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Trip To Australia


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my trip home after a number of years was great but I'm glad to to be back in the land of smiles.

How do I get my daughter to stop singing ''come on Aussie come on''

We were on the Newcastle beach building sand castles when the tsunami hit, Newcastle beach that is. brother in law tells me that the radio said the tsunami hit whilst we were there measuring 1.5 cm

I do not claim this to be true and quite frankly can't see how this could be done. The letter some of you folks suggested I write allowing me to travel with my daughter came in handy as I was asked for it at Don Muang. The guy was holding me up and I got the impression he was going to check up on it through his computer, when the computers broke down. People were trying to get through and were panicing so he told me to go through. I got to thinking that perhaps I needed to do more than just have my wife sign it may not have been enough and possibly they wouldn't have let me through had it not been for the computers breaking and creating a panic by passengers wanting to board.

It is good to be back and the trip makes me appreciate Thailand. On the second day my daughter and I were walking through the Woolies car park and I heard this very angry womans voice screaming abuse, on turning around it turns out it was me the abuse was directed at. we were walking in the driveway.

Apart from that it a great trip kept on hearing Aussie accents thought all my chrissies had come once.

the week before I went over folks were talking about aussie pensioners havin to go home every couple of years. Friends over there said they thought it was due to ''people of middle eastern appearance'' screwing up the system by going over to aussie and then having an accident at work repetative strain for instance and getting the benefits. Going back to their country for instance. This they say is an example of The government being politically correct.

Regards Joe

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got that right.

many of the eastern european and chinese are experts at wroughting every cent they can get from the welfare system,its the same in NZ where they arrive buy expensive houses and cars and get every benefit possible

Many main operate cash businesses,pay little or no tax and contribute little to the country.

xenophobic ...maybe just saying from personal experience.

my trip home after a number of years was great but I'm glad to to be back in the land of smiles.

How do I get my daughter to stop singing ''come on Aussie come on''

We were on the Newcastle beach building sand castles when the tsunami hit, Newcastle beach that is. brother in law tells me that the radio said the tsunami hit whilst we were there measuring 1.5 cm

I do not claim this to be true and quite frankly can't see how this could be done. The letter some of you folks suggested I write allowing me to travel with my daughter came in handy as I was asked for it at Don Muang. The guy was holding me up and I got the impression he was going to check up on it through his computer, when the computers broke down. People were trying to get through and were panicing so he told me to go through. I got to thinking that perhaps I needed to do more than just have my wife sign it may not have been enough and possibly they wouldn't have let me through had it not been for the computers breaking and creating a panic by passengers wanting to board.

It is good to be back and the trip makes me appreciate Thailand. On the second day my daughter and I were walking through the Woolies car park and I heard this very angry womans voice screaming abuse, on turning around it turns out it was me the abuse was directed at. we were walking in the driveway.

Apart from that it a great trip kept on hearing Aussie accents thought all my chrissies had come once.

the week before I went over folks were talking about aussie pensioners havin to go home every couple of years. Friends over there said they thought it was due to ''people of middle eastern appearance'' screwing up the system by going over to aussie and then having an accident at work repetative strain for instance and getting the benefits. Going back to their country for instance. This they say is an example of The government being politically correct.

Regards Joe

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Atleast she is not singing "aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi"

Sounds like your daughter is a little gem Strawberry, you must be the second proudest guy in the world, after me of course. I made the mistake of taking my little girl back to Oz for the "meet the grandparents" thing, they almost didn't let me leave with her :D

It is funny how our little half Thai/Farang kids seem to be a whole lot cuter than non mixed kids, infact it is strange but my little girl is cuter than any other baby I have ever seen. :o

Well, done mate. I hope you enjoyed the trip.

One piece of advice, never ever let her listen to "Tie me kangaroo"


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