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The Dominant Language On This Board Is British English


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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

I do not believe this is the case, although it may depend on the circles that you move within. One may wear the finest Italian suit, have a discreet but expensive hand crafted watch (thin is better) but it is when you open your mouth that you reveal who you truely are.

American 'words' and spellings may preveal in the written word but the language is English in origin,. If you dig into the history of this global Linga Franca (!) you will find that some British English pronunciation is in fact 'new', and some of what is seen as modern 'American' is in fact the original English from the times of the pilgrim fathers. At one point German was likely to become the first language of the emerging colonies of The Americas.

Every language reveals more detail of the person by the accent with which they speak, I try to ensure I learn only 'Thai' words from my wife and staff at work rather than Issan or Lao slang, as it were; in another thread on this board the choice to speak Thai or remain 'dumb' is wise - it can reveal what type of farang you are by showing where you leant your spoken or written Thai.

Langauge changes with time, few people outside padded cells speak received English (rp) of the 1900s, however if one speaks with a certain English accent from what is seen as the better parts (?) of England (rather than Northern Irish or the center of Birmingham) you can be as thick as a box of doughnuts but seen to have an education.

While we are on this subject, it is only New Zealanders that I have encountered that 'naturally' use the correct pronuciation of the word: 'data'


I was digging what you said until you got to the "At one point German...". This is a common urban myth that sprang up due to some interesting debates in Congress. Basically the vote put to the floor (in 1795) was whether or not certain publications should be translated and posted in German. The motion to adjourn was defeated by one vote. Note that it was not a vote to make German the 'mother tongue'.

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British English is a great classical language that was perfected by the Americans over the past three centuries. No need to thank me for pointing this fact out. As for making British English the official language of TV I think we should maintain the status quo. Remember, if it wasn't for the Americans the official language of Thai Visa would be German or Japanese.

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This is a common urban myth that sprang up due to some interesting debates in Congress.
My source was a book read long ago, and if I recall it was refering to the prefered languages used in different colonies before the idea of a united colonies gained support, I believe I read that at one point German was the primary langauge used by the most people in North America post European settlement - Pennsylvania springs to mind. (Hence 'Dutch' - but that just clouds the language issue.)

Is it still the case that Spanish is the world's first language by speakers but English wins with numbers if you include first and second? (Mandarin? I understand that China is also divided by different primary languages.)

I stand to be corrected, this is not my area of expertise.

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British English is a great classical language that was perfected by the Americans over the past three centuries. No need to thank me for pointing this fact out. As for making British English the official language of TV I think we should maintain the status quo. Remember, if it wasn't for the Americans the official language of Thai Visa would be German or Japanese.

And if it wasn't for Ronald Reagan we'd all be speaking Russian.

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I am American but I can't help but noticing that the dominant language here is British English.That is why I now use the word whinge instead of whine, and will now switch to colour over color. Why not just make this the official language of the board: British English.

(I surrender, redcoats!)

If you want comedy, just check Jingthings posts, thats for sure. :o

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I am American but I can't help but noticing that the dominant language here is British English.That is why I now use the word whinge instead of whine, and will now switch to colour over color. Why not just make this the official language of the board: British English.

(I surrender, redcoats!)

If you want comedy, just check Jingthings posts, thats for sure. :o

Well he's not exactly my idol, eventho I'm living now in his country,

but by far he (among very few) had generated "many interesting threads"

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American culture and language is gradually coming to dominate the English-speaking world and English is gradually coming to dominate or filter into the rest of the worlds languages. Even the French have failed in their attempts to hold back the tide. The Thais answer the phone "hello" and sing happy birthday in English. You-all may hate us Americans but we are the future. So says the village idiot, so it shall be.


So that's what's wrong with the world.

No I do not hate you individually. It's just as a nation :D

Running around the world invading countries and occupying them does not count as your language and culture 'filtering in'. It's called an 'an act of war'.

And if you think Americans are the future you may want to take a peak at China and India.

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I had to service my car the other day. So I opened the boot to get out my tools, then I opened the bonnet to look at the engine. I checked the carburettor which was mis-firing slightly, then I checked the crank shaft and the spark plugs. All seemed fine. I looked round the car and one of the tyres seemed slightly flat, so I pumped it up. I also noticed tat there was a dent in one of the wings. I made a mental note to have that repaired. Looking inside the car, I noticed that the gear lever was slightly loose, so I tightened it up.

After all that I was quite exhausted, so went indoors and had some tea and biccies!

Edited by eyebee
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American culture

We have a culture? Just kidding, I wanted to be first to say it.

Brings to mind the classic question :

Whats the difference between a yoghurt and America ? (For those with inferior English language skills that would be "yogurt")

A yoghurt has culture...........

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British English is a great classical language that was perfected by the Americans over the past three centuries. No need to thank me for pointing this fact out. As for making British English the official language of TV I think we should maintain the status quo. Remember, if it wasn't for the Americans the official language of Thai Visa would be German or Japanese.

And if it wasn't for Ronald Reagan we'd all be speaking Russian.

No, if it was not for the allies getting to Berlin we would have been speaking Russian a long time before Mr B movie actor got to the White House.

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British English is a great classical language that was perfected by the Americans over the past three centuries. No need to thank me for pointing this fact out. As for making British English the official language of TV I think we should maintain the status quo. Remember, if it wasn't for the Americans the official language of Thai Visa would be German or Japanese.

And if it wasn't for Ronald Reagan we'd all be speaking Russian.

No, if it was not for the allies getting to Berlin we would have been speaking Russian a long time before Mr B movie actor got to the White House.

Probably the last time that the "allies" were on the same side too.

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Please take your lah-zed-boy and sit on it. :o

Things have come to a pretty pass

Our romance is growing flat,

For you like this and the other

While I go for this and that,

Goodness knows what the end will be

Oh I don't know where I'm at

It looks as if we two will never be one

Something must be done:

You say either and I say either,

You say neither and I say neither

Either, either

Neither, neither

Let's call the whole thing off. [/color]

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Just been reading 1918 a very British Victory by Peter Hart.

Lieutenant Richard Dixon, 251 st Siege Battery, 53rd Brigade, Royal Garrison Artillery was some what harsh on the Australians.

"But as Autralians seemed constitutionally incapable of learning any other language but their own, and only about a couple of thousand words of that,

it didn't matter. They were bonny fighters, but intellectually a dead loss."

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Just been reading 1918 a very British Victory by Peter Hart.

Lieutenant Richard Dixon, 251 st Siege Battery, 53rd Brigade, Royal Garrison Artillery was some what harsh on the Australians.

"But as Autralians seemed constitutionally incapable of learning any other language but their own, and only about a couple of thousand words of that,

it didn't matter. They were bonny fighters, but intellectually a dead loss."

Big deal, one could find published texts slagging just about anyone. Are there any other nationalities that you don't like?

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Get a life, Jingy Thingy, no ones interested.

Just another topic for discussion.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life

Thats a bit ridiculous. Would you say any British based board is a throwback? Ballocks. Its just British. Actually the Brits have a lot to teach us colonials about how to deal with a crumbling empire.

Another impression I have about Brits and Americans in Pattaya specifically. The Americans living here incorporate more British expressions into their usage than the Brits incorporate Americanisms. I am not assigning a value judgment to this, just an observation. You won't find many Americans saying things like SPOT ON or BRILLIANT in the US, but you will here.

i would suggest if you wish to affect british terms, you should learn how to spell them.

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The language is englich...!!!

Here, on this open forum are people from all around the world. Some can do the Oxford English, some the Thai English, some just a view words in English...

It does not matter how we express our statements = feelings...the only thing what counts is the message!

OP, you have too much time on your hand, just take a walk and look at the sky....

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I wouldn't worry. In a hundred years or so the primary language of the US will be Spanish. Then the rest of us can get our English language back.

wrong thinking, 'cause they would NEVER do that by themselves, mate. They are looking...looking all the time...looking...and at the end they are lost

no, no, not the Spanish world, it's the Chinese world

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

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Actually, American English is the international standard for many fields (for example, software documentation), but I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about this board.

(I used to make big bucks "Americanizing" documents for international distribution. But now Indians can do that same job for pennies on the dollar.)

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

The bigotry of supposely enlightened Europeans never ceases to amaze me.

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The bigotry of supposely enlightened Europeans never ceases to amaze me.

If you read this board awhile, you will no longer be surprised when the anti-American Eurozoners erupt in their tedious, predictable manner. Similar to herpes. There is treatment available for the symptoms but it is not curable.

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Actually, American English is the international standard for many fields (for example, software documentation), but I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about this board.

where are you from??

The U.S. ?

The dominant one?

Buy a ticket and go to New Mexico...have a psylopsipin, stay with Carlos Castaneda and let everything be in Paul McCartney's sense, mate.

And afterwards we speak again.

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British English is archaic in today's world. The world moves on American English, in business communications, in technical documents, in news reports, in scientific exchanges; in virtually everything.

This forum is an exception...a throwback to the old times.... Nothing wrong with that, it's good to have some legacy experiences in life.

Your typical american(I did not use a capital by purpose) arrogant remarks is one of the reasons that there is a general dislike against your country and people all over the world.

And its again your typical american blatant ignorance not to know that in medical science, law, biology they use Latin. Because Latin is the only language where there can't be any misinterpretation of what is written or spoken.

BTW English is a Latin language the same as French, Spanish, Italian and a few others.

Oh, how special. You take the Brits out of Blighty and suddenly they think they are roaming their old Empire again. Notice that I capitalized Empire as one should do, because I choose not to sacrifice the rules of grammar in order to indulge in a little of unfounded self-righteousness. Fancy that, an American showing you how it is done.

Get this straight, English. YOU invent the words. WE show you how they are used. And if you don't like that, you can retreat back to your gloomy little island where you will delude yourself into thinking mushy peas and yorkshire pud taste good, you'll waste away your days in pubs and you'll work yourself into a frenzy over football matches as if 1966 wasn't an age ago.


Yankee Doodle

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