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How Will Thais Deal With The On Coming New World Order.


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The scariest part of this thread is that so many people immediately label the OP as a kook without even considering what he says or bothering to do any of their own research. I've heard the type of things he's saying said before, and although I'm not jumping on the bandwagon wearing a foil hat, I want to know what's going on in our world. My fear is that so many people are complacent and totally unwilling even to listen to an alternative view of the world and the direction it's going. If this future New World Order that thousands of people (no, the OP is certainly not alone) are blogging and talking about does come to realization, I would prefer to at least have some understanding of what's going on. Burying one's head in the sand never helps their situation. I know that what the OP is saying is hard to fathom or accept, but you who blow the message off without giving it any real thought should do yourselves a favour and open your minds a little more.


You owe it to yourself to find out the truth or try to learn about whats behind things etc etc.

If im wrong and i hope im wrong i'll hold my hands up and say so. The trouble im 99% sure im not. To many things connect. If u take the trouble to open your mind as the guy above said. Maybe u'll be shocked and want to know more!

There are 100,000s of people that know what these people are doing. why becuase they take the time to research!! The more people that know about the truth the better i say.

But then u always get the mindless fools like byoung2 saying such stupid remarks trying to make me look crazy blah blah blah, infact byoung2 you just make yourself look childish, i just hope your not over 40!!!

Edited by BygonKeaw
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From what I see, it is a piss poor attempt to make this (Thailand and TV) relevant by including it in the topic title.

If we want to go down this road - everyone can start topics like What do Thais think about the bush fires in Australia - seems as relevant as this topic drummed up by a few people who read too many tom clancy novels. :o

Not at all, nwo affects everyone on the planet, that includes thais silly :D

Trouble is 90% or maybe a bit less now are blind to it!

The proof is there for all too see? Its just a shame people like u bkkjames are so far out of touch with things, well u have been educated that way havent u!

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I challenge anyone to come out and disprove me on here!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact people can only call me a conspiracy theorist just says to me how little they know!

Prove to me im wrong!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by BygonKeaw
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From what I see, it is a piss poor attempt to make this (Thailand and TV) relevant by including it in the topic title.

If we want to go down this road - everyone can start topics like What do Thais think about the bush fires in Australia - seems as relevant as this topic drummed up by a few people who read too many tom clancy novels. :o

Not at all, nwo affects everyone on the planet, that includes thais silly :D

Trouble is 90% or maybe a bit less now are blind to it!

The proof is there for all too see? Its just a shame people like u bkkjames are so far out of touch with things, well u have been educated that way havent u!

Did you know that they recently found water on Mars? Proof of a NUO. You read it here first.

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Yes all very well, but no one has answered how thais would react!

I consider them the sort of people who would protect there interests, but then again maybe they'll be crying out for new world order the way is being intended to work!

"...nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six."-.Revelation 13:17,18...

Squire, Come on... this is Thailand. They wouldn't get past the second sentence of your massive posting. They have the attention span of a child and adhore anything remotely serious. If there is a change in world order, Thais will go on living as they have - without a care in the world further than their next meal, cartoon/silly soap and the lottery. They will take things as they come with a smile just as they have all that has gone on since the dawn of time. Igornance is truly bliss

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We need to start an end of the world sub-forum on thaivisa for all those in love with this topic.

No Time ... the Sky is Falling Right Now ! :o

Why does everyone have to keep saying "the sky is falling in" on thaivisa? Its a bit like "troll" "BG" think of something original ricardo. Its already been stated once on this thread. At least read the thread b4 u put your Worthless comment in :D

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We need to start an end of the world sub-forum on thaivisa for all those in love with this topic.

No Time ... the Sky is Falling Right Now ! :o

Why does everyone have to keep saying "the sky is falling in" on thaivisa? Its a bit like "troll" "BG" think of something original ricardo. Its already been stated once on this thread. At least read the thread b4 u put your Worthless comment in :D

Bygonenow, you better hurry up and convince the masses and forget about us lil old TV folks. I suggest you go start a rally somewhere - try orange shirts though - or you could try all white but I fear that some officials might try to tie up your arms behind your back.

Failing that, get a big sign and a can of spraypaint and make up a sign and go stand in front of Nana Plaza. Better see if the Bible boys will share some space with you. Be careful the ladyboy pickpockets and that bitchy old dog.

In two weeks, report back with your findings. Good luck - God Speed

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If you want to learn more about this you should watch the movie, SURPLUS at utube.

I listen to John Zerzan's weekly radio show. You should check him out on Utube too.

Zerzan looks at rising problems in society and the collapse of the eco-system which will send us all under.


Did you know they are hunting tigers with machine guns in Indonesia now as they clear the rainforests to plant palm oil. Just saw it on Al Jazeera.

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If you want to learn more about this you should watch the movie, SURPLUS at utube.

I listen to John Zerzan's weekly radio show. You should check him out on Utube too.

Zerzan looks at rising problems in society and the collapse of the eco-system which will send us all under.


Did you know they are hunting tigers with machine guns in Indonesia now as they clear the rainforests to plant palm oil. Just saw it on Al Jazeera.

2000 years ago they were hunting tigers to clear land for their huts. 2000 years from now they will be hunting tigers to make a landing strip for alien aircraft.

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We need to start an end of the world sub-forum on thaivisa for all those in love with this topic.

No Time ... the Sky is Falling Right Now ! :o

Why does everyone have to keep saying "the sky is falling in" on thaivisa? Its a bit like "troll" "BG" think of something original ricardo. Its already been stated once on this thread. At least read the thread b4 u put your Worthless comment in :D

Bygonenow, you better hurry up and convince the masses and forget about us lil old TV folks. I suggest you go start a rally somewhere - try orange shirts though - or you could try all white but I fear that some officials might try to tie up your arms behind your back.

Failing that, get a big sign and a can of spraypaint and make up a sign and go stand in front of Nana Plaza. Better see if the Bible boys will share some space with you. Be careful the ladyboy pickpockets and that bitchy old dog.

In two weeks, report back with your findings. Good luck - God Speed

Bkkjames. U always seem to post on every subject i ever read, not many these days as i find this website loses it attraction once you read most of the posts from farangs.

I understand u try to be the funny man on here with your constant attempts at witty comments!

I imagine u spend most of your time on Tv reading and typing, I suggest u do something more worthwhile on the net and rearch what im trying to tell u!

Actually dont bother. carry on pretending to be funny u need more practise!

Ps are u german by any chance??

Edited by BygonKeaw
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Not german as far as I can tell, which reminds me, during the 30s and 40s a rather famous one did try that NWO thing. How did that work out?

As for being funny, please keep the topics coming, material like yours is priceless.

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I haven't watched Zeitgeist but I must admit that the collapse of WTC 7 is disturbing.

All i ask is for people to see this video then report back what they think! Its not that hard is it? If u need just to know about the staged 911 fast forward it to 40ms and watch it for 20 mins or so.

wtc7 had many secret documents in :o This offical reason for collapse was fire, no building in history has completely collapsed due to fire damage apart from wtc 1,2 and 7. fact

controlled demolision.

2 weeks b4 911 all bomb sniffer dogs where pulled out of the world trade centres followed by security being changed, The new head of security was wait for it..........marvin P bush.....yes thats right bushes brother....lol....open your eyes people

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Not german as far as I can tell, which reminds me, during the 30s and 40s a rather famous one did try that NWO thing. How did that work out?

As for being funny, please keep the topics coming, material like yours is priceless.

Spend 20 mins of your time watching what ive explained and come back to me and debunk me. ok? can u do that?

Then u might look as silly as your team last weekend after my team be yours. torresssssssss

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Ok micheal moore, what's next.... Elvis is georges half cousin and dick cheney wears women's perfume.

watch it and tell me im wrong thats all i ask!

to be honest if im wrong i'll be happy mate.

who the fuc_ks wants to find out the amercans did there own people??

capable of that capable of anything i say!

I want to be proved wrong but no one can, all people can do is come out with ridiculus comments.

Call me a nutter if im wrong 1'll accept :o

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Whats this got to do with Thailand again?

Its relevent to the world as thailand is part of that!

I personally think the thais will stand up and fight against a bunch of power hungry world elite once they get wind of it! maybe to late if/when it does happen but im sure they'll fight as much as they can and not lay down or beg for it like the developed countries. There more into the soventry i guess :o

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