try to not let them get you upset, but when they do, and you do get upset, they are not thinking they should leave cause you don't like her.

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