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How To Introduce My Thai Wife To Fitness


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It takes a special will power and persistence to make a difference so if you don't enjoy the gym/exercise it is not going to work for you.

I agree, but a lot of the time, people dont know if they enjoy gym/exercise, because they havent tried, my wife was good example of this, for years resisted going to the gym with me, saying didnt enjoy it, even though she had never really tried.

Went through all the quick fixes..ie crash diets, pill popping etc. Eventually convinced her to try and now cant get her out the gym, and the results she has acheived by sweating and being dedicated has amazed her... :)

.....suppose it gets "addictive" to a degree as all her friends have commented how great she looks, so suppose the rational is...do more and more and she will look better and better, which is not the case if you over do it, so suppose will have keep an eye on this in case it starts going over board..

Yes once you are seeing results then you like doing it. But it takes a while to get results. Its not a overnight thing and it takes determination. Also you wont see results fast and seeing them on yourself is real hard because you look in the mirror every day. So taking measurements and pictures and weighing might help.

Yeap...did tell when she started not to expect to see "results" for at least 3 months or so....

BTW....Ex-Kaaskop ???....you South African or Dutch......Cheesehead...guessing Dutch ??

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  • 3 months later...
She looks good now, but is getting to the age where metabolism alone isn't going to keep the weight down. Diet alone doesn't seem a reasonable solution because food is such an enjoyment to her. I do not know anyone in the village who does fitness and a lot of the women are plump so I see the writing on the wall so to speak. Is there is a type of fitness program a Thai might do regularly? I keep very fit but don't want to push her to that extreme. Just wish to find something simple a Thai would do regularly that contributes to her maintaining looking good and being healthy would be the goal. Look forward to hearing anything you have thought about or tried.
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She looks good now, but is getting to the age where metabolism alone isn't going to keep the weight down. Diet alone doesn't seem a reasonable solution because food is such an enjoyment to her. I do not know anyone in the village who does fitness and a lot of the women are plump so I see the writing on the wall so to speak. Is there is a type of fitness program a Thai might do regularly? I keep very fit but don't want to push her to that extreme. Just wish to find something simple a Thai would do regularly that contributes to her maintaining looking good and being healthy would be the goal. Look forward to hearing anything you have thought about or tried.

I just go out for a walk with her at Lumpini Park. She loves to join when she can wake up :)

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  • 1 month later...

I diplomatically mentioned to my wife that she was spreading out a bit and although I would still love her to bits irrespective of what shape she became, I was concerned that her general health might suffer. She took notice and raised the point with her doctor. Since her sporting activities are solely horizontal, he recommended that she briskly walk 5 kilometres every day. That was 6 weeks ago. I haven't got as clue where she is now.

Edited by Bagwan
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