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Does anyone no if there is an equivalent of the 18 months DUI program/school in Thailand. Without completing it I cannot get a US driver licence suspension lifted. My lawyer says I might be able to do that in my country of residence. Have to do jail time 4 days, too, but I think that could be a deadly experience in Thailand, right?

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Does anyone no if there is an equivalent of the 18 months DUI program/school in Thailand. Without completing it I cannot get a US driver licence suspension lifted. My lawyer says I might be able to do that in my country of residence. Have to do jail time 4 days, too, but I think that could be a deadly experience in Thailand, right?

You're kidding, right? :o:D

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Does anyone no if there is an equivalent of the 18 months DUI program/school in Thailand. Without completing it I cannot get a US driver licence suspension lifted. My lawyer says I might be able to do that in my country of residence. Have to do jail time 4 days, too, but I think that could be a deadly experience in Thailand, right?

You're kidding, right? :o:D

Excuse my ignorance but no; just like there are AA clubs in LOS, thought there might be some more solutions for me here that I could get my sentence converted into something here. I'm a newbie and looking for an advise from someone that had a similiar experience. But it looks like, you think, that no falang that visit or reside in T. ever drunk drove whether here or in their country. What a perfect falang community!!!

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The program you are referring to must be a "State" thing, 'cause I've never heard of it in any State on the East Coast. And therefore I can't imagine why you would think Thailand has anything like it. Have you been to Thailand? I really can't tell anything from your OP.

But I guess to answer your question, NO. Here you pay a fine and "carry on". TIT as they say.

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you will be very hard pressed to find a program like that here, getting your license here is no problem though.

How long have you been in The Land of Smiles?


I've been on/off for 10 months. Got a International DL valid for 20 years so this is not a problem really. My biggest problem is the jail time and 10 days of community work. I want to spend as least as possible of time in the US, as a matter of fact I don't need to go there ever, just like i don't need to ever go to,say, Greenland or Uruguay. But I want to be clean and clear. The thing happenned almost 2 years ago, but now I have to make a decision whether to plead guilty or trial (for mucho $) or just froget about US.

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The program you are referring to must be a "State" thing, 'cause I've never heard of it in any State on the East Coast.  And therefore I can't imagine why you would think Thailand has anything like it.  Have you been to Thailand?  I really can't tell anything from your OP.

But I guess to answer your question, NO.  Here you pay a fine and "carry on".  TIT as they say.

Ken, Yes, it's the California thing.

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you will be very hard pressed to find a program like that here, getting your license here is no problem though.

How long have you been in The Land of Smiles?


I've been on/off for 10 months. Got a International DL valid for 20 years so this is not a problem really. My biggest problem is the jail time and 10 days of community work. I want to spend as least as possible of time in the US, as a matter of fact I don't need to go there ever, just like i don't need to ever go to,say, Greenland or Uruguay. But I want to be clean and clear. The thing happenned almost 2 years ago, but now I have to make a decision whether to plead guilty or trial (for mucho $) or just froget about US.

I am no expert, in fact I am an aussie :o

But it sounds like the only way your going to get yourself clean is by doing the time. Or, as you say never go back but that is something I don't recommend personally.

I had a similar situation mid 90's. I decided to do the time, it was a real hassle. I lost my license for 5 years and was sued for a whole heap of money. I did the right thing though and find I can sleep straight at nights now.

on/off for 10 months is not exactly a lot of time to get in the swing of Thai life and culture, I am sure the more you learn and immerse yourself here the more you will realise how strange your first question was :D hence the first reply!

Good luck nhw, keep us up to date with your situation as these experiences are what this forum is all about, learning and helping others.

Keep this thread goin mate as there may well be someone log in over the next few days that has an answer for you.



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If you have not realized it yet the answer is no and the reason for grin is that drunk driving is a very serious problem here and very little enforcement.

That "International DL" is probably worth the paper it is printed on as there is no such thing AFAIK. The international driving permit is a translation of a real and valid licence and nothing more - without the valid licence it is not good for anything (except making money from those not aware of it). If you are using to drive on I hope you do not have an accident.

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If you have not realized it yet the answer is no and the reason for grin is that drunk driving is a very serious problem here and very little enforcement. 

That "International DL" is probably worth the paper it is printed on as there is no such thing AFAIK.  The international driving permit is a translation of a real and valid licence and nothing more - without the valid licence it is not good for anything (except making money from those not aware of it).  If you are using to drive on I hope you do not have an accident.

as an addition, international drivers licenses are only ever good for 12 months from date of issue.

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If you have not realized it yet the answer is no and the reason for grin is that drunk driving is a very serious problem here and very little enforcement. 

That "International DL" is probably worth the paper it is printed on as there is no such thing AFAIK.  The international driving permit is a translation of a real and valid licence and nothing more - without the valid licence it is not good for anything (except making money from those not aware of it).  If you are using to drive on I hope you do not have an accident.


I'm well aware about drunk driving in LOS. There were two Americans and one Swede, I think, dead on motorbike in Phuket in November. Early am hours; who drives a motorbike at 2 am and sober? So, my comment about a perfect farang community was a little sarcastic, sorry. The licence has two parts: a booklet, and a separate DL that looks like one from any of the US states; both with a picture. It is recognized in Thailand and, as far as I know from my buddy from UK, abroad, too. It was translated from my Ca DL, that I managed to keep (although it is suspended). I know it's not a true document as for example, California will issue only for 1 year an Int DL; but it works.


THanks for your comments. I think Ihave to do the right thing too.

I just, like you said, am trying to see if there are other options for me here; long shot, I know. Will let you know what happens next.

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I did not say you might not fool someone but if you have an accident you are going to be in even more trouble that now.

Is this "Driving under the influence" a major (felony) offence in CA? If so I would be especially concerned about the future if you try to avoid appearance. I take it from the AA comment that you may be trying to get help so have given my best advise; also probably only worth the paper it isn't printed on. :o

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So what did you do to get your drivers license suspended ?

it all came about because of a traffic accident, all I am willing to say in a public forum :o

/you have been moderated :D

(sorry folks, a private joke between DarkNighty and myself)

Edited by tukyleith
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Suspended in California is very harsh they will hunt you don't, if you get caught driving under suspnded license they will book you on the spot.

anyhow its a State thing, not international.

got 2 license in laos tho, i'll sell you one :o

I'm not driving in California; haven't been there for a year. My Intl. DL has nothing to do with the Ca driver licence, except I had to show it to ge the Intl.

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I did not say you might not fool someone but if you have an accident you are going to be in even more trouble that now.

Is this "Driving under the influence" a major (felony) offence in CA?  If so I would be especially concerned about the future if you try to avoid appearance.  I take it from the AA comment that you may be trying to get help so have given my best advise; also probably only worth the paper it isn't printed on. :o

No it's a misdemeanor. I could not stand AA BS, but sometimes the Ca court orders you to attend the meetings as a part of the sentence. My best help in no drinking is my GF at home, and at work (offshore) there is 0 tolerance 24/7.

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As for the present and the future, presenting your California Drivers License will get you your Thai license easily.

As to the past, you need to correspond with the court of original jurisdiction to see what they will accept as satisfaction of the judgment against you.

Probably a court administrator or court clerk will determine what substitutes, if any, you can perform to satisfy the original sentence here in Thailand.

You might offer an extensive number of AA meetings and community service in a NGO or other charitable institution. You should also provide the court with what manner of verification you can provide. Usually, a AA meeting's secretary certrifying your attendance on a court provided attendance card is acceptable. Clearly, an officer of a NGO or charity could certify your community service time.

I would include in your correspondence a mention that you have no plans to return to California, however, you desire to clear your unblemished record up to the time you received your DUI.

The court attache should be motivated to "clear" your case, so they may be more liberal in allowing a substitute form of sentence satisfaction and work with you since your so motivated to do the right thing on your first DUI.

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As for the present and the future, presenting your California Drivers License will get you your Thai license easily.

As to the past, you need to correspond with the court of original jurisdiction to see what they will accept as satisfaction of the judgment against you.

Probably a court administrator or court clerk will determine what substitutes, if any, you can perform to satisfy the original sentence here in Thailand.

You might offer an extensive number of AA meetings and community service in a NGO or other charitable institution.  You should also provide the court with what manner of verification you can provide.  Usually, a AA meeting's secretary certrifying your attendance on a court provided attendance card is acceptable.  Clearly, an officer of a NGO or charity could certify your community service time.

I would include in your correspondence a mention that you have no plans to return to California, however, you desire to clear your unblemished record up to the time you received your DUI.

The court attache should be motivated to "clear" your case, so they may be more liberal in allowing a substitute form of sentence satisfaction and work with you since your so motivated to do the right thing on your first DUI.


Great advise, indeed. Thanks. What does NGO stand for?

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PTE is on the right track, but a court clerk is not going to do anything to solve your problem.

You need to get a lawyer, either court appointed, or on your own, to represent you.

Make it clear that you have no intention of returning, but that you are responsible, and want to clear it up.

Two friends just got DUI in CA. There was a fine, license suspension, and court classes (AA.)

1) Have you had more than 1 offense in last 7 years? Sounds like it, as you are talking jail.

2) Have you been sentenced? Only ask, as you seem to know what the judge is requiring of you.

In any case, get a lawyer, find out what the judge wants you to do, then come up with alternatives that you can do in Thailand, then ask lawyer to get judge approval on alternatives. Once you have approval, make sure you have written record of your completion (ie- AA guy tracks your meeting attendance) which you can submit to the judge.

Definitely clear up. You can only regret not having done so.

Best of Luck

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I live in CA and from what I've heard from others who have been pinched for DUI it usually costs between USD 10k to 20k by the time they're done with you. Lawyers fees, court costs, lost work time, and whatever rehab the judge orders.

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Must be bad lawyers.

Called my buddy, and he said $3,900 + increased insurance, which he is yet to see.

In any case, NWH can cry poor, and get off relatively cheap. CA has no recourse, and will accept as long as it is an honest attempt to reconcile.

*Normaly the D.A. will only negotiate with a fellow attorney. Under the circumstances one of your family, etc, may be able to represent you if you are worried about the money.

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As for the present and the future, presenting your California Drivers License will get you your Thai license easily.

As to the past, you need to correspond with the court of original jurisdiction to see what they will accept as satisfaction of the judgment against you.

Probably a court administrator or court clerk will determine what substitutes, if any, you can perform to satisfy the original sentence here in Thailand.

You might offer an extensive number of AA meetings and community service in a NGO or other charitable institution.  You should also provide the court with what manner of verification you can provide.  Usually, a AA meeting's secretary certrifying your attendance on a court provided attendance card is acceptable.  Clearly, an officer of a NGO or charity could certify your community service time.

I would include in your correspondence a mention that you have no plans to return to California, however, you desire to clear your unblemished record up to the time you received your DUI.

The court attache should be motivated to "clear" your case, so they may be more liberal in allowing a substitute form of sentence satisfaction and work with you since your so motivated to do the right thing on your first DUI.


Great advise, indeed. Thanks. What does NGO stand for?

NGO=Non-govenmental organization. Most do-good organizations are referred to in that way in Thailand.

SoCal and others suggestion to hire a lawyer to do what is largely admistrative work is always an option if you are unsuccessful if resolving the matter yourself.

My reference to the court clerk or other court attache is intended to convey the fact that judges do very little "deciding" on their own. They have research lawyers to prepare the "preliminary ruling" available prior to actually appearing in a law and motion matter and the judges rarely do otherwise than suggested by their research lawyers. Their clerk and the official clerk of the courts office know well what the "going" sentences for every minor offense including DUI, judges do differ in their "severety" of sentencing but their clerks know exactly how the judge will rule in any case.

When your letter is received by the court department in which you were sentenced, and assuming that sentencing judge is still sitting in that department, it will be the clerk who will open the letter, draft the reply for the judges signature and his "preliminary" response will in most cases be rubber stamped by the judge, since the clerk will know what lattitude the judge will allow.

Some judges are more "punishment" oriented and if you have in fact had prior offences in this area, it is likely getting out of the jail time will be difficult. Other judges are "rehabilitation orieiented and will go for long AA assignments. After all, going to AA meetings every day for three months is a form of punishment anyway.

If you do eventually choose to hire a lawyer, get one who specializes in DUIs in the jurisdiction in which your sentence was entered. Only a regularly appearing attorney in the court that sentenced you will have the detailed knowledge of that judges propensities to make your legal fees truly worthwhile.

The amount of legal knowledge required to represent a defendant in a DUI case is very limited, it is the knowledge of the court involved and the D.A's policy regarding DUIs is what your will be buying for your money. Also a personal relationship between the attorney appearing and the deputy DA is valuable.

Since you have already been setenced, much of the foregoing doesn't apply, however, satisfying the judgement will in some ways be administrative and a post sentencing enforcement attorney on the court staff may make the call and have a judge approve it.

Good luck.

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As for the present and the future, presenting your California Drivers License will get you your Thai license easily.

As to the past, you need to correspond with the court of original jurisdiction to see what they will accept as satisfaction of the judgment against you.

Probably a court administrator or court clerk will determine what substitutes, if any, you can perform to satisfy the original sentence here in Thailand.

You might offer an extensive number of AA meetings and community service in a NGO or other charitable institution.  You should also provide the court with what manner of verification you can provide.  Usually, a AA meeting's secretary certrifying your attendance on a court provided attendance card is acceptable.  Clearly, an officer of a NGO or charity could certify your community service time.

I would include in your correspondence a mention that you have no plans to return to California, however, you desire to clear your unblemished record up to the time you received your DUI.

The court attache should be motivated to "clear" your case, so they may be more liberal in allowing a substitute form of sentence satisfaction and work with you since your so motivated to do the right thing on your first DUI.


Great advise, indeed. Thanks. What does NGO stand for?

NGO=Non-govenmental organization. Most do-good organizations are referred to in that way in Thailand.

SoCal and others suggestion to hire a lawyer to do what is largely admistrative work is always an option if you are unsuccessful if resolving the matter yourself.

My reference to the court clerk or other court attache is intended to convey the fact that judges do very little "deciding" on their own. They have research lawyers to prepare the "preliminary ruling" available prior to actually appearing in a law and motion matter and the judges rarely do otherwise than suggested by their research lawyers. Their clerk and the official clerk of the courts office know well what the "going" sentences for every minor offense including DUI, judges do differ in their "severety" of sentencing but their clerks know exactly how the judge will rule in any case.

When your letter is received by the court department in which you were sentenced, and assuming that sentencing judge is still sitting in that department, it will be the clerk who will open the letter, draft the reply for the judges signature and his "preliminary" response will in most cases be rubber stamped by the judge, since the clerk will know what lattitude the judge will allow.

Some judges are more "punishment" oriented and if you have in fact had prior offences in this area, it is likely getting out of the jail time will be difficult. Other judges are "rehabilitation orieiented and will go for long AA assignments. After all, going to AA meetings every day for three months is a form of punishment anyway.

If you do eventually choose to hire a lawyer, get one who specializes in DUIs in the jurisdiction in which your sentence was entered. Only a regularly appearing attorney in the court that sentenced you will have the detailed knowledge of that judges propensities to make your legal fees truly worthwhile.

The amount of legal knowledge required to represent a defendant in a DUI case is very limited, it is the knowledge of the court involved and the D.A's policy regarding DUIs is what your will be buying for your money. Also a personal relationship between the attorney appearing and the deputy DA is valuable.

Since you have already been setenced, much of the foregoing doesn't apply, however, satisfying the judgement will in some ways be administrative and a post sentencing enforcement attorney on the court staff may make the call and have a judge approve it.

Good luck.

Yes, I did hire a lawyer, paid bunch of money, he did some appeals, sais that he may be able to convince the DA to drop the case since there were some problems with the brethealizerreadings, I was working with theprinting chamicals at that time halping my friend , tired after a 40 hrs trip back to teh US (I know it's no excuse) etc. etc. Anyway he achieved nothing; now I'm just tired of hassling around and paying a lot more money if it goes to the trial. So I have to plea either way shortly. Going to pay my dues and get myself clear. Thanks PTE for all the advise. I'll have my lawyer use your suggestions.

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As for the present and the future, presenting your California Drivers License will get you your Thai license easily.

As to the past, you need to correspond with the court of original jurisdiction to see what they will accept as satisfaction of the judgment against you.

Probably a court administrator or court clerk will determine what substitutes, if any, you can perform to satisfy the original sentence here in Thailand.

You might offer an extensive number of AA meetings and community service in a NGO or other charitable institution.  You should also provide the court with what manner of verification you can provide.  Usually, a AA meeting's secretary certrifying your attendance on a court provided attendance card is acceptable.  Clearly, an officer of a NGO or charity could certify your community service time.

I would include in your correspondence a mention that you have no plans to return to California, however, you desire to clear your unblemished record up to the time you received your DUI.

The court attache should be motivated to "clear" your case, so they may be more liberal in allowing a substitute form of sentence satisfaction and work with you since your so motivated to do the right thing on your first DUI.


Great advise, indeed. Thanks. What does NGO stand for?

NGO=Non-govenmental organization. Most do-good organizations are referred to in that way in Thailand.

SoCal and others suggestion to hire a lawyer to do what is largely admistrative work is always an option if you are unsuccessful if resolving the matter yourself.

My reference to the court clerk or other court attache is intended to convey the fact that judges do very little "deciding" on their own. They have research lawyers to prepare the "preliminary ruling" available prior to actually appearing in a law and motion matter and the judges rarely do otherwise than suggested by their research lawyers. Their clerk and the official clerk of the courts office know well what the "going" sentences for every minor offense including DUI, judges do differ in their "severety" of sentencing but their clerks know exactly how the judge will rule in any case.

When your letter is received by the court department in which you were sentenced, and assuming that sentencing judge is still sitting in that department, it will be the clerk who will open the letter, draft the reply for the judges signature and his "preliminary" response will in most cases be rubber stamped by the judge, since the clerk will know what lattitude the judge will allow.

Some judges are more "punishment" oriented and if you have in fact had prior offences in this area, it is likely getting out of the jail time will be difficult. Other judges are "rehabilitation orieiented and will go for long AA assignments. After all, going to AA meetings every day for three months is a form of punishment anyway.

If you do eventually choose to hire a lawyer, get one who specializes in DUIs in the jurisdiction in which your sentence was entered. Only a regularly appearing attorney in the court that sentenced you will have the detailed knowledge of that judges propensities to make your legal fees truly worthwhile.

The amount of legal knowledge required to represent a defendant in a DUI case is very limited, it is the knowledge of the court involved and the D.A's policy regarding DUIs is what your will be buying for your money. Also a personal relationship between the attorney appearing and the deputy DA is valuable.

Since you have already been setenced, much of the foregoing doesn't apply, however, satisfying the judgement will in some ways be administrative and a post sentencing enforcement attorney on the court staff may make the call and have a judge approve it.

Good luck.

Yes, I did hire a lawyer, paid bunch of money, he did some appeals, sais that he may be able to convince the DA to drop the case since there were some problems with the brethealizerreadings, I was working with theprinting chamicals at that time halping my friend , tired after a 40 hrs trip back to teh US (I know it's no excuse) etc. etc. Anyway he achieved nothing; now I'm just tired of hassling around and paying a lot more money if it goes to the trial. So I have to plea either way shortly. Going to pay my dues and get myself clear. Thanks PTE for all the advise. I'll have my lawyer use your suggestions.


1. You were not forthcoming in your original post by not saying you were currently represented by a lawyer, therefore all the advice that followed was based on a false premise. IGNORE IT.

2. If you are not happy with your lawyer fire him, but don't tell him how to do his job, certainly do not ask him to do things suggested by others on the internet.

3. Second guessing your lawyer is not only a disservice to him but to your case as well.

4. Share your feelings with your lawyer and ask him the questions you posted in this thread. Advice is often worth what you pay for it!

5. I feel severly "put upon" my your lack of candor regarding you being represented by an attorney, as having known that, my original post whould have been as follows: "Listen to your lawyer and if you are unhappy with him, fire him and get another" and NOTHING MORE!!!!

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1. You were not forthcoming in your original post by not saying you were currently represented by a lawyer, therefore all the advice that followed was based on a false premise. IGNORE IT.

2. If you are not happy with your lawyer fire him, but don't tell him how to do his job, certainly do not ask him to do things suggested by others on the internet.

3. Second guessing your lawyer is not only a disservice to him but to your case as well.

4. Share your feelings with your lawyer and ask him the questions you posted in this thread. Advice is often worth what you pay for it!

5. I feel severly "put upon" my your lack of candor regarding you being represented by an attorney, as having known that, my original post whould have been as follows: "Listen to your lawyer and if you are unhappy with him, fire him and get another" and NOTHING MORE!!!!


If you read my original post you will notice , I indicated that I have a lawyer and that he suggested that I do the school program in Thailand.

I've fired already one 1 year ago. I really don't think there is anything wrong with your advise; I shered my feelings with him, and told him and he said he''ll do anything that is possible to be converted to something else than the jail/community service/school program in California. What I learned from you and others is that there is no such thing as DUI school program in THailand, that there are charitable NGO's here that I could do the community servis (BTW I'm in Phuket so there is a lot of community work to be done here, and I got a lot of motivation to do the right thing. So, thank you all.

One thing I didn't get from anyone is an opinion on doing time in jail in LOS (yes, it is my second within the last 5 years so that's why jail) however, my GF just said, there is a special jail for farangs in Phuket town. However, my dilemma is that I don't think it's a good idea for Thai authorities to find out about my sentence.

I think immigration laws say something like you cannot retire here if you have an alcohol problem and they might recognize my sentence and the reason for it as such.

I know about Hilton which is not an option

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