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Not yet Dean999 still waiting =/

She had her interview and tbh Im starting to think we were too truthfull. its really doing my and my wifes head in atm.

Just carnt help thinking we trying to do everything legal and above board and going to get screwed over by my own goverment.

But still no answer as of yet. Is it possible that a 2nd interview can be asked for etc ?

What did they ask the Mrs, uaelaelil? I've never heard of a 2nd interview.

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ajsp9 - well done mate, all the best :)

Nice one ajsp9. Although 10 weeks, it seems like you've been on here an age, I seem to remember you had the whole of June to yourself for about a month.

Too bloody right there mate. It was tough waiting and I feel for everyone else, but it does seem like its getting quicker now.

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Text today to goto application center and pickup her passport, Fingers crossed

Im just a little confused with the whole process, was 99% sure she would have gotten a answer on her visa at her interview. As the lady before her said she did get a answer after her interview.

Just hopeing for good news now and not the bad news that she thinks it is =/

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Whats more annoying is that she seems to have been collored by the visa application vipers.

TSL & Associate Co, Ltd ?

They trying to push for a straight reapp 120,000 bhat <deleted>

hey Im gutted for you guys ! whats this 120,ooo baht.... is this an agency fee you used? we got refused first time round too. got it oveturned 6 weeks later... what is the reasons for your refusal??

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mother f@#kers.

I know how you feel uaelaelil. I really feel for you. I know whatever people say won't make you feel any better. But i'm gutted for you. It took me about a week to stop feeling lost and confussed. I'm still thinking what to do if the appeal is refussed.

hope you and your wife the best.

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Which visa did your partner originally enter the UK with; a marriage visit visa or a fiance/proposed civil partner visa?

If not sure, a marriage visit visa costs 3866 baht; a fiance/proposed civil partner visa costs 33930 baht. How much did you pay?


The amount you paid may be slightly different to the above as visa fees are set in sterling and so the actual fee paid is adjusted periodically to reflect exchange rate fluctuations.

The first one. :)

The plan was she came here on the visa, got married, went back and we do the settlement application from thailand. But someone suggested the FLR(M) could be done.

I enquired by phone to the border agency, was told that is correct, so we did..

Okay, seems I was wrong and we are now just waiting (14weeks and counting) for her passport to be sent back with a refusal..

But i'm not best pleased that the advice given by them to me was wrong, the initial letter saying they received the application obviously hasnt checked if it was valid application in the first instance, and the letter we had 3weeks ago off them states the application is valid, but further checks need to be done...

Given at some stage in the near future we plan on her going back to thailand and bringing her daughter here, its not the end of the world as she's still got to go back either way. My major concern is how would this refusal affect her future attempts at a visa to settle here.

I know one thing, i'm going to book an appt with my local MP to go and have a chat about the UK border agency.

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Which visa did your partner originally enter the UK with; a marriage visit visa or a fiance/proposed civil partner visa?

If not sure, a marriage visit visa costs 3866 baht; a fiance/proposed civil partner visa costs 33930 baht. How much did you pay?


The amount you paid may be slightly different to the above as visa fees are set in sterling and so the actual fee paid is adjusted periodically to reflect exchange rate fluctuations.

The first one. :)

The plan was she came here on the visa, got married, went back and we do the settlement application from thailand. But someone suggested the FLR(M) could be done.

I enquired by phone to the border agency, was told that is correct, so we did..

Okay, seems I was wrong and we are now just waiting (14weeks and counting) for her passport to be sent back with a refusal..

But i'm not best pleased that the advice given by them to me was wrong, the initial letter saying they received the application obviously hasnt checked if it was valid application in the first instance, and the letter we had 3weeks ago off them states the application is valid, but further checks need to be done...

Given at some stage in the near future we plan on her going back to thailand and bringing her daughter here, its not the end of the world as she's still got to go back either way. My major concern is how would this refusal affect her future attempts at a visa to settle here.

I know one thing, i'm going to book an appt with my local MP to go and have a chat about the UK border agency.

Sorry to hear about your situation. bad advice from people is something that shouldn't happen but often does. It makes you think that you want to get all advice given to you in writing and signed by someone so you have a comeback...

It wouldn't affect any future applications if she is refused I believe. Any future applications MUST be approved if all the evidence is suitable. Having a previous application refused is not grounds for refusing a future application that is sound.

All the best to you guys !!

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hi paul cornwall... looks like you are in the same boat as me. i too was initially reassured when we got a letter saying the application was "valid" and a "caseworker would get in touch if they needed further information". unfortunately this "validation" process only covers that you filled in all the boxes on the form...your photographs comply with the spec' and your fee has been banked by the UKBA... it doesnt get checked that it is eligible for the category for which you have applied. if someone at UKBA told you to apply on this form they are wrong and if you have a record of when you called and a name their calls are recorded and you may have a better chance than i did if you appeal. you should get a refusal notice in due course that will quote Immigration Rule 284 (i) as the reason for refusal. (you can check this on the UKBA website). the one thing in your favour is that they are obliged to check ALL the qualifying criteria for your FLRM application, not just reject it on this technical legal ground. all the criteria are the same as for a settlement application (ie.. you have suitable accomodation and enough cash to avoid recourse to public funds etc...); therefore, if like us your application is only rejected because you filled in the wrong form there is no reason (other than failing the TB test in thailand) why your settlement application wont be granted. you will get papers from the Immigration Tribunal with your refusal notice and you only have 10 working days to get them to the tribunal office so get your appeal stuff ready. i think its worth doing - we represented ourselves abd it gives you the chance to lay into the UKBA in front of their presenting officer and an independent judge. it also ensures you get a document, on the record (in the form of the judges written determination) that confirms the UKBA "have no reason other than a technical legal one to refuse the application". they are not empowered to overule on the point of law even where you have been misinformed by a UKBA official (which seems totally unfair). the whole tribunal process takes about 10 weeks after which the applicant has 28 days to leave the country assuming it is refused.

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The plan was she came here on the visa, got married, went back and we do the settlement application from thailand. But someone suggested the FLR(M) could be done.

You should have stuck to the plan; that someone was wrong.

I enquired by phone to the border agency, was told that is correct, so we did..

Unfortunately, the person at UKBA you spoke to was also wrong; but I wonder what question you actually asked.

"My wife is in the UK on a marriage visit visa, we are now married, can she apply in the UK for FLR using form FLR(M)?"

Or was it more like;

"My wife and I have just married, can she apply for FLR?"

If the former, then were I you I would make a formal complaint and request a full refund of the fee you have paid. Might work, might not; but you wont know if you don't try.

To save time you may want to contact the UKBA and withdraw the application. You wont get the fee back, I'm afraid, but your passports will be returned so you can then go to Thailand and start the process of getting her and her children here. You know this application is going to be refused, so why wait until it is?

Whichever you decide, none of this will effect her future settlement application.

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Unfortunately, the person at UKBA you spoke to was also wrong; but I wonder what question you actually asked.

"My wife is in the UK on a marriage visit visa, we are now married, can she apply in the UK for FLR using form FLR(M)?"

Or was it more like;

"My wife and I have just married, can she apply for FLR?"

Had a vague memory in the back of my mind, and a check on your previous posts seem to have confirmed it.

You posted here

My wife's (we got married here in the UK last feb) fiance visa runs out on 2-june
If you enquiry to the UKBA was phrased similarly, then I am not surprised you got the wrong answer.

Indeed, in all of your previous posts here, including those while she was still in Thailand and had not yet applied, you have always asked about a fiance visa, you have never mentioned a marriage visit visa previously.

Sorry to seem harsh, but if you ask the wrong question you will get the wrong answer.

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Global - good luck to you and the Mrs. I'm in the same boat, the website today is saying that the Mrs' sister's Passport (visit visa) is ready for collection - being sent by post to another part of Thailand. After going through all of this for the Mrs Visa over Mar - Jun, I thought I'd do it again for the sister. I nearly forgot how much fun this can be :) .

Uae, sorry to hear your bad news. What's the plan?

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Global - good luck to you and the Mrs. I'm in the same boat, the website today is saying that the Mrs' sister's Passport (visit visa) is ready for collection - being sent by post to another part of Thailand. After going through all of this for the Mrs Visa over Mar - Jun, I thought I'd do it again for the sister. I nearly forgot how much fun this can be :) .

Uae, sorry to hear your bad news. What's the plan?

Cheers mate, good luck to you too.

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Today (17th August), my wife received a text saying that the application has been processed and the passport has been forwarded by courier...

Tonight is going to be a nerve racking night...

You put your application in one day before us. Should I be getting my hopes up???

Good luck - hope it's a positive outcome

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Rob01792 02/2 granted 30/3 - (8 weeks) MONDAY

Chris41 10/2 granted 16/3 - (4 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

Kooyoonii 10/2 granted 04/5 - (11 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

Pikwik 11/2 granted 27/4 - (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

Xiengmieng 17/2 granted 24/3 - (5 weeks) TUESDAY

Lindty 18/2 granted 24/4 - (8 weeks 6 days) FRIDAY

Tahaan 18/2 granted 13/5 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

Eddiebabyyeah 20/2 granted 01/4 - (5 weeks 5 days) WEDNESDAY


Tlusername 04/3 granted 15/5 - (10weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

Tricknicky 09/3 granted 23/4 - (6 weeks 3 days) (Special Case) THURSDAY

AnyaDharu 09/3 granted 19/5 - (10weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

Tango7 10/3 granted 12/5 - (9weeks) TUESDAY

Johnson83 11/3 granted 22/5 - (10 weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

Chanthas 12/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 4 days) MONDAY

Gypsymoth 13/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 3 days) MONDAY

chrisspuresbkk1 13/3

Friend Boo 16/3 granted 18/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) THURSDAY

Dave W 16/3 granted 17/6 - (13 weeks 2 days) WEDNESDAY

Stonewall 62 17/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) FRIDAY

Kennkate 17/3 granted16/6 - (13 weeks) TUESDAY

Chewy 18/3 Granted 07/08 20 weeks and 3 days

PeterHThai 19/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 1 day) FRIDAY

Pingit 19/3 Refused 19/6 - ( 13 weeks 1 day ) FRIDAY Decision overturned 15/07 WEDNESDAY

TheFiend 20/3 granted 18/6 - (12 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

Jaja 20/3 granted 9/7 - (15 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

Pudsey 23/3 granted 10/7 - (15 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

Sumrit 24/3 Granted 26/6 - (13 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

Merangue 25/3 Granted 03/6 - (10 weeks) WEDNESDAY

Domm44 27/3 Granted 22/7- (16 Weeks 5 days)WEDNESDAY

Fluidfusion 27/3 Refused 03/06 - (13 weeks) WEDNESDAY

TickTock 30/3 Granted 19/6 - (11 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

George & Dragon 30/03 Refused 26/06 (12 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

Delboy 30/3 Granted 22/06 - (12 weeks 1 day) MONDAY


Borodave 01/4 Granted 24/6 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

JasonThai 02/4 Granted 25/6 - (12 weeks) THURSDAY

Mikeyp 03/4 granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

Mrburb 03/4 Granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

Feasantplukka 03/4 Granted 14/7 - (14 week 4 days) TUESDAY

Muaylaosfalang 03/4 Granted 26/6 (12 weeks) FRIDAY

Lerningcurve 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

Bigsy94 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

Kate46 (son) 08/4 Granted 22/7 - (15 WEEKS) WEDNESDAY

AndyJoy 08/4 Granted 21/7 (14 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

Marcjaiyenyen 08/4 (Applied in Jamaica) granted 7/7 (12 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

ExoticMatter 09/4 Granted 23/7 (15 weeks) THURSDAY

Dolphy 21/4 Granted 29/7 (14 weeks 1 day) WEDNESDAY

Scotland 22/4 Granted 24/07 (13weeks) FRIDAY

Jes5133 24/4 Granted 24/7 (13 Weeks) FRIDAY

Lee888 28/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week 1 Day) WEDNESDAY

CinnamonRoll 29/4 Granted 22/7 - (12 week) WEDNESDAY

Gena 29/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week) WEDNESDAY

Rolypies 29/4 Granted 10/6 - (6 weeks) (Special Case) WEDNESDAY

Castor83 29/4 Refused

TDM 30/4 Granted 24/7 (12 Weeks 1 Day) FRIDAY


Nelson111 04/5 Granted 23/7 (11 Weeks 4 Days) THURSDAY

Marky1600 05/05 Ganted 28/7 (12 Weeks) TUESDAY

Wayne Mcclymont 06/5

Alanr 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

Suprich 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

Buzby 11/5 Granted 27/7 (11 weeks) MONDAY

dean999 12/5 Interview 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days/rejected 6/8 (12 weeks 2 days) THURSDAY

Dont panic 13/05 Granted 29/07 (11 weeks) WEDNESDAY

Zim 13/5

True blue 14/5 Granted 27/7 (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

Spot 15/5 Granted 31/07 (11 weeks) FRIDAY

uaelaelil 20/5 Interview??????? 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days

Johnokk 25/5 Granted 04/8 (10 weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

moodysufc 26/5 Interview??????? 27/7 10 Weeks

Ade2007 29/5 ??????? 04/8 9 Weeks 4 Days

leefreight 29/05


Ajsp9 02/06 Granted 10/8 (9 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

Globaleyes 08/06 Courier Collected ??????? 17/8 10 Weeks MONDAY

Bukseeda 09/06

Hawkinsschris 19/06

Thongkorn 23/06


tjthai 2/07

simiUK 6/07

Jaggg88 14/07

Bananaman 30/07


learningcurve 13/08

Edited by tjthai
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