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Briton Killed In Motorcycle Crash Appeared Drunk

sriracha john

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In all of my years attending motor car/cycle racing both on and off road , viewed multiple accidents and quite a number of deaths , I never once saw a helmet strap cause a serious injury to the neck , especialy bad enough to cause a person to bleed to death in a VERY short time or even anywhere close for that matter . Perhaps , lust perhaps , there could be something in the 'Taut wire' theory offered by one poster .

If you know that soi then you would know how busy it is at that time in the morning with cars, buses, trucks galore. Is it being suggested that someone all of a sudden decided to leap across a road, string a wire over, hope a truck never hits it and just happens to get the mo-cy?

Then there is the alleged "talk on the street" about a mo-cy pulling out right in front of Mr. Mann, thus causing the accident.

My condolences to both families involved . R.I.P the unfortunate Brit .

Please re-read my post and that which you underlined in particular , mentions A THEORY , no suggestion or fact finding .


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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Chonburi - A British tourist, who appeared drunk, was killed here Sunday morning when his motorcycle crashed into an incoming motorcycle.

Police said Gavin Mann, 41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

The accident happened in Bang Lamung district at 6:50 am.

Boonruang Sakulma, who rode the other motorcycle, was severely injured and rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

A DRUNK BRIT, OMG, can you imagine that?!!!!! :o

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What a lot of <deleted> you all are, I joined this site cos maybe just maybe I would be proved wrong about my opinion about all ex.pats. They talk about how great there own countries are and how bad everything in Thai is, yet live here. Yes this man was killed doing something he could not do in his own country have a drink and drive, he paid the price. I’m sorry for the Thai man who was injured but “ accidents” happen everyday. Maybe talking on the phone, text messaging, looking at a map, looking at a girl with a short skirt, drinking water, going too fast or pissed “ drunk” . He enjoyed his time here and that’s why we are all here. Life style, drink, girls, cheap living and having fun. In 20 years time this country will be the same as the one we left, speed cameras, high tax, can’t go down the pub and talk with nice ladies.

Just be truthful, we all know why we are here and many of us will die doing as we please. Just think about the alternatives.

I live in Buriram, and get bored every 3 weeks and drive to Hua Hin or Pattaya to have a blow out. Maybe you’ll see me next in the obituaries, if you do don’t feel sorry for me, I;m having a great time.

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A DRUNK BRIT, OMG, can you imagine that?!!!!! :o

Is this your attempt at being witty?

Your 4th and 5th post, you didn't need to post it twice. Once was enough to prove what a ------- you are

Fill in the blanks yourself, I'm sure that even you can manage that.

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What a lot of <deleted> you all are, I joined this site cos maybe just maybe I would be proved wrong about my opinion about all ex.pats. They talk about how great there own countries are and how bad everything in Thai is, yet live here. Yes this man was killed doing something he could not do in his own country have a drink and drive, he paid the price. I’m sorry for the Thai man who was injured but “ accidents” happen everyday. Maybe talking on the phone, text messaging, looking at a map, looking at a girl with a short skirt, drinking water, going too fast or pissed “ drunk” . He enjoyed his time here and that’s why we are all here. Life style, drink, girls, cheap living and having fun. In 20 years time this country will be the same as the one we left, speed cameras, high tax, can’t go down the pub and talk with nice ladies.

Just be truthful, we all know why we are here and many of us will die doing as we please. Just think about the alternatives.

I live in Buriram, and get bored every 3 weeks and drive to Hua Hin or Pattaya to have a blow out. Maybe you’ll see me next in the obituaries, if you do don’t feel sorry for me, I;m having a great time.

Pardon, can you shout that again as an airliner passed over somewhere in the middle and I missed the intelligent bit.

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What a lot of <deleted> you all are, I joined this site cos maybe just maybe I would be proved wrong about my opinion about all ex.pats. They talk about how great there own countries are and how bad everything in Thai is, yet live here. Yes this man was killed doing something he could not do in his own country have a drink and drive, he paid the price. I'm sorry for the Thai man who was injured but " accidents" happen everyday. Maybe talking on the phone, text messaging, looking at a map, looking at a girl with a short skirt, drinking water, going too fast or pissed " drunk" . He enjoyed his time here and that's why we are all here. Life style, drink, girls, cheap living and having fun. In 20 years time this country will be the same as the one we left, speed cameras, high tax, can't go down the pub and talk with nice ladies.

Just be truthful, we all know why we are here and many of us will die doing as we please. Just think about the alternatives.

I live in Buriram, and get bored every 3 weeks and drive to Hua Hin or Pattaya to have a blow out. Maybe you'll see me next in the obituaries, if you do don't feel sorry for me, I;m having a great time.

Ahhhhhhhh! Mr. SUPERIOR FARANG. The saddo that is hoping all the other ex-pats think like him and came here for the same reasons as Mr. SUPERIOR FARANG.

Actually, I came here because I think my own country sucks. Stressed out life working 24/7. Blow that........sold the business, the house and moved here. Where else can you have a 4 bed detached with pool, car and no worries about future mortgage payments?

I have a thing about banana trees is my main reason for being here.

I do agree about Buriram though. I can see why you need to get away from that back-of-beyond hole.

I pity your partner though (and you will have one to be living in Buriram). Such a loyal loving partner you are.

Waste of space more like.

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It would seem that by now the police would have a measurement of his alcohol content, if any. This could end some of the speculation.

What's more sad than some of the people speculating on this forum, is the lack of good reporting and follow-up that cause the speculation. It might be better to report virtually nothing more than a death in a traffic accident and then follow-up with factual information.

Does anyone even know if he was out partying or at a bar or who he was with?

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You really need to think about what you are saying, I as his cousin take great offence at your unfounded ingnorace and beg you to think about how you would feel if it was a member of your family.!!!!!!

I think I can speak for all of us when we say "Sorry for your loss"

Please tell us you & your family are meeting the poor unfortunate victims medical expenses.

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A DRUNK BRIT, OMG, can you imagine that?!!!!! :o

Is this your attempt at being witty?

Your 4th and 5th post, you didn't need to post it twice. Once was enough to prove what a ------- you are

Fill in the blanks yourself, I'm sure that even you can manage that.

SORRY LOONG! Let me try to be witty again!

"OMG, A DRUNK 'FALANG', imagine that." OR, "OMG, A DRUNK 'AMERICAN', imagine that!".

Those any wittier Loong!

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For all we know you could be one of his drinking pals & possibly a common thug yourself. As someone as already said, your cousin will be judged by his last actions, which hardly mark him down as the doting, responsible parent do they?
I will not pretend that Gav was an angel,

AKA..............A nob

Bigger Tosser.

The biggest tossers are the criminal sympathisers, do-gooders, liberals etc. the same people whom you have praised in another thread, so I guess that includes you.

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Please tell us you & your family are meeting the poor unfortunate victims medical expenses.

I doubt it.

The sad thing is that had this chap been in the right place i.e. doing hard prison time for his vicious assault on the girl; he'd possibly still be alive today & more importantly, the innocent party unhurt.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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SORRY LOONG! Let me try to be witty again!

"OMG, A DRUNK 'FALANG', imagine that." OR, "OMG, A DRUNK 'AMERICAN', imagine that!".

Those any wittier Loong!

As a wit, you are a total failure, however you're quite good at being racist. If you got out more and opened your eyes , you will notice that a very minor % of Brits, Americans or Farang in general are actual drunks. Most people are able to drink socially without allowing alcohol to rule their lives.

Anyway, I really don't see what your post has to do with this topic - The headline is "appeared drunk", and not reported as a fact.

Your post is especially insensitive as you are obviously aware that a member of his family is reading it.

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What a lot of <deleted> you all are, I joined this site cos maybe just maybe I would be proved wrong about my opinion about all ex.pats. They talk about how great there own countries are and how bad everything in Thai is, yet live here. Yes this man was killed doing something he could not do in his own country have a drink and drive, he paid the price. I'm sorry for the Thai man who was injured but " accidents" happen everyday. Maybe talking on the phone, text messaging, looking at a map, looking at a girl with a short skirt, drinking water, going too fast or pissed " drunk" . He enjoyed his time here and that's why we are all here. Life style, drink, girls, cheap living and having fun. In 20 years time this country will be the same as the one we left, speed cameras, high tax, can't go down the pub and talk with nice ladies.

Just be truthful, we all know why we are here and many of us will die doing as we please. Just think about the alternatives.

I live in Buriram, and get bored every 3 weeks and drive to Hua Hin or Pattaya to have a blow out. Maybe you'll see me next in the obituaries, if you do don't feel sorry for me, I;m having a great time.


You seem to be totally ignorant to the fact that somebody that gets intoxicated and drives a motor vehicle & injures or kills another person & dies in the process HAS NOT DIED IN AN 'ACCIDENT', this is criminal behaviour.

If in fact this person was drunk, then this is definately no accident, my thoughts and prayers are solely for the injured innocent party.

DOTCOM has the best comment & point here, so far - SPOT ON dotcom :o

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if someone is slipped a mickey and the put in a car then they are less responsible.

But even in the course of a drunken black out,

getting in or on a vehicle and then causing mayhem and death,

the drunken party is criminally and civilly liable in most nations for the world.

Not to say specificly we know in THIS case specifically at this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
SORRY LOONG! Let me try to be witty again!

"OMG, A DRUNK 'FALANG', imagine that." OR, "OMG, A DRUNK 'AMERICAN', imagine that!".

Those any wittier Loong!

As a wit, you are a total failure, however you're quite good at being racist. If you got out more and opened your eyes , you will notice that a very minor % of Brits, Americans or Farang in general are actual drunks. Most people are able to drink socially without allowing alcohol to rule their lives.

Anyway, I really don't see what your post has to do with this topic - The headline is "appeared drunk", and not reported as a fact.

Your post is especially insensitive as you are obviously aware that a member of his family is reading it.

Thank you Loong for your support. I would just like to inform the <deleted> of this forum that Gavin has now been laid to rest,and to put straight their assumptions. Gavins death has been officially recorded as accidental and he was NOT drunk, i repeat NOT drunk so i hope you opinionaters rot in hel_l as you now know that you are all officially a waste of time and should learn to keep your opinions to yourself unless you have hard evidence.He served his time in prison for the attack on the girl,but most of you jumped on the bandwagon and passed judgement which was not yours to pass. I sincerely hope none of you are ever in the same position as we as a family have been over the last three weeks. Thanks again loong. take care x

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Please tell us you & your family are meeting the poor unfortunate victims medical expenses.

I doubt it.

The sad thing is that had this chap been in the right place i.e. doing hard prison time for his vicious assault on the girl; he'd possibly still be alive today & more importantly, the innocent party unhurt.

He did His time arsehol_e do your homework properly!!!!!!

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It would seem that by now the police would have a measurement of his alcohol content, if any. This could end some of the speculation.

What's more sad than some of the people speculating on this forum, is the lack of good reporting and follow-up that cause the speculation. It might be better to report virtually nothing more than a death in a traffic accident and then follow-up with factual information.

Does anyone even know if he was out partying or at a bar or who he was with?

He was not out "partying" and he was NOT drunk, ive read the report so just wanted to put it straight.But i guess ill probably be lying now like i was told before but hey ho, its old news on here now but not old news for us.

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He did His time arsehol_e do your homework properly!!!!!!

How long did he serve? Clearly not long enough & why wasn't he deported & black listed? He ought to have done at least five years before they kicked him out of the country for good.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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A tad insensitive in the circumstances, don't you think? Irrespective of the deceased's character and his supposed authorship of his own demise he does leave family and your comments do constitute an incivility bordering upon unacceptable and possibly a breach of the rules of the forum.

That no moderator has so far intervened suggests that you may indeed have some associaton with the management not so far disclosed.

Just a thought. Mind you, notwithstanding the cousin's protestations one does wonder what the chap was doing at 0600 hrs in Pattaya if not returning from some function or other.

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