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Two Child Abusers, One Well Known In Thailand And Myanmar Arrested Last Week


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Whilst in Northern Thailand last week, I noticed the photo of the well-known Mr Bobby Morse on the front page of not only one, but a few local newspapers. I asked some friends who spoke Thai to translate for me and this is what the news was about.

Mr Morse and a Thai man were arrested and charged on child abuse charges. Research on the internet and local advisors tell me that Mr Bobby Morse is well known in Northern Thailand and Myanmar, particularly Yangon for his continuous work with the Church of Christ, various orphanages and youth training centres.

One thing that my translator conveyed that he has been released on bail.

Do you all think, that despite the fame of one person, that alleged child abusers should be on bail, possibly just to flee the country.

People in Thailand do not condone the abuse of children, no matter who the perpetrator is.

Look forward to any news you may have and comments.

David Pearce



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