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2009 Formula One Season

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Massa's doctor on the BBC this morning said that, Massa could see out of his left eye. He didn't elaborate however, so how much he can see is not known. He was able to tell left from right.

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At the moment I think Hamilton has proven his detractors right - at the beginning of the season in a poor car he performed badly. Given a race winning car once again, he drove very well. Early days though - hopefully he will have learnt from the experience of driving a poor car and be more capable in this situation in the future. We'll see......

You would have thought that coming to within one point of the Championship in his debut year and winning it the following would have proved something - but for his detractors it didn't - so what does it mean if his detractors now say that his start to this season proves the driver he is? Little in my opinion, because like me they are obviously not commenting from a neutral perspective.

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At the moment I think Hamilton has proven his detractors right - at the beginning of the season in a poor car he performed badly. Given a race winning car once again, he drove very well. Early days though - hopefully he will have learnt from the experience of driving a poor car and be more capable in this situation in the future. We'll see......

You would have thought that coming to within one point of the Championship in his debut year and winning it the following would have proved something - but for his detractors it didn't - so what does it mean if his detractors now say that his start to this season proves the driver he is? Little in my opinion, because like me they are obviously not commenting from a neutral perspective.

He was 'mentored' by McLaren for many years and then stepped into the best car on the grid! To improve his chances even further, McLaren made it v clear at the end of the season that they were supporting Hamilton - not Alonso ("we're racing Alonso"!!!) Alonso on the other hand, didn't know the McLaren car, so performed 'under-par' in his first year there - as do most drivers in their first year in a new car, plus - he lost the teams support at the end of the season (entirely his own fault).

McLaren should have won in 2007, but Alonso and Hamilton took points off each other (and the feud at the end of the season worsened the situation), and allowed Kimi to get the WDC in the second best team car on the grid.

Hamilton won the WDC in 2008 in (arguably) the best car on the grid. Even if Ferrari and McLaren shared the honours for the best car overall, it had to be a toss-up between the 3 drivers (forget Heikki!). The exciting last race could have gone either way between Massa and Hamilton - it was incredibly close to put it mildly!

The point is that for those first two years Hamilton had either the best car or at least one of the two top cars on the grid. There was no excuse for not being at the top of the WDC (hence all the criticism thrown at Heikki!). Once he had a poor car (this season), he performed badly.

I don't agree that his detractors are not commenting from a neutral perspective, I think his fans are guilty of this sin!

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He was 'mentored' by McLaren for many years and then stepped into the best car on the grid! To improve his chances even further, McLaren made it v clear at the end of the season that they were supporting Hamilton - not Alonso ("we're racing Alonso"!!!) Alonso on the other hand, didn't know the McLaren car, so performed 'under-par' in his first year there - as do most drivers in their first year in a new car, plus - he lost the teams support at the end of the season (entirely his own fault).

McLaren should have won in 2007, but Alonso and Hamilton took points off each other (and the feud at the end of the season worsened the situation), and allowed Kimi to get the WDC in the second best team car on the grid.

Hamilton won the WDC in 2008 in (arguably) the best car on the grid. Even if Ferrari and McLaren shared the honours for the best car overall, it had to be a toss-up between the 3 drivers (forget Heikki!). The exciting last race could have gone either way between Massa and Hamilton - it was incredibly close to put it mildly!

The point is that for those first two years Hamilton had either the best car or at least one of the two top cars on the grid. There was no excuse for not being at the top of the WDC (hence all the criticism thrown at Heikki!). Once he had a poor car (this season), he performed badly.

I don't agree that his detractors are not commenting from a neutral perspective, I think his fans are guilty of this sin!

All this goes back to the debate about drivers and cars, and the importance of both. Good drivers need good cars, and vice versa. It's a two way thing.

The person who wins the Driver's Championship is the one either driving the best car on the grid, or the second best car. And if they are driving the second best car, they have only been able to win because the driver in the best car wasted oppurtunities or isn't that good. That's the case every year. No different when Lewis won and no different when Schumacher, Senna or Prost were winning. They were all either in the best car or something very close to it.

As for the neutral perspective thing, i already accepted that i am not neutral - but that said i do acknowledge talent whoever it might be, even if i don't like the driver. I didn't like Schumacher as an individual and as a person but i accept that he was the greatest driver of his time. I also don't like Alonso but recognise him as being a driver with great natural talent.

I think a lot of Lewis' detractors are simply people who don't like him as a person - that's fine, i understand that, but to deny what he has achieved and to not see the exciting talent he possesses shows their bias all too clearly IMO.

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At the moment I think Hamilton has proven his detractors right - at the beginning of the season in a poor car he performed badly. Given a race winning car once again, he drove very well. Early days though - hopefully he will have learnt from the experience of driving a poor car and be more capable in this situation in the future. We'll see......

You would have thought that coming to within one point of the Championship in his debut year and winning it the following would have proved something - but for his detractors it didn't - so what does it mean if his detractors now say that his start to this season proves the driver he is? Little in my opinion, because like me they are obviously not commenting from a neutral perspective.

He was 'mentored' by McLaren for many years and then stepped into the best car on the grid! To improve his chances even further, McLaren made it v clear at the end of the season that they were supporting Hamilton - not Alonso ("we're racing Alonso"!!!) Alonso on the other hand, didn't know the McLaren car, so performed 'under-par' in his first year there - as do most drivers in their first year in a new car, plus - he lost the teams support at the end of the season (entirely his own fault).

McLaren should have won in 2007, but Alonso and Hamilton took points off each other (and the feud at the end of the season worsened the situation), and allowed Kimi to get the WDC in the second best team car on the grid.

Hamilton won the WDC in 2008 in (arguably) the best car on the grid. Even if Ferrari and McLaren shared the honours for the best car overall, it had to be a toss-up between the 3 drivers (forget Heikki!). The exciting last race could have gone either way between Massa and Hamilton - it was incredibly close to put it mildly!

The point is that for those first two years Hamilton had either the best car or at least one of the two top cars on the grid. There was no excuse for not being at the top of the WDC (hence all the criticism thrown at Heikki!). Once he had a poor car (this season), he performed badly.

I don't agree that his detractors are not commenting from a neutral perspective, I think his fans are guilty of this sin!

I agree with your statement on Lewis and being mentored by Maclaren, at least thats how I see it, my dislike of him has absolutely nothing to do with his undoubted talent as I really believe him to be amongst the top 3/4 drivers, his driving style does put other drivers at risk occassionally but as a brit I had been hoping we had at last found a true contender but it was his totally uncalled for comment about the monkeys at the back that turned me against him, at the end of the day most of the back markers have been driving uncompetative cars, just like Lewis at the start of this season.

One thing I have always maintained is that if your not in the top two cars you have very little chance, for instance take Jenson and Mark both been driving for a number of yrs and neither exactly covering themselves in glory, now they have a far more competetive car things have changed a bit, all of a sudden Lewis car is again performing well, I believe that most F1 drivers given a very good car could win the WDC. with the possible exception of Kovi. :) .

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He was 'mentored' by McLaren for many years and then stepped into the best car on the grid! To improve his chances even further, McLaren made it v clear at the end of the season that they were supporting Hamilton - not Alonso ("we're racing Alonso"!!!) Alonso on the other hand, didn't know the McLaren car, so performed 'under-par' in his first year there - as do most drivers in their first year in a new car, plus - he lost the teams support at the end of the season (entirely his own fault).

McLaren should have won in 2007, but Alonso and Hamilton took points off each other (and the feud at the end of the season worsened the situation), and allowed Kimi to get the WDC in the second best team car on the grid.

Hamilton won the WDC in 2008 in (arguably) the best car on the grid. Even if Ferrari and McLaren shared the honours for the best car overall, it had to be a toss-up between the 3 drivers (forget Heikki!). The exciting last race could have gone either way between Massa and Hamilton - it was incredibly close to put it mildly!

The point is that for those first two years Hamilton had either the best car or at least one of the two top cars on the grid. There was no excuse for not being at the top of the WDC (hence all the criticism thrown at Heikki!). Once he had a poor car (this season), he performed badly.

I don't agree that his detractors are not commenting from a neutral perspective, I think his fans are guilty of this sin!

All this goes back to the debate about drivers and cars, and the importance of both. Good drivers need good cars, and vice versa. It's a two way thing.

The person who wins the Driver's Championship is the one either driving the best car on the grid, or the second best car. And if they are driving the second best car, they have only been able to win because the driver in the best car wasted oppurtunities or isn't that good. That's the case every year. No different when Lewis won and no different when Schumacher, Senna or Prost were winning. They were all either in the best car or something very close to it.

As for the neutral perspective thing, i already accepted that i am not neutral - but that said i do acknowledge talent whoever it might be, even if i don't like the driver. I didn't like Schumacher as an individual and as a person but i accept that he was the greatest driver of his time. I also don't like Alonso but recognise him as being a driver with great natural talent.

I think a lot of Lewis' detractors are simply people who don't like him as a person - that's fine, i understand that, but to deny what he has achieved and to not see the exciting talent he possesses shows their bias all too clearly IMO.

Have to admit that I don't like Hamilton 'cos of his personality and hype.

I'm hopeful however, that this season will have taught him some humility and made him realise that his earlier success was down to the car as much as him.

Since Schumi's retirement I've been looking for a driver to support, so I genuinely hope that Hamilton improves his driving (in a poor car) and loses his arrogance, as I'm looking for a driver to support that I believe is genuinely far superior than his rivals (whatever they're driving) and a decent person.

At the moment I'm wondering whether Vettel, Rosberg or Hamilton may fit the bill, but I've seen nothing yet to impress me enough.

As far as having the best, or second best car to win a WDC is concerned, I agree - but (and I could be wrong - it was a long time ago!), I seem to recall that Schumi didn't have the best or second best car when he won the championship in 1994. He also consistently got a higher placing in the WDC than the car deserved when in a poor car (thinking of the early Ferrari days and 2005).

Edited by F1fanatic
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I agree with your statement on Lewis and being mentored by Maclaren, at least thats how I see it, my dislike of him has absolutely nothing to do with his undoubted talent as I really believe him to be amongst the top 3/4 drivers, his driving style does put other drivers at risk occassionally but as a brit I had been hoping we had at last found a true contender but it was his totally uncalled for comment about the monkeys at the back that turned me against him, at the end of the day most of the back markers have been driving uncompetative cars, just like Lewis at the start of this season.

One thing I have always maintained is that if your not in the top two cars you have very little chance, for instance take Jenson and Mark both been driving for a number of yrs and neither exactly covering themselves in glory, now they have a far more competetive car things have changed a bit, all of a sudden Lewis car is again performing well, I believe that most F1 drivers given a very good car could win the WDC. with the possible exception of Kovi. :) .

Good post wacky.

Please elaborate on the comment you say Lewis made about monkeys at the back. I'm interested.

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Have to admit that I don't like Hamilton 'cos of his personality and hype.

You don't like Lewis cos of his personality but you were a fan of Schumi???!!! - that's hard for me to understand. Same with wacky who also doesn't like Lewis but is a fan of Alonso???!!! Go figure...

Still, i guess if we all shared the same opinion the world would be a duller place. :)

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Have to admit that I don't like Hamilton 'cos of his personality and hype.

You don't like Lewis cos of his personality but you were a fan of Schumi???!!! - that's hard for me to understand. Same with wacky who also doesn't like Lewis but is a fan of Alonso???!!! Go figure...

Still, i guess if we all shared the same opinion the world would be a duller place. :)

Schumi loved dogs!!! He was also a good, decent person off track! And - his incredible driving skills completed the picture.

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I agree with your statement on Lewis and being mentored by Maclaren, at least thats how I see it, my dislike of him has absolutely nothing to do with his undoubted talent as I really believe him to be amongst the top 3/4 drivers, his driving style does put other drivers at risk occassionally but as a brit I had been hoping we had at last found a true contender but it was his totally uncalled for comment about the monkeys at the back that turned me against him, at the end of the day most of the back markers have been driving uncompetative cars, just like Lewis at the start of this season.

One thing I have always maintained is that if your not in the top two cars you have very little chance, for instance take Jenson and Mark both been driving for a number of yrs and neither exactly covering themselves in glory, now they have a far more competetive car things have changed a bit, all of a sudden Lewis car is again performing well, I believe that most F1 drivers given a very good car could win the WDC. with the possible exception of Kovi. :) .

Good post wacky.

Please elaborate on the comment you say Lewis made about monkeys at the back. I'm interested.

Hamilton made a comment in 2007 when he was at the back of the grid for a race start (IIRC) expressing concern about 'being held up by the monkeys at the back' at the start of the race. Its one of many comments that has made him unpopular amongst the drivers and some F1 fans.

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BMW quit F1

Announced this morning, with effect from 2010!

Well I did not see that coming, but then I think they are probably so fed up with all the politics....thanks a bunch Max.

Maybe Prodrive will be on the grid after all!!


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BMW quit F1

Announced this morning, with effect from 2010!

Well I did not see that coming, but then I think they are probably so fed up with all the politics....thanks a bunch Max.

Maybe Prodrive will be on the grid after all!!


I suspect its got more to do with money than politics! :D

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PS: I did think about posting a pic of Flav in his swimwear but thought it was pushing the boundaries of Thai Visa good taste rules! :) but if you ask nicely I could be persuaded :D


I've seen the photo to which I think you're referring and it may be funny but it is also revolting - certainly enough to put you of your dinner! :D

Sorry F1fanatic but I feel I owe it to Mosha to post the Flav pic! So I am giving you plenty of warning as I would not wish to be held responsible for putting you off your dinner or any nightmares that you might subsequently suffer! :D


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PS: I did think about posting a pic of Flav in his swimwear but thought it was pushing the boundaries of Thai Visa good taste rules! :) but if you ask nicely I could be persuaded :D


I've seen the photo to which I think you're referring and it may be funny but it is also revolting - certainly enough to put you of your dinner! :D

Sorry F1fanatic but I feel I owe it to Mosha to post the Flav pic! So I am giving you plenty of warning as I would not wish to be held responsible for putting you off your dinner or any nightmares that you might subsequently suffer! :D


Nooo. Please reconsider! Perhaps you could just post a link so that those who haven't seen it can view without the rest of us being ill!!

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Hamilton made a comment in 2007 when he was at the back of the grid for a race start (IIRC) expressing concern about 'being held up by the monkeys at the back' at the start of the race. Its one of many comments that has made him unpopular amongst the drivers and some F1 fans.

Thanks for that info F1.

I've just been googling the comment Lewis made and i think it was a stupid thing to have said without a doubt.

It does seem however that the term "monkey" for back-markers is a bit of a long standing joke within the paddock and has been used for some time - in particular it refers to the slightly higher incidence of crashes by those drivers down the field as they go into the first corner.

David Coultard is apparently the one who coined the phrase. Lewis was just daft enough to use it on TV. I don't think it is meant to be as derogatory as perhaps it sounds - more like a bit of piss-taking which is common amongst the drivers.

No excuse though. Lewis shouldn't have said it and if that's what has turned some people against him he only has himself to blame. Perhaps he's a bit more grown-up now and a bit more media savy. I hope so.

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PS: I did think about posting a pic of Flav in his swimwear but thought it was pushing the boundaries of Thai Visa good taste rules! :) but if you ask nicely I could be persuaded :D


I've seen the photo to which I think you're referring and it may be funny but it is also revolting - certainly enough to put you of your dinner! :D

Sorry F1fanatic but I feel I owe it to Mosha to post the Flav pic! So I am giving you plenty of warning as I would not wish to be held responsible for putting you off your dinner or any nightmares that you might subsequently suffer! :D


Nooo. Please reconsider! Perhaps you could just post a link so that those who haven't seen it can view without the rest of us being ill!!

Good idea ... I must admit I would not wish the flashbacks and sleepless nights I suffered after seeing the Flav in all his glory on my worst enemy.

Maybe this explains why his ex Naomi Campbell has lost the plot and does senseless irrational things, I will be a bit more sympathetic to the poor girl now! :D


PS: now have to find the orig link!

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Hamilton made a comment in 2007 when he was at the back of the grid for a race start (IIRC) expressing concern about 'being held up by the monkeys at the back' at the start of the race. Its one of many comments that has made him unpopular amongst the drivers and some F1 fans.

Thanks for that info F1.

I've just been googling the comment Lewis made and i think it was a stupid thing to have said without a doubt.

It does seem however that the term "monkey" for back-markers is a bit of a long standing joke within the paddock and has been used for some time - in particular it refers to the slightly higher incidence of crashes by those drivers down the field as they go into the first corner.

David Coultard is apparently the one who coined the phrase. Lewis was just daft enough to use it on TV. I don't think it is meant to be as derogatory as perhaps it sounds - more like a bit of piss-taking which is common amongst the drivers.

No excuse though. Lewis shouldn't have said it and if that's what has turned some people against him he only has himself to blame. Perhaps he's a bit more grown-up now and a bit more media savy. I hope so.

I've heard the expression before but cannot say who coined the phrase but it is wholly inappropiate whoever said it, but could you imagine what would have been made of the remark if it had been said by another driver and Lewis had been at the back innocent though it may have been.

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PS: I did think about posting a pic of Flav in his swimwear but thought it was pushing the boundaries of Thai Visa good taste rules! :) but if you ask nicely I could be persuaded :D


I've seen the photo to which I think you're referring and it may be funny but it is also revolting - certainly enough to put you of your dinner! :D

Sorry F1fanatic but I feel I owe it to Mosha to post the Flav pic! So I am giving you plenty of warning as I would not wish to be held responsible for putting you off your dinner or any nightmares that you might subsequently suffer! :D


Nooo. Please reconsider! Perhaps you could just post a link so that those who haven't seen it can view without the rest of us being ill!!

He said if he was asked nicely he'd publish it. I did say Pretty please. :D

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Nooo. Please reconsider! Perhaps you could just post a link so that those who haven't seen it can view without the rest of us being ill!!

He said if he was asked nicely he'd publish it. I did say Pretty please. :)

Sorry F1fanatic but despite my good intentions I can't find the original link and being an IT retard I can't work out how to post a link to the picture stored on my computer.

So I must warn people of a nervous disposition or persons under 16 not to look at the attachment.


Oh Dear ~~~ I'm feeling nauseous


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Sorry F1fanatic but despite my good intentions I can't find the original link and being an IT retard I can't work out how to post a link to the picture stored on my computer.

So I must warn people of a nervous disposition or persons under 16 not to look at the attachment.


Oh Dear ~~~ I'm feeling nauseous


After appearing in public in that, it has to bring into question his whole judgement or lack of :) .

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Well BMW out ~~~ Schumi in

Schumacher to make F1 return in Spain

By Jonathan Noble Wednesday, July 29th 2009, 16:51 GMT

Michael Schumacher, the seven-times world champion, plans to come out of retirement as Felipe Massa's replacement at Ferrari from the European Grand Prix.

Following days of speculation about who would slot in alongside Kimi Raikkonen following Massa's Hungarian GP crash, Ferrari issued a statement on Wednesday afternoon confirming that Schumacher was being prepared for the role.

The statement said that Schumacher was 'ready' to make his F1 return, and would undertake a training programme over the next few days to ensure he was up to full fitness for an F1 race.

The German, who quit F1 at the end of 2006, injured himself in a motorbike accident earlier this year and the team want to make sure there are no hidden problems before confirming his position.

Schumacher has previously baulked at the idea of returning to F1 full-time, but with Massa looking likely to return when he is back to full fitness, and Ferrari in need of a top-line driver, the opportunity is one that has attracted him.

"The most important thing first: thank God, all news concerning Felipe is positive. I wish him all the best again," said Schumacher.

"I was meeting this afternoon with Stefano Domenicali and Luca di Montezemolo, and together we decided that I will prepare myself to take the place of Felipe.

"Though it is true that the chapter of Formula 1 has been completely closed for me for a long time, it is also true that for loyalty reasons to the team I cannot ignore that unfortunate situation. But as the competitor I am, I also very much look forward to facing this challenge."

Once Schumacher gets the green light, it will be the first time he has raced alongside Kimi Raikkonen, as the pair bid to secure Ferrari third place in the constructors' championship.

It also comes at a time when Ferrari's F60 appears to have made good progress on the track, and its KERS could prove to be an advantage in the forthcoming races at Valencia, Spa, Monza and Singapore.

Schumacher has not tested the current F60, and has not driven since April 2008 when he ran an F2008 at Barcelona.

The announcement of Schumacher's plans comes 24 hours after his manager Willi Weber totally ruled out the possibility of the German racing in Valencia.

"Whoever sits in the car at the next race in Valencia, it will not be Michael Schumacher. I am not 100 per cent sure; I am 200 per cent sure," Weber was quoted as saying by The Daily Mail.

"The pressure on him would be huge. He would be expected to win, but he has not driven this car. When Michael was racing he would get as close to perfection as possible. In this case, it would not be perfection; it would be a gamble - and that's not Michael's style."

All of course subject to a fitness/health check!


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but (and I could be wrong - it was a long time ago!), I seem to recall that Schumi didn't have the best or second best car when he won the championship in 1994.

Yes you're wrong. It was probably the most illegal car ever to have 'won' the world championship.

The re-fueling rig was certainly the best in the championship but unfortunately also illegal and on it's own should have got the team thrown out of the championship after almost bbq'ing Verstappen.

However it was not to be and 'Schumi' was able to snatch the championship from the jaws of defeat in the final round with a breathtaking display of his incredible driving skills :) .

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Well BMW out ~~~ Schumi in

Schumacher to make F1 return in Spain

By Jonathan Noble Wednesday, July 29th 2009, 16:51 GMT

Michael Schumacher, the seven-times world champion, plans to come out of retirement as Felipe Massa's replacement at Ferrari from the European Grand Prix.

Following days of speculation about who would slot in alongside Kimi Raikkonen following Massa's Hungarian GP crash, Ferrari issued a statement on Wednesday afternoon confirming that Schumacher was being prepared for the role.

The statement said that Schumacher was 'ready' to make his F1 return, and would undertake a training programme over the next few days to ensure he was up to full fitness for an F1 race.

The German, who quit F1 at the end of 2006, injured himself in a motorbike accident earlier this year and the team want to make sure there are no hidden problems before confirming his position.

Schumacher has previously baulked at the idea of returning to F1 full-time, but with Massa looking likely to return when he is back to full fitness, and Ferrari in need of a top-line driver, the opportunity is one that has attracted him.

"The most important thing first: thank God, all news concerning Felipe is positive. I wish him all the best again," said Schumacher.

"I was meeting this afternoon with Stefano Domenicali and Luca di Montezemolo, and together we decided that I will prepare myself to take the place of Felipe.

"Though it is true that the chapter of Formula 1 has been completely closed for me for a long time, it is also true that for loyalty reasons to the team I cannot ignore that unfortunate situation. But as the competitor I am, I also very much look forward to facing this challenge."

Once Schumacher gets the green light, it will be the first time he has raced alongside Kimi Raikkonen, as the pair bid to secure Ferrari third place in the constructors' championship.

It also comes at a time when Ferrari's F60 appears to have made good progress on the track, and its KERS could prove to be an advantage in the forthcoming races at Valencia, Spa, Monza and Singapore.

Schumacher has not tested the current F60, and has not driven since April 2008 when he ran an F2008 at Barcelona.

The announcement of Schumacher's plans comes 24 hours after his manager Willi Weber totally ruled out the possibility of the German racing in Valencia.

"Whoever sits in the car at the next race in Valencia, it will not be Michael Schumacher. I am not 100 per cent sure; I am 200 per cent sure," Weber was quoted as saying by The Daily Mail.

"The pressure on him would be huge. He would be expected to win, but he has not driven this car. When Michael was racing he would get as close to perfection as possible. In this case, it would not be perfection; it would be a gamble - and that's not Michael's style."

All of course subject to a fitness/health check!


Absolutely brilliant news!! It even took that awful picture of Flav out of my head! :D

I'm so excited I can't settle down to do anything, but have to keep jumping up and punching the air!

If only I could get to one of the races - but no chance of that unfortunately. :)

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[quote name='F1fanatic' date='2009-07-30 09:

Absolutely brilliant news!! It even took that awful picture of Flav out of my head! :D

I'm so excited I can't settle down to do anything, but have to keep jumping up and punching the air!

If only I could get to one of the races - but no chance of that unfortunately. :)

I thought that news may have put out of your mind the piccy of Mr. Adonis, F1.

If the car is performing well, then I think he will likely be on the rostrum as I believe him to be the consumate racer and certainly the best I've seen and unless HE thought that there was a very real possibility of achieving some result then I don't think his ego would entice him back but his return albeit temporary {ha ha} I think it may surprise a few people and shake some up, good luck to him.

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Doctors say Massa will race again

Dino Altmann, Felipe Massa's personal doctor, is certain that Felipe Massa will be able to race again.

Altmann said that the trauma suffered by the Brazilian was not as bad as first thought, and that his condition has improved rapidly.

"I have no doubt Felipe will race again," he told Gazzetta dello Sport. "I'm sure of that.

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but (and I could be wrong - it was a long time ago!), I seem to recall that Schumi didn't have the best or second best car when he won the championship in 1994.

Yes you're wrong. It was probably the most illegal car ever to have 'won' the world championship.

The re-fueling rig was certainly the best in the championship but unfortunately also illegal and on it's own should have got the team thrown out of the championship after almost bbq'ing Verstappen.

However it was not to be and 'Schumi' was able to snatch the championship from the jaws of defeat in the final round with a breathtaking display of his incredible driving skills :D .

It is funny that F1fanatic brought up the 94 season as an example of an occasion when the Driver's Champion was not driving the best car.

Even to this day, remembering back to the ridiculous maneuver that Schumi made to take Damon out and hand the title to the German, still makes my blood boil! :)

To think of the incident that Webber was penalised for a couple of races ago, it brings it home to you how much the stewarding has changed. Webber's car wasn't ailing and the contact he made made absolutely no difference to the outcome - or it wouldn't have done supposing the stewards hadn't got involved. Whereas Schumi's "accident" was not only very obviously purposeful, but decided the outcome of a Championship. Outrageous! Were it down to me i would strike that Championship from his CV!

Anyway, i too am happy that the great driver (albeit not a great man) is making a comeback as it will spice things up enormously. Bearing in mind that he won't be allowed to drive the car at all until the race weekend, it is brave of him. Or perhaps the Ferrari boys will sneak out in the dark of night and take the car down to a quiet stretch of motorway in Maranello - must be tempting! Schumi must be chomping at the bit to get a bit of practice in! Wonder if there's anything to stop him testing in last year's car? Anyone know?

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Bearing in mind that he won't be allowed to drive the car at all until the race weekend

Think he can test the car in a straight line.... if he keeps braking one way he can test Kers system on the way back ?

He drove on slicks before grove's came about, I am sure he can 'test' drive the play station

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