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Installing Dreambox In C.m.


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I am currently living in the U.S. but am trying to deal with several problems at my house just outside C.M., during short visits. To try to fix my dynasat system problems, I bought and brought with me from the U.S. the dreambox 2070, which the owner of jsat.tv was kind enough to program while I was in Bangkok. Unfortunately, he doesn't make house calls to C.M. Any information, particularly someone that can install it over a dynasat system, would be greatly appreciated. If the moderators would prefer not having this subject discussed, please e-mail me at; //e-mail removed as per forum rules// or PM me. Thanks in advance!

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Did you tune your Dreambox into your dynasat system ??

Did you use the POS button on your remote to get the best signal?? Is your DM box internet connection working and did you run the test??

Did you read all the help on the Jsat web site?? http://www.jsat.tv/files/retune.htm

The other question is what are you trying to watch? things like Astro and Dream TV you need the subscription card

I do wonder why you bought the Dreambox ? if you live in the USA and use Thailand as a holiday hone I would have thought the Sling box would have been the better option? [you would then be able to watch your normal US programs as if you were in the US]

Edited by ignis
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I have a Dreambox 600PVR and a Dynasat F1 box. I use the latter mainly as the move system for the dish and to watch Dream TV from the Philippines (without a subscription card). I use the Dreambox to view the Multichoice network. As your Dreambox has been programmed by Jsat, there is probably no problem there. Are you just looking for a schematic on the connections between the Dynasat box and the Dreambox or something else? I live about 100km from Chiangmai but visit frequently. Let me know if there is any way I can assist remotely or a suitable time we can get together in CM. Alternatively you are welcome to drop my place and look at the setup.

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I have a Dreambox 600PVR and a Dynasat F1 box. I use the latter mainly as the move system for the dish and to watch Dream TV from the Philippines (without a subscription card).

Yes sure you can on the F1 box but the problem with that is when it rains then picture breaks up all the time.

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I have a Dreambox 600PVR and a Dynasat F1 box. I use the latter mainly as the move system for the dish and to watch Dream TV from the Philippines (without a subscription card). I use the Dreambox to view the Multichoice network. As your Dreambox has been programmed by Jsat, there is probably no problem there. Are you just looking for a schematic on the connections between the Dynasat box and the Dreambox or something else? I live about 100km from Chiangmai but visit frequently. Let me know if there is any way I can assist remotely or a suitable time we can get together in CM. Alternatively you are welcome to drop my place and look at the setup.

Thanks.  I may not be back to Thailand until October but have a friend that could let someone in to my house to work on system.  I wasn't sure if the F1 receiver from Dynasat had to reasin to move the dish or not but it sounds like it does.  I just need to loop the 2 systems together andtalk to someone that sells the smart cards for the Dreambox to see if it is worthwhile to buy them for the extra programing.  I may be renting out my house and wanted to get this done while in Chiang Mai last week but other things, like putting in the underground sprinkler system timer and alarm system took priorty.  I did contact the man that put in my dynasat system but he never showed up. 

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It sounds like it will have to wait until October, when I'm back for 2-2.5 weeks. I waited 3 years to get a land line and it was offered two months before leaving for the U.S. If I can get internet connection through it, it may be worth getting the land line. Anyway, it doesn't sound like I can get this done by long distance in the meantime. Thanks

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