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Songkran And Faranges


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Today the Thai people celebrated the religious festival of Songran.

I was invited, as a elderly person, to participate in washing the Buddha symbols and images at one establishment etc. according to Buddhist custom and so had to go out early from South Pattaya along Beach Road. Several times I was stopped and asked by a Thai person if they could pour a little water over me and put a little paste on my forehead. At no time was I threatened by water pump guns.

At lunch time today I walked a short distance from my home just off the junction of Soi 17 and 3rd Road to get some food. Again many Thai people playing water but they asked if they could put a little on my hands and I always wished them a happy new year Sawadee Pia Mai.

Then I was threatened by a large, much younger Farange with a Large Water Pump Gun. I spite of me signaling him that I wanted him to stop, he refused and continued to pump a high powered blast of water at me.

Why cannot the Thai people and the police enforce the banning of these guns.

Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony.

Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly.

A part of the Book of Common Prayer 1662 comes to mind

Cursed is he that smiteth his neighbour

Go, ye cursed, into the fire everlasting, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.

( With apologies to Her Majesty the Queen of England who owns the copyright)

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Today the Thai people celebrated the religious festival of Songran.

I was invited, as a elderly person, to participate in washing the Buddha symbols and images at one establishment etc. according to Buddhist custom and so had to go out early from South Pattaya along Beach Road. Several times I was stopped and asked by a Thai person if they could pour a little water over me and put a little paste on my forehead. At no time was I threatened by water pump guns.

At lunch time today I walked a short distance from my home just off the junction of Soi 17 and 3rd Road to get some food. Again many Thai people playing water but they asked if they could put a little on my hands and I always wished them a happy new year Sawadee Pia Mai.

Then I was threatened by a large, much younger Farange with a Large Water Pump Gun. I spite of me signaling him that I wanted him to stop, he refused and continued to pump a high powered blast of water at me.

Why cannot the Thai people and the police enforce the banning of these guns.

Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony.

Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly.

A part of the Book of Common Prayer 1662 comes to mind

Cursed is he that smiteth his neighbour

Go, ye cursed, into the fire everlasting, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.

( With apologies to Her Majesty the Queen of England who owns the copyright)

Perhaps a nursing home back in Leeds for you then,,,,,,,

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Spend some time in Isaan at Songkran.

Only the Thais are heaving buckets of dirty water at you and your car. You won't have to worry about the farang problem.

With your attitude I would probably spray water on you as well and I am 71.

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Man, today i walked down Soi 17 with my grandson who is 5 years old. Seeing a foreign child of that age brings alsorts out, but they all totally respected him and didn't want to scare him and aproached in the gentlest possible way and covered him and me in the white stuff and water. We had the loveliest time and he wanted to come and visit again because everyone was so nice to him and he loved the festivities so much. I have no idea why you had such a problem, maybe your attitude has something to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Happy to hear that you got to see what the real Tradition Songkran celebration should be like, :D about the :D FOOL of a farang that spoil it for you just remember they walk among us, now by the same token remember once you are in the street during Songkran you become a possible target for one and all, however; in reference to the foolish farang with the big old water gun, many if not most(not drunk/drug) Young Thais :o:D:D:wai: will show respect and not throw water on the elderly :P

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Man, today i walked down Soi 17 with my grandson who is 5 years old. Seeing a foreign child of that age brings alsorts out, but they all totally respected him and didn't want to scare him and aproached in the gentlest possible way and covered him and me in the white stuff and water. We had the loveliest time and he wanted to come and visit again because everyone was so nice to him and he loved the festivities so much. I have no idea why you had such a problem, maybe your attitude has something to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in soi 17 today - we must have met. I was doing exactly what you described and was welcomed with so many hearts it was unbelievable. Had a great day today - no problems but not in soi 8 and not being a whinging old git.

Best Songkran ever - happy new year all.

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maybe your attitude has something to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must have a really bad attitude then. I got pumped with high pressure guns often and hit hard with buckets of water when I rode around on my motorcycle.

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maybe your attitude has something to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must have a really bad attitude then. I got pumped with high pressure guns often and hit hard with buckets of water when I rode around on my motorcycle.


Soi 7/8 - som nam naa

2nd road - see above.

Like moths to the flame, as per my new thread why?? Why do you have to go out in the riot zone and then tell us how bad it is.

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maybe your attitude has something to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must have a really bad attitude then. I got pumped with high pressure guns often and hit hard with buckets of water when I rode around on my motorcycle.


Soi 7/8 - som nam naa

2nd road - see above.

Like moths to the flame, as per my new thread why?? Why do you have to go out in the riot zone and then tell us how bad it is.

Everywhere. 2nd road, 3rd road, Beah Road, Sukhumvit road, Thepprasit road, Jomtien road, Soi Buakhao, Pattaya Klang, Pattaya Tai.....

The point is that you were lucky, and then claim that everyone is respectful...and then mock people who experience otherwise.

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Everywhere. 2nd road, 3rd road, Beah Road, Sukhumvit road, Thepprasit road, Jomtien road, Soi Buakhao, Pattaya Klang, Pattaya Tai.....

The point is that you were lucky, and then claim that everyone is respectful...and then mock people who experience otherwise.

I wasn't lucky mate, I made a choice. Car........motorbike...........walk.

Car was an easy choice but I don't like gridlock too much. Motorbike was a dumb choice, so I walked - and bloody good fun it was.

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Everywhere. 2nd road, 3rd road, Beah Road, Sukhumvit road, Thepprasit road, Jomtien road, Soi Buakhao, Pattaya Klang, Pattaya Tai.....

The point is that you were lucky, and then claim that everyone is respectful...and then mock people who experience otherwise.

I wasn't lucky mate, I made a choice. Car........motorbike...........walk.

Car was an easy choice but I don't like gridlock too much. Motorbike was a dumb choice, so I walked - and bloody good fun it was.

Who said I didn't have fun on my motorbike today? I rode everywhere with my GF on the back for about 2 hours and enjoyed it. I know exactly what to expect. I wear a visor, glasses and cotton wool in my ears.

I only made the point that there were disrespectful Thais out there trying to spoil the fun and that this has nothing to do with the attitude of the victims. Most were extremely drunk.

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Who said I didn't have fun on my motorbike today? I rode everywhere with my GF on the back for about 2 hours and enjoyed it. I know exactly what to expect. I wear a visor, glasses and cotton wool in my ears.

I only made the point that there were disrespectful Thais out there trying to spoil the fun and that this has nothing to do with the attitude of the victims. Most were extremely drunk.

Apologies, I thought you were whining. Glad you had a good time my friend, you know there will always be a few winkers about this time of year - farang and Thai.

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ANY celibration ANYWHERE brings out the thugs. It is a fact of life. Here in Canada after a major sporting event there are people out celibrating. It brings out the low lifes as well as just the people having a good time. On more than a few occasions the low life thugs turn it into a mini-riot where store windows get smashed and cars torched or over turned. Police round up the rowdies as best they can, but it's hard to control everyone when there are so many people about. Most people don't want a country where police and military are standing on every corner, and with guns they are willing to use... Tianaman Square comes to mind.

The simple answer is to stay away from celibrations if you don't like the rowdy stuff. Most of us agree that Songkran is too long and it makes it hard for business owners to operate, but that just goes with the uniqueness of Thailand. Not everyone is on holidays, but most expats learn to live with it.

If you don't like what Thailand has to offer then pick another country in which to live.

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Then I was threatened by a large, much younger Farange with a Large Water Pump Gun. I spite of me signaling him that I wanted him to stop, he refused and continued to pump a high powered blast of water at me.
To be fair Pattaya during Songkran is about throwing water at each other 24 hours a day for a week, getting drunk and finding the aircon equiped buildings far too cold when you are wet. Avoid Pattaya during this time of year - that is the only solution.
Why cannot the Thai people and the police enforce the banning of these guns.

Why should they - most of the people use them in a safe/fun manner.

Songkran pros use a small bucket anyway.

Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony.

This is not a religious event, the water pouring by the youth to the elders is a mark of respect and to seek forgiveness for things done wrong during the old year - in return the person having water poured on them offers good wishes for the 'New Year' in return. If you escape the madness of Pattaya (I assume it's your first time there at this time of year.) you will encounter a much better Songkran upcountry.

Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly.
A much larger question.

I hope you have a better experiance next year.

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Why cannot the Thai people and the police enforce the banning of these guns.

Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony.

Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly.

A part of the Book of Common Prayer 1662 comes to mind

Cursed is he that smiteth his neighbour

Go, ye cursed, into the fire everlasting, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.

( With apologies to Her Majesty the Queen of England who owns the copyright)

A better question might be...

Why would a tourist who obviously doesn't like to party GO TO PATTAYA IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Pattaya IS A PARTY TOWN! That is why it was developed in the first place from a sleepy fishing village. It is known the whole world over as a crazy place where just about everything goes. That is its biggest tourist draw. Turning it back into a sleepy fishing village would destroy the whole city. Certainly there are vicious louts in a city such as Pattaya. If you can't accept that then go somewhere else. How about the black or hispanic sections of Detroit or Los Angeles? Or, some place nice and safe like the Gaza strip between Israel and Palistine.

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Yes stay in if you don't like it. But sometimes anyone has to go out.

Usually if I don't want to "play" songkran, the Thai people I have met let me walk past with the polite washing - which is fine by me.

Drunk (usually ugly, both physically and spiritually) foreigners think its terribly funny to drench me as I come out of the Pharmacy with medicines, while their Thai companions are behaving with restraint.

True there are mobs of pickup trucks and drunk Thais and by all means, have fun with like minded people.

It is quite obvious when people are not "playing". It doesn't take a genius to see them, just a little brains and compassion.

Qualities absolutely lacking in many of the foreigners i meet. Especially on the street in Songkran.

Long may immigration make life difficult for them.

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... Several times I was stopped and asked by a Thai person if they could pour a little water over me and put a little paste on my forehead. At no time was I threatened by water pump guns...

...Then I was threatened by a large, much younger Farange with a Large Water Pump Gun...

...Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony...

...Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly...


Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.

(Oliver Wendell)

5star.gifThumbsUp.gifThumbsDwn.gifHe who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.


Personally I think that a foreigner faking to be a native is somewhat ridiculous.

On the other hand: let them have fun and stay away if you (we) don't like it.

But young Farangs with pump guns? I would expext that rather in Bagdad :o Are you sure that your memory does not fail you?

Respect for the elderly indeed is a problem (me included): There was a similar complaint from Greece recently. I do not remember if it was Plato or Sokrates...

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