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Tests Find School Milk Samples Below Par


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Tests find school milk samples below par

BANGKOK: -- Lab tests by the Department of Science Service (DSS) have found that milk samples collected from schools in three provinces were all substandard.

"We have collected 60 milk packets from schools in Chumphon, Ratchaburi and Sukhothai," Science Minister Kalaya Sophonpanich said yesterday, "None meets the nutritious standards set by the Public Health Ministry".

The milk packets are part of the government's project to give free milk to young children at their schools.

Kalaya said the Education Ministry asked DSS to check the quality of free milk after a school in Chumphon complained about the milk's strange taste.

Last Friday, the Food and Drug Administration also announced that the Regional Medical Sciences Centre, Surat Thani had found milk collected from the complaining school was substandard.

"These findings will be sent to the Education Ministry and then to Cabinet," Kalaya said yesterday.

DSS director-general Pathom Yamkate said relevant authorities should find out why the milk sent to schools was substandard.

Education Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said Cabinet would today discuss the school-milk scheme.

"I think relevant ministries should set up a panel to handle milk procurement for schools," Jurin said.

-- The Nation 2009-02-24

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isn;t this news about a week old ?

and aren't the dairy farmers of Thailand having to dump their milk and sell their cows to the knackers because the same scum in the school milk scam are buying imported powdered milk ?

they need to start dealing with these corrupt traitors in the Chinese manner

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I think one newspaper article mentioned 18 companies were registered to bid on supplying milk to schools, only 2 bid, and there was indication that the other 16 companies may not exist. This is another example of the lack of concern for others that some businessmen/politicans have and their greed for the almighty baht. The idea of more committees to handle procurement is laughable. If the Education ministry cannot arrange for random checks of all food and beverage provided at schools, thru out Thailand, they need to be sacked. This is just another in a long list of problems in the Ag sector, missing stocks of produce, rice, etc, failure of middlemen to pay farmers, underpayment by same, false weights used for farm products, dependence on China for fertilizer, import of goods at below Thai farm production costs, etc. If ever a group as a whole, had a real reason to protest/revolt, the Thai farmer is right at the head of the pack in this country. It certainly appears that the pack numbers are increasing rapidly during these times.

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I think the company should be named and shamed.

When I buy milk while shopping, I would like to know that I'm not supporting some scumbag company that gets its filthy little hands on baht at the expense of unsuspecting children's health. This has got to be one of the lowest forms of corporate/government corruption, and those involved deserve severe punishment. Instead, it will be swept under the carpet, and the sleazy politicians and company execs who have profited from this crime will go without so much as a slap on the wrist. This country can be so infuriating at times.

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I think one newspaper article mentioned 18 companies were registered to bid on supplying milk to schools, only 2 bid, and there was indication that the other 16 companies may not exist.

and the 2 companies that did bid were both owned by the same person/family - 1 bid was normal , the other very high

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Beacher probably has the best if not the only suggestion, that as individuals living here , we can let our feelings be known. Do not buy any product put on the market by the company and spin off's of the same group. Who can put a name,face etc to this bunch of sleeze bags as AMW host would say.

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isn;t this news about a week old ?

and aren't the dairy farmers of Thailand having to dump their milk and sell their cows to the knackers because the same scum in the school milk scam are buying imported powdered milk ?

they need to start dealing with these corrupt traitors in the Chinese manner

But the powder milk comes from thaksins friends in China.

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isn;t this news about a week old ?

and aren't the dairy farmers of Thailand having to dump their milk and sell their cows to the knackers because the same scum in the school milk scam are buying imported powdered milk ?

they need to start dealing with these corrupt traitors in the Chinese manner

Unfortunately it all seems to be SOP, no doubt many snouts in the trough, so will probably get swept under the carpet. Probably a good earner, exploiting children. Probably been going on for years and it will no doubt continue. Fortunately it wasn't a Chinese style milk scam...this time.

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Fortunately it wasn't a Chinese style milk scam...this time.

I wonder if it was in the past and now the milk powder that has been imported is missing the melamine which has now exposed the sub standard protein levels during tests.

I would not be surprised.

Who can put a name,face etc to this bunch of sleeze bags
Authorities at Chumphon province's Paklek School complained recently after noticing that pupils often threw their milk away. In a bid to boost children's development, the government provides an annual budget of around Bt12 billion (S$516mln) to serve free milk to school children.

Pongpan reported that the milk at Paklek School gathered for testing on Monday was from Namsichon Factory.

So far, 11 schools across the country have officially complained about their milk,
Interior Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul summoned Local Administration Department director general Sukit Charoenratanakul for a discussion on the issue yesterday afternoon.

Sukit asked for seven days for a probe into the issue.

"I have already instructed relevant officials to find out what happened," he said.

He also criticised schools for failing to check the quality of milk before accepting the product.

"If they find that the milk is not of good quality, they should immediately notify the FDA or the Farming Promotion Organisation of Thailand," said Sukit.


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It seems like the Milk Business is ruled by mafia, making it difficult for smaller farmers to sell or get any profit. Met an Australian guy who have been here for 20 years now. He used to run a diary farm with cows for milk production. But he stopped after he realized that the whole business was ruled by the big mafia farms that made life hard for the small farmers.

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The free school milk scandal is just more proof that our country is rotten to the core with corruption. The more the scandal unfolds, the more nauseating the situation becomes. It is bad enough that many suppliers are either diluting dairy milk or mixing milk powder with water.

Continued here:


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Does the OP care to join diary farmers protesting outside Government house ..... we'll pour urns of fresh unadulterated milk into the street ....

Its a good point - the industry is far from been exempt from the corruption that is so pervasive in other parts of Thai business. The free milk scheme for schools has been bent for years - I'm suprized this is only happening now.

What next...........

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But the powder milk comes from thaksins friends in China.

I need a source.

If you don't like someone, you're free to express, but don't say things that he doesn't do.

I don't accept anyone saying that about my Prime Minister.

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But the powder milk comes from thaksins friends in China.

I need a source.

If you don't like someone, you're free to express, but don't say things that he doesn't do.

I don't accept anyone saying that about my Prime Minister.

Attention Time Warp:

in no uncertain terms he's an Ex. Prime Minister,

regardless of his friends in high or low places.

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Thaksin-era order at heart of milk shame

Story at Post: http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/1261...t-of-milk-shame

Good politcal play by the government on this one. It is a bigger more widespread scandal than the canned fish. And its still in the news as the censure approaches with reports that most censure material is groundless. We will see but having a ticking bomb under teh ooposition is useful poltically. Abhisit et al are proving far more poltically savvy in the battels with PTP than I thought they would be. I guess having fairly influential turncoats on their side helps know where the skeletons are buried.

Edited to add: and it seems the government are trying to solve this problem combined with helping dairy farmers at the same time. Skillful politcs indeed if they can pull that off. Hit your opponents with a nasty scandal during their tenure. Remove all their little business side deals and award the schemes to protesting dairy farmers.

From the Nation:

Korbsak to chair school-milk meeting Wednesday

Deputy Prime Minister Korbsak Sabhavasu will Wednesday convene a meeting on how best to solve milk industry's problems in the country.

Rest of story at: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...eting-Wednesday

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Thaksin-era order at heart of milk shame

Good politcal play by the government on this one. It is a bigger more widespread scandal than the canned fish. And its still in the news as the censure approaches with reports that most censure material is groundless. We will see but having a ticking bomb under teh ooposition is useful poltically. Abhisit et al are proving far more poltically savvy in the battels with PTP than I thought they would be. I guess having fairly influential turncoats on their side helps know where the skeletons are buried.

I wouldn't say accusing the three former members linked to the Department of Agriculture and Co-operatives was a good political play especially when they are:

Newin Chidchob

Sora-at Klinpratoom

Somsak Thepsutin

All of whom are currently a big part of the Bhum Jai Thai Party and hence the government coalition

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Thaksin-era order at heart of milk shame

Good politcal play by the government on this one. It is a bigger more widespread scandal than the canned fish. And its still in the news as the censure approaches with reports that most censure material is groundless. We will see but having a ticking bomb under teh ooposition is useful poltically. Abhisit et al are proving far more poltically savvy in the battels with PTP than I thought they would be. I guess having fairly influential turncoats on their side helps know where the skeletons are buried.

I wouldn't say accusing the three former members linked to the Department of Agriculture and Co-operatives was a good political play especially when they are:

Newin Chidchob

Sora-at Klinpratoom

Somsak Thepsutin

All of whom are currently a big part of the Bhum Jai Thai Party and hence the government coalition

This case wont end up at their doors. It was a cabinet decision on Feb 26 2002. Look at who has been rushing out to deny involvement. It will be laid at the feet of Thaksin who remember once said that his ministers were only his advisers and he made all the decisions. Nice bit of cover for a minister if they want to bring that up. Plus it all happened under TRT. Also shouldnt mention that the procurement of milk was handled across several ministries -education, interior, agricultural, health and finance which has to OK every ministry budget - of which you choose to mention only one. Irrelevent anyway as it was a joint cabinet decision.

Plus of course the Dems are leading the charge to clean this TRT policy up and try to keep dairy farmers happy.

It is good politcs. If it werent heavy hitters from the pro-Thaksin side wouldnt be playing defence before their names were even mentioned.

Edited to correct cabinet decision date.

Edited a second timke to add: It is the TAO's that actually select supplier and the interior ministry which actually provides funds. Since the decision interior ministers have included: Purachai, Muhammad Nor Matha, Bhokin, Aree (coup) and Chalerm more recently. Now as the scandal has come to a head with the discovery of rotten milk across the country in recent times it no tonly ends up in the lap of TRT for the original zoning and monopoly decision but also exposes Chalerm a lot more than say Purachai. Now who controlled each TAO is moot and who the companies connected to the supply are owned by remains to be seen.

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I suggest that you look at the original post where you linked to a Bangkok Post article, which claimed a cabinet decision of November 26 2003..

I am absolutey positive that the Democrats are now trying to put the blame at anything other than this cabinet resolution, which was put forward by the Department of Agriculture, eg Newin, sora-at and Somsak

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