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Honey No Money


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As some of you may know my wife got scammed into buying 700+ bottles of honey for her store a few months ago.

She sold and gave away about 300 bottles. She no longer has the store, just the honey.

We gave a box to an orphanage last week and would like to give more to any other worthy cause, if you have one

Try to keep the smart remarks to a minimum

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Local schools or hospitals ???? I know in Chumphon there was an old peoples home which I used to drop some food in every now and then and it was always received well. Id be interested in some as I love the stuff! Often buy it ff a drunken guy that wanders past the bar I drink in. :o

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What about the LIfe HOme Project ?

Good call !!

What's the packaging like? Taking this idea a whole step further. if the honeys can be decorated/branded as a LHP craft and sold, it could generate some money for the project and since you're donating the Honey if you're given a percentage (or not, up to you) you might be able to recuperate a bit of the cost of the honey scam.

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The honey is in old whisky bottles

Some good ideas and I don't mind giving it away, but I am not going to go driving around looking for some place that will take it.

We are in the Chalong area. If someone wants to call me, no problem 08 907 84550

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There are often people from the Isaan walking around who are selling stuff like brooms, rattan furniture and so on. I would simply donate the honey bit by bit to them, they might make some very much needed extra money flogging the honey to tourists. If you have a car, just keep a plastic bag with a few honey bottles ready, and stop if you see one of these guys making his rounds. In case you don't speak Thai, it might help if you would have a paper explaining in Thai why you are handing out honey for free

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I've been a supporter and fundraiser for LifeHome for a couple of years and go there 2 or 3 times a month. It's a residential home on Koh Sirae just north of Phuket Town for women and children living with HIV...some of the children there are orphans.

Seems we're not allowed to post links here even when it's to do with charities so if you google lifehomeproject rex and look at the thread at the top of the search you can read what some of us have been doing to help them and see pictures.

The Home survives solely on donations and through sales of the handicrafts they make in their workshop. They would surely put the honey to good use selling whatever they don't use themselves to raise funds or passing it on to the poor families in the area and I would happily pick it up from Chalong and take it to them.

My email : xxlandofsmilesxx(@)gmail.com remove the brackets

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I've been a supporter and fundraiser for LifeHome for a couple of years and go there 2 or 3 times a month. It's a residential home on Koh Sirae just north of Phuket Town for women and children living with HIV...some of the children there are orphans.

Seems we're not allowed to post links here even when it's to do with charities so if you google lifehomeproject rex and look at the thread at the top of the search you can read what some of us have been doing to help them and see pictures.

The Home survives solely on donations and through sales of the handicrafts they make in their workshop. They would surely put the honey to good use selling whatever they don't use themselves to raise funds or passing it on to the poor families in the area and I would happily pick it up from Chalong and take it to them.

My email : xxlandofsmilesxx(@)gmail.com remove the brackets

Drop by for a case any time

You might want to call first

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