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How Would You Stop A Run Of Bad Luck?


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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

give me 20,000 baht i will do a voodoo spell on you but it will only work if your wife also sleeps with me.

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

give me 20,000 baht i will do a voodoo spell on you but it will only work if your wife also sleeps with me.

That will not work as I do not have a wife - thankfully :D

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

No good stuff happened within those 6 months?

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There's no such thing as good nor bad luck. There is only fate, karma, call it what you will.

You know the words of the song:-

"Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug................"

The run will end when it is fated to end. Then when it does you'll look back and likely as not you'll see a pattern amidst the chaos leading to where you are at that time. The problem is we have no control over the pattern nor the destination.

I know, I am going through a run of negative karma right now myself but I can see positive elements coming together. Things that, on the face of it are bad, but have taken tough decisions that would have upset people out of my hands. Trouble is I've just passed a signboard saying "Last pub before................." but I didn't catch the last bit. :o That's the trouble with karma, you just don't realise it's coming up until it's passed.

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i remember one time in bkk i was really feeling sorry for myself. i had just been discharged from hospital with a second bout of malaria in 3 months. i felt like crap, and i am sure i looked like it too.

a friend asked me what was wrong and i told them that i had malaria.

'oh you are so lucky' he said.

'what makes me so dam_n lucky, ive been sick as a dog with malaria and i feel like crap still' i replied.

'you are lucky, donna. you didnt die' was his reply.

good reply, and i remember that always.

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

No good stuff happened within those 6 months?

none that I recall, sadly.

I'd like to know who put the Ju-Ju on me, though.

Edited by G54
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There's no such thing as good nor bad luck. There is only fate, karma, call it what you will.

You know the words of the song:-

"Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug................"

The run will end when it is fated to end. Then when it does you'll look back and likely as not you'll see a pattern amidst the chaos leading to where you are at that time. The problem is we have no control over the pattern nor the destination.

I know, I am going through a run of negative karma right now myself but I can see positive elements coming together. Things that, on the face of it are bad, but have taken tough decisions that would have upset people out of my hands. Trouble is I've just passed a signboard saying "Last pub before................." but I didn't catch the last bit. :o That's the trouble with karma, you just don't realise it's coming up until it's passed.

i remember one time in bkk i was really feeling sorry for myself. i had just been discharged from hospital with a second bout of malaria in 3 months. i felt like crap, and i am sure i looked like it too.

a friend asked me what was wrong and i told them that i had malaria.

'oh you are so lucky' he said.

'what makes me so dam_n lucky, ive been sick as a dog with malaria and i feel like crap still' i replied.

'you are lucky, donna. you didnt die' was his reply.

good reply, and i remember that always.

Both good answers.

I am alive, I am here and I should be thankful for that. Yes, Karma does turn around, though I am sick of waiting for this run of bad stuff to end. Maybe the fact I even posted shows how fed up I am of it. No, not desperate or suicidal, but definitely could do with a change of luck and feeling I have been cursed LOL.

An example of recent bad luck :-

Tuesday I was due to go for my 90 day visa border run.

Friday prior a motorbike with no lights crashed into the side of the car (at night) as I was stopped at a junction. Caused bad damage to the door and was sent to the garage on Saturday for repair. Repaired for Monday. This is the car I have had back about a week after the g/box went previously and that was crashed into by a Toyota the day it was getting its first test run.

Early hours Tuesday I am ready to go for the visa run. I go to the car. The car will not start and after only 4 or so attempts the battery was flat. Phoned a friend at 2-30 a.m. and persuaded him to lend me his car battery. Got the m/bike out to go to his house. Bike fell over and cut my leg.

Got the battery, car started and I was away, 3 hours late.

Back home same day. Put my battery back on and the car started first time !!

Just one sweet weekend in the last 6 months :D

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Stay away from churches and temples... as that'll only get you believing that something other than your own brain and pure chance controls your day to day sequence of cause + effect. You can't control the latter, but if you give the former the credit and resources it deserves, you'll generally be way ahead of the masses.


Edited by Heng
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Go to ther Wat for several days. Stare into space & think of nothing.


Go and not think of sex every few seconds? :o Going to be hard to do Wat?

Maybe I need a monastry for a while.

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

No good stuff happened within those 6 months?

none that I recall, sadly.

I'd like to know who put the Ju-Ju on me, though.

Nothing good happened to you the last 6 months?

Guess you are the glass is "half empty" type of guy?


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There was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"Maybe," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"Maybe," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"Maybe," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"May be," said the farmer.

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Then one day the farmer went to the hospital and asked if his 30 Baht medical card would cover treatment for his liver condition.

The overworked and indifferent attendant said "maybe." And added... "maybe your "bad luck" would seem less significant and perhaps almost trivial if you had worked harder/smarter and planned ahead?"

food poisoning? ...no worries you're fully insured

car trouble/car accident? ...sucks to be the other person who clearly doesn't have time to wait around for the insurance rep., but you do, since you're self employed

lost your job? ...not a problem because you've been saving and reinvesting the whole way.


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Last night I get the feeling that I went back to square one where this all started. It started with me running out of fuel in the car outside a hotel. Well, last night the same thing happened and at the same hotel. (OK OK running out of fuel could be classed as negligent, but the fuel reading was on half full last night, so not entirely my fault.)

I am going to have a word with the big B and see if he wants me to have some of his flowers in my car like all the Thai cars have LOL

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There was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"Maybe," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"Maybe," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"Maybe," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"May be," said the farmer.

So true.

I often find that the depressing negative and ugly things that happen to me turn out ending up as better opportunities that I otherwise wouldn't have considered.

I spent so much time fighting for what I wanted and what I had planned - and yes, it makes you want to swear, rant and fight when it doesn't go yor way.

But like the kid with the broken leg that avoided the army - sometimes in the future these things can turn out to be exactly what we need.

Try and be positive in outlook, go with the flow, and stay open to opportunities and meetings that come out of your 'experiences'

Keep a stiff upper lip?


Stay positive/ yes.

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Bad luck happens to everyone...if you look around you, I am sure you will see that your problems do not compare to so many people out there..

Are you starving?.......dyinging of a terminal disease?...... homeless?......being persecuted against?......are you enslaved?......fighting a war?....bla bla bla

So..... start to apprecite the good things and realize what you have.

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