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Nation Vs Bangkok Post


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i read both the Nation and BKK Post daily online and whilst the Nation seems to be quicker and more up to date with current issues, the BKK Post has a more considered view of events...... is this a true assessment or am i missing something........?

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It's like the two bulls in the paddock looking at a herd of cows . The old bull is The Bangkok Post and the young bull is The Nation. The young bull wants to rush in but the older one knows casually sauntering over will get them the whole herd.

The Nation tend to be first but copy editing on The Nation is of such a poor level I wonder at times if they do actually employ any native English-speaking copy editors or just a bunch of would-be's and failed English language teachers. Oh, wait, must be those Ivy League graduates who think because they have a degree and were born in an English speaking country they know how to write and edit news.

The Bangkok Post is much more polished and they also have some dam_n good columnists but they are considerably slower at getting it online. The Nation is also street ahead on their use of Twitter.

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If I must judge by the quality of their web sites - Bangkok Post is the clear winner!

The Nations web site is a sick joke!

mmmmm interesting 2 posts with a considered and intelligent response there is hope for TV yet

thanks i appreciate your comments

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i read both the Nation and BKK Post daily online and whilst the Nation seems to be quicker and more up to date with current issues, the BKK Post has a more considered view of events...... is this a true assessment or am i missing something........?

Whether online or paper-based, to me The Nation primarily talks (over does) business/finance news starting from the first page to the last page; while the Bangkok Post talks non-business/finance news and has it's business/finance section...a more balanced newspaper. I buy both papers because the bookstores seem to have one or the other, but rarely both when I drop-in to buy a paper....but when they do have both papers I pay the extra 5 Baht and buy the Bangkok Post. I like the The Nation's online web pages a little better, but once again they overdo the financial/bussiness news (i.e, compay XYZ made a profit of...).

Edited by Pib
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I think they're both utterly vile in their biased editorials. No wait, I think The Nation is slightly worse because it 'seems' more of an official policy whereas in the Bangkok post at least it's presented as individual opinion, and VERY rarely a counter view at least gets in.

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The Bkk-Post has shed a LOT of it's former Quality, don't think much of both - but they are the only papers in Thailand in English, so we are stuck with them.

The other Thai-papers are a no read, cause quality information, except the usual killings, accidents, police reports, is near 0!

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First I read The Nation, but when they changed format, I got bored reading things twice and look for news in basically two newspapers. So I did not renew the subscription and started reading Bangkok Post.

It seems to me that most news from outside Thailand are simple reprints from news agencies (AFP, AP, Reuters etc.) without any local input. The car section is more or less a re-print of the British Autocar magazine (which I happen to subscribe to as well) and the Database mostly lacks any interesting article.

I do like the comments and editorials, though. Well written and they even dare to have an opinion. (even though I do not always agree)

I believe if you truly want to be informed about what is going on outside Thailand, you need other sources of information. I subscribe to newspapers and magazines from Europe, because ... well ... is there any newspaper left from USA?

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The Nation tend to be first but copy editing on The Nation is of such a poor level I wonder at times if they do actually employ any native English-speaking copy editors or just a bunch of would-be's and failed English language teachers

The Bangkok Post does employee a group of Native English Copy Writers, but The Nation Doesnt .... i do not understand WHY they do not employee them?? ... yes they maybe more expensive to hire, but then they would have a better publication with more readers which increased revenue :o

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When was the last time the Bangkok Post reported anything involving violence towards foreigners????????

I think you find that they NEVER report anything negative like that, you know, all the important stuff that the long term ex-pat needs to know.

The Nation seems very amateur to me, think they are in desperate need of native speakers on their team

I always seem to get the real meaty stuff here from Georgie boy on TV

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I have noticed some welcome changes in the Bangkok Post website of late. It's brighter during the day with more 'breaking news', both local and global and updates in major stories. Maybe they're testing the waters and looking for some response on what we want. If we all post some comments here on what we'd like from the website then hopefully someone there will notice. It is a Thai-owned newspaper though, with the focus on Thai events, and we shouldn't expect in-depth comment on world issues. At least the website is free to look at. But if no one buys the paper, I doubt there will be a website. :o

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When was the last time the Bangkok Post reported anything involving violence towards foreigners????????

Regular violence, drug busts, paedophile arrests, rapes, suicides etc involving foreigners are so commonplace they are not news. Seriously, they happen all the time. If you want to read stories about that, try the Pattaya rags.

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I subscribe to The Nation, primarily for the business news coverage. However, I find that the sports coverage in the Bangkok Post is much better. I check The Nation website later in the day for updates...I used to check Bangkokpost but find Nation easier to navigate online.

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When was the last time the Bangkok Post reported anything involving violence towards foreigners????????

Regular violence, drug busts, paedophile arrests, rapes, suicides etc involving foreigners are so commonplace they are not news. Seriously, they happen all the time. If you want to read stories about that, try the Pattaya rags.

I disagree PC. Today front page of the nation was a story about a 50+ year old guy that got shot 3 times over the weekend in Ko Phan gan or whatever its called for complaining about the noise about the full moon party i guess.

Not a word in the Bk post from what I can see.

So you are saying you think that the constant red yellow political news is more important to English language readers than reporting on attempted homicides? Funny how all the Thai language newspapers report your 'commonplace' crimes. Do you consider them all to be rags?

If this kind of shooting took place in your home town do you think your local paper would cover it or ignore it.

Stick to posting pictures mate :o

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i prefer Bangkok Post to The Nation.

The Nation seems disorganized and very few news (the newspapers have so few pages! sometimes i feel so cheated buying it!)

The Nation's classified section always have Thai language (coz they share the same ads with Kom chad leuk maybe)

Bangkok Post has more variety in terms of articles.

But Bangkok Post is expensive....more expensive than the Nation.

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I disagree PC.

Well, that's your first mistake :o

Note that I didn't say these things are never reported. Your Koh Phagnan story sounds a juicy one - and I guess the Nation had enough resources to run with it.

And yes, if a shooting like that happened in my hometown I would expect it to get reported. But, as you say, in the local paper, not a national - which is what the BP and the Nation are. The Koh Phagnan story had legs because of the novelty angle.

My point is that the BP and Nation are not farang newsletters. (Readership is pretty much split 50/50 between Thais and farang.)

Big farang stories that spring to mind include the Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai; nutso copper in Kanchanaburi; nutso copper in Pai; and rapey fishermen in Samui. They were all good stories and all got coverage nationally.

Drunken farang gets beaten up by motorcycle taxi drivers on Pattaya Walking Street and left in a coma, is not. Same for heartbroken farang falls off balcony after frank exchange of views with wife's "brother". Devastating for anyone affected, less so for people who have been in Thailand for a while and heard these things countless times.

Farang head found hanging off a bridge with a message scrawled on the wall ... now, that's a story.

As for Thai papers - I don't know, as I don't read Thai. All I know is what friends tell me and the impression is that yes, they are all rags. But as I said, I don't really know. What do you think? Is there a Thai paper that is particularly good?

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I disagree PC.

Well, that's your first mistake :D

Note that I didn't say these things are never reported. Your Koh Phagnan story sounds a juicy one - and I guess the Nation had enough resources to run with it.

And yes, if a shooting like that happened in my hometown I would expect it to get reported. But, as you say, in the local paper, not a national - which is what the BP and the Nation are. The Koh Phagnan story had legs because of the novelty angle.

My point is that the BP and Nation are not farang newsletters. (Readership is pretty much split 50/50 between Thais and farang.)

Big farang stories that spring to mind include the Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai; nutso copper in Kanchanaburi; nutso copper in Pai; and rapey fishermen in Samui. They were all good stories and all got coverage nationally.

Drunken farang gets beaten up by motorcycle taxi drivers on Pattaya Walking Street and left in a coma, is not. Same for heartbroken farang falls off balcony after frank exchange of views with wife's "brother". Devastating for anyone affected, less so for people who have been in Thailand for a while and heard these things countless times.

Farang head found hanging off a bridge with a message scrawled on the wall ... now, that's a story.

As for Thai papers - I don't know, as I don't read Thai. All I know is what friends tell me and the impression is that yes, they are all rags. But as I said, I don't really know. What do you think? Is there a Thai paper that is particularly good?

Krungthep Turakij, Prachachart Turikij, Tharnsettikij come to mind mate. Not sure where you got your stats on the readership of BK Post and The Nation - hopefully not their ad departments. :o

BK Post is audited sort of. 70,000 printed (not sold) per day. How many end up on hotel room doors of leading 4-5 star hotels? I guess maybe 20,000 subcribers, 20,000 purchased retail, 10,000 at hotels and another 10,000 upcountry.

Quite honestly, I don't read the hard copies much anymore - the news is too old (web and tv are current) and I don't care of reading 4 pages of political infighting. I take a quick peek at Outlook section and Horizons on Thursday.

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I'll take your word about the Thai papers.

Not sure where you got your stats on the readership of BK Post and The Nation - hopefully not their ad departments. :o

Nope. Their last readership survey. I wouldn't trust the Bangkok Post's ad department to tie their own shoelaces.

BK Post is audited sort of.

No sort of about it. They spend a small fortune on auditors who fly in from Singapore each year.

How many end up on hotel room doors of leading 4-5 star hotels? I guess maybe 20,000 subcribers, 20,000 purchased retail, 10,000 at hotels and another 10,000 upcountry.

Maybe. There certainly aren't enough regular subscribers to keep it going.

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I'll take your word about the Thai papers.
Not sure where you got your stats on the readership of BK Post and The Nation - hopefully not their ad departments. :o

Nope. Their last readership survey. I wouldn't trust the Bangkok Post's ad department to tie their own shoelaces.

BK Post is audited sort of.

No sort of about it. They spend a small fortune on auditors who fly in from Singapore each year.

How many end up on hotel room doors of leading 4-5 star hotels? I guess maybe 20,000 subcribers, 20,000 purchased retail, 10,000 at hotels and another 10,000 upcountry.

Maybe. There certainly aren't enough regular subscribers to keep it going.

I know its audited, but be wary of which kind. Circulation paid audit or production audit? Anyways, I do look at their websites but rarely sit down and read about yesterdays news and scores in Europe / NA or what the red vs yellow is did in hard copy. zzzzz

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I was a loyal reader of the post for many years, and finally said enough with their last price increase.

The quality of their reporting was never much anyway, but somehow over the last few years they seemed to get worse!!!!!

They claimed that printing costs (due to the inflated price of oil) forced them to raise their cover price,( and they love to produce those glossy 4-page ads).

Now with lower costs, you don't see them reducing their price!!!!!!!

However, my main reason was their "canned" stories from other sources.

I will say again, they never report anything that might tarnish the image of this country in the eyes of foreigners.

Next time something nasty happens, you will get the info here on TV, and strangely there will be nothing in the Post.

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I will say again, they never report anything that might tarnish the image of this country in the eyes of foreigners.

Complete and utter rubbish.

Just picked up a random old Bangkok Post from under my desk, Feb 16, and the first story I noticed is "No law to order deathtraps off the roads". Next one I've picked up (Feb 13) has the front lead as "Blast kills senior police officer".

If these stories -- about dangerous vehicles on the road and bomb attacks in Pattani -- do not tarnish the country's image, then I don't know what would.

edit: I do agree with you about the price though

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I will say again, they never report anything that might tarnish the image of this country in the eyes of foreigners.

Complete and utter rubbish.

Just picked up a random old Bangkok Post from under my desk, Feb 16, and the first story I noticed is "No law to order deathtraps off the roads". Next one I've picked up (Feb 13) has the front lead as "Blast kills senior police officer".

If these stories -- about dangerous vehicles on the road and bomb attacks in Pattani -- do not tarnish the country's image, then I don't know what would.

edit: I do agree with you about the price though

read the context of the post MR polecat

those are Thai nationals, what about foreigners???????

I counter your "complete and utter rubbish" to my post,,,with a complete and utter rubbish to yours :o:D

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