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How Will Thais Deal With The On Coming New World Order.


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Im still waiting for a previous doubter from this post to come back to me on that video "Zeigeist"

skip to 40 mins,watch then come back and explain!

However im not really expecting anyone to. TV members can never back up there comments! Sheep springs to mind!

I don't think you're being fair. Your threads only been open a few hours and it would probaly take me a couple of days to download a movie, assuming my ISP didn't screw up, which it would. Anyhow, I hope the NWO when it gets here brings some new internet service providers.

Its a streaming video on google player!

open it up skip to 40 mins then go make a cup of tea come back and u can watch it!

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You're misreading the driving force behind the new world order. Its not a Utopian driving force such as what created the EU, nor the result of people across the communicating with each other via the internet. The new world order is a product of something much more sinister, a collaboration between organized religion, the US Federal Reserve, the Masons, and Microsoft. Their aim is nothing short of enslaving mankind.

Spot on! :D

If You Watch This Video You Will Die In 7 Days :o

nob :D

What is it about the minds of conspiracy theory cranks that makes them think they are some kind of visionary just because they believe some well presented but way out bullshit, while the rest of us are sheep controlled by the media because we don't believe it?

Prove im wrong :D

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Im still waiting for a previous doubter from this post to come back to me on that video "Zeigeist"

skip to 40 mins,watch then come back and explain!

However im not really expecting anyone to. TV members can never back up there comments! Sheep springs to mind!

I don't think you're being fair. Your threads only been open a few hours and it would probaly take me a couple of days to download a movie, assuming my ISP didn't screw up, which it would. Anyhow, I hope the NWO when it gets here brings some new internet service providers.

Its a streaming video on google player!

open it up skip to 40 mins then go make a cup of tea come back and u can watch it!

Whilst I understand the importance of the New World Order and I applaud your efforts ( I am the founding member of the Sudanese Branch of "Ban the importation of Foreign Mice for Eating" ) I am a bit too busy to watch the movie as I am currently playing strip scrabble with my Thai honey bunny. Unfortunately for her, it`s the English version. Therefore she is completely naked after only 4 words. Gosh.......I hate my life here. :o

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Anyway i tried to make a original thread.

Its a bit better than the usual

Hi i met a bg in pattaya, she loves me after a 2 week holiday :o Im planning now to move to thailand and buy a bar/beauty salon. I have to pay her farmer papa 300,000 baht to marry her. Any advice?


fleeced farang

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The new world order is a product of something much more sinister, a collaboration between organized religion, the US Federal Reserve, the Masons, and Microsoft. Their aim is nothing short of enslaving mankind.

When the world's major religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and others start collaborating instead of historically being the root cause for many of the world's problems, then I'll start getting worried.

Until then, all I can think of is .....

do DEE do do ..... do DEE do do .....

"There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."

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Anyway i tried to make a original thread.

Its a bit better than the usual

Hi i met a bg in pattaya, she loves me after a 2 week holiday :o Im planning now to move to thailand and buy a bar/beauty salon. I have to pay her farmer papa 300,000 baht to marry her. Any advice?


fleeced farang

Grab the opportunity ! Its usually 400k.

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Yes all very well, but no one has answered how thais would react!

I consider them the sort of people who would protect there interests, but then again maybe they'll be crying out for new world order the way is being intended to work!

"...nobody might be able to buy or sell ....

<snipped very long post>

You are supposed to give a link when you copy and paste stuff from other web sites.


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Yes all very well, but no one has answered how thais would react!

I consider them the sort of people who would protect there interests, but then again maybe they'll be crying out for new world order the way is being intended to work!

"...nobody might be able to buy or sell ....

<snipped very long post>

You are supposed to give a link when you copy and paste stuff from other web sites.


Do u really think i tried to make out i typed that? lol Does it really matter if i provide a link? have u been searching all day long on the net just to find that?

I couldnt provide a link anyway as my mate copied and pasted in on a site i use!

I still havent heard from all the people that called me crazy/insane/delused/paranoid/cranked to debunk that video i posted.


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The new world order is a product of something much more sinister, a collaboration between organized religion, the US Federal Reserve, the Masons, and Microsoft. Their aim is nothing short of enslaving mankind.

When the world's major religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and others start collaborating instead of historically being the root cause for many of the world's problems, then I'll start getting worried.

Until then, all I can think of is .....

do DEE do do ..... do DEE do do .....

"There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."

The Twilight Zone reference is apt in one sense. Recall the episode "To Serve Man"? It foresaw the new world order in metaphorical terms.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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When the world's major religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and others start collaborating instead of historically being the root cause for many of the world's problems, then I'll start getting worried.

Living in Thailand you should know Buddhism has never been a reason to go to war. I accept Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the reasons/excuses for most of the world's conflicts and the source of most of the evil surrounding ordinary people.


It's strange though how most of the world's population believe blindly in fairy tales such as Noah’s Ark or virgins-in-paradise-if-you-kill-infidels but call people who say building 7 didn't collapse because of 'ancillary damage' crazy!!!


Luckily the BBC were so on the ball that day that they could report live the collapse of this building before it happened

Then if we move on to the Pentagon http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/attack/index.html it's strange how we are told to believe airline fuel can incinerate to a temperature high enough to melt steel girders yet at the Pentagon the same type of explosion barely singed paper!

It's far too crazy to think these events were intentional but maybe that's why they happened on such a large scale.

The result is a very controlled and monitored nation. The USA's citizens have lost many of their freedoms and now the financial collapse (even a baby could have predicted this collapse) is leading to governments taking over the financial systems of most of the developed countries in the world. Thailand has no relevance at the moment but free-trade agreements are already consolidating the monopolies of global 'companies'.

Something is happening and Bin Laden is not the cause.

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When the world's major religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and others start collaborating instead of historically being the root cause for many of the world's problems, then I'll start getting worried.

Living in Thailand you should know Buddhism has never been a reason to go to war. I accept Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the reasons/excuses for most of the world's conflicts and the source of most of the evil surrounding ordinary people.


It's strange though how most of the world's population believe blindly in fairy tales such as Noah's Ark or virgins-in-paradise-if-you-kill-infidels but call people who say building 7 didn't collapse because of 'ancillary damage' crazy!!!


Luckily the BBC were so on the ball that day that they could report live the collapse of this building before it happened

Then if we move on to the Pentagon http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/attack/index.html it's strange how we are told to believe airline fuel can incinerate to a temperature high enough to melt steel girders yet at the Pentagon the same type of explosion barely singed paper!

It's far too crazy to think these events were intentional but maybe that's why they happened on such a large scale.

The result is a very controlled and monitored nation. The USA's citizens have lost many of their freedoms and now the financial collapse (even a baby could have predicted this collapse) is leading to governments taking over the financial systems of most of the developed countries in the world. Thailand has no relevance at the moment but free-trade agreements are already consolidating the monopolies of global 'companies'.

Something is happening and Bin Laden is not the cause.

The main problem that I have with most alternative explanations is that they are too elaborate. I see little evidence that the Bush administration was capable of organizing a one-car parade let alone a plausibly deniable conspiracy on the scale of 911. It would take a great deal of competence to pull off an event such as 911, and even more to plug all leaks after the event.

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The main problem that I have with most alternative explanations is that they are too elaborate. I see little evidence that the Bush administration was capable of organizing a one-car parade let alone a plausibly deniable conspiracy on the scale of 911. It would take a great deal of competence to pull off an event such as 911, and even more to plug all leaks after the event.

To put GW Bush into the Whitehouse took genius and power. OK, it wasn't his, but it is lurking somewhere behind him. Anyway, I didn't say it was Bush. I don't know who was behind it, but I do know Bush has lied and lied about every war where he has sent American (and their subcontractors UK and Australia) troops.

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Read the first few paragraphs from your long post OP and then realised... wait for it... You are insane.

Mate, you need to get some help, and steer clear of the lao khao.

Edit: Another post from the OP - "If she rips u off kill her and her family."

Laugh all you like but it's going to kick off in the UK soon, the people outside of the flock are getting sick and tired with this goverment and there completley ignoring the people of this country.

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Ah, I couldn't watch the video, my whole head is swollen up... seriously sick. and sounds, oh no, not sounds they hurt!

I think I managed about 2 minutes before getting a headache. :o

I propose that all the irritating 'BOING' noises found in Thai soaps be replaced with the sound effects from this movie. Why should Thais miss out on what is probably the most annoying soundtrack ever inflicted on man. :D

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I just listened to several Pink Floyd albums backwards. It actually turns out the OP is correct and Pink Floyd knew about it all along.

I'm about to listen to some of Caraboa's songs backwards now. I'll report back soon on what the thais make of the new world order shortly :o .

I should let you know I have just gotten back from hospital and am still recovering from heavy sedation...

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so who are the suspected architects of the NWO ?

names please. i want to look them up and know more about them

i heard its a handful of men in control of the finacial systems. i dont know if its true but some people say its some Jewish people others say its fre-mason. ??

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The scariest part of this thread is that so many people immediately label the OP as a kook without even considering what he says or bothering to do any of their own research. I've heard the type of things he's saying said before, and although I'm not jumping on the bandwagon wearing a foil hat, I want to know what's going on in our world. My fear is that so many people are complacent and totally unwilling even to listen to an alternative view of the world and the direction it's going. If this future New World Order that thousands of people (no, the OP is certainly not alone) are blogging and talking about does come to realization, I would prefer to at least have some understanding of what's going on. Burying one's head in the sand never helps their situation. I know that what the OP is saying is hard to fathom or accept, but you who blow the message off without giving it any real thought should do yourselves a favour and open your minds a little more.

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While having not actually seen any firm evidence for the physical embodiment of 'The NWO' the United Nations (replacing the League of Nations) certainly ticks a lot of boxes. Formed by (center?) mostly leftist nations it's gotten a bit big for it's boots of late.

Thailand and China signed up for the UN I believe, but this hardly means the UN has a grip on the country.

I think one of the most sinister and insidious threats facing us is the dumbing down that's been taking place over the past 20-30 years in the schools, tv films, the workplace. Over-regulation and HSE bs is seriously cutting into independent action and so on etc etc.

This, I think is a more generalised thing (non-NWO) which is what a fair few leftist governments like to strive for, if not openly, then in secret.

A dumb, happy populace is an easy-to-manage populace, and also one that's unlikely to challenge the status quo / ruling regime by voting against it.

Thailand, to be honest, would more than likely be overlooked.

China (according to those in the know) is outside the 'western' sphere of the UN / NWO and would more than likely stick two fingers up to any supposed NWO threat. China would be (and is according to some) an influence more than any NWO groove.

Edited by JimsKnight
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A couple of years ago, a topic like this wouldn't have lasted one page here. Now there are four pages.... People waking up. It is becoming too obvious of what's playing out on the global soap-series.

The speed of waking up people is hard to influence, and usually it is best to leave it to themselves.

For the Thai: I think they will be easily manipulated by this nwo, up to a certain point... after that, the nwo will have a very hard time controlling them. This ofcourse points to the normal thai people, not all those money grabbing excuses for human form.

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A couple of years ago, a topic like this wouldn't have lasted one page here. Now there are four pages.... People waking up. It is becoming too obvious of what's playing out on the global soap-series.

Another warped cause and effect conclusion. No one could reasonably conclude that a four page thread in this forum is confirmation of some of the (whacked out?) claims and conspiracy theories in it.

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The main problem that I have with most alternative explanations is that they are too elaborate. I see little evidence that the Bush administration was capable of organizing a one-car parade let alone a plausibly deniable conspiracy on the scale of 911. It would take a great deal of competence to pull off an event such as 911, and even more to plug all leaks after the event.

To put GW Bush into the Whitehouse took genius and power. OK, it wasn't his, but it is lurking somewhere behind him. Anyway, I didn't say it was Bush. I don't know who was behind it, but I do know Bush has lied and lied about every war where he has sent American (and their subcontractors UK and Australia) troops.

Saying that the official explanation doesn’t make sense is one thing, but at some point it’s necessary to come up with an alternative hypothesis that has fewer holes (as opposed to merely being less obvious or more complicated).

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From what I see, it is a piss poor attempt to make this (Thailand and TV) relevant by including it in the topic title.

If we want to go down this road - everyone can start topics like What do Thais think about the bush fires in Australia - seems as relevant as this topic drummed up by a few people who read too many tom clancy novels. :o

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When the world's major religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and others start collaborating instead of historically being the root cause for many of the world's problems, then I'll start getting worried.

Living in Thailand you should know Buddhism has never been a reason to go to war. I accept Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the reasons/excuses for most of the world's conflicts and the source of most of the evil surrounding ordinary people.


It's strange though how most of the world's population believe blindly in fairy tales such as Noah's Ark or virgins-in-paradise-if-you-kill-infidels but call people who say building 7 didn't collapse because of 'ancillary damage' crazy!!!


Luckily the BBC were so on the ball that day that they could report live the collapse of this building before it happened

Then if we move on to the Pentagon http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/attack/index.html it's strange how we are told to believe airline fuel can incinerate to a temperature high enough to melt steel girders yet at the Pentagon the same type of explosion barely singed paper!

It's far too crazy to think these events were intentional but maybe that's why they happened on such a large scale.

The result is a very controlled and monitored nation. The USA's citizens have lost many of their freedoms and now the financial collapse (even a baby could have predicted this collapse) is leading to governments taking over the financial systems of most of the developed countries in the world. Thailand has no relevance at the moment but free-trade agreements are already consolidating the monopolies of global 'companies'.

Something is happening and Bin Laden is not the cause.

A post that speaks sense for once. what happening just doesnt add up.

Of course bin laden didnt do it!! After all his family dynsaty is very closely connected to the bushes and other powerful US families! There all freinds probably laughing at everyone!

Anyone who speaks of this is immediately dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theorist!

Conspiracy theory has been invented in the past through various historical events to cover further events in the future! These guys are very very clever. Theyve pulled the wool over 6billion peoples eyes.

Edited by BygonKeaw
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Read the first few paragraphs from your long post OP and then realised... wait for it... You are insane.

Mate, you need to get some help, and steer clear of the lao khao.

Edit: Another post from the OP - "If she rips u off kill her and her family."

Laugh all you like but it's going to kick off in the UK soon, the people outside of the flock are getting sick and tired with this goverment and there completley ignoring the people of this country.

Yes your correct. ITS GOING TO KICK OF IN THE UK! The media are starting to stir it "the summer of discontent"

This is also going to plan of the behind the scenes control freaks. They want civil unrest all over the planet, why? so that they can come and save the day and impliment there masterplan new world order!!!!!!!!!

The great thing is though the common people will ve begging for them. LOL

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so who are the suspected architects of the NWO ?

names please. i want to look them up and know more about them

i heard its a handful of men in control of the finacial systems. i dont know if its true but some people say its some Jewish people others say its fre-mason. ??

You should see that movie zeitgeist its explains everything, even dubunks religions.

Here are some names


My my knowledge id say some of the top dogs are the rockafellas (david rockafella)

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002

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