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Thai Immigration Introduces New TM-card

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Thai Immigration introduces new TM arrival/departure card

BANGKOK: -- The Immigration Bureau has just introduced a new type of arrival/departure card. It is also known as the the TM6 card that all passengers have to fill in on arrival and departure at Thai airports and border check points.

The new arrival/departure card is in a different format, sized as a bank slip, apparently ready for optical reading.

Here is a preview (Download the new TM6 form below):


Some news to the new TM card:

1. Bigger space to write your address in Thailand. The old TM card had very limited space to write the address.

2. Visa number only. The old TM card had entries for date and place of the visa issued. Now you have to enter the visa number only. One has to becareful here when arriving on a re-entry permit, as the issue and expiry date are essential.

3. The new card has an entry for "Yearly income" on the back of the arrival part of the card:

a) under 20,000 US$

:o 20,000 - 40,000 US$

c) 40,001 - 60,000 US$

d) 60,001 - 80,000 US$

e) 80,000 and over

f) No income

It is not confirmed if this new information is meant for immigration or just for TAT statistic purpose.

4. On the back of the new TM card there is also a new field "Next city/Port of disembarkation".

5. The Immigration logo has changed.

6. No entry for your intended lenghth of stay. The old form has a place where you state your desired period of stay.

Below is a scan of:

1. Arrival card (TM6 front page)

2. Arrival card (TM6 back page)

3. Departure card (TM6 departure card)

Source: Thaivisa.com 2005-01-12




Edited by george
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Here we go again -- several failures of logic and of English -- but the income question is appalling. What a bloody nerve! I'm going to ignore it and see if they notice, but have the least nuisance-making (for myself) answer ready if necessary.

The old card was atrocious -- tiny print, not enough space, etc -- so at least this one is clear and well-spaced. However, after god knows how long they must have been preparing this thing, it's still full of errors, mostly on the "non-Thai resident" page.

For a start, what does that phrase mean? Logically, it means a resident who is not Thai, and implies a resident of Thailand who is not Thai. Of course, what they mean and what it should say is "non-resident of Thailand", or if they really wanted to be clear, "non-Thai national who is not a resident of Thailand". So simple to get right, if Immigration just employed a competent editor; instead, confusion will reign amongst most new visitors when they read this, for years to come.

Then you have "Schedule" instead of "Scheduled", no question marks after

"First trip to Thailand" and "Traveling on a group tour", "Others" instead of "Other" (twice), "Conventions" instead of "convention", and "Exhibitions" instead of "Exhibition". (These are small mistakes, of course, but why the bloody ###### are there any on a form which is going to be used tens of millions of times every year for many years to come? TIT, of course.)

Finally, what does "Next city/Port of disembarkation" mean? "To disembark" is to get off a plane, a boat, etc. Do they mean "next foreign destination" or do they mean "port of departure"? Or what?

Well done, Immigration, once more Thailand shows how to cock up the simplest of bureaucratic forms. Look out for two decades of confusion and hold-ups at immigration as even native speakers of English mess up their forms, let alone those with a less than competent grasp of English, which means most visitors to Thailand.

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1, Probably the PM wants to know if there is anyone coming into the Kingdom who is more richer than he is..... :D and wants to do business with him :D

2. what do you guys think....fill in under F..... :o ?

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It has already started as of January 1st. I already had to do this new one.

Quite interesting, but BEWARE of the section of your income. They have indicated from past posts that they are also going to want to verify it at some point of time at their discretion. That much I do know. As to when they will get to this point, I am only going to guess perhaps maybe 90 days or so from now once the rest of the Immigrations get familiar with this new setup and that they get their puters set up for the income verification and the other stuff that they ask now.

It is going to get tougher especially to the backpackers and others that cannot comply with their rules.


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When you leave here, they just want to know where your going to in case of some emergency or special reason. That has no major bearing to Immigrations. As to some other points here, they just want to know if you are in for exhibitions :D , or some convention :o or one of those lost souls with a tour group who are too scared to venture out on their own :D and they give you opportunity to state any reason WHY your in their country of Thailand. Any country has that exclusive right to ask that question, pertaining to why you come to their country.



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Here we go again -- several failures of logic and of English -- but the income question is appalling. What a bloody nerve! I'm going to ignore it and see if they notice, but have the least nuisance-making (for myself) answer ready if necessary.

The old card was atrocious -- tiny print, not enough space, etc  -- so at least this one is clear and well-spaced. However, after god knows how long they must have been preparing this thing, it's still full of errors, mostly on the "non-Thai resident" page.

For a start, what does that phrase mean? Logically, it means a resident who is not Thai, and implies a resident of Thailand who is not Thai. Of course, what  they mean and what it should say is "non-resident of Thailand", or if they really wanted to be clear, "non-Thai national who is not a resident of Thailand".  So simple to get right, if Immigration just employed a competent editor; instead, confusion will reign amongst  most new visitors when they read this, for years to come.

Then you have "Schedule" instead of "Scheduled", no question marks after 

"First trip to Thailand" and "Traveling on a group tour", "Others" instead of "Other" (twice), "Conventions" instead of "convention", and "Exhibitions" instead of "Exhibition". (These are small mistakes, of course, but why the bloody ###### are there any on a form which is going to be used tens of millions of times every year for many years to come? TIT, of course.)

Finally, what does "Next city/Port of disembarkation" mean? "To disembark" is to get off a plane, a boat, etc. Do they mean "next foreign destination" or do they mean "port of departure"? Or what?

Well done, Immigration, once more Thailand shows how to cock up the simplest of bureaucratic forms.  Look out for two decades of confusion and hold-ups at immigration  as even native speakers of English mess up their forms, let alone those with a less than competent grasp of English, which means most visitors to Thailand.

Well quite an amazing tirade! I assume you are not a native English Speaker and certainly must still be in nappies. Next Port of Disembarkation has been on immigration forms since the 1930's, and is good old fashioned correct terminology.

There is nothing wrong with Conventions or Exhibitions, many visit more than one so the question is still technically correct., as is others. I am sure I do not have just one OTHER accomodation, I'm going to travel around and stay in a number of OTHERS not OTHER.

Before writing this tirade of unwarranted abuse, complaining that they are asking for your salary on the rear of the form, perhaps you would be better to put the same energy into checking your bloody ###### facts. The reason they ask for your income on the rear is that under the new immigration ruling you are supposed to prove that you are arriving with sufficient funds for your stay. Foreign Embassies here are fed up with backpackers and chancers coming to Thailand with hardly any money, spending it all and then trying to get a handout from the Embassy. Some foreigners have even been begging on the street.

The new Regulation states that you have to carry around B40,000 when you arrive and not in the form of credit cards either. It seems that the Immigration department have been kind to us and if you enter an income figure which indicates that you are likely to be able to support yourself then they will not shake you down. If you do not fill the form in, then you are could be asked to show enough cash instead.

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There is no area for arrival/dep by bus, car or on foot (visa run, backpackers etc.)

When does this new form go into use?

All borders has been ordered to trash all the old TM cards, this new ones is the only valid ones for entry. From now.

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DaveYo, please do tell how they will VERIFY income in the airport when arriving in Bangkok?

As a US citizen, even the IRS can't do it on a moment's notice, or maybe with a credit report? Great, get everyone to fill out a credit application to visit the Kingdom. I gotta see this one.

Point is that they will not be verifying income now or anytime in the future. Verifying cash on hand, probably, verifying income, impractical and impossible.

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You are perfectly ok with the good old TM card until you leave next time.

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Here we go again -- several failures of logic and of English -- but the income question is appalling. What a bloody nerve! I'm going to ignore it and see if they notice, but have the least nuisance-making (for myself) answer ready if necessary.

The old card was atrocious -- tiny print, not enough space, etc  -- so at least this one is clear and well-spaced. However, after god knows how long they must have been preparing this thing, it's still full of errors, mostly on the "non-Thai resident" page.

For a start, what does that phrase mean? Logically, it means a resident who is not Thai, and implies a resident of Thailand who is not Thai. Of course, what  they mean and what it should say is "non-resident of Thailand", or if they really wanted to be clear, "non-Thai national who is not a resident of Thailand".  So simple to get right, if Immigration just employed a competent editor; instead, confusion will reign amongst  most new visitors when they read this, for years to come.

Then you have "Schedule" instead of "Scheduled", no question marks after 

"First trip to Thailand" and "Traveling on a group tour", "Others" instead of "Other" (twice), "Conventions" instead of "convention", and "Exhibitions" instead of "Exhibition". (These are small mistakes, of course, but why the bloody ###### are there any on a form which is going to be used tens of millions of times every year for many years to come? TIT, of course.)

Finally, what does "Next city/Port of disembarkation" mean? "To disembark" is to get off a plane, a boat, etc. Do they mean "next foreign destination" or do they mean "port of departure"? Or what?

Well done, Immigration, once more Thailand shows how to cock up the simplest of bureaucratic forms.  Look out for two decades of confusion and hold-ups at immigration  as even native speakers of English mess up their forms, let alone those with a less than competent grasp of English, which means most visitors to Thailand.

you stone throwers you, ever tried filling in a US landing card??

You know, the one which Qantas advises to fill in from the bottom up cause it is so badly set out, and yep, the one which asks you if you are a terrorist/have committed genocide and that asks you waive all your rights to any appeal and legal recourse in the US so that the INS/DHS can cr@p all over you if they don't like the looks of you?

sheesh, are people getting bee's in the bonnets or what? Hot season hasn't started in Thailand quite yet has it fella's?

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I arrived here on Jan 10 and the old TM card was still in use at DM, where have U used the new one DaveYo?

And a friend of mine arrived on the 8th and got a new card!!!

Anyway, its progress in some ways, I guess. Its only taken them almost 15 years to remove the nonsense about the income tax clearance certificate!


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a government is a government is a government. every year at US tax time i get the same feeling, "none of their god#mn business" and "why do i have to hook up with these nosey mother fcukers everyyear"? it all boils down to greed, money, sex and ego and threats to the livelihood of greed, money, sex and ego.

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This is not the right time to ask how much income a tourist has!

For the rest of us I believe it will mean "their way to smoothly as silk, get control

of any detail about us."

That’s fair enough.

But why don’t they let their embassies abroad set this rules.

Less hassle for the Immigration on the airport and the ones not welcome are already squeezed out!

Could it be fear of losing some tourist, which not accept to be judged by class distinction when they are supposed to “enjoy” a few weeks in “paradise”?


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I arrived yesterday morning after a brief trip overseas, and was a little peeved, as I had one of the "old" forms already completed, however no real problem. I did take exception to the question regarding income, and neatly wrote the letters......

"NOYFB"....nothing was said, and it took no longer to clear immigration than usual.

Yes the customs forms have gone, and have been replaced with an announcement over the PA on the aircraft saying that anyone with anything to declare should proceed throught the red gate, and those with nothing, the green.

I was utterly amazed to only find one customs officer on the green gate, who was waving everybody through, with idle x-ray machines, and no other officers in evidence. Quite frightening really, as most other countries have stepped up screening for arrivals..........

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The income question is to be replied by "non-Thai resident only".

Perhaps I am too slow this morning, but who is such a resident? Certainly not a tourist or somebody entering on a visa exempted stay?

How about non-immigrants? They are not residents although they are non-Thai.


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It's much of a muchness.....

I'd guess the stats might be of some use, though I doubt they will get honest data, as it's nice to give yourself a dream job and hefty pay!

The American thing is also on the UK visa application form.... have you been a member of a terrorist group etc.

Hands up who put down yes? Osama? :o

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Does anyone know any Thai people who work with simple "common sense?"

All the bitchin' and gripin' will do nothing as we all know... it only makes one feel better about more nonsense comin' from MM people....(MM refer to Walt Disney)

So. drop another blue pill and hope it doesn't get stuck in your throat... you might get a "stiff" neck... NTFT as always...

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The income question is to be replied by "non-Thai resident only".

Perhaps I am too slow this morning, but who is such a resident? Certainly not a tourist or somebody entering on a visa exempted stay?

How about non-immigrants? They are not residents although they are  non-Thai.


you are exactly right, resident means just that people living in residence :D

but then is staying in a hotel also classified as being in residence or as visitor? :o

and where should the income be made, i suggest you should fill in the lowest amount at any time, which is bt 800.000, easier to verify and is a decent sum by thai standards anyway :D

in any case this is a grave abuse of intrusion of privacy :D

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I arrived Tuesday night (11 Jan) on the Northwest flight from Tokyo, was given the old 'TM' form by the airline and used it with no problem.

An overhaul of the 'TM' form was probably long overdue:

I notice they they have dropped the questions regarding when/where both your passport and visa were issued. Never understood the point of asking when a passport was issued. Surely, its expiration date is of more interest.

Asking for your port of disembarkation on the arrival card is perhaps not the appropriate place (but Singapore does this also). This information may either not be known with any degree of certainty upon arrrival, or it may change during the course of one's stay.

I suppose I will need to finally start making an attempt at writing my address on the arrival card. I've simply written 'Chiang Mai' in the thumbnail-sized space on the old card for the past twelve years and no immigrations official has ever complained! :o

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