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We were refused and to say im devastated is an understatement as I sit at work waiting for Aom to fax over the letter of refusal notification, i'm at a loss to where it went wrong at this stage and numb to the core. I can only surmise its her previous imm history.

I'm finding this hard to deal with right now, and just pray that I have reasonable grounds for appeal.

pauly i am sorry to hear your news. i am devastated for you because i know what your going through. like i said ours is going in on friday and i just hope we are going to be ok but you never know. look on the positive side and remind yourself its a glitch. once you got the refusal letter strt a thread here and the main players will no doubt advise you what to regarding the appeal. all genuine cases normaly get approved on appeal and i am sure you will be ok.

good luck mate

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Thanks guys, I'm going to start a new thread and hopefully someone may help, its not an easyone i dont think as my darling wife has made a royal cock up re previous passports, although if i'm reading the rest correctly then the actual main reason appears to be that I didnt prove that my overdraft is an authorized one, easily sorted with a letter from my bank and a serious bit of saving up, ironically if i hadnt been shelling out thousands on the immigration stuff i'd be in credit, ahh well que cera cera..am worried about the previous passport issue tho.

I'm basing this on the fact that in the section 'The entry clearance officers decision' it seems to relate more to the issue of recourse to public funds which is quite ridiculous given its surely easily provable i have never once in my life sought these funds and im not about to srater now!

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It's been a while since I posted so here is a brief summary of my situation. Applied for settlement visa in April and I came back to the UK in May. My wife got refused (accomodation and my work). Got about 70 pages of evidence together and Appealed. Got a letter in September from Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in England saying 'Appeal was lodged on 17th August 2009, The Tribunal directs that you (the ECO) to send all the evidence of application etc back to the UK by December 7th.

As it's now the 1st of December I thought I would ring the embassy to see what was happening. The woman told me that the evidence had already been sent back to the UK and that it still hadn't been reviewed locally, the review should be done by the 20th December.. :D I then phoned the Tribunal office in the UK and they told me that they hadn't received the bundle yet, but it was common practice to sometimes send the bundle back to the UK before it had been reviewed....

Anyway, the 'December 7th' date which I have been clinging onto as a last hope seems to be meaningless... So do I sit and wait until the 20th and call the embassy again? Do I book a flight back to Thailand and spend Christmas, January and February with my wife in Thailand (assumming the application isn't overturned) and wait to hear when the UK tribunal date is before deciding whether to start a new application? Or do I freeze my arse off in the UK knowing that the visa will eventually be granted and everything will be ok?

I'm so sick of waiting and not being able to plan anything. It's been going on since April... :) and I feel like I'm going mad..

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We applied on the 26th november for a fiance settlement visa. Just checked emails yesterday and apparently a decision has already been made and the passport has been ready to collect since the 1st Dec (so much for the 75baht text message service). I wish I had checked my emails sooner as we could have gone to collect it earlier. Instead we have had to wait all weekend and I fly home to the UK tonight so he will have to go and pick up the passport himself.

My concern is how did they make the decision in only 2/3 working days, does this look bad? I handed in everything they asked for and more. The only potential problem may have been that we are planning to live with my parents, but they own a large 5 bedroom house and 2 of the rooms will still be unoccupied even when we move in, and we have lived here before when he visited twice before.

Aaarrggghh the stress and the waiting. He will be at the VAC office collecting his passport as I touch down at Gatwick on monday.

Has anyone else received a decision in such a short time, be it a positive or negative one?

Good luck to all in the same position.

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We applied on the 26th november for a fiance settlement visa. Just checked emails yesterday and apparently a decision has already been made and the passport has been ready to collect since the 1st Dec (so much for the 75baht text message service). I wish I had checked my emails sooner as we could have gone to collect it earlier. Instead we have had to wait all weekend and I fly home to the UK tonight so he will have to go and pick up the passport himself.

My concern is how did they make the decision in only 2/3 working days, does this look bad? I handed in everything they asked for and more. The only potential problem may have been that we are planning to live with my parents, but they own a large 5 bedroom house and 2 of the rooms will still be unoccupied even when we move in, and we have lived here before when he visited twice before.

Aaarrggghh the stress and the waiting. He will be at the VAC office collecting his passport as I touch down at Gatwick on monday.

THas anyone else received a decision in such a short time, be it a positive or negative one?

Good luck to all in the same position.

Before this years madness most straight forward settlement visa applications were processed within a week and, from memory, it had been that quick for at least two/three years. Two friends I helped when they're wives applied nearly three years ago both had they're visas in three days.

When my wife had her first visit visa around four years ago (when the VFS centre first opened) we put the application in on Monday morning then flew up to Chiang Mai the next day, on Tuesday. As we got off the plane the ECO phoned me to query something, then said 'that's fine then, you can collect the passport tomorrow (Wednesday)'. Now that WAS good service :). And for her her last visit visa nineteen months ago (I know it was a family problem and we had to fly quickly) we put the application in at one o'clock on the Monday lunchtime and somebody from the VFS centre actually phoned me at twelve the next day to tell me the visa was ready for collection and that she was phoning to give me enough time to collect it that afternoon. That was EXCELLENT service.

I've probably been one of their biggest, and most frustrated critics over the last few months but let's hope this means they're now getting back to the sort of times we used to see.

Good luck.

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It's been a while since I posted so here is a brief summary of my situation. Applied for settlement visa in April and I came back to the UK in May. My wife got refused (accomodation and my work). Got about 70 pages of evidence together and Appealed. Got a letter in September from Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in England saying 'Appeal was lodged on 17th August 2009, The Tribunal directs that you (the ECO) to send all the evidence of application etc back to the UK by December 7th.

As it's now the 1st of December I thought I would ring the embassy to see what was happening. The woman told me that the evidence had already been sent back to the UK and that it still hadn't been reviewed locally, the review should be done by the 20th December.. :D I then phoned the Tribunal office in the UK and they told me that they hadn't received the bundle yet, but it was common practice to sometimes send the bundle back to the UK before it had been reviewed....

Anyway, the 'December 7th' date which I have been clinging onto as a last hope seems to be meaningless... So do I sit and wait until the 20th and call the embassy again? Do I book a flight back to Thailand and spend Christmas, January and February with my wife in Thailand (assumming the application isn't overturned) and wait to hear when the UK tribunal date is before deciding whether to start a new application? Or do I freeze my arse off in the UK knowing that the visa will eventually be granted and everything will be ok?

I'm so sick of waiting and not being able to plan anything. It's been going on since April... :) and I feel like I'm going mad..

My GF's application was refused in August and somebody at the Embassy convinced her it would be better to apply again rather than appeal as this would be quicker. I jumped up and down screaming they just wanted more money from me but she convinced me otherwise. We re-applied on 27th October and it was granted in two weeks. I suspect re-applications are just checked on the area you fail. A more expensive option than appealing but am glad she talked me into it as we are now settled in the UK and planning our wedding in January. We both wish you the best of luck with your appeal Ridgydidge.

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We have the visa. Applied for on the 26th November and received on the 1st December. That was only 2 and a half working days. Is that a record. Im so pleased we can actually print the wedding invitations.

Thank you so much to eveyone who helped me out over the last few months especially 7by7 who always gave usefull advice. We really appreciate it.

Im off to celebrate !!!

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Guys - We have just recently got our settlement visa in 1 working day -

I would like to share my experience with you as I have gained so much from this board these past 10 months & I thought it was only fair I take time out to give something back.

First of all I would like to say a big thank you to both 7by7 and Sumrit who were both instrumental in setting up my wife’s settlement application. 7by7 has loads of knowledge and is a nice guy and Sumrit gave me some great pointers which I am eternally grateful for. Apologies if I ramble on a bit but I want to ensure everything is covered to help other BM

Ok here we go. Last Thursday 3rd December I went to the British Embassy to get my Affirmation to marry stamped which cost 3074 THB. As most of you probably know by now they have a 24 hour turn around but if you have mitigating circumstances which we did then they will do it there and then which is what happened to us. I dealt with an extremely efficient & professional Thai lady who works at the embassy who was also fluent in English her name is Porowan and if anyone else on here wants a quick turn around on their affirmations then email her prior to going to Thailand and I am sure she will help you. If anyone wants her details then email me and I will be happy to give you them.

The affirmation was legalized within 1 hour so I then headed off to the plaza opposite the embassy for the affirmation to be translated in to Thai. There was a very small office on the first floor run by a couple of young Thai girl’s who were helpful but did charge 350thb for their services. The translation took 40 minutes as they promised but whilst in the office I discussed my next steps which were to take the affirmation to the Thai Ministry of foreign affairs to be legalized. "Note they have now moved to the Laski district which is an hour from the British Embassy in a taxi".

The lady who translated my document told me they no longer offer the express same day service which would have caused us major problems because we had a 2.45 appointment the following day at regent house to submit the settlement visa application. I told her she may be wrong so she went to their website which indeed confirmed what she had told me. I was not going to take no for an answer so i called the Thai MFA and spoke to a Thai gentleman called Anon who was understanding and said not to worry he will arrange for the express service if I come very early Friday morning. I took his details and Friday morning we headed off at 8am to the Thai MFA.

For those of you that have not been before you need the Thai consular section and not the immigration section which is where we were told to go. We spoke to a very rude Thai lady in immigration who told us to complete a visa form. I told the Mrs that this form was for a visa for farang and not what we needed. After a long period of convincing her and the time now being 9.30am I was getting anxious. We then spoke to a security guard who told us that the consular was a 30 minute walk the other side of the site. We jumped on 2 motorbike taxis who both charged different fares which I will not go into that right now.

We finally arrived at the MFA who are based on the firstor 2nd floor i cant quite remember now. When we arrived the lady on the front counter told us we could not do the legalization today as it’s too busy. I told her I had already spoken to someone called anon who had agreed they could do it. I was then ushered in to the supervisor’s room where I met the guy I spoken to 24 hrs prior. He was a very nice chap who signed my paperwork and told me to go back to the counter and show the lady that turned us away that he had signed our form. She was not happy but agreed for this request so we got a ticket and waited just 2 minutes before being called to the counter. I gave my 800thb fee and was told to come back in 2 hours.

We had some food downstairs chatted for an hour then I decided to copy every single item in my application folder which was over 100 pages. By the time this was done 1hr 30 had passed and I went upstairs to see if our affirmation document had been signed which it had.

We then raced off to the Laski Amphur 5 minutes up the road to get married. When we arrived it was dead quiet so I was hopeful of a quick turnaround which was not to be. My Mrs had forgotten her Tabien Baan (House Registration) which meant they could not marry us. I was very pi$$ed off with her but as we all know the mai ben rai attitude come into it with her so I kept quiet. I was just thinking all that running around and preparation would have gone out of the window unless we married now. We sat there contemplating our next move when another lady called us forward and spoke to my wife. They decided if she had her id card with her then we could marry as they were able to produce a temporary Tabien Baan. My wife then went to another department to get this done and whilst she was gone I was asked to sign five documents which I had no idea what I was signing it could have been anything. It was the start of the marriage process which surprised me as Thais don’t normally plan ahead. Loads more happened whilst there including the chief officer who asked me to pay 3000 Baht for her to witness the signing of the marriage Certificates but I won’t go into right now but within one and a half hours we were married.

We then jumped in another taxi and then headed off to Regent House where we arrived with a few minutes to spare. The wife took the 7 kilos of evidence in with her and was in there from 2.15pm until 3.30pm. By the way you are not allowed in there with your wife they have to go alone. I was beginning to think there was a problem but the friendly guard told me it had been a very busy day in there today even though it did not look busy. She finally came out 3.40pm and said they asked her who had put together the application / evidence. She said she had the husband and they asked no more questions. They said that the application would not get looked at until Tuesday as they were closed sat/sun and with Monday being the king’s birthday celebrations. We paid the 75thb for the sms updates and with an hour we got the first sms at 16:40 saying the evidence had been submitted to the British Embassy.

Tuesday was quiet as expected but by Wednesday 9.20am we got the second SMS saying that the application had been processed and was ready to be collected. I thought the worst and then started to have panic attacks. We talked all day about it and my wife said let’s wait until tomorrow and see what’s happened. So Wednesday 10pm we took the 7hours bus ride from north Thailand and arrived at Morchit bus station. We had a coffee and I was a bloody mess. I got myself all worked up again and said let’s just head to Regent House. It was just 6am and my wive said don’t be ridiculous let’s go to the market. So we went to China town for a bit then got in to another taxi where the driver told us today was a bank holiday and all government offices were closed. I could not believe it and was pi$$ed off again with the wife and the stress was getting me down. We finally got to regent house at 8am and saw another farang outside with his Thai partner, there was a also a Thai guard sitting there too. He told my wife they were open which was a relief.

We sat outside the office until they opened but the guard said we could not collect the paperwork until 9am as all pickups are in the safe and locked until the safe officer arrives. The officer did arrive about 9am so the wife was ushered in and returned in just 2 minutes with the envelope. Normally its’ an A4 sized one but this was a small long envelope just big enough to hold her passport. We agreed we would open it downstairs where it was quiet but before we even got down the first flight of stairs we had opened it.

Bugger me she got the settlement visa......................12 months preparation was the key coupled with advice from fellow BM here at thaivisa.com.

Sorry for rambling on guys I just wanted to share our story and hope some of it will help others. If anyone else would like to see what evidence i submitted i created an index which I would be happy to upload it on here so please ask..


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Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jack. Only one day, that must have been some pretty good advise :D :D :D

Seriously, I'm pleased everything worked out for you, it shows that if you do your homework and spend some time preparing everything first and try to cover all the angles it pays off, and it's nice to see that waiting times are back to what they were a year ago, these past few months has been a nightmare with all the delays. And thanks for the mention, I try to give advise from my experiences over the years while 7by7 must have one of the biggest data bases going. It doesn't matter what somebody asks he has a link to a web page with the answer :).

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Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jack. Only one day, that must have been some pretty good advise :D:D:D

Seriously, I'm pleased everything worked out for you, it shows that if you do your homework and spend some time preparing everything first and try to cover all the angles it pays off, and it's nice to see that waiting times are back to what they were a year ago, these past few months has been a nightmare with all the delays. And thanks for the mention, I try to give advise from my experiences over the years while 7by7 must have one of the biggest data bases going. It doesn't matter what somebody asks he has a link to a web page with the answer :) .

no worries i could not have done it without your help i just hope i can help others. happy to upload my index to give people an idea of what an over kill is ? lol

one question for you sumrit or 7by7...my thai wife and 3 month old daughter want to fly to uk this week however she only has the uk passport which was obtained in bangkok. i did not have time to make her thai passport when i was there. even though she does not ahve an entry stamp will she be ok leaving bangkok on the uk passport. i found just one thread on the web and someone said if youc an show the baby birth certificate to show she was born in thailand then its not an issue. any ideas?

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Wow 2,650 posts!!

In March I remember starting this topic with a heavy, weary heart and an application pending with the Embassy. It took around 10 weeks back then, so it seems like whatever the issues the Embassy were having are resolved now as some of you are getting 2-3 day turnarounds? wow thats good.

As for us we got married in August joined by my family and my wife's sister and mum. It was a lovely day. We now have a little girl on the way and she will be due on March 2010 which ironically is almost a year onwards from when we had that trip of traipsing around Bangkok visiting officials to get documents stamped and translated, permissions to marry granted, TB scans carried out with me constantly moaning about everyone ripping me off and my better half patiently telling me 'jai yen yen, jai yen yen' :)

So anyone who has all this ahead of them or is mid application you have my best wishes. It can be tough but well worth it in the end. Myself and my other half look back on that very difficult period of having 'our lives in someones else's hands' and we see it as a challenge that ultimately made us closer and stronger. The words of Nietzsche comes to mind 'What does not destroy us, makes us stronger'.

Best of luck to you all and hello to those I met through this thread.

Edited by tlusername
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Cheers TJTHAI.

Too be honest i was shocked myself and i could not have done it without the help from the boys on here.

so thanks again guys


Well Done you're a lucky man!! I'm still waiting over 3 months for the initial decision to be overturned by the ECO (7 months in total). It looks like appealing is a waste of time and money. I should have sucked it up and paid the 500 quide visa fee again instead. Let this be a lesson to anyone else thinking of appealing. :)

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That is a matter of opinion; but one thing to bear in mind is that a second application will also be refused unless you deal with each and every point of the original refusal to the ECO's satisfaction.

Depending on the reasons for the original refusal, an appeal may be the only option.

There is no reason, however, while a new application cannot be submitted pending the appeal of the original refusal. Then whichever one came through first, you would simply withdraw the other one. Remember, though, that if you did this and withdrew the second application then you would lose that fee.

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wow seems the embassy is back to the turn around times we enjoyed back in 2003/2004 when we applied for my husbands SV. Great news for all those applying now but super frustrating I'd imagine for those who endured the 11+ weeks of waiting that was average for applications in early 2009. :)

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:D Just an update. :)

Had a call from Embassy - My stepdaughter has just had her visa overturned :D

A perfect Xmas pressie.

Been having communications with our MP and it seems to have done the trick!

Exactly 6 months since the online application went in.

What a relief....hope she's ready for the weather :D

Thanks to everyone for their support and words of encouragement over the past months.

The very best of luck to those still waiting.


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<br /><img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/burp.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="burp.gif" /> Just an update. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/partytime2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="partytime2.gif" /> <br /><br />Had a call from Embassy - My stepdaughter has just had her visa overturned <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> <br /><br />A perfect Xmas pressie.<br /><br />Been having communications with our MP and it seems to have done the trick!<br /><br />Exactly 6 months since the online application went in.<br /><br />What a relief....hope she's ready for the weather <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> <br /><br />Thanks to everyone for their support and words of encouragement over the past months.<br /><br /><br />The very best of luck to those still waiting.<br /><br />TJ<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I remember your story and how devastated you were to have your stepdaughter's visa refused for completely spurious reasons, so I am glad to be the first to congratulate you after such a long wait.

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Guys - We have just recently got our settlement visa in 1 working day -

I would like to share my experience with you as I have gained so much from this board these past 10 months & I thought it was only fair I take time out to give something back.

First of all I would like to say a big thank you to both 7by7 and Sumrit who were both instrumental in setting up my wife’s settlement application. 7by7 has loads of knowledge and is a nice guy and Sumrit gave me some great pointers which I am eternally grateful for. Apologies if I ramble on a bit but I want to ensure everything is covered to help other BM

Ok here we go. Last Thursday 3rd December I went to the British Embassy to get my Affirmation to marry stamped which cost 3074 THB. As most of you probably know by now they have a 24 hour turn around but if you have mitigating circumstances which we did then they will do it there and then which is what happened to us. I dealt with an extremely efficient & professional Thai lady who works at the embassy who was also fluent in English her name is Porowan and if anyone else on here wants a quick turn around on their affirmations then email her prior to going to Thailand and I am sure she will help you. If anyone wants her details then email me and I will be happy to give you them.

The affirmation was legalized within 1 hour so I then headed off to the plaza opposite the embassy for the affirmation to be translated in to Thai. There was a very small office on the first floor run by a couple of young Thai girl’s who were helpful but did charge 350thb for their services. The translation took 40 minutes as they promised but whilst in the office I discussed my next steps which were to take the affirmation to the Thai Ministry of foreign affairs to be legalized. "Note they have now moved to the Laski district which is an hour from the British Embassy in a taxi".

The lady who translated my document told me they no longer offer the express same day service which would have caused us major problems because we had a 2.45 appointment the following day at regent house to submit the settlement visa application. I told her she may be wrong so she went to their website which indeed confirmed what she had told me. I was not going to take no for an answer so i called the Thai MFA and spoke to a Thai gentleman called Anon who was understanding and said not to worry he will arrange for the express service if I come very early Friday morning. I took his details and Friday morning we headed off at 8am to the Thai MFA.

For those of you that have not been before you need the Thai consular section and not the immigration section which is where we were told to go. We spoke to a very rude Thai lady in immigration who told us to complete a visa form. I told the Mrs that this form was for a visa for farang and not what we needed. After a long period of convincing her and the time now being 9.30am I was getting anxious. We then spoke to a security guard who told us that the consular was a 30 minute walk the other side of the site. We jumped on 2 motorbike taxis who both charged different fares which I will not go into that right now.

We finally arrived at the MFA who are based on the firstor 2nd floor i cant quite remember now. When we arrived the lady on the front counter told us we could not do the legalization today as it’s too busy. I told her I had already spoken to someone called anon who had agreed they could do it. I was then ushered in to the supervisor’s room where I met the guy I spoken to 24 hrs prior. He was a very nice chap who signed my paperwork and told me to go back to the counter and show the lady that turned us away that he had signed our form. She was not happy but agreed for this request so we got a ticket and waited just 2 minutes before being called to the counter. I gave my 800thb fee and was told to come back in 2 hours.

We had some food downstairs chatted for an hour then I decided to copy every single item in my application folder which was over 100 pages. By the time this was done 1hr 30 had passed and I went upstairs to see if our affirmation document had been signed which it had.

We then raced off to the Laski Amphur 5 minutes up the road to get married. When we arrived it was dead quiet so I was hopeful of a quick turnaround which was not to be. My Mrs had forgotten her Tabien Baan (House Registration) which meant they could not marry us. I was very pi$$ed off with her but as we all know the mai ben rai attitude come into it with her so I kept quiet. I was just thinking all that running around and preparation would have gone out of the window unless we married now. We sat there contemplating our next move when another lady called us forward and spoke to my wife. They decided if she had her id card with her then we could marry as they were able to produce a temporary Tabien Baan. My wife then went to another department to get this done and whilst she was gone I was asked to sign five documents which I had no idea what I was signing it could have been anything. It was the start of the marriage process which surprised me as Thais don’t normally plan ahead. Loads more happened whilst there including the chief officer who asked me to pay 3000 Baht for her to witness the signing of the marriage Certificates but I won’t go into right now but within one and a half hours we were married.

We then jumped in another taxi and then headed off to Regent House where we arrived with a few minutes to spare. The wife took the 7 kilos of evidence in with her and was in there from 2.15pm until 3.30pm. By the way you are not allowed in there with your wife they have to go alone. I was beginning to think there was a problem but the friendly guard told me it had been a very busy day in there today even though it did not look busy. She finally came out 3.40pm and said they asked her who had put together the application / evidence. She said she had the husband and they asked no more questions. They said that the application would not get looked at until Tuesday as they were closed sat/sun and with Monday being the king’s birthday celebrations. We paid the 75thb for the sms updates and with an hour we got the first sms at 16:40 saying the evidence had been submitted to the British Embassy.

Tuesday was quiet as expected but by Wednesday 9.20am we got the second SMS saying that the application had been processed and was ready to be collected. I thought the worst and then started to have panic attacks. We talked all day about it and my wife said let’s wait until tomorrow and see what’s happened. So Wednesday 10pm we took the 7hours bus ride from north Thailand and arrived at Morchit bus station. We had a coffee and I was a bloody mess. I got myself all worked up again and said let’s just head to Regent House. It was just 6am and my wive said don’t be ridiculous let’s go to the market. So we went to China town for a bit then got in to another taxi where the driver told us today was a bank holiday and all government offices were closed. I could not believe it and was pi$$ed off again with the wife and the stress was getting me down. We finally got to regent house at 8am and saw another farang outside with his Thai partner, there was a also a Thai guard sitting there too. He told my wife they were open which was a relief.

We sat outside the office until they opened but the guard said we could not collect the paperwork until 9am as all pickups are in the safe and locked until the safe officer arrives. The officer did arrive about 9am so the wife was ushered in and returned in just 2 minutes with the envelope. Normally its’ an A4 sized one but this was a small long envelope just big enough to hold her passport. We agreed we would open it downstairs where it was quiet but before we even got down the first flight of stairs we had opened it.

Bugger me she got the settlement visa......................12 months preparation was the key coupled with advice from fellow BM here at thaivisa.com.

Sorry for rambling on guys I just wanted to share our story and hope some of it will help others. If anyone else would like to see what evidence i submitted i created an index which I would be happy to upload it on here so please ask..


incredible 1 day congrats brings back memories your story,we had to twiddle are thumbs for nearly 3 months,seems years away them days something got sorted out at that embassey,all for the better

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Sorry for rambling on guys I just wanted to share our story and hope some of it will help others. If anyone else would like to see what evidence i submitted i created an index which I would be happy to upload it on here so please ask..

Congratulations, 1 day that is incredible given the previous lengths people have been waiting before and is very encouraging for us when we get to make our application. Don't know about others but I would be very grateful to see the index of what you submitted.


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Sorry for rambling on guys I just wanted to share our story and hope some of it will help others. If anyone else would like to see what evidence i submitted i created an index which I would be happy to upload it on here so please ask..

Congratulations, 1 day that is incredible given the previous lengths people have been waiting before and is very encouraging for us when we get to make our application. Don't know about others but I would be very grateful to see the index of what you submitted.


hi martin

give me your email address mate and i will forward you a copy of my index. its pretty exhaustive but i wanted to make it water tight

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Sorry for rambling on guys I just wanted to share our story and hope some of it will help others. If anyone else would like to see what evidence i submitted i created an index which I would be happy to upload it on here so please ask..

Congratulations, 1 day that is incredible given the previous lengths people have been waiting before and is very encouraging for us when we get to make our application. Don't know about others but I would be very grateful to see the index of what you submitted.


hi martin

give me your email address mate and i will forward you a copy of my index. its pretty exhaustive but i wanted to make it water tight

have just emailed you the index mate

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Guys - We have just recently got our settlement visa in 1 working day -

First of all congratulations to both of you. I wish it was that easy for everyone. I seem to be the only british female wanting my Thai husband to come to the UK. I'm interested in the index that you produced to the embassy, could you email them to me at (e-mail address removed; please use PM instead; 7by7)


Edited by 7by7
Unnecessary quotes from previous posts removed. Duplicate post removed. E-mail address removed, publishing e-mail address on a public forum is not a good idea.
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Guys - We have just recently got our settlement visa in 1 working day -

First of all congratulations to both of you. I wish it was that easy for everyone. I seem to be the only british female wanting my Thai husband to come to the UK. I'm interested in the index that you produced to the embassy, could you email them to me at (e-mail address removed; please use PM instead; 7by7)


hi 7by7

can i post it on here because i have ahd many requests for the index



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Guys - We have just recently got our settlement visa in 1 working day -

First of all congratulations to both of you. I wish it was that easy for everyone. I seem to be the only british female wanting my Thai husband to come to the UK. I'm interested in the index that you produced to the embassy, could you email them to me at (e-mail address removed; please use PM instead; 7by7)


hi 7by7

can i post it on here because i have ahd many requests for the index



Would be really helpfull if you could please.....

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