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A few recent threads where tatoos have come up for ridicule have resulted in me opening this thread. For some reason, known only to themselves, some TV members seem to associate tatoos with bald, fat hooligans who laze aroung drinking and womanising before seeking a victim to bash. It seems to me that people with tatoos are like everyone else, there are good and bad, educated and uneducated, employed and unemployed etc.. Whilst I don't feel personally aggrieved with this tatoo bashing, I feel the need to explain to those people who constantly attach negative lables to people with tatoos.

I am 57 this year and have had tatoos for 40 years, the most recent was obtained in Kanchanaburi last year. I have five tertiary qualifications, have never been unemployed, have no criminal record. Am an active volunteer in the veteran community in Australia and am generally considered a pretty good bloke.

Those of you that rush to stereotype people with tattos should wake up and smell the roses, it is not the tatoo that makes someone a hooligan it is their behaviour. Next time you meet someone with tatoos please don't assume they are an A@@hole. Bring on the flames.

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No problem with tattoos. I know some very beautiful and sexy Thai ladies with tattoos. Some educated, some not so. Never violent and all hard working :o

As to Caucasian men, agree it is not the tattoo that makes a bad man, though for many decades tattoos have been seen as an icon of thugs and once thoughts like that are ingrained into peoples psyche, they are hard to alter.

A few recent threads where tatoos have come up for ridicule have resulted in me opening this thread. For some reason, known only to themselves, some TV members seem to associate tatoos with bald, fat hooligans who laze aroung drinking and womanising before seeking a victim to bash. It seems to me that people with tatoos are like everyone else, there are good and bad, educated and uneducated, employed and unemployed etc.. Whilst I don't feel personally aggrieved with this tatoo bashing, I feel the need to explain to those people who constantly attach negative lables to people with tatoos.

I am 57 this year and have had tatoos for 40 years, the most recent was obtained in Kanchanaburi last year. I have five tertiary qualifications, have never been unemployed, have no criminal record. Am an active volunteer in the veteran community in Australia and am generally considered a pretty good bloke.

Those of you that rush to stereotype people with tattos should wake up and smell the roses, it is not the tatoo that makes someone a hooligan it is their behaviour. Next time you meet someone with tatoos please don't assume they are an A@@hole. Bring on the flames.

Well said. I have tatoos and I am not a hooligan, i think men with Tatoos look more sexy as well :o


if a sexy lady from around these parts has one - it's called a tramp stamp?

if a not so sexy farang hanging around these parts has one - it's called a sailors re-mark?

very confusing.

Well said. I have tatoos and I am not a hooligan, i think men with Tatoos look more sexy as well :o

<-----------pattaya_girl, glad that you think I am sexy as well! :D

I am certainly no hooligan!

Good post midasthailand, good profile as well.


There is nothing wrong with Tatoos, in fact I have 5, but they are easily hidden, and no one that I work with would know that I have them. I have a reasonable education - postgraduate and I have a decent enough job. I am certainly not a hooligan, lowlife or criminal, so I guess it's just the self righteous who seem to have an issue about it.


If you stick a message on your body why would you then not expect people to read it and draw conclusions from it?

It begs the question, does having a tattoo condemn an individual to being stuck defending the adolescent argument that image does not matter.

If you stick a message on your body why would you then not expect people to read it and draw conclusions from it?

It begs the question, does having a tattoo condemn an individual to being stuck defending the adolescent argument that image does not matter.

It depends on where that tatoo is, doesn't it? I guess if you had a swatika on your forhead, or a phalic symbol on your forearm people may interpret something from it. Pretty much like some of the other tatoos like doves on neck, love and hate on knuckles and teardrops on cheek, then of course people are likely to be judgemental.

I know plenty of people with excellent jobs and credentails that have tatoos, it's just that they are often not visable.

I know plenty of people with excellent jobs and credentails that have tatoos, it's just that they are often not visable.

Well what is that if it is not evidence that having a Tattoo does matter - or at least having it on show.

A tattoo is a statement and people will read it if they see it. If not and image was not an issue then we'd have less of this 'I've got tattoos but not where they are on show'.


OK, a little non-PC talk here. Of course all kinds of people get tattoos. They also have different meanings in different cultures.

HOWEVER, there are probably a disproportionate percentage of people with tats who are:

-- lower economic stratas

-- sailors

-- prisoners/ex-prisoners

-- gang bangers

I recently saw an excellent film about the tattoo culture among prisoners in Russia. Note the film was not about the tattoo culture of Russian corporate board members.

I am certainly not obsessed with tats. In fact the opposite, I would rather not look at them.


People who make generalized judgment against tattooed persons are the same small minded twits that would judge a person on;

- Their Clothes

- Their House

- Their Car

- The school their children attend

et al.. they are in their own sterilized version of reality, and should stay there, far away from me!

Oz (3 Tatts)

OK, a little non-PC talk here. Of course all kinds of people get tattoos. They also have different meanings in different cultures.

HOWEVER, there are probably a disproportionate percentage of people with tats who are:

-- lower economic stratas

-- sailors

-- prisoners/ex-prisoners

-- gang bangers

I recently saw an excellent film about the tattoo culture among prisoners in Russia. Note the film was not about the tattoo culture of Russian corporate board members.

I am certainly not obsessed with tats. In fact the opposite, I would rather not look at them.

Ouch!! thanks for lumping sailors in with the other three! Your list is a little restricted to suit your argument. What about Entertainers / Movie stars / Musicians (not classical) Truck drivers Et Al.

what's the major difference between this thread and the other one that was running?

Well James, if you can't tell the difference it is unlikely that we would be able to explain it to you. If you don't like the thread go back to the off topic thread. (as your post is off topic!)

People who make generalized judgment against tattooed persons are the same small minded twits that would judge a person on;

- Their Clothes

- Their House

- Their Car

- The school their children attend

et al.. they are in their own sterilized version of reality, and should stay there, far away from me!

Oz (3 Tatts)

How apt that your post should follow JT's, you missed a few on your list too,

Their sexual orientation

Their religion

Their race

Their fashion sense

Their hair length and on and on

what's the major difference between this thread and the other one that was running?

Well James, if you can't tell the difference it is unlikely that we would be able to explain it to you. If you don't like the thread go back to the off topic thread. (as your post is off topic!)

don't mean to be a prick midas, but the other thread i speak of is just the same as this with a different title more or less.

"I know many an oil worker engineer who makes good money - and has tattoos"

"Tattoos make you look like a bum"

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

"Tattoos give off a bad impression"

and so on and so...

If you want to talk about off topic - tell me then, what the heck does this have to do with Thailand?

Well said. I have tatoos and I am not a hooligan, i think men with Tatoos look more sexy as well :D

<-----------pattaya_girl, glad that you think I am sexy as well! :D

I am certainly no hooligan!

Good post midasthailand, good profile as well.

Thanks for the profile plug. i have stopped bothering to look at people's profiles these days as nobody puts any info on them. Stuffed if I know why? :o


Doing a quick count it appears that most people who admit to having tattoos, can't spell the word "tattoo" (variously "tatoo" and "tatto"), whereas those who say they don't have one spell it correctly. Interesting!

OK, a little non-PC talk here. Of course all kinds of people get tattoos. They also have different meanings in different cultures.

HOWEVER, there are probably a disproportionate percentage of people with tats who are:

-- lower economic stratas

-- sailors

-- prisoners/ex-prisoners

-- gang bangers

I recently saw an excellent film about the tattoo culture among prisoners in Russia. Note the film was not about the tattoo culture of Russian corporate board members.

I am certainly not obsessed with tats. In fact the opposite, I would rather not look at them.

That would have been 50 years ago. If you would come to the Southern beach destinations, you could see, that almost every second male has at least on - fashion.


No visible tattoos on this b@st@d.


I guess the holy joe brigade would classify him as an okay guy.

Personally I tend to reserve judgement until I either meet the person or maybe see some incontravertable evidence one way or another. Even then it's no guarantee as the scumbag above demonstrates as he managed to live within society without raising suspicions.

I have no tattoos and my friends consist of some with and some without - no problems, no worries, no predujice.

Funny the remark about a local girl having a tattoo that is thus termed a "tramp stamp". There are some very well qualified ladies who have fashionable "tramp stamps" that would take offence to the remark. Funny what a difference a change in skin shade can make. Racist? Us? No way!

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