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Gliding Vs Microlight

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Instead of throwing away my hard-earned credit card points of needless items for a change, I thought I'd do something a bit more fun and go for a 40 min flight in either a glider or microlight aircraft over some mountains. I have no idea which might be more fun for whatever reasons, but I can remember someone saying that a glider induces vomiting the first few times, but the silence is awesome. However, microlight you're feeling the wind and controlling the direction more, although it must be like having a noisy motorbike behind you all the time.

Any TVers tried one or both and if so, which would you choose?

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Never tried Gliding but back home I started to get my microlight license. Brilliant! About the best buzz you can get for your buck. Back in the UK you can land and take off from any field, with permission, but are restricted in other ways. Also in the UK they have lots of small private airfields you an use. I would also love to try it again here. I think there are a few schools around Pattaya and CM.

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Spent a fair bit of time 'Gliding' a fair few years ago.....never vomited, actually nobody I knew in that field claimed to have vomited either.

It is awesome, the ultralight is great fun too, but between the two options I would go for the glider everytime.

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Done both many times MICROLITE would be my choice

Views over the mountains will be unforgetable. Not quite the same from a Glider

On the Microlite You are sitting in a Deck Chair, No visual restrictions.

Go for It. You only live Once. :o

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I went gliding often many years ago in India. Never vomited once! Well after one forced landing I "almost" vomited. :o

They used to use a powered winch to get aloft. No tow-planes. It was fantastic to fly with only the noise of the wind. I got the same feeling when I went sailing for the first time here in Thailand a few years ago.

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I confirm: no vomiting mandatory for gliding :o

Amazing feeling of flying in complete silence except aerodynamic (gentle) noises. I did a couple of times in CM. With good weather conditions, a flight may last for 40 min or even more if you're really lucky...

No experience with ultralight - I may thus not recommend an option rather than the other - but I guess about all must be different: altitudes, noise, speeds, autonomy, visibility. But visibility from a glider canopy is quite ample, even downwards since the body is pretty narrow.

I did some paragliding and the visibility is of course perfect since you're just hanging in your seat with no other frame. It may even be a little frightening! Same silence as the glider but faster descend and no towing: you need a cliff.

Enjoy, wathever your choice :D

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I’d say Microlite every time, especially in the Tropics. The exposed bubble canopy of a glider would become a solar oven! I used to get too hot in my light aircraft (Grumman American Tiger) in the UK -even in the winter if it was a sunny day.

If you have never experienced Microlite flight then you should definitely give it a go. Far more exhilarating than a light aircraft as you are more in contact with the air. Have fun.

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Well thats a mixed bag of answers & naturally I'm the only one that is right :o

Arrrgh it certainly is! 50/50 so far I think. If I had enough card points I'd book both. The flying will take place on the Malvern Hills, England during May, so heat won't be a problem I'm sure.

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