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I seem to find that the Mom & Pop shops or those one off little stores in a condo building that have some really original name like 6/12 sell only munted up cans of coke.

Is this stuff coming out the back door or what? if so, surly there is some farang there to make sure the binned stuff stays in the bin.

I am getting "bored" hunting through the <deleted> freezer to source a can that does not need to go to a panel shop.

Should i go back to my own country?

interested to know your thoughts on this.....

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I seem to find that the Mom & Pop shops or those one off little stores in a condo building that have some really original name like 6/12 sell only munted up cans of coke.

Is this stuff coming out the back door or what? if so, surly there is some farang there to make sure the binned stuff stays in the bin.

I am getting "bored" hunting through the <deleted> freezer to source a can that does not need to go to a panel shop.

Should i go back to my own country?

interested to know your thoughts on this.....

Try another shop - back in your own country!! :o

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

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They used to sell the dented cans of stuff cheap in the UK until they discovered Pensioners and others were denting the cans to get them cheaper. Never made one iota of difference to the food / beverage inside. So where is the problem with dear old Mom n Pops?

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I seem to find that the Mom & Pop shops or those one off little stores in a condo building that have some really original name like 6/12 sell only munted up cans of coke.

Is this stuff coming out the back door or what? if so, surly there is some farang there to make sure the binned stuff stays in the bin.

I am getting "bored" hunting through the <deleted> freezer to source a can that does not need to go to a panel shop.

Should i go back to my own country?

interested to know your thoughts on this.....

i don't know why you would have to go back to your own country, but wouldn't any farang employed "to make sure the binned stuff stays in the bin" be a security guard?

what do you reckon that should pay?

while we are at it, why don't we have a farang in the government to provide oversight on all decisions made? And, maybe one in the police department to stamp out corruption?

now that i think about it, it is home you are yearning for.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

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In the old days of tin cans dents were potentially dangerous as they could cause a hairline crack in the plating inside the can and subsequent corrosion with it's toxic by products.

These days with aluminium (aka aloominum) cans, provided the dent hasn't ruptured the can you are okay. Coca Cola is okay but it needs to be heavily diluted with Mekong (IMO).

Don't worry about it, either change your shop or search through the cans for a pristine example.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

Well ,for starters,they didn't TELL me that there was a deposit on the bottle...Like i would give a flying sh :D t about 10 baht extra,not everybody is a tight wad like yourself.....And the day i consume a drink that has been removed from the can/bottle and put into a plastic bag with ice of an unknown quality,is the day i start dating transsexuals.....That would be the same day hel_l freezes over,and a moo can fly,BACKWARDS! :D Does your avatar mean what i think it means?Filthy and disgusting,is that how you want to be seen?? :D

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

Well ,for starters,they didn't TELL me that there was a deposit on the bottle...Like i would give a flying sh :D t about 10 baht extra,not everybody is a tight wad like yourself.....And the day i consume a drink that has been removed from the can/bottle and put into a plastic bag with ice of an unknown quality,is the day i start dating transsexuals.....That would be the same day hel_l freezes over,and a moo can fly,BACKWARDS! :D Does your avatar mean what i think it means?Filthy and disgusting,is that how you want to be seen?? :D

Ah, even in this mundane thread, the flaming begins. Thai visa, gotta love it.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

Well ,for starters,they didn't TELL me that there was a deposit on the bottle...Like i would give a flying sh :D t about 10 baht extra,not everybody is a tight wad like yourself.....And the day i consume a drink that has been removed from the can/bottle and put into a plastic bag with ice of an unknown quality,is the day i start dating transsexuals.....That would be the same day hel_l freezes over,and a moo can fly,BACKWARDS! :wai: Does your avatar mean what i think it means?Filthy and disgusting,is that how you want to be seen?? :D

Ah, even in this mundane thread, the flaming begins. Thai visa, gotta love it.

It's not my fault the guy's a :D -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shocker_(hand_gesture)

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

Well ,for starters,they didn't TELL me that there was a deposit on the bottle...Like i would give a flying sh :D t about 10 baht extra,not everybody is a tight wad like yourself.....And the day i consume a drink that has been removed from the can/bottle and put into a plastic bag with ice of an unknown quality,is the day i start dating transsexuals.....That would be the same day hel_l freezes over,and a moo can fly,BACKWARDS! :D Does your avatar mean what i think it means?Filthy and disgusting,is that how you want to be seen?? :D

2 in the pink, one in the stink as they say. yes, shocking.

in any case, if you choose to distrust the ice, that is your perogative.

ask about the deposit on the bottles though, most thais would rather not pay the extra ten baht for the beverage.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

going native?

Edited by Birdman
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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

going native?

you might say so. or you might say i am providing context.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

that is because they pay a deposit on the bottle. if you dont mind paying 10 baht more i am sure you could hsave the bottle, but then it is likely that you would claim that they overcharged you because of the colour of your skin.

poor buggers cant do anything right, can they?

and why give it a miss? i think it tastes better that way.

Well ,for starters,they didn't TELL me that there was a deposit on the bottle...Like i would give a flying sh :wai: t about 10 baht extra,not everybody is a tight wad like yourself.....And the day i consume a drink that has been removed from the can/bottle and put into a plastic bag with ice of an unknown quality,is the day i start dating transsexuals.....That would be the same day hel_l freezes over,and a moo can fly,BACKWARDS! :P Does your avatar mean what i think it means?Filthy and disgusting,is that how you want to be seen?? :D

Well.. talk about over reaction.. :D

Totster :D

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Yes, go back to the mental home where you came from and please stop trolling ThaiVisa.

HAHA,i love it,a 57 year old self confessed drug user tells ME to go back to the mental home.... :o

Edited by tritexengineering
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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

Well....I always like to drink the coke in the bag with ice.....ive never been sick off the ice, its always nearly clean ice too :D I like it when the old ladies in the shops use their armpits to wipe the ice clean....mmmm :D

they normally want you to pay 12 baht if you want to walk off with the bottle, but you will be flat out getting ur 2 baht back when you drop it into the next shop. :D

an old nutty druggy huh? Mai chorp :wai:

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

Well....I always like to drink the coke in the bag with ice.....ive never been sick off the ice, its always nearly clean ice too :D I like it when the old ladies in the shops use their armpits to wipe the ice clean....mmmm :D

they normally want you to pay 12 baht if you want to walk off with the bottle, but you will be flat out getting ur 2 baht back when you drop it into the next shop. :D

an old nutty druggy huh? Mai chorp :wai:

wow, narrow-minded much?

yours smacks of the fear bred by ignorance.

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If the can is intact,then not really a problem.When they only offer the coke in a plastic bag with ice,THEN you run...LOL.Up in Sawan all the small shops/stalls sell the drink in a plastic bag,complete with ice and a straw...I give it a miss.I think you are lucky,i have had glass bottle drinks,where they asked me to drink it all on the spot,because they want the glass bottle back... :o:D

Well....I always like to drink the coke in the bag with ice.....ive never been sick off the ice, its always nearly clean ice too :wai: I like it when the old ladies in the shops use their armpits to wipe the ice clean....mmmm :D

they normally want you to pay 12 baht if you want to walk off with the bottle, but you will be flat out getting ur 2 baht back when you drop it into the next shop. :D

an old nutty druggy huh? Mai chorp :P

wow, narrow-minded much?

yours smacks of the fear bred by ignorance.

Dunno about that goose, spent most of my life locking up druggies & on the receiving end of their violence.....as i said, "Nutty ole druggies mai chorp" & its got nothing to do with ignorance :D

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