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I know the old maxim 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' but I downloaded and installed IE8 on my Vista Business laptop a couple of days ago and it doesn't connect with anything anymore. Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Thunderbird still do fine but IE8 had gone deaf-mute with "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error massage after taking about 1 minute to make up its mind.

Running the network diagnostic finds nothing wrong with the connection (because of course there is nothing wrong with the connection anyway).

Any clues please?


Do you have a firewall that might block it? Perhaps a re-install? Any setting in it that might be suspicious?

Know above not very helpful but thousand/millions of people have it working so it seems to be something specific to your computer/installation.


My Mrs couldn't get IE8 working on her XP PC either? Got stuck in some loop of reinstalling itself every time she turned it on. I took it off and the sytem reverted to IE7 without issues. I then installed Chrome and shes even happier now. IE8 works ok on my Vista, but I hardly use it.


I wanted to uninstall and rollback to IE7 but since neither program appears in the programs list in ad/remove programs, I thought I was shafted.

However, I toggled 'work offline/online' and all of a sudden IE8 remembered what it was supposed to do and appears to be working now. What a piece of sh!te. The only reason I use it is it's the only browser that the archaic BuaLuang banking supports.

I wanted to uninstall and rollback to IE7 but since neither program appears in the programs list in ad/remove programs, I thought I was shafted.

In the Control Panel\Programs and Features applet, does IE8 appear if you click the "Turn Windows features on/off" link?

ISTR, that if you uninstall IE8, IE7 automatically reappears, but again don't know from personal experience.


Why suffer through the pain when there's much better alternatives out there? Firefox and Chrome, for example.

I just read something interesting about Chrome too - it was the only browser not compromised at the recent CanSecWest black hat hacker conference. One of the reasons is that Chrome sandboxes the renderer, and other components, which means that in effect it blocks a vast amount of potential hacks from the onset. This should turn out to be the most secure browser out there. To my knowledge it's the only browser to use sandboxing, and at the same time, sandboxing is the only security measure that can actually work.

  • 3 weeks later...

OK, back to square 1 again!

When I tried to launch the restored IE7 a few days after it last worked (see post #4), it was DOA, just like IE8 was. All my other browsers connect OK and even after disabling the firewalls, IE7 is still the only non-connecting, non-functioning browser. I launch the 'Troubleshooter' and it reports there are NO connection problems but IE don't connect with anything.

The IE8 uninstaller, which is launchable ONLY from an MS website says it did the job and sure enough it's IE7 that's running now but it has gone deaf and dumb, just like the IE8 install was.

So hoping that someone somewhere has cracked this one and can post their 'fix' soon!

(nikster... I hate any variant of IE but per my post #4, IE is the ONLY browser that is supported by Bangkok Bank BuaLuang Online banking. Now, do I have to change banks just because another MS product is dodgy?)

OK, back to square 1 again!

When I tried to launch the restored IE7 a few days after it last worked (see post #4), it was DOA, just like IE8 was. All my other browsers connect OK and even after disabling the firewalls, IE7 is still the only non-connecting, non-functioning browser. I launch the 'Troubleshooter' and it reports there are NO connection problems but IE don't connect with anything.

The IE8 uninstaller, which is launchable ONLY from an MS website says it did the job and sure enough it's IE7 that's running now but it has gone deaf and dumb, just like the IE8 install was.

So hoping that someone somewhere has cracked this one and can post their 'fix' soon!

(nikster... I hate any variant of IE but per my post #4, IE is the ONLY browser that is supported by Bangkok Bank BuaLuang Online banking. Now, do I have to change banks just because another MS product is dodgy?)

Thats true. I still keep IE6 alive for that purpose.


Yup, smart move. But since IE is so wrapped up as part of any Windows o/s, rolling back to an earlier version doesn't seem an option. Even the Vista support pages default to IE8 now and the only downloadable version of IE7 if for XP and earlier and won't allow itself to be re-installed. Merde!

I may have to install a Virtual XP machine to run IE7 and see if that flies. What a pain in the arse!


Try going into the ie tools menu bar> internet options> connections> lan settings and make sure automatically detect settins is checked. its just not finding your internet, Wish so many experts would say what is wrong with a product instead of just bashing anything they dont like because of what they have heard. Yeah love that google chrome, sucks your private information dry for google to sell lol as if they already dont have everything you type.

Try going into the ie tools menu bar> internet options> connections> lan settings and make sure automatically detect settins is checked. its just not finding your internet, Wish so many experts would say what is wrong with a product instead of just bashing anything they dont like because of what they have heard. Yeah love that google chrome, sucks your private information dry for google to sell lol as if they already dont have everything you type.

What would you do if your online banking web site can only be opened with IE? Use Chrome? Come on...

LAN settings have nothing to do with that!


Wasnt talking about your banking problems, we were discussing not being able to connect to the net with a browser and yes your lan settings have everything to do with that my friend. Come on lol

Wasnt talking about your banking problems, we were discussing not being able to connect to the net with a browser and yes your lan settings have everything to do with that my friend. Come on lol

you should read what the OP said...

Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Thunderbird still do fine but IE8 had gone deaf-mute with "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error massage after taking about 1 minute to make up its mind.

Running the network diagnostic finds nothing wrong with the connection (because of course there is nothing wrong with the connection anyway).


Yes, it is a uniquely IE7 & 8 case of not being able to find the internet with both hands and a flashlight.


It's just Bangkok Bank's online banking will ONLY accept connections using IE 6 and up.

Microsoft does NOT allow you to roll back from IE7 to IE6 if you have Windows XP SP3 or Vista installed. You can uninstall SP3 and roll back after that but since I have Vista, that option does not apply.

Microsoft doesn't even let you download IE7 to try a reinstall and their website already detects your o/s and IE version and only allows you to download a copy for XP which of course, will not install on a Vista o/s.

And all this anguish because I thought IE8 would be the dogs <deleted>... oh well.

Yes, it is a uniquely IE7 & 8 case of not being able to find the internet with both hands and a flashlight.


It's just Bangkok Bank's online banking will ONLY accept connections using IE 6 and up.

Microsoft does NOT allow you to roll back from IE7 to IE6 if you have Windows XP SP3 or Vista installed. You can uninstall SP3 and roll back after that but since I have Vista, that option does not apply.

Microsoft doesn't even let you download IE7 to try a reinstall and their website already detects your o/s and IE version and only allows you to download a copy for XP which of course, will not install on a Vista o/s.

And all this anguish because I thought IE8 would be the dogs <deleted>... oh well.

Not sure it helps put take a look: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957700


You can rant all you want but IE8 connects to the Internet just fine. It's the problem with settings on your particular machine, and most likely you yourself screwed it up somewhere.

Now, without pointing fingers in every direction, what exactly are the symptoms? How is your computer connected to the Internet? What are your IE connection settings? How are they different from Firefox settings?

Could it be something really simple like "work offline" option clicked under File menu?

I know the old maxim 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' but I downloaded and installed IE8 on my Vista Business laptop a couple of days ago and it doesn't connect with anything anymore. Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Thunderbird still do fine but IE8 had gone deaf-mute with "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error massage after taking about 1 minute to make up its mind.

Running the network diagnostic finds nothing wrong with the connection (because of course there is nothing wrong with the connection anyway).

Any clues please?

if you have a firewall and since IE8 is a 'new' program, you may need to tell your firewall to allow it to access the internet.



Are you on a True ADSL connection? If so, you might need to teach IE to use True's proxy - proxy.asianet.co.th, port 80. My own experience is that most pages work most times without such proxy being set, but pretty much all pages work pretty much all the time WITH the proxy (and no, that is not an illegal proxy which is against TV rules, but it's True's own proxy).

You could as well (in writing!) complain to the bank... what are Mac and Linux users supposed to do..? They just can't force you to use a specific type of browser.

Apart from that i believe there's also a Firefox add-on which maxes Firefox appear as IE to the web site... might be worth a try..?

Kind regards....



If IE doens't work, none of the programs that depend on it would, and bank sites not only check how your browsers declares itself - they rely on IE only activeX controls, no Firefox/Linux substitutes for those.

Nanlaew needs to fix his IE8, not try to revert to some ancient 4.0 version that worked like a dream in 1998.


To answer Plus's quite emphatic claims that I must have screwed up IE, here's the potted version.

My laptop connected to the internet via IE7 AND Firefox AND Chrome AND Opera all over the world, whether it was on Maxnet in Thailand, BT in the UK, vSat hookups via Norsat on boats, proxy servers in hotels, hijacked open wireless networks and dialup via bluetooth modem on my Nokia using pay-as-you-go AIS. There was never any need to retrain anything, disable firewalls... THEY ALL WORKED.

Then I upgraded to IE8 and it was instantly DOA, all others STILL WORKED. I rolled back to IE7 (no mean feat) and it worked ONCE when I toggled the work offline/online function. Since then, IE7 has been dead as a dodo and, get this, ALL THE OTHER BROWSERS STILL CONNECT. Tried tweaking all the quite limited 'settings' in IE7 to no avail while the other 4 browsers just keep on trucking.

So Plus, explain your logic in that I have to somehow 'fix' something that the 4 other browsers have NO PROBLEMS WITH? If you read the thread, you can see where I stated that IE7's very own built-in network connection troubleshooter reports that THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THE CONNECTION. The fact that 4 other browsers, 2 email clients and 4 chat & messenger services all connect OK tells me that already. The kicker is, just before IE throws the towel in, it offers to allow me to report the connection problem but since that function requires a working IE, it can't connect and report the problem either so it just offers to hold it in a queue until I can connect. <deleted>!?

I am posting in the hope that someone else may have encountered the same issues and found a working workaround. Telling me that your IE8 works great makes me very, very happy for you but it doesn't solve my problem and telling me that I have made the problem (apart from breaking the 'if it aint broke...' rule) makes we wanna bitch slap you so much....


Well I did some search to find help...

and post what I think could help. I didn't test it but IMHO it may help to fix your IE8 issue

I will take no responsibility if it screws your working connection.

Open internet options,advanced tab,

scroll to bottom,click on "load advanced settings"

close out

go to run


In cmd type: netsh Winsock reset

type:EXIT Restart pc.


Run the following command. It should help

Click on start > run and type in the below mentioned commands one by one.

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

regsvr32 hlink.dll

regsvr32 msjava.dll

regsvr32 mshtml.dll

regsvr32 jscript.dll

regsvr32 vbscript.dll

regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

regsvr32 browseui.dll

regsvr32 softpub.dll

regsvr32 wintrust.dll

regsvr32 dssenh.dll

regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll

regsvr32 wucltui.dll

regsvr32 wups.dll

regsvr32 initpki.dll



That's more command line work than i had to do on my Linux system (= oh my god, one needs to use a command line!!) in one year :o

Lucky the command line is still included in Windows... fact is, many fixes even in Windows go faster via command line that via clickable menu items.

Kind regards.....



^^ Cheers webfact, I will take a stab at that when I fire up in Saigon later tonight. IE8 is already screwed so here's hoping it doesn't take down the remaining workers!

  • 3 months later...

Well folks, here we are 4 months on and yesterday morning, I clicked on the IE launcher as I have been doing off and one when bored these past 4 months and..... IT WORKED!!

I have done absolutely nothing since the downgrade to IE7 mentioned when I started this thread and this connection I am on is via vSat from offshore via the clients servers in France. It's also happily chugging away again through Webroot AV and Desktop Firewall. I haven't downloaded or installed any updates as I disable all auto-updating when I am working remotely.

I guess I will mark that one up to... well, I won't say nothing just in case it decides to go deaf again tomorrow.

The sad thing was I was able to check the wife's account on Bangkok Bank....

  • 3 weeks later...

^ Thanks for that very salient point!

The latest news from here!!!

I was remiss in saying that my IE7 was working again without me doing anything. I had actually installed Cisco Network Manager and somehow it has 'enabled' IE7 to actually connect with the internet.

How did I catch this? I was installing an update for Network Manager that went bad and crashed the program so I uninstalled it. On having problems with a reinstall, their online troubleshooter tried to launch a link to their url with FAQ's and IE7 was deaf-mute again. The penny dropped!

After reinstalling the latest version of Cisco Network Manager, IE7 lives again.

I have sent a request ticket to Cisco to see if they can explain how their program makes IE7 come alive.


Handy little gizmo. Here's a review.


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