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Low Lifes On Benifits Populating Pattaya


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there will be benefit cheats and people on benefit that deserve them,some people will say why not take the system for a ride,look at the politicians who swindle their expenses,if its good enough for the people at the top of the chain to do it why not people at the bottom who are not so well off.right or wrong honesty has to start at the top and it aint being done.

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I used to claim jobless benefits from Holland when in my early 20's which was a great way to travel all paid for by the state. :D In those days (early 80's) it was very easy and all that was required was to fill out a form every month and submit it to the social security office mailbox confirming you were still unemployed after which the monthly benefits were automatically transferred in your bank account. The beauty of it was that they even gave you 6 months forms in advance :o which I all filled out and every month my brother put it in the mailbox for me while I was hitch hiking around Europe.

You are obviously , or were , one of the leaches being denigrated on this forum for very good reasons , I have no qualms with people on health benifits or unemployment when they are genuine claimants . To claim continuing benifits in the UK , you need a permanent address in the UK and money gets automatically deposited in your bank account . Now my rant , many people retain subsidised housing in the UK whilst they galavant around the globe , laughing as they collect money they are actualy stealing from the UK government , the real problem as I see it is the people who are ligitimately able to apply for subsidised housing are denied through lack of availability . By depriving these people a decent place to live at an affordable price by pure selfishness , is my beef against these scammers of government benifits , yes they should be reported if only for this reason .

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Not sure if this is a clever troll thread or a genuine one.

But take it from an ex-UK civil servant, the illegal claiming of incapacity benefit by Brits living abroad is a drop in the ocean to the organised gangs usually from the Asian subcontinent who specialise in highly skilled defrauding of the UK benefits and taxation systems using multiple identities, fake documentation and loads of inside knowledge about enforcement and compliance from their friends and relatives working in the civil service.

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Misterman? Horrible little man would be more like it.

Are you in the UK paying tax? No.

You're so concerned why don't you aplly to work for the DHSS as a snooper.

Otherwise get on with your own life or at least try and get one.

If your going to put yourself on a pedestal, at least get the spelling in the title right.

Edited by KamalaLove
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I used to claim jobless benefits from Holland when in my early 20's which was a great way to travel all paid for by the state. :D In those days (early 80's) it was very easy and all that was required was to fill out a form every month and submit it to the social security office mailbox confirming you were still unemployed after which the monthly benefits were automatically transferred in your bank account. The beauty of it was that they even gave you 6 months forms in advance :o which I all filled out and every month my brother put it in the mailbox for me while I was hitch hiking around Europe.

You are obviously , or were , one of the leaches being denigrated on this forum for very good reasons , I have no qualms with people on health benifits or unemployment when they are genuine claimants .

Maybe you're right who knows. At the time I was genuine unemployed together with another million or so people and didn't mind to stand back at the end of the line giving opportunity to somebody else to be employed.

To prevent fraud maybe it's better to do away with unemplyment benefits altogether.

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Not sure if this is a clever troll thread or a genuine one.

But take it from an ex-UK civil servant, the illegal claiming of incapacity benefit by Brits living abroad is a drop in the ocean to the organised gangs usually from the Asian subcontinent who specialise in highly skilled defrauding of the UK benefits and taxation systems using multiple identities, fake documentation and loads of inside knowledge about enforcement and compliance from their friends and relatives working in the civil service.

So you feel that due to this knowledge , illegal benifit claimants should be absolved of the scams they are pulling because they happen to be in a minority , total BS and you know it . I think you come across as too intelligent to think that way . :o

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You know meom , you make a good point in your defence , you were young , single and free spirited etc , in an unselfish manner you moved to the back of the line , this then enabled workers more in need to support families etc . This at least helps you become a little more honorable than out and out full time scammers , a tad of credit is better than no credit :o

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If they reside in Pattaya, they're not on holiday, are they. Not all disabilities preclude air travel. Even wheelchair bound people are capable of traveling on a plane.

When claiming that you are unfit for work then by definition you should not be able to travel long haul - if you could then by definition there are many jobs you could do

Mabe get a job as a mincing airsteward

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If it bothers you that much, why don't you ask them? Then stand back and listen to the answers. Then crawl under your rock and ponder why you have no friends.

Or you could always report them if it bothers you that much

Misterman is right and who wants friends like them,Brits again lying and stealing.

I wonder what your nationality is? I am trying to think of a nation without cheats and thieves..................................... no I can't think of one


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Not sure if this is a clever troll thread or a genuine one.

But take it from an ex-UK civil servant, the illegal claiming of incapacity benefit by Brits living abroad is a drop in the ocean to the organised gangs usually from the Asian subcontinent who specialise in highly skilled defrauding of the UK benefits and taxation systems using multiple identities, fake documentation and loads of inside knowledge about enforcement and compliance from their friends and relatives working in the civil service.

So you feel that due to this knowledge , illegal benifit claimants should be absolved of the scams they are pulling because they happen to be in a minority , total BS and you know it . I think you come across as too intelligent to think that way . :o

Ah dumball, we meet again.

You are right. If I gave the impression I was condoning the illegal claiming of incapacity benefit, then let me rectify that. Perhaps I did not make myself clear.

What I meant to focus on is that while the UK government likes to reduce benefit fraud, it is nowhere near as effective as some people believe. Also the resources afforded to compliance (that's the technical term) are limited and these will be focused on the areas where the greatest returns can be made which is often as I described above. That's all I was saying.

So let me state for the record I do not condone this behaviour.

Could I also ask you to tone the ranting? It seems to be your style but you may not appreciate how antagonistically it comes across.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Do you work for the DHSS?

Do you pay Uk tax?

Are you struggling to survive?

If none of the above then y care???

Concentrate on your own life.

Maybe its wrong but who cares?? oh you do i guess.

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"Seems to be a lot of sympathy for this type of person - I think this adds wieght to my observations

I think everyone should report one and thin out the numbers"

Get a life, who's to say who a faker is and who isn't. You cant just look at someone and tell. I have friends who are crazy, certifiably crazy. Me and another friend of mine caught one of them having sex with his dog once. They receive government aid in USA. If you looked at him, you would figure he is perfectly healthy and able to work a job, but put him on a job and see what he does. With so many causes in the world you could join to make the world a better place, this is the most least effective one.

Give the guy a break ! Mabe having sex with his dog was his way of reviving memories of his time in Pattaya

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Of course "stealing" benefits is completely illegal......nevertheless there are people who genuinely need the financial support, regardless of where they chose to live in the world.

(Some) People on benefits aren't really the type of stereotype one would like to weed out from Pattaya, how about getting rid of peados, child molesters, slave trade runners, and the thousands of other types of "scum" that chose to reside and do business there....that might be step in the right direction.

(before I get slated, I am in NO WAY suggesting that all (or even most) people in Pattaya are scum, I'm simply singling out the people who know who they are.)

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

I am curious.

What age would you say these people are that you have heard talking?






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A couple of points to note.

The UK welfare system, and particularly the Invalidity Benefits provisions have been used over the past two terms of government as a dumping ground and means of masking the existence of a long term (arguably life time) un employable underclass.

Unemployable does not mean stupid, and invilidity benefits are the benefits of choice to fraudsters, individuals and as reported above organized gangs.

Non of that of course has anything to do with Thailand, but I'm guessing the OP is British and seemingly one of the many British who are becoming increasingly disgruntled with the abuse of the welfare systems, by goverment manipulating unemployment statistics and by individuals and gangs committing fraud.

For my point I regard the mismanagement (and misconceived means) of the welfare system, fraud and political messing with welfare as a clear danger to welfare for those who really need it.

Welfare exists, not because a government wants it to exist, but because the general tax paying public agree to support it through their taxes. That agreement is beginning to break down. News of people living overseas on benefits, enjoying a better life than people who are working and the undoubted number of people and gangs defrauding the welfare systems all add to the disolution many people feel over the abuse of the welfare system.

You may not like the OPs observation, you may find the calls from some to report welfare cheats petty minded, but at the end of the day, the biggest threat to welfare is welfare abuse.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If it bothers you that much, why don't you ask them? Then stand back and listen to the answers. Then crawl under your rock and ponder why you have no friends.

Or you could always report them if it bothers you that much

Why is it that when someone posts a legitimate question or this website there is always abuse aimed at the original poster. It happens in virtually EVERY thread. It's a big problem with this forum, there are lots of people on here who think they are on some higher level of enlightenment than everyone else just because they have lived in Thailand for 10 years or something.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If it bothers you that much, why don't you ask them? Then stand back and listen to the answers. Then crawl under your rock and ponder why you have no friends.

Or you could always report them if it bothers you that much

Why is it that when someone posts a legitimate question or this website there is always abuse aimed at the original poster. It happens in virtually EVERY thread. It's a big problem with this forum, there are lots of people on here who think they are on some higher level of enlightenment than everyone else just because they have lived in Thailand for 10 years or something.

Yes and usually followed by a "Huh" because if you dont live here full time your opinion is worthless to these people and then they will start calling you a troll too. They dont like their view of Thailand ruined, good or bad.

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Too many scroungers off the welfare system. What many people dp not realise is that people who fake illness and disability in order to claim these benefits are reducing the monies that are available for genuine claimants.

I do not live in Pattaya but am aware of several men fom the UK who are quite capable of working but choose not to and cheat the system in order to fund their bar crawling there.

Some of them even have Thai wives in the UK who are working there and claiming everything available whilst working cash in hand.

I now treat all such people as scum and refuse to associate with them and if we all did the same then maybe the situation would change

agree 100%,these people are selling ciggies and tobacco too.Also fake handbags so they shgould be reported.to come to Thailand you have to tell the dole and you are allowed 1 month a year in a non eu country.you are right they are scum and deserve to caught,and anyone who disagrees are doing it themselves.some of these guys havent worked for over 20 years and had their nat ins paid for by the government why they sell cheap perfume etc and live a good life and not pay tax neither.

total scum of the earth

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I know of 2 guys who live in Thailand that have been caught by the government and both have been fined over 23,000 pounds and some of the benefits stopped,which he claimed illegaly.

They now complain that the Government are unfair <deleted>.You cant win with these scroungers,they think they are clever.

be careful scroungers,they are after you and are here in Thailand,so run and hide under your beds.The next passport that you get will allow the government to check where you are heheheheheheheheheh,no hiding place scummers.

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Like most people in Pattaya, I know quite a few people here who exist on UK benefits. I think in many cases, they are able-bodied enough to work in the U.K.

They have found a way to 'cheat' the system. If they choose their life like this, then that is their choice, but they do risk being discovered one day and might pay a penalty of fines and/or imprisonment.

But, I also know of many 'registered alcoholics' who have the Doctors blessing to claim their weekly allowance of 84.50 pounds until the end of their life or until they quit the alcohol.

I am concerned that perhaps there are some genuine alcoholics here in Pattaya who are NOT claiming this weekly allowance due to them. As previously stated, the recipient of this weekly allowance (paid every 2 weeks directly into a bank account), can 'visit' overseas for upto 26 weeks in a rolling 12 months.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

A sad troll

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But, I also know of many 'registered alcoholics' who have the Doctors blessing to claim their weekly allowance of 84.50 pounds until the end of their life or until they quit the alcohol.

This. I also know of a few, and while I find it surprisingly hilarious, I really can't understand the reasoning behind it. They give alcoholics more money to buy alcohol! Pure genius!

Do you think if I become addicted to smack,meth,alcohol,cigarettes,dope,coke etc. etc. I will be able to collect £84.50 per each addiction? I'm writing a letter to the DWP, and if this is the case, Thailand here I come, Drinks and Bar girls are on me lads! If I happen to get any of those ladies pregnant, i'm quids in again because what do the people claiming child support say? "The more the merrier!"

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My recent trip confirmed that most foreigners who live in Pattaya are dregs and losers, the lowest of the low of Western society.

fancy a beer with my mates and we can discuss this man to man

and i'll be watching with great interest how beer bottle resistant his skull is :o

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A couple of points to note.

The UK welfare system, and particularly the Invalidity Benefits provisions have been used over the past two terms of government as a dumping ground and means of masking the existence of a long term (arguably life time) un employable underclass.

Unemployable does not mean stupid, and invilidity benefits are the benefits of choice to fraudsters, individuals and as reported above organized gangs.

Non of that of course has anything to do with Thailand, but I'm guessing the OP is British and seemingly one of the many British who are becoming increasingly disgruntled with the abuse of the welfare systems, by goverment manipulating unemployment statistics and by individuals and gangs committing fraud.

For my point I regard the mismanagement (and misconceived means) of the welfare system, fraud and political messing with welfare as a clear danger to welfare for those who really need it.

Welfare exists, not because a government wants it to exist, but because the general tax paying public agree to support it through their taxes. That agreement is beginning to break down. News of people living overseas on benefits, enjoying a better life than people who are working and the undoubted number of people and gangs defrauding the welfare systems all add to the disolution many people feel over the abuse of the welfare system.

You may not like the OPs observation, you may find the calls from some to report welfare cheats petty minded, but at the end of the day, the biggest threat to welfare is welfare abuse.

Yes everybody keep working to massage your ego's and make you feel you are contributing to the cause. There has to be a stigma attached to not working...... suits the government...otherwise we would all think it is ok!!!!

There are farmers and landowners in the UK that receive thousands and thousands of pounds in government subsidy...before their feet even touch the floor in the morning, they buy new tractors/combines write them off over years to avoid tax. Look at the money being poured into the banks. Defence, spending Billions purchasing commodities outside the UK. Massive 'subsidies' to encourage overseas industry to set up in the UK. Just a few examples.

Yes benefit fraud exists, but in my opinion the amounts are irrelevant compared to the money being donated elsewhere to support ill managed business.

To despise Benefit fraud is actively encouraged by the government, allowing the topic to be carefully launched into the public arena...raise anger and passion...usually when another major government clanger is announced and requires brushing under the carpet.

Moraly to claim benefits unlawfully is wrong. But the government pay out millions to keep people in employment!.....it is not benefit fraud that will affect the welfare state. It is the management of the welfare state.

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I know of one young man living in BKK who also frequents Pattaya from time to time. He's been on benefits for a number of years though I would never consider him a low life. He on a medical discharge with pension from the army for injuries received whilst serving his country. Let's not tar everyone with the same brush....

But is he pissing it up shagging prostitutes all the time? If he is that is hardly rehabilitation for his medical condition is it?

Just something else to add Thailand does not exacting have good public health and safety standards or disability facilities for those who do have disabilities/injuries etc, sitting on a barstool is bad for the back which is i am sure the majority complaint.

Shop them simple as, benefit cheats and pervy ones at that ! makes me sick, most of them will claim to be on very strong painkillers...so how are you drinking so much alchohol then? Read below then shop a cheat!

According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), the annual cost of payments made through the disability living allowance (DLA) has soared from £4.5 billion in 1997 to almost £10 billion last year, making it the most costly state benefit apart from pensions and tax credits.

When Labour came to power in May 1997, 1.9 million people received DLA. By last November, the number of claimants had risen to 2.85 million.

Criminals are estimated to defraud the DLA, which is intended to help the handicapped pay for care and remain mobile, of £1 billion a year - more than a third of all benefit fraud. Able-bodied criminals target the DLA because, in many cases, they only have to fill in one form before they start receiving payments.

Last week, a court heard how Jon Stentiford, a bodybuilder, had collected disability benefits while holding the title of Cornwall's Strongest Man. Despite being able to lift a half-ton Mini Metro for one minute, Stentiford, 35, of St Neot, claimed he had a bad back and pocketed £43,000.

Other recent cases include that of Keith Jones, a professional boxer, who, despite fighting in more than 100 contests, including some that were televised, managed to claim £20,000. Last month, Jay Somers, 49, from Merseyside, received a suspended prison sentence after admitting giving dance lessons while receiving almost £23,000 in disability allowances.

Critics say the rapid increase in the number of "disabled" people makes a mockery of the Government's claim that it is moving people off benefits and into work.

Philip Hammond, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said: "It is clear that Gordon Brown's complex benefits system is allowing fraudsters to find loopholes, resulting in billions of pounds of taxpayers' money being lost. This is an insult to those who are genuinely disabled and who rely on this help."

The Office of National Statistics reported last week that the number of people classed as "economically inactive" had increased by 85,000 to almost eight million, more than 21 per cent of the working-age population.

In 2005, it found that £1 billion in DLA had been lost as a result of fraud or human error. The total amount of benefit lost through fraud or error that year was £2.7 billion, according to a report by the National Audit Office, the Government's public spending watchdog.

A DWP spokesman said: "Disability living allowance helps some of the most vulnerable people in our society. The reasons for the rise in expenditure and claimant numbers are due to increased awareness of the benefit and the impact of an ageing population. We have a strategy in place to reduce DLA fraud and run regular campaigns to raise awareness of our action in tracking down fraudsters."

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