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What To Do .... What To Do


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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits.

No you don't otherwise you wouldn't be shagging all and sundry.

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Have you thought about doing the decent thing, leaving your girlfriend and marrying the girl you have made pregnant?

Just a thought.

EDIT: Just seen your query re: ducks. You could lose your manhood and then it is fed to the ducks. Not unheard of.

Edited by TEFLMike
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You made your bed, now ya gotta lie in it.

Somehow, I can't see many folk here offering you much sympathy or support.

I am not looking for any sympathy or support ... only some advice on what I should do or what someone would do in my position.

I know I have made my bed and I will have to deal with the consequences whatever they may be. One thing I can guarantee is that I will definitely take care of the little baby to the best of my ability.

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Pray that neither of them keep ducks...

What do you mean by ducks??????

And yes I do love her to bits .... I just have a little fun on the side which is wrong but it is what it is.....

Samer, You oughta pray that you never find out about the ducks OR ur wrooting days are over, my poor friend. :o

There is an Urban Myth (maybe) that Thai women cut off the phallic member of a cheating partner & feed it to a duck so it can't be stiched back on. There are a number of recorded cases of this happening in Thailand.

If it happens to you 'SOM NOM NA' springs to mind :D . People have feelings, you should start considering others and stop your cheating ways. Children are a serious issues, If, I repeat, IF, this girl is in fact pregnant, I hope you take care of your responsibilities. Personally, I'm wondering if its not just a story, but you will find out in due course.

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Sounds like you're a 'Deads--t'.

Can't help with advise for you, but this tells the rest of us (including your girlfriend/s) what we should!

Chopper would have to be considered one of the greatest 'Deadshits' of all times, the rest of his rant would of been funny coming from someone elses mouth. :o

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There a song you can relate to very well right now.....Usher- Confessions Part 2

These are my confessions

Just when I thought I said all I can say

My chick on the side said she got one on the way

These are my confessions

Man, I'm thrown and I dont know what to do

I guess I gotta give part 2 of my


If I'm gonna tell it then I gotta tell it all

dam_n near cried when I got that phone call

I'm so thrown and I don't know what to do

But to give you part 2 of my confessions

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Three consecutive top notch posts

You made your bed, now ya gotta lie in it.

Somehow, I can't see many folk here offering you much sympathy or support.

Sympathy can be found in the dictionary just before syphillus.

consequences: separate and marry pregnant woman

You are man enough to shag the lady, stand up to your responsibilities and be a man enough to take the rap.

Okay, you made a baby. Now you get to change diapers, feed it, send it to school, etc. Have a nice 18 years. Children are cute.

A baby ain't just for Christmas.

Even the Neanderthals managed to procreate but we, Homo Sapiens, have progressed a lot since but having said that there are always evolutionary throwbacks.

There are two words to describe you.

The first could get me a ban so I'll disguise it in an anagram : <deleted>.

The second : Troll.

C'mon folks, who really needs to go to an internet forum for advice in a situation like this?

Okay I know the answer, the throwback.

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Urgent memo

DNA test to confirm you are actually the father

thank you

Let us know the results please and if congratulations or whatever are in order.

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If you are not prepared to leave your current girlfriend you can suggest she has an abortion. At the same time you must stress that if she chooses to keep the baby that you will support her & your child & be a father to the child, but you will not be her partner/husband. She must be totally aware of the fact that there is no possibility of you & her having a relationship other than you being a father to the child. This will allow her to make her decision based on reality & not some vague possibilty of future marriage (don't go around & shag her on weekends).

If the baby is not aborted you will have to tell your current girlfriend everything because you are going to have 18 years of child (& mother) support. If she has any sense she will walk out on you immediately.

Sensitivity & tact at all times - remember you are in the wrong & both these girls are the innocent victims of your stupidity.

I have no concern or sympathy for your physical & mental well-being. My concern is trying to get the best outcome for the mother & child.

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You love your girlfriend to bits, but you've been sleeping with a string of girls.

Observation - It's better this happens now than after you've married her.

Let her go so she can find someone who deserves her and at the same time freeing yourself too take care of your new responsibilities as a father.


As an aside - Yet another example of a foreigner in Thailand who claims to have found the perfect women but can't keep from playing away from home.


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There is an Urban Myth (maybe) that Thai women cut off the phallic member of a cheating partner & feed it to a duck so it can't be stiched back on. There are a number of recorded cases of this happening in Thailand.

It's not an urban myth. There are doctors in Thailand that have reattached dozens of penises after they have been cut off. Thailand is the world medical leader in both penis detachment, and penis reattachment.

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There is an Urban Myth (maybe) that Thai women cut off the phallic member of a cheating partner & feed it to a duck so it can't be stiched back on. There are a number of recorded cases of this happening in Thailand.

It's not an urban myth. There are doctors in Thailand that have reattached dozens of penises after they have been cut off. Thailand is the world medical leader in both penis detachment, and penis reattachment.

:o:D Serves him right. He's now reaping what he's sown.

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You are a very irresponsible person. What if it was not a baby and instead you are giving aids to your girlfriend because you can't keep your business on your trousers and worse you don't even have the dignity of wearing a condom???

First, the post suggesting an abortion.. omg, so you commit an error like that just because you are a troll and then you just put and end to the situation by killing an innocent? F that really!

Second, it doesn't mean the girls are from a bar, the guy is a jerk.

Third, now you should start loving the baby more than the girlfriends you know? so start worrying about the baby's best options instead of thinking about panties, what is done is done, and you don't have the right to hide or hate a baby. Poor thing. You should be ashamed of your self.

Third thing, yes I agree the guy is a troll.

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You sure it's yours? Obviously the marriage to your "gf" would be a sham and a joke so you can avoid further problems by just ending the relationship. You may take the prize this year for the most self centered, ego maniacal Thai Visa "Person of the Year Award". I guess that's something.

I'm leaning towards believing you're a troll. You, the OP, is a bit too open and too upbeat. It does appear however that you have loved your "gf" to "bits".

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Ask for advice after damage is done ???

Why not think of possible consequences BEFORE you play around and cheat on the girl you love to bits ? Hey, face the truth... ! You're just can not keep it in your pant, and you will now have to take responsibilities..... Hope you will have to sweat over it , and that none of the two ladies will make it easy for you !

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