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Eva Air Empty Seats


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So, here it is. I am travelling to BKK soon from LHR with Eva Air who I have flown with many times and who I rate as an excellent direct carrier from LHR - BKK.

I fly economy, no problems with that but I have been informed that the plane is not full in this cabin. Now, in the past when there have been vacant seats I have seen people, usually men, asleep in 3 or 4 seats and these are usually towards the rear of the aircraft.

I am a confident person but have NEVER been given an upgrade even when I used to where a suit which I dont do anymore. I have asked at check in at LHR before whether there are any rows of 3 or 4 seats available and have alwways been told that there are not!

So, the question is how do you get a row to yourself?

I have been in a row of 3 with an empty seat in the middle to give a little extra room but you still can't make a bed and sleep on the night flight.

How do you get a row of 3 or 4 to yorself if there is room?

I am an evergreen member but have not accrued enough miles for an upgrade as yet.

My plan was to check in as late as possible and be the last person to get on the aircraft and look for a row which is empty and sit there! I usually get on with the crowd and sit where I am supposed to.

What do you think about it?

Any comments welcomed.

Cheers all.

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Best plan is to ask for "an aisle seat near the back.....as near to the back as possible" when you check in (DON'T leave it too late !!!!!)

Then be nearly the last person to get on the plane, as you say. The check-in people dont usually allocate the very last row til all others are taken, due to those being a little bit less comfortable, reclining wise, but you cant rely on that 100%

With any luck the row you are in will be empty, or, failing that, keep your eyes open for empty rows in front of you, and be prepsred to Jump as soon as you see movement towards them by others with the same idea, but they will be further away, with any luck


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So, the question is how do you get a row to yourself?

I have been in a row of 3 with an empty seat in the middle to give a little extra room but you still can't make a bed and sleep on the night flight.

How do you get a row of 3 or 4 to yorself if there is room?

I am an evergreen member but have not accrued enough miles for an upgrade as yet.

My plan was to check in as late as possible and be the last person to get on the aircraft and look for a row which is empty and sit there! I usually get on with the crowd and sit where I am supposed to.

It's some while since I travelled economy but I tell you what I have see. Three guys travelling together got on the plane and went almost straight to the rear three rows, one to each row. I knew that those seats were not theirs as they put their hand luggage somewhere else. It looked a bit funny just one person sitting in the midde of each row. Infact I think that they laid across them for a while whilst the plane was still loading. They only went back to their correct seats just before landing. EVA does or used to save the rear two to three rows for 'sick people' so that they can lay down if needed ie it loads those rows last.

So try it..the worst that can happen is that you meet those thre guys and they want your seat!!

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Ask at the boarding desk before the flight boards. On a flight from Singapore years ago hooked up with two vietnamese kids from Australia, one worked for Singapore Airlines. We landed in Taiwan and before boarding to depart the employee asked if there were any empty roles of seats. Low and behold there were three roles open in the back, slept all of the way to LA.

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It's not rocket science. The check-in staff give you a seat allocation and you get onboard and sit in it but keep looking for free space. If the passenger load is light, keep your eyes/ears open for the door closing and move to any other free seat that gives you more space. On a few airlines, the stewardess will do what she's paid to do and advise you of free seats but most will just scratch their <deleted> and let you work it out for yourself. To be honest, I have found the 4 seats-in-a-row to be akin to sleeping on a bag of rocks so don't set your comfort expectations too high.

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I was once told that I could not change seats until after take off.

When I asked "why ?" I was told that in the event of a crash the airline needed to identify which passengers had been sitting where !! I believed it :o

I have seen many idiots trying to change seats whilst the flight is still boarding - that certainly adds to the confusion.

Also I am not sure who tops the poll for the inability to take a seat number and match it to the actual - it is a close call between Arabs and Thais. For goodness sake it is usually a number between 1 and 80 (and it is obvious that 1 starts at the pointy end) and letters between A and J. Is it really that difficult ?

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Also I am not sure who tops the poll for the inability to take a seat number and match it to the actual - it is a close call between Arabs and Thais. For goodness sake it is usually a number between 1 and 80 (and it is obvious that 1 starts at the pointy end) and letters between A and J. Is it really that difficult ?

Since neither nationalities' languages use the Western alphabet, and it may be their first time in a plane, then yes, it could be that difficult.

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Also I am not sure who tops the poll for the inability to take a seat number and match it to the actual - it is a close call between Arabs and Thais. For goodness sake it is usually a number between 1 and 80 (and it is obvious that 1 starts at the pointy end) and letters between A and J. Is it really that difficult ?

Since neither nationalities' languages use the Western alphabet, and it may be their first time in a plane, then yes, it could be that difficult.

Good point - but I have also seen 4 Arabs on a flight from Doha sit together when they have clearly all got different seat/row numbers. If it is that difficult why does Thai use a western alphabet on it's flight.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, regulations require you to sit in your allocated seat on take off and landing. Once the aircraft is in the air and the fasten seatbelt sign is turned off, providing there are are empty seats - and nobody objects, you're free to sit where you want.


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Ah well, one one of my recent fly-outs I had 3 seats for myself on a B777/300E, I occupied the window seat.

In front of me were sitting two guys on 3 seats. (seemed they were friends)

Immediately after take of one of the two (the one in the aisle seat moved to the aisle seat on my side.

Lost my bed for the flight, unlucky me :o

Won't happen next week, booked business class, na!

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I used to do this a lot.

Check in late, very late. Be really friendly with check in staff, apologising all the time for being so late. Ask if there are any rows of three with no one in them. If the answer is yes, ask her to put you in the middle seat and smile sweetly and say you are really tired. It would be great if she could block off the other two seats.

If the answer is no, generally don't believe them. Ask again as nicely as possible to have a look and see which seats are still available, she wil normally let you lean over and see the screen. It is easy to see the rows that have been blocked off for crew or for operational reasons. The cross is different. Usually the last rows. Ask for an aisle seat close by.

Board really late. Be the last and I mean the last. Go straight to the back row and sit in the middle seat. Put your books and magazines and laptop or whatever on the other 2 seats. If you have the front lie down.

As soon as the Seat Belt sign goes out lie down and pretend to be dead to the world for at least 20 mins.

Finally if the plane is really full and there are no rows available then in the nicest possible way tell the check in girl that you would much prefer an aisle/window seat. You get claustrophobic sitting in the middle. You would do anything to get an aisle seat.

She will tell you to ask again at the gate. Wait at the gate until you are the last and then in the most humble manner you can muster tell them of your claustrophobia and ask if there is anyway you can get an aisle seat.

At this point if there is one they will find it and if there isn't you may well find yourself upgraded. Never, never ask for an upgrade. Always look clean and presentable and travel with a businessman's carry on luggage. I used to fly longhaul 40 times a year. I slept well, but not as well as I do now in Business!! Hope this helps.

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Some good replies an dso funny too

Thanks to everyone

as I though, get to th erear an dsearch!!

I'll see what I can do

I already booked my seat online as close to the rear as possible and did see that 4 or 5 of the rear rows were 'taken' but this may mean blocked out do you think?

I will change my seat with Eva but will need to call them Monday to do so.

I will ask them to get me as far to the rear as possible and then I will change as soon as I can

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So, here it is. I am travelling to BKK soon from LHR with Eva Air who I have flown with many times and who I rate as an excellent direct carrier from LHR - BKK.

I fly economy, no problems with that but I have been informed that the plane is not full in this cabin. Now, in the past when there have been vacant seats I have seen people, usually men, asleep in 3 or 4 seats and these are usually towards the rear of the aircraft.

I am a confident person but have NEVER been given an upgrade even when I used to where a suit which I dont do anymore. I have asked at check in at LHR before whether there are any rows of 3 or 4 seats available and have alwways been told that there are not!

So, the question is how do you get a row to yourself?

I have been in a row of 3 with an empty seat in the middle to give a little extra room but you still can't make a bed and sleep on the night flight.

How do you get a row of 3 or 4 to yorself if there is room?

I am an evergreen member but have not accrued enough miles for an upgrade as yet.

My plan was to check in as late as possible and be the last person to get on the aircraft and look for a row which is empty and sit there! I usually get on with the crowd and sit where I am supposed to.

What do you think about it?

Any comments welcomed.

Cheers all.

I fly from Florida USA to BKK regularly , a very long trip,(about 24 hrs) and this is how I almost always get an empty seat next to me.

First i wait until all the boarding rows have being called before I board the plane, Then when I can see that most of the Passengers have boarded , board the plane but does not sit on my assigned seat ( it will always be there for me) but instead I go and sit on the 2 best available empty seats, usually at the back of the plane, usually the people that belong there, arrive late and ask me to move, I faint ignorance, apologize for my mistake and move to the next 2 best empty seats available until they make me move again, I repeat this process until I end up in the only 2 empty seats (if any are available). If non available my seat is still there for me.

Moving around the plane 20 min for 2 empty sits costs a little embarrassment

Being the onlyone in a plane packed like sardines with only two empty seats for 18 hrs

Priceless. :o

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The way things are in Thailand at the moment, there should be plenty of empty seats on the flights

Just back from SAmui to Italy.

Plane totaly full as usual, never saw the KLM or AF flight to/from BKK with ONE empty seat.... :o

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I've flown business with EVA and they're not flat beds anyway,it's the equivalent of trying to sleep on a Hannibal Lecter style trolley minus the straightjacket and hockey mask!

Plus can you really drink £1,000 of free champagne and wine,the answer is no...although I have tried! :o

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Four years ago I took a night flight from Europ with EVA air and found I had a row of seats to my self as soon as I had finished my food I slept the next thing I remember was the sweet stewardess wakeing me with breakfast. The best flight I ever had, never will forget it arrived so fresh, after a good nights sleep.

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So, here it is. I am travelling to BKK soon from LHR with Eva Air who I have flown with many times and who I rate as an excellent direct carrier from LHR - BKK.

I fly economy, no problems with that but I have been informed that the plane is not full in this cabin. Now, in the past when there have been vacant seats I have seen people, usually men, asleep in 3 or 4 seats and these are usually towards the rear of the aircraft.

I am a confident person but have NEVER been given an upgrade even when I used to where a suit which I dont do anymore. I have asked at check in at LHR before whether there are any rows of 3 or 4 seats available and have alwways been told that there are not!

So, the question is how do you get a row to yourself?

I have been in a row of 3 with an empty seat in the middle to give a little extra room but you still can't make a bed and sleep on the night flight.

How do you get a row of 3 or 4 to yorself if there is room?

I am an evergreen member but have not accrued enough miles for an upgrade as yet.

My plan was to check in as late as possible and be the last person to get on the aircraft and look for a row which is empty and sit there! I usually get on with the crowd and sit where I am supposed to.

What do you think about it?

Any comments welcomed.

Cheers all.

about 3 weeks ago i flew to england with eva,couldnt get an upgrade when i asked nicely ,i had already booked my seat online. the very nice lady asked would i like a seat with no one close so i could sleep over 3 seats. job done ,just be polite smile and tell her how nice they all are.

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I just flew from BKK to SFO on EVA last week. I always take EVA and have done so 10 plus times...but this time i got bumped to first class.

I usually fly the "elite class" which is WELL worth the extra couple hundred bucks. But this time i went to check in at BKK and they couldn't find my name!!! Finally they found it...they had my first name as my last and last name as my first.

So they check me in, I board the plane, then right before take off some crazy irate chinese lady comes screaming at me that i am in her seat. Apparently it appeared as if i never checked in and they sold my seat to this lady on standby. She made a HUGE deal about and nearly every flight attendant was they trying to calm her. I stayed extremely pleasant with everyone, cuz i knew that one of us was gonna be bumped to coach or first class.

One of the lovely looking flight attendants grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear...we dont like this lady your going to first class. We have also called to TPE airport and arranged for you to be in first class from TPE to SFO. What a trip home!!!

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I've done a few flights with Eva having three seats to myself due to there not being many passengers in economy. I'm one of these people who can't really sleep in the sitting position so three seats to myself is a godsend. Made a big mistake on my last flight from lhr to bkk when economy was about 80% full. Had a aisle seat and looked like i might get three seats to myself but no the two seats were filled just before take off and the one next to me was a rather large fellow and i could see i wouldn't get much look in when it came to using the arm rest. They noticed some empty seats near the back they prefered so moved. Job done so i thought until a young couple decided they prefered the seats next to me to the ones they already had. Was kicking myself through out the flight why didn't i move to the middle seat put things on the other seats to look like they were occupied.

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