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I just wish we were told what is happening with these adds instead of just closing the threads using the excuse of 'discussing moderation issues not allowed'. I mean these adds are now everywhere. It was supposed to be a test period for a week.......still not been given the results.

What I find kind of insulting, is that certain topics such as bar girls/boys canot be discussed, quite right in my opinion, yet the site is inundated with sexually related adds...from ladyboys to bar girls. That is wrong IMHO.

Please just keep us in the loop, keep us informed, and if you do not want to discuss such issues, lay that down in writing for us :o

What I find kind of insulting, is that certain topics such as bar girls/boys canot be discussed, quite right in my opinion, yet the site is inundated with sexually related adds...from ladyboys to bar girls. That is wrong IMHO.

....... making money from sexually related advertising ????

there must be a word for that .


^^^ Google and Firefox are your friends :o

And nobody in authority believed me when I posted similar images.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"



I had a dating agency ad through the middle of that beautiful orchid but could be ar5ed to screen print (not true, I tried but failed!)

Frankly, it makes Thai Visa.com look cheap.



It happens with allot of posts where the first post on the page contians an image... It does not do it with all. But everyone where the image was over the first post happened to be where the first post contained an image...



It happens with allot of posts where the first post on the page contians an image... It does not do it with all. But everyone where the image was over the first post happened to be where the first post contained an image...

Hi "MyphuketLife",

Blooming h*ll bells, and thank to "Daffy D" for taking his time out to highlight this problem.

Next time I post a photo on a 'new thread' I will intoduce it in my first post and then in my second post, show the photo and see if as you say "MyphuketLife" this may work.

For all that missed this one, here it is in full colour once again:-


Now lets see if this really works. :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D


I am using google Chrome and do not see the ad over the picture in the first post.

You don't have to signal a social conscience by looking like a frump. Lace knickers won't hasten the holocaust, you can ban the bomb in a feather boa just as well as without, and a mild interest in the length of hemlines doesn't necessarily disqualify you from reading Das Kapital and agreeing with every word. ~Elizabeth Bibesco


Maybe its an IE thing, as I am using firefox and assuming your clip comes from this post of kan Win's, I see no ad over the photo either.

Firefox 3.0.5


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