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Question For Those Of You Who Work Here In Thailand

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Im sure someone has posted this I am unknown on this though. Anyways my question is only for those of you who work here in thailand.

1. What industry do you work in? mine is the tourism industry ( hotel )

2. How is the business you work in doing? Mine so far is going ok but things are gonna get slower and less customers in the next few months, although I know places that are empty and some that are fine and some are full.

3. Do you see any sign that next year might improve in your industry.

4. For your industry are most of your customers thai, or foreigners

your thoughts or opinions would be helpful

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1. Resort + pub (30% tourism, 50% contracts with Eastern Seaboard companies, 20% local trade, mainly English, in the pub)

2. Not good, down 50% year on year, mainly companies are cutting down, and local trade due to poor exchange rate. Tourism strangely enough stable.

3. Utterly unpredictable. Exchange rate hurts tourism and local trade, global economic downturn hurts my business with the local companies.

4. 90% foreign, 10% Thai (domestic tourism, golfers etc.)

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1. Hotel & resort Operations : Management Company

2. Fair to moderate - having to seriously re structure all operations (Including the delay of various new properties already prepared to open - but delays due to the present status of the industry)

3. Unpredictable - basing the economics + impression given of Thailand

4. 85% Local (Thai + Expats) / 15% FIT


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1. Hospitality industry: F&B

2. Restaurant and hotel businesses will be this year far way down from the projected figures

3. Regarding my own consultancy business, I am starting to get more and proposal for short-timed "trouble-shooting" missions to temporary replace executives being laid off. But feasibility studies for new projects have drastically stopped.

4. Worked until recently, only with neighborhood countries, while being based in Bangkok. But now, seeing opportunities coming, I have a Thai company under formation. Deals are made with 50/50 Thai/Farang executives, but at the end of the day money is coming from Thai owners.

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1. Yacht building

2. Slow but stable with some reactions on present financial panic. There is a drop in requests for long term, but present projects are safe.

3. Can it drop much further? Think positive. Think big. We look for diversifying plus searching new sales opportunities: When one door closes - then open a different one.

4. 95% Foreigners

Comment: Each business has its own characteristicts. What is good for the pawn-shop is not welcome for a Ferrari dealer.

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1. Yacht building

2. Slow but stable with some reactions on present financial panic. There is a drop in requests for long term, but present projects are safe.

3. Can it drop much further? Think positive. Think big. We look for diversifying plus searching new sales opportunities: When one door closes - then open a different one.

4. 95% Foreigners

Comment: Each business has its own characteristicts. What is good for the pawn-shop is not welcome for a Ferrari dealer.

What is good for the pawn-shop is not welcome for a Ferrari dealer

Nice one!

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1. O&G/Petrochem/Pharma/Energy (Design through to Commissioning and Professional Engineering Services).

2. Very busy right now

3. I expect the investment in new energy and environment to increase the number of projects around

4. International

As a general observation in the sector of industry I work in the downturn that matters is not the one we are seeing now, but the one that took place over the past 20 years or so. That resulted in a reduction in recruiting and training to the point that the industry is now extremely short of professional engineers with the right experience - There is far more work about than people qualified to do the work.

A second observation is that almost half of my career has been spent working on projects that came about as a result of environmental legislation of one form or another - I fully expect the political support for environmental issues to increase this area of work.

Edited by GuestHouse
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1. Publishing. (Print and Online).

2. It's not as bad as it could be. Ad revenues are down a little. Sales and subscriptions of the print products are up. Online visitors are up.

3. We have some strong products which puts us in a better position than others in the industry. It's a fact the publishing sector is being hit hard and it's likely only the strongest (financially strong) will survive.

4. Mostly Thai, with some Japanese and English clients too.

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1 Hotel/restaurant/travel agency

2 Till now better than last year

3 But I am afraid of the future. Tourists who came this high season, mostly bought their plane tickets before the financial crisis became visible. You don't know what's gonna happen next high season.

4 almost 100% foreigners.

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1. Sales and marketing (contract/consultant small to medium companies)

1.2 Wife owns businesses in tourism (I have been helping her for last 2 years) Not trying to blow my own trumpet but due to marketing from (yours truly) numbers are up 50% year on year. Her competitors and also friends that have similar companies some are down 80% year on year, ish.

2 The last 5 years where incredible and the graph was on the upward scale but since December only one booking for me. Lucky for me that one is massive and as long as I do my job this 1 contract will see be through for at least another 10 years.

3 In general no, only the larger forward thinking companies that want to gain market share rather than bottom line are calling for guys like me and most of these guys had finance or investment tertiary departments embedded in there operations that on paper was making them loads of bottom line but in truth (well we all know what has been happening)

4. Foreigners as in other Asian's and expat westerners never had a Thai client yet.

Edited by barrella
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