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Hi Everyone

I am currently on holiday in England and I've seriously been considering bringing two staffordshire bull terriers back to Thailand with me. And from all the websites I visited it seemed as though their aren't usually many problems. But I've just called Airpets and they tell me they are a banned breed in Thailand and I called Hull Thai Consulate and they also told me they might be banned but I can try to apply for an import permit. I know you can buy the American and English bull terriers in Thailand, so I'm assuming that like many things in Thailand there must be a way to get them in.

Does anyone have any information on this topic? or any phone numbers of places I can call to find out if I can bring Stafordshires bull terriers to Thailand?

I appreciate any information or advice you might have.

I really can't see why Staffordshire bull terriers would be banned when Rottweilers aren't. They probaly just fall under the same category as pitbulls. If this is why then it's a dam shame.



I brought a -Bordeaux Dogge- with plane with me, some years ago from Austria, was a Puppy 10 kg plus cage, but for the freight I had to pay a lot. About 600 Euro.

In Bangkok I payed than 100 or 200 Baht Importtax. They did not even look at the dog, maybe with one eye. ;-)

So, maybe call at the Airport in BKK and ask, **suggestions on how to circumvent Thai law have been removed***sbk

Anyway, call your local Thai embassy, ask there or let you give the contactnumbers for Thailand.

Yes I agree, contact Bangkok Airport, you can contact them through Email, i did, 8 years ago about bringing my 2 dogs to Thailand.

My girlfriend has phoned the quarantine at Survanabhumi airport, and yes it's true, staffordshire bull terriers are banned. And they and pitbulls are pretty much the only dogs you'll have problems getting into Thailand. Sad but true. And yet, they are the softest and most loveable dogs. But, there is still some good news, you can buy them in Thailand if you look hard enough. And thats exactly what I'm gonna do when I'm back in 2 weeks.


There was a guy (on the Hua Hin forum I think) who had some pit-bull pups to a good home.

I hunted high and low for staffies here but ended up with a pitbull- he is just the same as my staffy was in England and has the greatest personality.

[EDIT to add: Here's the link I was talking about here, and sorry it doesn't look like they were free- my bad].


I can give you the name of the breeder of APBT in chiang mai that i bought my baby from, if you have trouble getting yur dogs in and want to buy over here. good luck..

I can give you the name of the breeder of APBT in chiang mai that i bought my baby from, if you have trouble getting yur dogs in and want to buy over here. good luck..


Thanx for the reply

My girlfriend has found one breeder, and he has one dog remaining which he was going to keep but has decided to sell her.She's a little older than i'd like, at 13 months old. But he has a few staffies so we can breed her with another one of his dogs later on. They certainly are difficult to find in Thailand, so the puppies shouldn't be too difficult to sell.


A 13 months old dog that the breeder was going to keep (or maybe she was the left-over of the litter)? Does that mean she has stayed with the breeder all that time? What did the breeder do about the socialization? Did the dog had sufficient chances to interact positively with other dog breeds, mix-breeds and animals species, with children (and not only those of his own), strangers, other environments etc etc.?

And how about the rest of the education of this dog?

Know what you might (not necessarily will) get yourself into ....

A 13 months old dog that the breeder was going to keep (or maybe she was the left-over of the litter)? Does that mean she has stayed with the breeder all that time? What did the breeder do about the socialization? Did the dog had sufficient chances to interact positively with other dog breeds, mix-breeds and animals species, with children (and not only those of his own), strangers, other environments etc etc.?

And how about the rest of the education of this dog?

Know what you might (not necessarily will) get yourself into ....

Thanx for your comment

The breeder takes his dogs to shows and was going to start taking the 13 month old dog but he says he doesn't have the time, so he's decided to sell her.

I have called my girlfriend up to to ask her to hammer the man with lots of questions about the dog, to try to find out how he was brought her up. If I have any suspisions I won't buy her. But she looks lovely in the picture. Really nice patterns.


Auch, not a good sign. Hammering with a lot of questions doesn't necessarily gives you the truth. People can answer anything they like. How often I've seen pups, sold as being 8 weeks of age, with hardly any baby teeth come through yet.

It would be better to ask the breeder to take the dog outside of the dog's familiar surroundings. Have a look how she acts with the breeder, when she is on a lead, when she is outside, when she sees other dogs, chicken cats etc. etc.

Best, though, would be that you are there as well. It is never wise to buy or adopt a dog that you haven't been able to observe first. Why the rush anyway? Why not taking your time?

Auch, not a good sign. Hammering with a lot of questions doesn't necessarily gives you the truth. People can answer anything they like. How often I've seen pups, sold as being 8 weeks of age, with hardly any baby teeth come through yet.

It would be better to ask the breeder to take the dog outside of the dog's familiar surroundings. Have a look how she acts with the breeder, when she is on a lead, when she is outside, when she sees other dogs, chicken cats etc. etc.

Best, though, would be that you are there as well. It is never wise to buy or adopt a dog that you haven't been able to observe first. Why the rush anyway? Why not taking your time?

I have been taking my time. I spent 3 months looking for a staffordshire bull terrier before I came to England. We went to look around Pattaya and there were none to be seen. Been looking on the internet and none. So, I decided I would bring them from England whilst I'm on holiday, and I find out they are banned (which explains why there's so few in Thailand). And my girlfriend has alot of experience with dogs, and if she feels the dog hasn't been taken well care off she won't buy her. And besides, you always have to take a few chances when buying a pedigree. And if she hasn't been taken that well cared for she'll certainly be coming to a loving home. And we'll take her to the vets to have her checked over before we hand over any money.


if this thread deteriorates to an 'anti pit bull' and 'killer dog' thread i will close it.

we all hear these stories in all the countries we live in; this thread is not about killer dogs, it is about someone who obviously knows what they are interested in and wants this particular breed and nienke and others are on board here to help with advice and suggestions for socializing, training and choosing a stable puppy from any breed anywhere in the world be it pit bull, ABT, rottie, bangkeow thai dogs, shitzus dachshunds or mixed breed rescues..



I can give you the name of the breeder of APBT in chiang mai that i bought my baby from, if you have trouble getting yur dogs in and want to buy over here. good luck..


Thanx for the reply

My girlfriend has found one breeder, and he has one dog remaining which he was going to keep but has decided to sell her.She's a little older than i'd like, at 13 months old. But he has a few staffies so we can breed her with another one of his dogs later on. They certainly are difficult to find in Thailand, so the puppies shouldn't be too difficult to sell.

The staffordshire men are dangerous too lol

if this thread deteriorates to an 'anti pit bull' and 'killer dog' thread i will close it.

we all hear these stories in all the countries we live in; this thread is not about killer dogs, it is about someone who obviously knows what they are interested in and wants this particular breed and nienke and others are on board here to help with advice and suggestions for socializing, training and choosing a stable puppy from any breed anywhere in the world be it pit bull, ABT, rottie, bangkeow thai dogs, shitzus dachshunds or mixed breed rescues..




According to post 4 in this thread, staffs and pibulls are illegal in Thailand. So it would be a good idea to close the thread since trying to bring these breeds into Thailand is illegal.



A friend of me imported his American stafford to Thailand as a "mixed" breed :o ,

he did not had any problem.

A other guy i know he imported his English staff. bull terrier as a English staff. bull terrier also no problem. English staff bull terriers are NOT BANNED, pit bulls / American staffs are.


merck, new home has it correct: do not get mixed up: staffordishre bull terriers i.e. english staff terriers, even if born in the states are a breed. amstaffs i.e american staffordishire terriers, even if born in england are the banned (and with more personality problems) breed. they have different height, weight, colour and personality standards. unfortunately journalists dont always differentiate or understand breed differences, and bull terrier, amstaff, staffbull terrier, bull dog and american garage pit bull are all lumped under the same heading.

The OP didnt know it was banned, he checked it out, found it was, and now wants to buy in thailland while he (i guess he lives there) is in thailand to keep in thailand. that is at the moment not illegal. that is his perogative.

btw, back in the 1980's i owned a staffie (the english breed although american dog) and brought him with me to israel .

he was a red fawn with white chest and a slightly black muzzle, and was pet quality only as he refused to 'spark' in the ring. he also ignored dogs cats and anything else that moved. very phlegmatic actually.




A friend of me imported his American stafford to Thailand as a "mixed" breed :o ,

he did not had any problem.

A other guy i know he imported his English staff. bull terrier as a English staff. bull terrier also no problem. English staff bull terriers are NOT BANNED, pit bulls / American staffs are.

My girlfriend called quarantine for me and they said they are banned. We've also spoken to a pit bull and staffie breeder in Thailand and he also said they are banned but you might be able to get them in if you change the breeds name. But I'm not gonna take that chance. I'll just keep looking in Thailand. I nearly bought a 13 month old female from this breeder, but I've decided it's too old and I'll wait until he has another litter.


Discussion of how to circumvent Thai law is not allowed, please do not offer suggestions on how to do so.

See this thread and please keep these awful breeds (staffs and pitbulls) out of Thailand.


I'm sorry about the woman, but you can only blame the owners and not the dogs. I don't know about pit bulls, but Staffies are the softest loveable dogs. A poodle can do more harm than any staffie I've ever seen.

Agree entirely! When I was a kid we got a pedigree staffie that was given to us (as an adult dog) by the breeder 'cos he had skin problems and couldn't be 'shown'.

He was the gentlest, softest dog I have ever known! Admittedly he had to be kept on a lead around aggressive dogs, but on a lead would be perfectly behaved, regardless of how badly the other dog behaved.

He never, ever showed any aggression towards people, or anything other than aggressive dogs. He loved people and children, who could do anything to him!

Unfortunately some yobs teach staffies to be aggressive - giving them a bad name. ANY dog can be made aggressive by a bad owner.

Treated as a normal dog, staffies are softies and v intelligent.

Incidentally, I met many staffies in England when walking my Heinz 57 (years later), who were not even aggressive when they met aggressive dogs.

Other than the fact that staffies are strong and (once they've got hold of a dog) don't let go, there is NO similarity between a staffie and a pitbull. Pitbulls need an experienced, pitbull owner. Staffies on the other hand are so gentle that even a caring newbie could have one, provided they understand they need to be trained to behave around other dogs.

See this thread and please keep these awful breeds (staffs and pitbulls) out of Thailand.


I'm sorry about the woman, but you can only blame the owners and not the dogs. I don't know about pit bulls, but Staffies are the softest loveable dogs. A poodle can do more harm than any staffie I've ever seen.

I too am sorry about the woman, and also like you blame it on the owners. I grew up with pit bulls as did my children and plan I to keep this breed as long as I can. Raised in a home environment they are faithful loving dog almost like a member of the family, and I'm quite sure staffs are the same. As far as being less dangerous then a poodle, I don't know I've never owned a staff but would dam_n sure rather be confronted by a poodle then a staff any day. What I do know for sure is that all of the APBT dogs that I have owned have all been great guard dogs, in other words a criminal could surely pick a better house to break into other then mine.

  • 1 month later...
Hi Everyone

I am currently on holiday in England and I've seriously been considering bringing two staffordshire bull terriers back to Thailand with me. And from all the websites I visited it seemed as though their aren't usually many problems. But I've just called Airpets and they tell me they are a banned breed in Thailand and I called Hull Thai Consulate and they also told me they might be banned but I can try to apply for an import permit. I know you can buy the American and English bull terriers in Thailand, so I'm assuming that like many things in Thailand there must be a way to get them in.

Does anyone have any information on this topic? or any phone numbers of places I can call to find out if I can bring Stafordshires bull terriers to Thailand?

I appreciate any information or advice you might have.

I really can't see why Staffordshire bull terriers would be banned when Rottweilers aren't. They probaly just fall under the same category as pitbulls. If this is why then it's a dam shame.


Hi Missy,

I moved lock stock and barrel to Thailand three years ago and brought my Staffie with me.Its not easy though.

As with everything in Thailand,money talks!!

When we decided to move i started to look into the import license you require to bring your dog to Thailand.First I e mailed the relevant office to apply for import license.no reply!! many times,no reply.Tghen I hired a lawyer to apply the office on my behalf,he sent someone to the office and came back with the answer 'this breed is banned'!To my utter horror we had to leave my best friend behind.We came to Thailand and left our dog with my son.

After we had been here 6 weeks,two over size parcels arrived in Bangkok.I had to personally go to collect and decided to try again in person for this import license.Everything was going great until I came for the final stamp when I was again informed that my dog was banned.Fortunately(or planned)the officer from the dept where i collected my parcels was the same officer who helped me with the application for import license and had escorted me to the import office.On hearing the 'your dog is banned 'declaration,he swiftly informed me that if I gave him money for a phone call he would 'try and get my license.I left 500 baht and went to catch the bus back with my parcels to Koh Phangan,before i got on the bus i received a call telling me to return to the office and collect my import license!! This I did.To my delight I got my license and parted with a further 2000 baht.Happy!!!

After sending all the relevant paper work back to the U.K. and arranging everything,my dog came a few weeks later(1200 quid for his flights from Scotland,he must of come first class).So it was back,again to Bangkok to collect him.On arrival i was given a laminated piece of paper with every breed you can imagine listed.I selected my dog with a daily quarantine price against it,a quick calculation followed where the thai official banged in some numbers on the calculator ,added his birthdate in,a new bike for his daughter,and came up with the figure of 32,000 baht!! a big number,but i would have paid anything to get my boy here.

So I left the commercial parcels offices with my dog,skint but ecstatic.

If all this was not enough,when i went to book him on a flight from Bangkok to Samui,which I of course had all the paper work ,him having arrived from the U.K.I was told he had to have a sleeping draught.I refuted this as he had travelled all the way to Bankok without anything,and sedatives are not good for animals tavelling under pressurised conditions.The staff would not allow my dog to travel without.After consulting what i had to give him,it was decided that Benelin for kids was adequate,LOL,So off to the pharmacy,it said on the bottle that it could cause drowsiness and my dog should not operate machinery,I figured that unless they asked him to fly the palne he should be okay.My dog lapped up two big spoonfulls,it was sweet,and barked the whole way to Samui,but at least he didnt have a cough or bad chest!!!

Now he is here and having the best time,beach every morning and master of his patch.

The moral is,go in person to the office,be humble,dont argue and hand over some money.

  • 5 weeks later...

When you want to bring it you need a pet passport for the dog,just tell your vet to change the breed..problem solved!!i brought mine 2 years ago(in the pet passport he is listed as "MIX")..paid 100 baht for i take the dog back out of a thailand after 6 month or something like this....thats all!!this is thailand..do you really believe there is somebody sitting on the airport knowing about the different breeds and then saying no this dog is a amstaff or whatever?...come on...even a vet can never tell you the exact breed because there are so many mix ups!and nobody cares!!!!


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