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Hillsborough - 20 Years On. R.I.P the 96


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football focus saturday the 11th, april 2009

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5 -

Part 6 -

Part 7 -

if anyone wants to find out more about hillsborough and the on going fight for justice they can find all of the information in the following links, including Lord Justice Taylors report..

JFT 96





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was watching on BBC :o


ta mig lad, a lot of people still believe the bullshit that was spread in the days after the tragedy but thank god, the last few days the rest of the country is starting to take notice of what really happened that day. i felt sorry for andy burnham but part of me thinks that he went there and spoke and knew the outcome, hes a blue but scouse, and he is calling for important documents to be released now instead of having to wait years.

hopefully, many people living in the uk will realise that this was the biggest cover up in uk judical history and the families and the survivors will one day be able to have some peace.

i realise that some people, fans of other teams, or the general uk public think differently to the "famliy" of liverpool. but please take time to look at the links that me and others have posted. thank you

"Accountability has always lain with South Yorkshire Police. The Taylor report was quite clear in where blame lay," said the force chief constable.

"South Yorkshire Police fully accept their responsibility for the Hillsborough disaster.

"The force knows where it went wrong in a flawed operation and the leadership issues that led to the deaths of so many people."

JFT 96. never forgive, never forget

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was watching on BBC :o


ta mig lad, a lot of people still believe the bullshit that was spread in the days after the tragedy but thank god, the last few days the rest of the country is starting to take notice of what really happened that day. i felt sorry for andy burnham but part of me thinks that he went there and spoke and knew the outcome, hes a blue but scouse, and he is calling for important documents to be released now instead of having to wait years.

hopefully, many people living in the uk will realise that this was the biggest cover up in uk judical history and the families and the survivors will one day be able to have some peace.

i realise that some people, fans of other teams, or the general uk public think differently to the "famliy" of liverpool. but please take time to look at the links that me and others have posted. thank you

"Accountability has always lain with South Yorkshire Police. The Taylor report was quite clear in where blame lay," said the force chief constable.

"South Yorkshire Police fully accept their responsibility for the Hillsborough disaster.

"The force knows where it went wrong in a flawed operation and the leadership issues that led to the deaths of so many people."

JFT 96. never forgive, never forget

then it's about time that the south yorkshire police force and those in command on the day admitted their culpability and apologised to the families of the dead. until then they remain as corrupt and unforgiven as the murdoch rag does.

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I cant comment on what went wrong or who was at fault, as Ive not read up on it.

however, in the BBC story that I saw earlier, an ambulance man who arrived at the scene said that he was expecting more to arrive, but there was only one :o

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I cant comment on what went wrong or who was at fault, as Ive not read up on it.

however, in the BBC story that I saw earlier, an ambulance man who arrived at the scene said that he was expecting more to arrive, but there was only one :o

tony edwards. there was at least 42 ambulances waiting outside the stadium which were told "they are still fighting". only one ambulance made it on the pitch, only one medic made it on the pitch, 14 of the dead made it to hospital.

liverpool fans were treating the dieing, most of whom didnt know how. read this,

Anne Williams, of Chester, has spent 18 years campaigning for a new inquest into the death of her 15- year- old son Kevin

"The inquest jury never heard the true story of how my son died. He would've been 16 in May 1989, and he'd been working hard for his GCSEs.

" Kevin had been pulled out of the crush in pen 3, he died not long afterwards. When we got to Sheffield we weren't allowed to touch him. He was behind a pane of glass " Property of the coroner". When the coroner finally released his body I was really excited, it was like, ' Kevin's coming home'. At the inquest in March 1991, the coroner ruled everyone killed at Hillsborough had died of traumatic asphyxia and that they were all dead or brain dead by 3.15pm.

" This ruling was crucial, because it meant there could be no investigation into the actions of the South Yorkshire police after this time.

Questions like why were over 40 ambulances not allowed into the ground and why did the police not activate the major accident plan until 3.55pm couldn't be examined because everyone was meant to be dead. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.

" But an off- duty policeman at the match gave a statement that he gave Kevin the kiss of life at 3.37pm as he still had a pulse. There had also been a WPC at the game who held Kevin in her arms when he died, a few minutes before 4pm.

She gave Kevin heart massage, and his ribs were moving. He started breathing, and he still had colour. He opened his eyes and murmured the word ' Mum'. Then he died.

" In 1991 pathologist Dr Iain West looked into Kevin's case and concluded he hadn't died of traumatic asphyxia but of neck injuries which closed down his airways. Kevin and others could have been saved, he said, with a tracheotomy ( a quick incision into the windpipe) or even the insertion of a rubber tube down the throat.

" An ambulance attendant would have known how to perform a tracheotomy. But the police wouldn't let the ambulances on to the pitch.

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then it's about time that the south yorkshire police force and those in command on the day admitted their culpability and apologised to the families of the dead. until then they remain as corrupt and unforgiven as the murdoch rag does.

agree 100%. but apoligies wont be enough, individuals need to be held accountable.

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then it's about time that the south yorkshire police force and those in command on the day admitted their culpability and apologised to the families of the dead. until then they remain as corrupt and unforgiven as the murdoch rag does.

agree 100%. but apoligies wont be enough, individuals need to be held accountable.

Agree with virtually all - especially RIP and justice for the 96. My only concern kopite is your "never forgive" statement. I think at some point forgiveness has to follow that justice you rightly seek.

Edited by Chaimai
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then it's about time that the south yorkshire police force and those in command on the day admitted their culpability and apologised to the families of the dead. until then they remain as corrupt and unforgiven as the murdoch rag does.

agree 100%. but apoligies wont be enough, individuals need to be held accountable.

Agree with virtually all - especially RIP and justice for the 96. My only concern kopite is your "never forgive" statement. I think at some point forgiveness has to follow that justice you rightly seek.

maybe many will feel differently is one day justice is done, but it will be hard. especially after the way the mums and dads of the dead were treated in the hours after the disaster, no parent should of been interviewed and asked if their 10, 14 15 year old son had been drinking. their bodies should never have been tested for alcohol.

and no one will ever forgive that newspaper for the hurt and lies it spread about the way the supporters acted that day.

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then it's about time that the south yorkshire police force and those in command on the day admitted their culpability and apologised to the families of the dead. until then they remain as corrupt and unforgiven as the murdoch rag does.

agree 100%. but apoligies wont be enough, individuals need to be held accountable.

Agree with virtually all - especially RIP and justice for the 96. My only concern kopite is your "never forgive" statement. I think at some point forgiveness has to follow that justice you rightly seek.

maybe many will feel differently is one day justice is done, but it will be hard. especially after the way the mums and dads of the dead were treated in the hours after the disaster, no parent should of been interviewed and asked if their 10, 14 15 year old son had been drinking. their bodies should never have been tested for alcohol.

and no one will ever forgive that newspaper for the hurt and lies it spread about the way the supporters acted that day.

Kopite - I don't include The Sun in the forgiveness stakes. What they reported was unforgiveable but regrettably, at the time, believeable (because everybody was a football hooligan).

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Kopite - I don't include The Sun in the forgiveness stakes. What they reported was unforgiveable but regrettably, at the time, believeable (because everybody was a football hooligan).

ridiculous generalisation and exaggeration that mate. children were killed at hillsborough - were they football hooligans?

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Kopite - I don't include The Sun in the forgiveness stakes. What they reported was unforgiveable but regrettably, at the time, believeable (because everybody was a football hooligan).

ridiculous generalisation and exaggeration that mate. children were killed at hillsborough - were they football hooligans?

Didn't say that. It was a time when the 'press', and through them, the public believed everyone was a hooligan. It was why we had fences in the first place, it was why I, my wife and a friend, were herded onto a train from New Cross to Kings Cross because we wore a scarf of a certain colour. We needed to go to the opposite side of London but, no, we wore scarves and had to go with the herd.

Trust me, there were many people in the UK who did believe what they read in that newspaper. Only later was the stupidity of what was written shown to be lies.

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Kopite - I don't include The Sun in the forgiveness stakes. What they reported was unforgiveable but regrettably, at the time, believeable (because everybody was a football hooligan).

ridiculous generalisation and exaggeration that mate. children were killed at hillsborough - were they football hooligans?

Didn't say that. It was a time when the 'press', and through them, the public believed everyone was a hooligan. It was why we had fences in the first place, it was why I, my wife and a friend, were herded onto a train from New Cross to Kings Cross because we wore a scarf of a certain colour. We needed to go to the opposite side of London but, no, we wore scarves and had to go with the herd.

Trust me, there were many people in the UK who did believe what they read in that newspaper. Only later was the stupidity of what was written shown to be lies.

many people STILL believe what was written in that rag. for 20 years liverpool suppporters have had to live with that. imagine being a survivor knowing that you did your best to your knowledge, you thumped that lads chest , you blew air into his lungs, you carried his limp body on a advertising board, and layed him on a cold gynasism floor.

then lies are told. people say that you hit out at police officers that attended the injured (most of the pc's did nothing), that you then urinated on these pc's. then you read that after you had pickpocketed the dead you abused a young girl.

this is why the city of liverpool, 20 years later still boycotts the buying of the sun newspaper. its why liverpool fans dont buy the sun, its why we stick "dont buy the sun" stickers everywhere we can and try to educate newcomers to the club and the city.

its why Chaimai we will never forgive, that rag and the South Yorkshire Police, because the lies started from them. that was the start of the cover up.

the last 72 hours have been a breath of fresh air for many us, for the best part , the media coverage has been fantastic, not just bringing for cause for justice back into the publics attention but for bringing the horrors and failings of the south yorkshire police force to joe bloggs in black and white, and stating facts that many have never heard before.

the mirror, has been exceptional, no surprise i suppose with readey being a red, and a top one at that.


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I remember the tragic events on the tv and felt totaly useless as i saw people dying right in front of my eyes and the police pushing the fans back into the pen.I was screaming at the tv to the police thinking they could here me,and wanting the gates to be open,so why couldnt they see.

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I cant comment on what went wrong or who was at fault, as Ive not read up on it.

however, in the BBC story that I saw earlier, an ambulance man who arrived at the scene said that he was expecting more to arrive, but there was only one

Everybody knows who was to blame on the day, the South Yorks Old Bill who were an absolute shower of sh1t..!!

The sooner they issue an official apology the better and the families can get at least a little bit of justice and "closure".

R.I.P to all the 96. We will never forget this tragic day in the history of our beautiful game.

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I cant comment on what went wrong or who was at fault, as Ive not read up on it.

however, in the BBC story that I saw earlier, an ambulance man who arrived at the scene said that he was expecting more to arrive, but there was only one

Everybody knows who was to blame on the day, the South Yorks Old Bill who were an absolute shower of sh1t..!!

The sooner they issue an official apology the better and the families can get at least a little bit of justice and "closure".

R.I.P to all the 96. We will never forget this tragic day in the history of our beautiful game.

thanks CG, but an apology isnt enough, i dont think the families of 9/11 would accept an apology from bin laden would they?

people have to be held accountable, proper justice has to be done. maybe then the familes and survivors can get some closure.

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I watched the meorial service on the BBC and was very moved by it.

I felt a little sorry for the Sports Minister but he conducted himself well, he must have been dreading going in the knowledge he would get a lot of stick. He was probably only a kid at the time himself.

Nevertheless, the Government MUST do something so closure can be obtained, you wanna be an MP with all the perks that go with it, you gotta take the flack ....I hope he sends a strong message to Gordon Brown that Liverpool NEEDS closure

RIP and justice for the 96

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itandje lately spends more time in the various pubs of liverpool than he does on the training ground at melwood, so if i were him and wanted to carry on with my drinking habit i'd maybe start doing it in disguise.

I watched the meorial service on the BBC and was very moved by it.

I felt a little sorry for the Sports Minister but he conducted himself well, he must have been dreading going in the knowledge he would get a lot of stick. He was probably only a kid at the time himself.

Nevertheless, the Government MUST do something so closure can be obtained, you wanna be an MP with all the perks that go with it, you gotta take the flack ....I hope he sends a strong message to Gordon Brown that Liverpool NEEDS closure

RIP and justice for the 96

i felt a bit sorry for burnham as he was on a hiding to nothing, gordon brown ducking the occasion as he did. twelve years of labour government now and they've never had the balls to stick their head above the parapet and do the right thing about hillsborough.

the twenty year anniversary really has brought the issue back into the public eye though and some of the coverage, most notably from the bbc, the guardian and the mirror, has been absolutely first class.

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Respectfully offered and in no way being disrespectful to what happened to the 96 victims.

Seems to me that when it comes to the history of LFC there have over the years been several problems to say the least with regard to certain LFC supporters that need remembering and taken into account.

There is no accountablity when it comes to crowd trouble of a similar nature, especially the infamous Heysel stadium riots prior to the tragic Hillsborough disaster which was an horrific show of what the fans are capable of.

Quoted reaction on the incident

Players' and supporters' reactions

Several Juventus players and supporters have expressed unhappiness with the way Juventus dealt with the incident, in that they displayed the trophy in their trophy cabinet straight after the game, and didn't do enough to help the bereaved families, for example, not having any kind of memorial to the supporters who died.[15] Despite efforts by Liverpool F.C. and sections of the media to suggest otherwise, the majority of Juventus supporters have never forgiven the Liverpool supporters for their actions at Heysel and have displayed these sentiments on many occasions since.[citation needed]

Some Liverpool players and supporters feel that it was wrong to blame the disaster solely on Liverpool supporters. They believe other factors, such as the ticketing arrangements and inadequate policing, contributed to the events. As mentioned above, Liverpool players and supporters also argue that Heysel was not adequate for a major football match; indeed, Liverpool's official account of the disaster implies that it would have never happened had UEFA staged it at any other ground that was available at the time. The fact that there was never an official inquiry also raised eyebrows.[2]

[b]A number of commentators have questioned Liverpool's handling of the disaster, particularly in comparison to high profile 'Justice for the 96' campaign fought after the Hillsborough Disaster - Liverpool Football Club has never accepted culpability, or responsibility for the actions of its fans and has never formally apologised for the events or compensated the families of those killed.[17][18][19] although in 2005 the Liverpool Echo published a front page emblazoned with the words 'We're Sorry' reflecting a widespread opinion that the fans of Liverpool Football Club were the main culprits and had brought shame upon the city.[/b]

End of my reference and back to personal comment

Remember the Champions league final in Athens 2007 when LFC supporters where branded the worst in Europe after disturbing scenes that included fans stealing tickets from fellow supporters and lots more by Uefa.

Some of them very young by the way ?

As a local resident i witnessed lots of problems with supporters trying to force their way into Hillsborough and seeing a mounted policeman being litterally lifted off the ground by the force of the crowd.

I also saw distressed family members with children trying to move away from the lead up to the turn styles.

I also saw supporters pushing their way to the front and climbing over the walls at either side of the turnstyles and not giving a care about what was unfolding, either outside or inside.

The ground was sanctioned as safe by the FA authorities, irrespective of conflicting reports made after the event when looking for what and who to blame.

Had the fans acted responsibly, i truly believe to this day that the loss of those 96 victims would never have happened.

The fences by the way in case anyone needs reminding, where erected, following FA advice related to previous incidents of crowd trouble with the Heysel Stadium riots being the main factor.

( The effect the fences had on us supporters getting our view of the game was well documented, along with our protests on this. )

I won,t go into further stuff i used to witness on a regular basis, not only on this tragic day, but over several years preceeding


Liverpool, Newcastle United, Man. United, Leeds and Everton where the clubs mainly responsible for most of it.

If you wish to, Google Shenstone Road opposite the Leppings Lane end, this is the rat run several of the above supporters used after parking at the bottom of the street on spare ground where i lived for several years and along with other local residents, suffered abuse of all kinds from them.

We used to dread what was going to happen if results went against them.

I am heartbroken to this day on what happened at my beloved Hillsborough as are all SWFC and am sick of certain hypocrosy that is associated with what happened.

May the 96 victims RIP.

May the 39 victims of Heysel also RIP.

* When i refer to " supporters " i am not in anyway including the majority who are loyal, decent, law abiding, genuine football fans.

May the hypocrisy stop and accountability for all those responsible be taken into consideration to part quote your post 11

The official reports do not in my opinion reflect what i and many, many others witnessed on the day.

Over the years we have tried in vain to highlight our views, but because of what happened, and rightly so, it is considered insensitive and disrespectful we do not continue with it.

I agree with this entirely and unless i read stuff that ignores our version of events i keep a silent observation out due respect for the victims and their families.

By the way Kopite when we consider previous and after the event history your posts 6, never forgive. post 11 accountability, and post 22, an apology never enough, sound a little contradictory when applying these to the events i have listed.

We at SWFC are and always will be unconsolable in our grief for what took place, supposedly in the name of football and the so called beautiful game.

Let us not forget Nottingham Forest and other guest supporters and the effects it had on them, by the way.

I hope this post is respectfully accepted by the mods as a balanced response to bullshit references ect. by Kopite and not censored.

All remarks are relevant to respecting what happened and why 96 fans lost their lives.

Edited by sheff_mick
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from the BBC today, at last

Secret files on the Hillsborough disaster could be made public 10 years early after a request from the home secretary.

Jacqui Smith has asked South Yorkshire Police to release the documents, which contain detailed evidence of what happened during the tragedy in 1989.

It could help families of the 96 victims who want a new inquiry.

Ms Smith has met South Yorkshire Chief Constable Meredydd Hughes to discuss the records.

'Full picture'

Trevor Hicks, of the Hillsborough Families Support Group, said: "I am pleased, it's better late than never.

"This will enable us to see the full picture of events in a way that we have been denied for 20 years.

"It is vital that these files are released in full and not sanitised in anyway."

He also requested that the families are given time to view the documents before they are made public.

"Some of the documents are bound to contain information about the manner in which our loved ones died, their medical conditions and so on.

"I think it's best if we learn of that ourselves and not through other parties."

Culture secretary Andy Burnham was heckled as campaigners shouted "Justice for the 96" at the Hillsborough memorial service on Wednesday.

Following the service, he called for "full disclosure" of all evidence on the Hillsborough disaster.

Kevin Robinson: 'We just want the facts about what happened'

Kevin Robinson, chairman of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign added: "The memorial service on Wednesday, I think had an affect on Andy Burham, the culture secretary.

"He saw how the pain was still there and he heard the chants for justice, it is high time the government realised that something should be done."

Inquest ruling

The files contain evidence from the police, local council and the ambulance service. Documents like this are usually not made public for 30 years, but the home secretary has intervened two decades after the disaster.

Evidence was examined during the original inquest, in which the coroner ruled all victims had sustained their fatal injuries by 3.15pm, based on advice from pathologists.

As a result, he did not hear any evidence of what happened after that point - but many bereaved families believe their loved ones could have still been alive and they want a fresh inquiry.

Sheffield MP Clive Betts was the leader of Sheffield City Council at the time of the disaster.

He welcomed the early release of the papers but said he believed the council documents would reveal little that was new.

He said: "I think the council . . .was upfront at the time in terms of officers explaining precisely what they had done in terms of inspecting and licensing of the ground before the disaster."


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The Star ( Sheffield ) 19 April 2009

Hundreds of official documents about the Hillsborough Disaster are to be

made public for the first time after a request from the home secretary,

the Home Office has confirmed.

Jacqui Smith has met with South Yorkshire's chief constable Meredydd

Hughes to discuss waiving the 30-year-rule into official documents.

Ninety six Liverpool supporters died in a crush at Sheffield Wednesday's

Hillsborough stadium on 15 April ADVERTISEMENT1989 where their team was to meet

Nottingham Forest in an FA Cup semi final.

The 20th anniversary of the tragedy, Britain's deadliest sporting

disaster, was marked with memorial services in all three cities last


The victims' families have been fighting for further inquiries into the


They believe a Major Incident Plan was never initiated by South

Yorkshire police and fans in the Leppings Lane end were denied emergency

medical attention.

The families also dispute the findings of the single inquest into all 96

deaths, which ruled the victims were all dead, or brain dead, by 3.15pm

and subsequently recorded a verdict of accidental death.

They say it is a injustice that no individual or organisation has every

been held fully to account for the disaster.

Trevor Hicks, of the Hillsborough Families Support Group, said today:

"We have heard that a request has been made and we are expecting

confirmation this week.

"I am pleased, it's better late than never.

"This will enable us to see the full picture of events in a way that we

have been denied for 20 years.

"It is vital that these files are released in full and not sanitised in

any way.

"The families would also like a short period to view the documents

before they are made public.

"Some of them are bound to contain information about the manner in which

our loved ones died, their medical conditions and so on.

"I think it's best if we learn of that ourselves and not through other


The documents covered by the 30-year-rule could include police files and

the records of other emergency services, government departments and the

local authorities.

The families say they are particularly keen to see the minutes of a

meeting between then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and senior South

Yorkshire police officers which they say took place on the Sunday

morning after the disaster.

Mr Hicks said: "We believe that a decision was made at that meeting that

the police would not be blamed for what happened.

"We would like to see the minutes of the meeting, to know what the Prime

Minister was told and what decisions were taken about the handling of

any inquiries."

Mr Hicks added: "The claim that all the 96 were dead at 3.15pm has never

been accepted.

"We would also like to know who gave permission for certain police

officers to retire on the grounds of ill health before they could be

prosecuted for negligence of duty."

Many of the families were today returning from Wembley Stadium where

they took part in an FA memorial service on the pitch yesterday.

It came after Liverpool's reserve goalkeeper Charles Itandje apologised

for his behaviour during a memorial service last week.

The 26-year-old was pictured laughing and fooling around during the

solemn service at Anfield.

He has been suspended for two weeks while the club holds an inquiry.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said: "The Government is committed to

helping those who lost loved ones in the Hillsborough tragedy.

"That is why I will be working with colleagues in the Ministry of

Justice, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the Attorney

General's Office to put out any information that exists that could shed

light on the disaster and its aftermath in the public domain as soon as


End of the article

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it seems he is disinterested in reading facts and seems to forget that there is footage from outside the leppings lane before the game, added to his complete <deleted> about the fans at anfield, I think he has been reading too many of them 'cor blimey' football hooliganism books.

In response, I was not at Hillsborough, I was at Heysel so I have first hand knowledge of that, and like I said I policed Anfield and know full well how oppo fans are treated, I also know how oppo hooligans are treated, both very differently.

I am also aware that many Sheffield people opened their homes to Liverpool fans after the disaster, luckily none of the knocked on this pricks door.

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well since you seem to be the only viable (in your mind) witness on the day, I look forward to your statement being released by South Yorkshire Police, this is providing you bothered to provide one, what with all those nasty scousers getting what the deserved (again in your mind),

now do us a favour mick, and jog on

Sadly the "nasty ones" of that day never got what they desreved, the innocent 96 certainly did not deserve what they got.

its important to hear first hand accounts of the events that day, for so long people have had to endure the line peddled by a certain section of liverpool supporters which would have us beleive that in no way were they responsible for the events that day or any of the other sad days which liverpool alone seem to be unfortunately involved with.

Football supporters who attanded match's throughout the 80's and 90's are fully aware of the behaviour of some who followed liverpool ( i wont call them supporters ).

Take note younger fans, read the posts.

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well since you seem to be the only viable (in your mind) witness on the day, I look forward to your statement being released by South Yorkshire Police, this is providing you bothered to provide one, what with all those nasty scousers getting what the deserved (again in your mind),

now do us a favour mick, and jog on

Sadly the "nasty ones" of that day never got what they desreved, the innocent 96 certainly did not deserve what they got.

its important to hear first hand accounts of the events that day, for so long people have had to endure the line peddled by a certain section of liverpool supporters which would have us beleive that in no way were they responsible for the events that day or any of the other sad days which liverpool alone seem to be unfortunately involved with.

Football supporters who attanded match's throughout the 80's and 90's are fully aware of the behaviour of some who followed liverpool ( i wont call them supporters ).

Take note younger fans, read the posts.

The younger fans should read the official reports rather than the inane ramblings of some bitter old <deleted>.

As for Liverpool alone being involved in stadium tragedies, I think you will find the number is two, I don't recall us being at:

Bolton 1946

33 Bolton fans were crushed and smothered when two barriers collapsed. Although the official gate was 65,419, there was an estimated 85,000 on the ground for the game. The overcrowded stands made the barriers collapse.

Lima 1964

More than 300 football fans were killed and over 500 injured during riots and panic following an unpopular ruling by the referee in a Peru-Argentina football game. It is the worst football disaster on record.

River Plate 1968

Seventy four people are killed and more than 150 are injured when spectators mistakenly headed towards a closed exit after a first division match in Buenos Aires.The fans at the front of the melee are crushed to death against the doors by other fans unaware of the closed passageway at the back.

Glasgow 1971

66 Ranger fans get killed in a crush at Ibrox when they they left after the final whistle and were then caught up in the crush which was caused by the excessive amount of people funnelling into the stairwell which had thick wooden railings, unfortunately stopping people climbing out of the fatal crush.

Moscow 1982

340 people died during a European Cup match in Moscow. Just before the end of the match the police forced fans down a narrow, icy staircase out of the stadium, but when a late goal was scored exiting football fans returned, crushing the people in the middle.

Bradford 1985

56 people were burned to death and over 200 injured when fire, caused by a cigarette, engulfed the wooden main grandstand at Bradford's football stadium.

Nepal 1988

At least 93 people were killed and 100 more were injured when fans attempted to flee from a hailstorm inside the stadium.[/size] But they could not escape because the stadium doors are locked, causing a fatal crush at the front.

Ghana 2001

At least 120 people were killed in a stampede at a football match after panic broke out when the police fired teargas. It was Africa's worst soccer-related disaster ever.

Not to mention Ivory Coast a few weeks back.

Liverpool fans on the whole do not get involved in fighting (remember I am speaking from experience here), there is a minority of fans, as there is at ALL clubs that get involved. Liverpool fans did not directly kill anyone at Heysel however their actions led to death, there were no murder charges, people died as a result of fighting, I agree with that to a point, but they died because a wall collapsed, they died because that stadium was not fit to host any game, let alone a cup final,as I point out earlier the italians were also instigating fights during the day, and dont forget the italian with the gun in the stadium pointing it at liverpool fans.

I don't know any fans who are proud about what happened at heysel, but to have some fuc_kwit linking it to Hillsborough as some sort of poetic justice, or trying to make out that because the club had a few hooligans it must have been hooliganism that caused hillsborough is plain wrong. The cause of Hillsborough is obvious to even the most blinkered of Liverpool haters, but sadly some still think they talk sense about it when their comments are filled with disguised hatred.

Since we seem to have a few experts on here, maybe they can tell me a club that does not have a core of hooligans and I will provide evidence to the contrary.

so I say it again, this is a thread to remember 96 people who died, not to have some bar room berk trying to talk about something that they clearly know nothing about, show some respect in this thread or fuc_k off out of this thread, I hope that is clear enough. If you want to make a prick out of yourself feel free to start a thread about us murdering scouse hooligans but be prepared to be made a fool of.

Jog on boys

Edited by redscouse
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