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Which Thai Universities Are Recognised In Australia?


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Anyone know which Thai Universities are recognised in Australia? Must do masters course and need to know if it'll be recognised.

Where to find this info? Web is a mess and no info.

Also, anyone know of Masters of Ed that DOESN'T go on weekends/weekdays (after 4pm Okay, holiday blocks OK)

Cheers in Advance.


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I don't think it is as simple as specific Thai unis being recognised or not. There is a process whereby those with thai qualifications can have them evaluated in Oz - my wife has been through it. You can do it at the state government level or the fed level. Both use the same process, at the end of which you are given a statement that your Thai qualifications reach the standard of (well whatever they determine). My wife's degree in business admin (accounting) was recognised as being the equivalent of an oz uni degree.

The relevant office has a wall full of folders with details of a huge number of uni quals worldwide. they consult these, look at the transcript, probably have various online resources to draw on ... and they make a decision as to what level to assign to the qualification. Sorry I forget the name of the agency - use google and yahoo and you will track it down.

That is just step one though. If you have a specific professional area in mind then you need to consult with the relevant professional body to see what courses (not unis) they do or don't recognise, and what the requirements are for bridging quals.

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I don't think it is as simple as specific Thai unis being recognised or not. There is a process whereby those with thai qualifications can have them evaluated in Oz - my wife has been through it. You can do it at the state government level or the fed level. Both use the same process, at the end of which you are given a statement that your Thai qualifications reach the standard of (well whatever they determine). My wife's degree in business admin (accounting) was recognised as being the equivalent of an oz uni degree.

The relevant office has a wall full of folders with details of a huge number of uni quals worldwide. they consult these, look at the transcript, probably have various online resources to draw on ... and they make a decision as to what level to assign to the qualification. Sorry I forget the name of the agency - use google and yahoo and you will track it down.

That is just step one though. If you have a specific professional area in mind then you need to consult with the relevant professional body to see what courses (not unis) they do or don't recognise, and what the requirements are for bridging quals.

Thanks CMBruce, much appreciated. Yes, I did look at that agency before, and must pay for an evaluation of the credentials. Looks like the proactive approach mightn't work after all......


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I doubt you'll have much problems getting your masters recognized with you graduate from, Chula, Mahidol, Thammasat or Kaseart(sp?) they are the top 4 unis in thailand. A friend of mine has an MBA from Sasin (Chula) and had no problems finding a job in the states at a fortune 500 company. I've studied at both thai and australian uni's and to be honest there is not much difference in the quality of education. Australian uni's might have more facilities but the teaching staff is not that much different.

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I doubt you'll have much problems getting your masters recognized with you graduate from, Chula, Mahidol, Thammasat or Kaseart(sp?) they are the top 4 unis in thailand. A friend of mine has an MBA from Sasin (Chula) and had no problems finding a job in the states at a fortune 500 company. I've studied at both thai and australian uni's and to be honest there is not much difference in the quality of education. Australian uni's might have more facilities but the teaching staff is not that much different.

Cheer eldar1

I was thinking similar. I'm actually still doing a course from Australia, and the amount of paperwork is ridiculous.... I hope that's a difference between the two!


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Not really relavent to Thai qualifications but I am currently going throught the process of confirming my UK qualifications are valid in Australia for perm res. The agency that asseses the qualifications depends on the qualification/job type, for example if you are an engineer it would go to the Australian Engineering society, but the majority of qualifications will go to a gov agency called VETASSES. Google it, and you will find all the info needed.

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Thanks CMBruce, much appreciated. Yes, I did look at that agency before, and must pay for an evaluation of the credentials. Looks like the proactive approach mightn't work after all......


when we went through the process it was free if done at the state agency level, but we would have to pay if submitted to the fed agency

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i knew an american guy who did a masters at mahidol and then went on to do a Phd in the states.

As for Sasin, my friends sister works in admin for Sasin and says that the quality is not great. People only go there to network with other people and not for the actual education.

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Cheers guys :o

I've decided to stick with the western Uni's offering courses here......

Other than that, I'll stick to the big name Uni's as well.

Thanks for all your input. Great to know you guys don't mind giving some of your time up to reply to help others.

Cheers guys, many thanks

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[if anybody is looking at courses with a 'management' flavor the following sites might be worth exploring:

- PIM .... pimnetwork.org/ .... This is an american accreditation body which accredits universities globally and site contains lists of alliances betwen US Universities and Unis. in other countries, including Thailand.

- EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) A prestigious & highly professional organization which accredits universities. All serious universities, globally, see an EFMD accreditation as the ultimate.

I'm also aware that there are several alliances between Thammasat and the University of New South Wales (UNSW), for both undergraduate and graduate programs. UNSW students can achieve credits at Thammasat.

In fact Thammasat has many offshore students, and their home universities readily accept the credits achieved at Thammasat.

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