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You know you've been in the west too long when:

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How about you know you've been in the west too long when:

You sue Mcdonald's for money when the HOT coffee YOU ORDERED scalds your tongue(aren't the thais the only people who extorts money?no?)

You rudely push some asian people away who are in your way in the streets and show that <deleted>... expression on your face

You think that people who don't speak english are stupid

You become so fussy and complain about the poor condition of the pavements in T'land(I didn't realize that it was something until I read these sites.The complainers must have been really old folks)

You say it is racism whenever things are not going your way(it would've been a joke if I told my friends here in HK that white people are being racially discriminated by asians)

You blame the government of an asian country for trying to stop you from disrespectfully fxxking their women(sorry for being rude)

You fantasize yourself being Brat Pitt and do not pay in the morning when the bar girl leaves and shamelessly feel honoured enough to tell everyone(what a bunch of bastards!do you know how it feels to have to ask for the money after selling one's body?ever bothered to think?I hope these money will have to go to somebody else.....the doctors!)

You think of which girl to choose to shag tonight but you get pissed off when the chosen girl is thinking of which customer to choose

You think you are the saviour doing charity while having long term realtionship with a thai bar girl

You think that all thai bar girls are evil spirits and worth nothing when this bar girl does not appreciate your generosity

You become so outspoken and confident enough to tell people; this is wrong! that is wrong! mine is right! mine is correct! in someone else's country(usually asian)

You do not realize how sickening it is to shamelessly go into details on the internet about the bed olympics with a bar girl

You complain about the dual price in thailand

(what's wrong with that?they're not asking just whites, or blacks, or brits or americans to pay more. they're just asking non-thais to pay more.  can you think that you are paying the normal prices and the thais are getting a discount?it is their country!)

You find chunks of meat, burgers and french fries delicious

(I always nearly starve to death when I have holidays in faranglands)

You think who the #### is this guy and how dare you to be critical of us farangs

or maybe this topic should be we know you are from the west when:

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How about you know you've been in the west too long when:

You sue Mcdonald's for money when the HOT coffee YOU ORDERED scalds your tongue(aren't the thais the only people who extorts money?no?)

You rudely push some asian people away who are in your way in the streets and show that <deleted>... expression on your face

You think that people who don't speak english are stupid

You become so fussy and complain about the poor condition of the pavements in T'land(I didn't realize that it was something until I read these sites.The complainers must have been really old folks)

You say it is racism whenever things are not going your way(it would've been a joke if I told my friends here in HK that white people are being racially discriminated by asians)

You blame the government of an asian country for trying to stop you from disrespectfully fxxking their women(sorry for being rude)

You fantasize yourself being Brat Pitt and do not pay in the morning when the bar girl leaves and shamelessly feel honoured enough to tell everyone(what a bunch of bastards!do you know how it feels to have to ask for the money after selling one's body?ever bothered to think?I hope these money will have to go to somebody else.....the doctors!)

You think of which girl to choose to shag tonight but you get pissed off when the chosen girl is thinking of which customer to choose

You think you are the saviour doing charity while having long term realtionship with a thai bar girl

You think that all thai bar girls are evil spirits and worth nothing when this bar girl does not appreciate your generosity

You become so outspoken and confident enough to tell people; this is wrong! that is wrong! mine is right! mine is correct! in someone else's country(usually asian)

You do not realize how sickening it is to shamelessly go into details on the internet about the bed olympics with a bar girl

You complain about the dual price in thailand

(what's wrong with that?they're not asking just whites, or blacks, or brits or americans to pay more. they're just asking non-thais to pay more.  can you think that you are paying the normal prices and the thais are getting a discount?it is their country!)

You find chunks of meat, burgers and french fries delicious

(I always nearly starve to death when I have holidays in faranglands)

You think who the #### is this guy and how dare you to be critical of us farangs

or maybe this topic should be we know you are from the west when:

cant help myself i will address your remarks.

1. has someone tried this in thailand ? not read about that myself.youll find most people in the west find this ridiculous but we do have trading standards and rights which

sometimes go to far.also  maybe the waitress tripped while serving the coffee thus scalding that person , disfiguring them for life and ensuring huge medical costs. ? without knowing the details one musnt prejudge.

2.rude people everywhere not just westerners.

3.born out of frustration but only applies to some westerners.

4.so thais themselves are quite happy to pay contractors to do shoddy work are they and never complain ? its called freedom of speech. nothing to stop you doing the same in the west.

5.never accused anybody of racisim myself ?

6.somebody said that did they ? regardless up to the women who they <deleted>.

7.tossers everywhere. what about the thai policemen who raided chumits place recently and arrested the girls , but had sex with them first. do you think they paid them ? lol

8.cant always get what you want.

9.some people yes most people no.

10.good and bad people everywhere.what do thai men think of bar girls ? after all thai prostitution for thais is far bigger than farang based prostitution.

11.westerners have basic human rights something which thai people do not and cannot fully understand , yet.so it is very hard sometimes to adapt.westerners more so americans are generally outspoken and confident  in their nature.it is very hard to succeed at anything in the west without being .

12.agree it is sickening but if people want to do that it is up to them. obviously it should not be done on public sites like this , but that is for the moderators to stop.

13.as a thai you would not expect to go to the west and be charged more than westerners .anyway it would be illegal in the west.tourism is the one of the main sources of income in thailand and dual pricing is something which alot of westerners will not put up with. up to you if you want to listen or not.

14.my misses always drags me to macdonalds cause she thinks i like it. ok its nice to have some western trashy food now and again but it certainly aint delecious.

15.without being more specific about the guy and  nature of the criticism cannot answer.

all the best  :o


It's my world, your just living it.

Oh, Meemiathai. If you find my comment stupid, rediculous, bigotted, etc., just forget about it, as I did yours.

Now, where did I leave my bar girl?


you are probably from america when ;

people hear you talking this way ...


"sorry" but not all foreigners are born english speaking!

regards  ::o:


Wish I could get a discount for being in my own country......xenophobia rules..

Back home, Senior citizen can get discount for a lot of things ... do you qualify ?  :D ... coz I don't  :o

"Life is so Unfair ..."




Yes it is pretty cool to be the badest boy on the block, and still know how to say sorry.

Vous savez que l'anglais est la langue mondial, non francais?

Therefore, it makes sense that we say sorry, when we do not know how to say "mi este triste" or "desole" in every language of the world.

Bon journee


Thank you chonabot, but I would like to see markt's translation.

Ask your mia.  lol.  (It rhymes as well.)


I don't get it.

Why does it has to be so complicated?  Can't you just say it in english?  By the way, my english is not good so please make it easy to understand.  Thank you.

He said  "You have a Thai wife , where did you meet her?"


That's what it means.

You're called "meemiathai" so i guessed, albeit wrongly, you understood Thai.

As you began this thread i assume that you did not find the "You know you've been in T.L. too long when.."  thread very amusing.   Did it offend you?


meemiathai , having read your posts in the other section I think you have a chip on your shoulder with westerners , despite the fact you have said you are half British.

Why else start such a thread?

(It rhymes as well.)

What does that mean? Come on, just say it dong bai!

and laeo laeo!

I have to understand what you asked before I can answer!

If you can't understand no matter as it rhymes, kinda poetic in a playfull, farang type of way.

meemiathai , having read your posts in the other section I think you have a chip on your shoulder with westerners , despite the fact you have said you are half British.

Why else start such a thread?

Spot on Chonabot my brethren.... :o


I don't understand what falangs have against western food...is this some kind of PC number that I should know about?

California gave cheeseburgers to a world submerged in darkness. If you knew what I was talking about would you prefer a bowl of gang soom (or anything liberally dosed with naam pla, for that matter) to a cheeseburger?

The cheeseburgers are as a rule better in smaller places like the Bus Stop on Soi Nana...cheaper as well. Sometimes you can get a girl to go with a cheeseburger. I would have preferred fries and a milkshake but oh well...TIT



Warrior you're right.

Thais go and eat MacD's , KFC,  Pizza Hut etc.  

To go and eat at those establishments of lovelyness they must first walk by the hoards farang demonstrators.

Quite odd.    ???


I think it's quite funny in a cheeky kinda way, just the other side to the post 'you know you've been in Thailand too long when...'.  

I know that there are quite a points in that thread ('you know you've been in Thailand for too long...')some Thais would find offensive.  I myself think some of them are.  But I think there is a funny side to it, just like this one.  And so I just laugh it off. :D

Just as some of the Thais have the habit of doing certain things people joke about in the other thread, quite a few westerners behave as lsited on this one as well.  

What's wrong with the thread????  Why can't we just laugh it off like in the other one???   ???   :o  I haven't read Meemiathai's other post.  Anyone care to enlighten me??


The other thread is amusing because it is made up by people who love Thailand , live here, or visit v often , and judging from the content know its foibles very well , it is a list of ironies. This thread generalises about the entire population , is way off tack , i.e Farang food "Burgers/fries".......ummm which culture introduced pasta/noodles to the orient?

50 % of his post is directed at bar girl relationships , is this from experience or just from a book?

Its also quite obvious that MeemiaThai hasn't a lot of knowledge about Thailand anyhow.

Coming from just about the most racist race on earth ( Chinese ) I find  his other post about westerners being mainly racist quite laughable..

oops thats done it now....

It's true that this forum can't be all things to all people...but people that come in with a big attitude leave themselves open for the big fusillade. We can usually trust ourselves to not be overtly rascist or abusive...the administrators would gun us down otherwise. Seems to me that most of the postings here are by falangs and for falangs...others with acute sensibilties should probably be aware...
The other thread is amusing because it is made up by people who love Thailand , live here, or visit v often , and judging from the content know its foibles very well , it is a list of  ironies.

Is that pennies i can hear dropping?

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