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I'm contemplating changing my visa from a Non-Imm B to a Non-Imm O based on marriage. I am aware of the financial requirements, 40k per month or 400k in a Thai bank account, but what else will be required? Also will I have to leave the country or can I just change it at immigration? Can I only do this when my Non-Imm B expires or at any time? Would I still keep my Non-Imm B while they make their decision or would they cancel my Non-Imm B as soon as I apply for the Non-Imm O?

Thanks in advance


You don't change your visa, you change your reson for an extension from work to marriage. That is no problem and unless there is a reason, like losing your job, best done when you need to go for an extension anyway. Apply about 3 weeks before your curent permission of stay ends.

You will need to bring: your wife, (she will be inetrviewed) marriage certificate, household book, bank book showing you have money to live on, photos of you and your wife together and around the house showing you are indeed living togeher, map to the house.

Contact your immigration office to see what they exactly want, as each office has different requirements.

Yoiu will get an extension of 30 days, while they take your request into consideration. After 30 days you have to return and get the rest of your 1 year extension.


better take everything in 2 fold.

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