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The Real Cost Of Work Permit And Visa Renewal Every Year

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Just do not Know why people spend all this money on a B visa.

I suppose you will always be ripped of if you do not closely follow the rules.

O visa lived here 4 years last 2 years work permit on back of extension of stay (4 Years)

Simple no back handers Tea money. Maybe I dont live in Thailand.

A friend of mine just got a new Job they insisted that he change his visa from o with an extension of stay to a B. When I explained that if he did not have to do that. He went back and asked the company.

They said (Quote on an O if we dont pay you and dismiss you. We can be in lots trouble. With a b you have to go and come back.) Thats his Quote.

Everthing on here refers to Tea money non stop get your work straight have all documentation and do not pay Tea Money.

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Hi all you guys

I still can't figure out since many, many years what all of you are hassle about work permits, Non-B, Non-O Visas, lawyers and so on.

Probably all of you never cared about going to the relevant government places and offices and inform yourself on what you need or what you want.

There are clear rules and requirements on all issues, no secrets, no hidden agendas, no tea money, no lawyers requested.

I've never used a lawyer nor an accountant to do any of my papers since 22 years. The only thing I did is going to the i.e. labour department and asked what is required for a work permit, or immigration office for the 1year visa and finally for the residential book. That's all what I did, asking the government officers.

If you are employed or getting employed by a legal registered company here in Thailand you will get your work permit, if the company match the requirements set by Thai law (registered capital, number of Thai employees, monthly salary). All this information can be found on several hundreds of web pages. No lawyer required.

Same issue regarding so-called multiple re-entry visas, 1year visas. If you got a job (with a work permit), you'll get a 1year visa if you apply for it at the immigration before your visa (Non-O or Non-B expires). No big deal at all, just bring in all the papers the are asking for (they have a list what's needed). No lawyer required.

As long as you don't care of the Thai legal system you will need lawyers and pay them and you never know if your status / papers / visas are correct. What an unnecessary waste of time and money.

Hope some of you will understand,, good luck to the honest ones

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Viper why the hel_l dont you just get your visa from the Hull consulate in the UK, loads of threads on here or google it. loads cheaper and fully legal.

That company is feeding you horse shit, about no 3 monthly visa runs and the 10 year bit.

but hey its up to you mate. here i even got the website for ya. www.thaiconsul-uk.com.

Where do i send my invoice :o:D


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Viper why the hel_l dont you just get your visa from the Hull consulate in the UK, loads of threads on here or google it. loads cheaper and fully legal.

That company is feeding you horse shit, about no 3 monthly visa runs and the 10 year bit.

but hey its up to you mate. here i even got the website for ya. www.thaiconsul-uk.com.

Where do i send my invoice :o:D


To be honest with you mate it all sounds a bit iffy and stinks to high heaven as nobody seems to know what they are

doing in Thailand. There is no REAL system and thats a sure reflection of the whole Thai economy. The infrastructure is

absolutely in tatters & basically no one gives 2 shits about anything. My passports always goes to hull for stamping and I pay

a company to arrange the relevant paper work for a non-imm B visa for 1 years multi even if im working there or not. I pay 300 pound British for the whole package.

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Viper why the hel_l dont you just get your visa from the Hull consulate in the UK, loads of threads on here or google it. loads cheaper and fully legal.

That company is feeding you horse shit, about no 3 monthly visa runs and the 10 year bit.

but hey its up to you mate. here i even got the website for ya. www.thaiconsul-uk.com.

Where do i send my invoice :o:D


To be honest with you mate it all sounds a bit iffy and stinks to high heaven as nobody seems to know what they are

doing in Thailand. There is no REAL system and thats a sure reflection of the whole Thai economy. The infrastructure is

absolutely in tatters & basically no one gives 2 shits about anything. My passports always goes to hull for stamping and I pay

a company to arrange the relevant paper work for a non-imm B visa for 1 years multi even if im working there or not. I pay 300 pound British for the whole package.


In a way, both Viper and thaicbr are both right.

Thailand has long had (at least) two economies...

The legitimate legal economy and then the quasi-legitimate, quasi-legal economy...

Many Thais with low education get confused about the two and assume that they are all one and the same...

But, real, legitimate businesses do follow the rules in Thailand and yes, some of the paperwork is annoying but not especially so...

I have worked for two different legitimate businesses in the LOS -- an international school and a major public university -- they took care of all the work permit paperwork and related issues -- but they took extra measures to make sure that they were not part of the Tea Money system (because there is a lot of overlap and corruption even in the legitimate system...)

Makes your head spin, eh?

I recommend due diligence and legality with whatever business you are dealing with... Especially with your own business... That is truly up to you... Try your best to be on the right side of the law... Times are changing everywhere -- even in Thailand...

If a deal seems "too good to be true" or "too expensive to be reasonable," it probably is...

Buyer beware,

Caveat emptor,


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The last time I renewed my work permit for one year (Jan 2009) the cost at the Labour Ministry was B5,000. There is a two year renewal now for B10,000, under last year's new Working of Aliens Act, involving filling out one more form that asks details of company's revenues and assets.

I renewed mine in Feb. for 1 year and it still was 3,100 as usual.

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Hi all you guys

I still can't figure out since many, many years what all of you are hassle about work permits, Non-B, Non-O Visas, lawyers and so on.

Probably all of you never cared about going to the relevant government places and offices and inform yourself on what you need or what you want.

There are clear rules and requirements on all issues, no secrets, no hidden agendas, no tea money, no lawyers requested.

I've never used a lawyer nor an accountant to do any of my papers since 22 years. The only thing I did is going to the i.e. labour department and asked what is required for a work permit, or immigration office for the 1year visa and finally for the residential book. That's all what I did, asking the government officers.

If you are employed or getting employed by a legal registered company here in Thailand you will get your work permit, if the company match the requirements set by Thai law (registered capital, number of Thai employees, monthly salary). All this information can be found on several hundreds of web pages. No lawyer required.

Same issue regarding so-called multiple re-entry visas, 1year visas. If you got a job (with a work permit), you'll get a 1year visa if you apply for it at the immigration before your visa (Non-O or Non-B expires). No big deal at all, just bring in all the papers the are asking for (they have a list what's needed). No lawyer required.

As long as you don't care of the Thai legal system you will need lawyers and pay them and you never know if your status / papers / visas are correct. What an unnecessary waste of time and money.

Hope some of you will understand,, good luck to the honest ones

I went to the relevant government offices many many times, I am working legally in Thailand since 4 years with all papers, tax, insurance, etc.

For example: I know all the guys in the Labor Dep. office. as I had to go there since 4 years every 3 month (now new reg, only every year). We have a new head of the office and he refused to give me a workpermit unless he receives 4.000 Baht ("otherwise the process will take about 4-5months...""). I reluctantly paid. What can I do?? Wait for my WP?? A friend of mine did this last season, said he would wait the 4 months then until his WP is processed without paying Tea money. 1 months later he had the same guys from LD in the office: Arrested for working without WP.

@Beach: Where do you live? Is there such a wonderplace in Thailand where the officers in LD and ImmD. are not corrupt at all?? This must be heaven on earth.

At our "local" Immigration Department: (as I am not allowed to use any Imm.Dep.Office outside my Province of residence anymore, I have to stick with them). No one I know of ever gort an extension in this office WITHOUT paying Tea money. They are asking for 17.000 which I will not pay, so what alternative do I have: Get out of the country and get a new visa in a consulate or embassy.

All this corruption sucks.

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I stand corrected. The fee on the Dept of Employment website is still B3,000 for a one year work permit as per the 2002 ministerial regulations, although the new Working of Aliens Act of 2008 allows them to charge B20,000 for a new work permit or renewal which can theoretically be for two years but, as mentioned above, I was rejected for a two year one which would have been double the cost of a one year one. I was either overcharged by the missus, who did it for me, or my memory is failing me.

On perusing the website I came across a form in Thai for making payments into the fund for deportation of illegal aliens that employers of foreigners have to deduct from their salaries under the 2008 Working of Aliens Act. The website says this form should be used starting 1 Feb 2009 http://www.doe.go.th/workpermit/index.html . Has any one started paying this new tax yet? I can't find any details of how it is calculated.

Duangta, it is rotten that you are asked for bribes. Never happened to me or any one I know in Bangkok. Where are you?

Edited by Arkady
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"This year I am 60-years old, and I cannot receive a new extension of my workpermit."


Many people, including myself, have had extensions to their work permits after they turned 60.

Several extensions, in fact.

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"This year I am 60-years old, and I cannot receive a new extension of my workpermit."


Many people, including myself, have had extensions to their work permits after they turned 60.

Several extensions, in fact.

OK - if you are single, 53 and a parent how have you obtained after you turned 60? Are you hiding your real age, or a time traveler. :o

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Duangta, it is rotten that you are asked for bribes. Never happened to me or any one I know in Bangkok. Where are you?

I am in Phangnga! So best choice for me is the Thai consulate in Kota Bahru now (today roadside bombs again in Narathiwat)

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A friend of mine has just been offered a part-time job with an NGO in Bangkok. However, the offer states:

1. You must to come our office for 20 hours per week

2. For the process to ask for visa type ‘B’ and work permit, we will process for you but it’s your responsibility for fees

3. We don’t cover for insurance and welfare

4. Salary is not exceed 25,000 baht per month

From reading the thread she will need to pay Bt5,000 for the WP and extension to stay. Is that correct?

She currently is here on a dbl tourist visa and has only used one entry. I understand that her visa type can be changed to a non B provided she has 21-days remaining on her current visa and of course submits the required document for the change of status.

This is only a part-time position so will she have to pay tax on the nominal sum of Bt50,000 per month even though she is only being paid Bt25,000?


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"This year I am 60-years old, and I cannot receive a new extension of my workpermit."


Many people, including myself, have had extensions to their work permits after they turned 60.

Several extensions, in fact.

Correct I know of two guys working Oil & Gas here and are 68 and 71 respectively and have been getting extenstions for at least the last 7 years...

So to say you cant get a WP or extension post 60 is completely wrong, they however have to do a medical every year as a condition of their WP above and beyond what is normally required for O&G

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The WP is 3,100 and the extension of stay 1,900. But the first she has to convert her tourist visa to a non-B, which will cost an extra 2,000. So 7,000 for the first year and afther that 5,000 per year.

To get an extension of stay she has to have an incoem of 50,000. (If she is a western national, as it differs per nationality).

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To get an extension of stay she has to have an incoem of 50,000. (If she is a western national, as it differs per nationality).

So her choices are either to pay the taxes on an income of 50,000 even though she's only getting paid 25,000 to get her 1-year extension of stay or do a visa run every 3 months and get a new visa every year. The choice is hers, however there may be other circumstances we don't know that might mean she can't get a 1-year extension of stay such as too many foreigners employed already for the amount of Thai staff or not enough paid up capital.

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To get an extension of stay she has to have an incoem of 50,000. (If she is a western national, as it differs per nationality).

So her choices are either to pay the taxes on an income of 50,000 even though she's only getting paid 25,000 to get her 1-year extension of stay or do a visa run every 3 months and get a new visa every year. The choice is hers, however there may be other circumstances we don't know that might mean she can't get a 1-year extension of stay such as too many foreigners employed already for the amount of Thai staff or not enough paid up capital.

It's an NGO so paid up capital probably doesn't come into it and I guess an NGO would have plenty of local staff. The tax I also imagine would then be subject to refund at the end of the year as she would have paid well in excess of the requirements for a Bt25,000/month salary.

A border run every three months starts to get expensive though. If she did that would she still qualify for a WP though?

Edited by photojourn
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Thanks very much Mario and Lite Beer. I've relayed all that to my friend. It sounds like she will be able to convert her existing tourist visa to a Non-O and get a one year WP without having to pay the tax on the higher income level from what you have said.

When she asked the NGO about it they weren't particularly sure.

If it all proceeds I'll report back.

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