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Moving A Family To Bangkok?


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Hello I am new here. My name is Pete and I'm a 42 year old from Seattle Wa. I'm engaged to a 24 year old filipina.

I have firm plans on retiring in asia in approx 10 years. Our original choice of retirement destinations was Cebu Philippines. Even though Cebu is nice, I still worry about the safety of my family (don't necessarily like the idea of having to live in a gated community), the corruption, the lack of infrastructure, the food etc. Granted, there are some definite pluses in the Phils. The people are wonderful, it's very cheap to live there and western people are put on a pedistal.

Retiring in BKK would not be a bad alternative. I am asking you "experts" for advice. I've been to BKK with my ex wife twice and I think it's a wonderful city. I think my biggest concern is meeting friends. Is it possible to meet other farang/farang or farang/asian couples in BKK? I personally think that it would be easier for the men to meet buddies than the women (especially with my soon to be wife being a filipina).

I'm also wondering what a realistic monthly budget would be to raise say a family of four. The kids would still be young and they would have to go to private american style schools.

I did meet an american executive on an airplane last time I flew to the Philippines. He was raising a family of five and he said he just loved it. Said his wife cried when he got re-assigned from Chicago to BKK but after a few years, she didn't want to leave BKK. So, this has me very encouraged.

There are so many things that I love about BKK. Love the mass transit, the quirkiness, the food, the people, the culture etc. I'd love to know other peoples opinions.

Love the forum! Thanks for your responses.


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I won't comment on the logistics here. I'll leave that to theothere, however I'd give you my caveats.

Firstly while Bangkok is a nice place to visit, living there can be a very different kettle of fish.

The quirky things which people like about BKK soon turn into major annoyances and I could imagine even more so with children. Picture yourself sat in a traffic jam with fractious kids in the heat of May.....

That said, Bangkok is the heart of the nation if not the region and if you have the financial resources to live well and in a good location you will never be bored.

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