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Woman Mauled To Death By 3 Pit Bull Terriers, 3 Wounded


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After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

So you got the dog for the wrong reason knew nothing about it and Voila you should never of got the dog just cause you wanted to try it out do you realize how stupid that sounds

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And there are farang on this forum that have these dogs, good idea to publicse it id say,.

Nothing wrong with owing a PitBull if you are responsible and know how to train and handle it Period no different than a rottie Alsation or other large powerful breed. it just mainly irresponsible <deleted> own these dogs that fight them and want to look tough without the proper training you are right it is a dangerous animal.

I beleive the dog should not be outlawed but a license should be required after an extensive check and training course on how to handle the breed.

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After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

So you got the dog for the wrong reason knew nothing about it and Voila you should never of got the dog just cause you wanted to try it out do you realize how stupid that sounds

The problem is, that every dog no matter what breed and size can have a "bad hair day" as someone said before, and if pit bulls and the like have a bad hair day things can get totally out of control. They should be "handled" like for example Tigers, you are only allowed to have one if YOU had proper training and the proper facilities to care for it.

I read so many news today about kids getting killed for no apparent reasons, or the video of the kid that got almost killed along with the grand parents for stepping on it's paw, it just shows that these dogs are dangerous, they are not the average pet dog.

If people who understand these dogs and their nature (like "DLock" and some other posters) handle them the way they should/do, so the dog adepts the owners rules/CoD and accepts him as the alphadog, there would not be anyone calling for a ban on these breeds. Accidents do happen, and many non-fighting dog breeds have killed people, the problem is that most people treat them as house pets, don't learn themselves and teach others how to handle those dogs, and since hardly anyone is willing to "go to school" for a dog, many end up with a dog they have no idea about it's nature and temper and those dogs end up hurting or killing someone.

Put a strict law in place on how to care for and house such dogs and there would not be any problem. If that can't be done, then they should not be allowed at all. People are just to dam_n lazy and careless if they are not forced, just like my neighbors. Think about the poodle that chewed up that kids face, it shows that actually NO dog should be unsupervised around children, and dogs that can kill kids with a single bite should not be allowed to run freely, ever!.

p.s. this is all about pit bulls and it's close relatives, but I also think Rottweilers and a couple of other dogs that are just so dam_n big that they can really hurt someone, without even adults being able to defend themselves when getting attacked, that should not be allowed to just have as a normal pet.

Edited by jbhh
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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

Pitbulls were never bred to attack humans the were bred for dog fights and are one of the most loving breeds towards humans. You get far more attacks by golden retrievers, german shepards and rottweilers.

Besides beeing locked up in cages, starving from malnutrition and lack of socializing them, the owners are soley to blame. Thais are famous for abusing their pets...


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Obiously you did not read the BOLD text in my post, I read news where POLICE was using PEPPER SPRAY and TASERS to try and get pit bulls to stop biting a person, IT DID NOT SUCCEED!!! They even reported, it just made them more angry.

You may scare off a Thai soi dog with it, but not a fighting dog in attack mode.

Absolute Croc you only have to watch a few episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter to see that Mace works and instanly repels Rotties and Pit Bulls usually they use the Bear Mace large sprayer

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There are hundreds of dogs running wild in Hua Hin. Some woman opened a dog sanctury near a temple but it would seem there are more dogs outside than inside. The local monks feed them every day luckily but I can't imagine many people would feel safe walking up the road at night. Only a matter of time before something bad happens and then when the horse has bolted the Thais will think let's shut the gate. It's like they enjoy tempting fate.

Pit Bull owners are up in arms to defend their beasts the minute you critisise them. I fear no man, my hoby for years was MA but when one of those dogs is anywhere near me I feel totaly uncomfortable and even scared.

My friend back home had one and although it seemed friends I never such a change in an animal when it caiught hold of a cat that had crossed it's path.

Ok dogs don't like cat's but this thing just tore it to shreds and was going bonkers when doing it.

I can visualise that poor woman who wouldn't have stood a chance against 3 of them. I remember one young girl around 12 years old was playing with the family pet. She was apparantly having her first period and the smell of blood turned the family pet into a killer and she lost her life.

These dogs aren't meant to be pets. They are bred from fighting dogs and it's in them all. Every owner says "Not mines he's lovely" that's natural but that's what that little girls parents thought and almost every other owner, who knew it all, until it was too late.

They should not be kept as individuals as pets but kept in zoos with the rest of the wild animals.

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OK, In response to peoples reactions at my harsh criticism I would like to add fule to the fire.

1) Pitties are dangerous IF not trained well

2) Pitties will defend your property with lethal force

3)Pitties must be supervised if in groups

Keep these things in mind and nobody will die.... remember number 1 is crucial !

Hear Hear I can use as an example a Guy that has a Pack of 30 dogs mainly Pitbulls and Rotties and never has a problem even takes in these abused Pitbulls that are chained up all day and rehabilitates them into a well conditioned animal and then they are adopted by familys and the like

his answer is again its the owner and he can prove it time and time again by churning out stable well behaved pitbulls.

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Even the name of the breed should alert any reasonably intelligent person as to the characteristics of this breed. Pitbull, indeed. I am of two minds here. First, I do not applaud the death or injury to innocents from this breed, however, I cannot shed a tear for those who chose to make it part of their lives... Any owner of this dog whose dog injures or kill a human or even another dog should stand trial as if they did it themselves.

The reckless disgregard for human life , or the life of another dog, by the owners of these animals is staggering. My dog would never do that, they claim, and show astonishment when a child is torn apart is no excuse. It remind me of the guy who, after destroying a family in a car accident, claims innocence as he was drunk...It couldn't be my fault...I was drunk, and I don't remember it. Yeah, put a loaded gun in cabinet drawer and when your child blows his brains out...It couldn't possibly by your fault. You own one of these dogs...you own a dangerous weapon and if it hurts someone, it is just as if you pulled the trigger yourself.


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That is shocking news. RIP to the poor woman

Stereotypical for the breed.

I feel sorry for the situation. RIP.

I also feel sorry for the persons who will say that it is stereotypical for the breed. We don't read about the

conditions the dogs were hold or what so ever. Sure it can be killing machines, that's a part of the breed. Compare it that you give a 9mm automatic to a 9 year old. It's also how the people care there dogs.

That's what stereotypical means. :o

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They should not be kept as individuals as pets but kept in zoos with the rest of the wild animals.


... or if you want one as a pet, do everyone a favour and muzzle the bleeding thing when on walkies or when people are round the house <deleted>.

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I agree that the owners are responsible for any incident that happens but there are certain established facts of behavior of pit bulls.

1. Pit bulls are known to be "one person" dogs. That is, they often form an attachment to one owner, and can be very protective and hostile to other people who they think might be a threat to that owner.

2. pit bulls often "gang up" on someone they attack. One pit bull bites a person, and the others follow in the attack. It's like a "attack" button is pushed when they see another dog bite or growl.

3. But curiously, pit bulls raised with the family children often are very protective of those children, and won't attack them. The problem is that, as I said before, pit bulls are known to sometimes go berserk when they see another dog bite or attack a person. When that happens, even family members are in danger.


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These races of dogs are not responsible. Their owner is responsible. These breeds don't kill.

You could say the same of guns: guns don't kill, it's the people who fire them who kill.

Yet, in most civilized countries guns are banned or at least you need a licence to carry them.

Let's make these owners really penally responsible for any damage/injury caused by their "pets". But first, let's test their skills in training/controlling these beasts.

I'm sure some pit bulls owners know how to handle them and how to keep them relatively innocuous, just like most people who carry guns will never kill anyone. Still they are both dangerous and should be closely regulated.

It takes criminal intent to kill with a gun; it's sufficient to be incompetent to kill with a pit bull.

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All pit bulls should be sterilized. The breed is a mistake, created by violent insensitive men for cruel sport.

Let the current ones grow old and die peaceful but lets have an end to these time bombs.

Last year my neighbors dog got shredded by a pit bull, took him 2 days to die though. I never seen a more aggressive dog in my life. Scared the crap out of me every time I was near it's yard. I'm no stranger to aggressive dogs, my shepherd was attack trained and was once used for a demonstration of good dog training. But he could be controlled. Never had an incident in 14 years.

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I really hate to hear about these stories because I loved my dogs so much and cannot imagine that they would do such a thing. I really enjoy hearing that I am an idiot for having them and my babies should be rounded up and shot. I understand how you feel though because I feel the same way about you. But the only things that are stereotypical of the Pit Bull is the way they are caged up, chained up, mistreated, and neglected. Stereotypical is the hairless monkeys who fight them and think of them as some extension of their penis. I have had a few of these dogs and grew up around litters of them. Some were just as retarded as the guys on this site talking about eradicating all of them and some were smart as any dog could be. My female Zoi was the very intelligent and just a beautiful dog to look at. I swear if the dog had vocal cords the bitch would have talked back. I could walk her without a leash and stop her on a dime when she went after my neighbor’s cat. She was locked up and left alone to drown in a pitch black room of my house that filled with saltwater during hurricane Katrina. While my house blew down the street I was sitting in Afghanistan and could not get to her. Nobody would let my mother take her during the evacuation because she was a pit. My whole family can rot in hel_l for leaving Zoi in that house.

They are hunting dogs and they are working dogs. Some make good pets and some don’t. People who don’t understand them and have no experience with the breed have no business with them but making them illegal is ridicules. These dogs become extremely territorial and dangerous if they are confined, caged, chained up, or have lack of mental stimulus for long periods of time just as you would.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

I have to say I am very happy about this. Usually it is some unsuspecting child that ends up killed. It is refreshing to know that this time they went after their owner. Oh you want me to feel something or say it is sad. Try being a child walking down the street with 8ft walls on both sides and no where to go. I am happy they attacked the owner. I don’t care if they lived on a farm or not, I am sad the child got hurt.. These dogs are dangerous. The first time I heard of a dog attack here was the rotwiler that attacked that poor little baby girl and killed her, the mother said she sat there and listened as the baby called out mommy. That just breaks me; I can't help but to think of how terrifying it was for the child.  

When I first saw that Pitbulls are being sold in the market, I told my wife, it will only be a year or two and we will start to see more and more attacks, children being killed viciously by Pit bulls. Thais don't manage animals well as it is, imagine these pit-bull terriers on the loose in the streets. In America they have gotten smart about it. Now, if you’re pit-bull attacks and kills…. you, can be held for murder. The problem is not actually the dog itself, it is the owners. Thailand should not allow these dogs to be sold in the market; and the dogs should be branded somehow so that the owners can be held accountable. I know this is Thailand, it is a thought. My wife and walked past our neighbors house in Bangkok as they sat on the porch watching their pit bull trying to tare through the old fence. The dog will get through that fence one day and it will either kill someone or hurt them. While the owner stands there and watches as his dog commits the vicious attack, will he be held accountable….NO

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This is horrific news - worst still is in the UK such animals are now being used instead of knives on the street. "Ohh officer my dog just attacked". Dog put down, owner gets off Scott free. Walking in my home Hampstead London, a very peaceful place I watched one of these things on the end of a leash. It attempted to attack an innocuous person walking down the village high street - The owner said 'stop it's not playtime yet'. A child would have stood no chance whatsoever and the owners of of such 'pets' know so, sick.

last time I went to the UK this breed was banned, I think you will also find that anyone who loses control of a dangerous dog that then subsequently injures someone would be 100 % liable for prosecution

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I'm fairly shaken now by reading all these horror stories.

Are there any suggestions how to confront a pit bull or any other attacking dog than to bite its nose?

How should someone react to fend them off or to get away?

My Grandmother could kill a dog in seconds by breaking the back or neck.

When I was young she told me if I was attacked by a dog to hit or slap it on the nose as hard as possible.

The idea is to send it into a sneezing fit and then run as quick as possible.

Not sure if this will help in the case of a "pit bull" basket case though?

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Banning the pit bull in the UK seems to have made the "staffie" (Staffordshire Terrier) the breed of choice for the aspiring chav.

A couple of years back I was considering buying a property close to London's green belt where a brownfield site was being restored as parkland. As we walked away from one area under restoration we were astonished to meet over six people separately walking towards the cordoned off area with "staffies". I strongly suspected that there were arranged fights scheduled.

It's not the dog's fault they are living bling, but banning one breed just moves the problem down the chain.

I can't bear those dogs either (staffs). The staffs look very similar to the pitbull and I would imagine it could do similar damage. In the UK, whenever you see a staff being walked by its owner, there's invariably an air of menace about the dog. And it's owner, for that matter. Why anyone should be allowed to walk around in public with a dangerous animal off the leash, which if it attacked you, would be almost impossible to pull off and may even kill you, beggars belief. At the very least, there should be laws making it compulsory for them to be muzzled in public. Ideally the pitbull breed and the like should be put into a mincer and eradicated.

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Why would anyone want to keep such dangerous animals?...

Because they think it makes them look... er... something. Can't think what it is now.. special? ..hard? ..untouchable? ..important?

So many newbies posting in favour of pit bulls - almost as if the nicks were taken out to hide the identity of the real poster, who is too ashamed to post those views using his real nick. :o

I would completley ban these and similar aggresive dogs from ever walking the streets ...

I would wipe out the breed. We don't need them, they haven't been around long, they were man-made, they can be man-destroyed. All of 'em.

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I agree that the owners are responsible for any incident that happens but there are certain established facts of behavior of pit bulls.

1. Pit bulls are known to be "one person" dogs. That is, they often form an attachment to one owner, and can be very protective and hostile to other people who they think might be a threat to that owner.

2. pit bulls often "gang up" on someone they attack. One pit bull bites a person, and the others follow in the attack. It's like a "attack" button is pushed when they see another dog bite or growl.

3. But curiously, pit bulls raised with the family children often are very protective of those children, and won't attack them. The problem is that, as I said before, pit bulls are known to sometimes go berserk when they see another dog bite or attack a person. When that happens, even family members are in danger.


I hate to spoil your thought. but that is not true. Pit bulls attack children and babies when they are crawling around on there knees, it has been said that they attack because they feel they are being challanged. The ones that have been known to do it. are the ones where the owners said they wouldn’t hurt a flea. People just want to believe what suits them.  We have had alot of attacks in America, most of them toddlers or children who are literaly torn apart by these dogs..they find pieces of them scattered from where the initial attacks are. Don't try to tell us these are very protective over children. You are told if you have children do not have Pitbuls children and Pits don't mix.  

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Terriers are tenacious by pedigree and coupled with the pit bull's strength in particular the breed is formidable.

From a purely empirical point of view their owners seem to constitute two distinct groups: drug dealers and the like concerned about security or low end trailer trash superficially bolstering their enfeebled status by intimidation.

Apart from the specialist breeder intent on possession for its own sake I can't for the life of me think of a single reason why any normal person would wish to own one.

Certainly, in Thailand they should be exterminated but in truth I would also like to see a national campaign leading to the slaughter of all strays.

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There aren't any Pit Bulls in on my soi, but two of my neighbors do have Rottweilers. These dogs are totally unpredictable. Some days I will walk past and they will just look at me. If I say hello nicely, they will even wag their tails a bit. Other days they go berserk at the sight of me. Barking, snarling, trying to stick their heads though the bars in the gate. It's as though there is a 'kill switch' in their heads that is sometimes turned on and sometimes turned off.

I would never own one of these aggressive breeds of dogs. They are just too unpredictable.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

Pitbulls were never bred to attack humans the were bred for dog fights and are one of the most loving breeds towards humans. You get far more attacks by golden retrievers, german shepards and rottweilers.

Besides beeing locked up in cages, starving from malnutrition and lack of socializing them, the owners are soley to blame. Thais are famous for abusing their pets...

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There was a 6 year old girl killed last August just a few miles from our home in Alaska. The dog was her family's pet Pit-Bull.

To me these dogs should not be kept as pets with children around - Period. A gun is better personal protection it can be locked and unloaded and is under control of the user. Who knows what could set an animal off that has generations of attack instinct bred into it. It only takes one time and can happen in split second.

Any dog can be dangerous, but Rottweilers and Pit-Bulls have developed a record, and should be treated by there owners as weapons.

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Pit bulls were originally bred in Hawaii to kill wild boars (you know the ones up to 5 times bigger than a pit bull and with up to 18 inch tusks) and they go straight for the neck so you can still eat the pig in big Hawaiian luao feast. Its no wonder they kill so many people. May the Thai woman RIP.

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Spot on with this comment.

Correct.....dogs are like children..if they are raised correctly they are not a problem. Left undisciplined, behaviour uncorrected, dogs attain the role of an alpha and behave accordingly.

If you are afraid of dogs, any dog, it's best to remember that instead of pulling your hand from a dog's mouth when it bites, the best solution is to force your fist down it's throat and choke it.

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Methinks this is a pitbull. Is this mindless determination personified - or what?

Other dog breeds would have given up after the first several quills pierced their faces.

almost certainly this is an English Bull Terrier not a Pit Bull.

similar level of determination during combat but enjoys rather a good reputation as

a pet/family dog, i think.

The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan has a brilliant take on dog psychology. He leads and

seemingly effortlessly controls a pack of 40+ dogs, different breeds including many pit bulls

and other "red zone" breeds. He runs a dog psychology and rehabilitation facility, in LA i think.

Wonderful to watch and many uplifting stories of turning around problem dogs.

Virtually 100% down to lack of understanding by owners.

Millan talks about training owners and rehabilitating the animal.

These very powerful breeds need expert handling as their capacity to inflict damage is fearsome

if they are improperly trained and incorrectly socialised.

Never, ever should they be left unattended around children.

Calls for banning and euthanising all pit bulls are misguided IMO. In UK and Ireland organised gangs

engaged in dog fighting often try to circumvent the law governing dangerous breeds by claiming an

animal as some sort of mixed breed and therefore falls outside the provisions

of the Dangerous Dogs Act.

Condolences to the family of the dead woman RIP


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