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The Smaller Scams That Lead To The Bigger Distrust In Relationships.


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Lots of us don't have poor bargirl girlfriends half our age and 10% our intellect. You guys just try to convince yourselves we do.

I don't think anyone gives a shit. Where do you get this stuff? What "we" are you associating yourself with?

Edited by Shotime
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Lots of us don't have poor bargirl girlfriends half our age and 10% our intellect. You guys just try to convince yourselves we do.

I don't think anyone gives a shit. Where do you get this stuff? What "we" are you associating yourself with?

Lol pissed off I shot down all your wrong and ridiculous assumptions earlier are we?

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-Loose Cannon- Does not get scammed from him partner)

You live with a saint,

or she has much more money than you, (rich family, high paid job)

or you, yourself have nearly nothing, so where take?

She is a rich lady (Widow) has it all, why take from you?

But if she is that what most GF, wifes with Falang BF husbands here in TH are,

poor and 80% from Isaan, nearly all with a Barbackground,

than you are one of the very rare exceptions.

Possible but not easy to believe.

No, not a saint, just one of the millions of honest, hard working Thai men & women that actually exist out there if you can be bothered to go & look. To engage with these Thai women requires a lot more effort on your part, which sadly a number of farangs are not prepared to do, much preferring to follow the path of least resistance & the inevitable hazards that are inherent in this route.

Like everything in life, if you are prepared to put the work in, you will reap the reward. The lazy will always be disbelievers because to think otherwise only exposes their weaknesses.

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Lots of us don't have poor bargirl girlfriends half our age and 10% our intellect. You guys just try to convince yourselves we do.

Agreed, most of the problems come from that. Guys who want pretty young girls and can only get the wrong kind. If you look closer to your own age and take into account how you look and then find a girl you have less of a chance to get scammed.

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I have found some strange things with Thai women, and Thai's in general - that the often act "suspiciously" when in fact there is nothing out of order, and at other times can tell you a stone faced lie when there is something utterly scandalous going on - and they have very little fear that you might be smart enough to figure out what is going on!

This leads one to become paranoid, however if you are paranoid that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't people out to get you!

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^^^ In some ways I am inclined to agree with the idea of paying XXX per month. That way you have a contract. Yet, the idea of having a contract with a woman negates the idea of a relationship. So you have a prostitute at the end of the day and one you can never have a serious and meaningful relationship with IMHO.

If I want sex and sex alone, I can have that at 500 a night. But I would rather have something more meaningful, even if I have problems at the end of it.

500baht per night (time?)...you aren't picking them up in the park are you? Tsktsk, not safe. :o

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I have found some strange things with Thai women, and Thai's in general - that the often act "suspiciously" when in fact there is nothing out of order, and at other times can tell you a stone faced lie when there is something utterly scandalous going on - and they have very little fear that you might be smart enough to figure out what is going on!

This leads one to become paranoid, however if you are paranoid that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't people out to get you!

You sound like you've been in Thailand too long. Me, too. Very funny.

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I think generally, most of the guys getting "scammed" are old, wrinkly, bald men with nothing to offer a young girl but their wallets. Think back to when you were in your 20's, do you think you "could get it up" for a woman in her 50's? Do you really think that if you come to Thailand, a hot young girl is going to fall in love with you, and you will live happily ever after? Do you really think after you pay her parents off to marry her, the flow of your money will cease? The reality is, once she can no longer pump you for cash, or if that house is already in her name, you are worthless to her.

Why don't you guys date girls closer to your age? Or just use the "pay as you go" business option? Every relationships constitutes a form of balance, which consists of sex, beauty, charisma, status, wealth, power, love (of all sorts), etc etc. If your end of the scale only has a bit of cash...that's life bitch!

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I think generally, most of the guys getting "scammed" are old, wrinkly, bald men with nothing to offer a young girl but their wallets. Think back to when you were in your 20's, do you think you "could get it up" for a woman in her 50's? Do you really think that if you come to Thailand, a hot young girl is going to fall in love with you, and you will live happily ever after? Do you really think after you pay her parents off to marry her, the flow of your money will cease? The reality is, once she can no longer pump you for cash, or if that house is already in her name, you are worthless to her.

Why don't you guys date girls closer to your age? Or just use the "pay as you go" business option? Every relationships constitutes a form of balance, which consists of sex, beauty, charisma, status, wealth, power, love (of all sorts), etc etc. If your end of the scale only has a bit of cash...that's life bitch!

Like your Mom?

What is it with this group of idiots? Don't they have Fathers? It's nice to be young. Have fun. I am.

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A Poster ment,

I shall take a woman close to my age, try to get her without money involved.

In that case I can stay in my homecountry and try my luck there, Brrr, no thanks.

Than I better get sometimes scammed, but I know now how to avoid that, mostly.

By the way, Europe is nearly same, same.

I had a lot relationships there, not only because I am a funny, nice guy,

but had also a well known business in my region, money, so they thought a Porsche ect.

Even the daughters of similar businesses where happy that the girl get to know me, better than they get a nobody in the family.

Same, same and only little different.

The proud posters with theire Superwifes, working Superjobs, where did you meet them? How?

Anyway, you should not post here, thats the wrong thread for you.

Stay in your Super-Goodwife thread or open one.

That reminds me to the movie with ROBERT REDFORD, -1 Mill. Dollar for one night Sex-

after the movie the newspapers asked celebreties from all kinds.

Would you do that, 1 Mill. for a night?

The celebrities, everybody wealthy, said, NO!

Easy to say NO, when you already rich.

So, why you lucky ones with the ladys, wifes from upper class or with good paid jobs are posting here?

(Would be a surprise if they scamming you, why should they?)

To feel others more miserable? Thats the reason you post here?

A foul smelling reason!

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  • 2 months later...
Ive never been scammed. But Im not an old man that needs to buy my "friends". Look... if you are old and want to sleep with young women you must pay, pretty simple really. If you are being scammed by people that you are not sleeping with than why is that happening? If someone asks me for money for ANYTHING, my response is immediately no, unless its like my best friend (can't see how that would be a Thai person but anything is possible I guess).

G54, if non lovers are asking for money why would you even consider it? Are you the saviour of Thailand and all its poor people?

Sorry to say it doesn't matter if you are young or old from the east or from the west ,it's costs time effort and money to have anything in this world more so if you are a male especially in the west

If westerners want to go to other countries where their average assets are now the equivelant of a millionaire and then start seeing someone and aiding them financially obviously she/he and others (especially the male relatives) may see this as a possible weakness and try to exploit it.

So it is a case of caveat emptor (buyer beware do not know the Latin for user beware) no matter where you are or what you are in this world because any relationship can and does change in a instant due to peoples tolerance and reactions being different and you cannot rely on other people only yourself.

And even then sometimes you let yourself down :D

maybe I should change that to the following

"beware of gold ,for it can turn even the best of friends into enemies"

"Cave aurum, nam id quidem optimus mutare in inimicos potest"

So take things as they come live your life for you and learn from mistakes and stop being Pussy whipped

Never commit everything to one thing and always always have a back up plan escape route

Thailand is named "Land of Smiles" but many foreigners mainly male go around as if it is "Land of wallet wide open and eyes wide shut!" :):D

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Seeing as the computer lessons was a non event - dont ya have soaps on TV, its a real simple plot to follow, but dont run ya life that way - lets simply say ya lost a couple bucks, per week, on some milk or formula to the cute mommy.

But fed a needy child, which is good Karma. If ya werent doing mama big time as payment for the aforementioned,

or becasue she fancied ya, might I suggest ya go back to that fine college where ya earned your MBA & get ya

money back. They surely learned ya all wrong. I do mamas without the milk part!! Its a national sport.

I also give great keyboard, in the sack, for the 'computer-literate-challenged' crowd. Some might call it barter.


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Surely if a man is helping a Thai lady out, if a man is paying the rent, the electric, food, nights out and such, we could or should expect some honesty in return from our girlfriends?

Your paying to have a Thai g/f and you "expect some honesty"???

There might be a few things you'd expect to get out of that situation; honesty aint one of them.

You expect to get a Thai GF without paying her money?? Few and far between. Good luck. 90% expect money when a Farang is involved. Therefore, the relationship is corrupted from the beginning.

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I am sure many of us here have been scammed by our g/f / partners and maybe we do not know about it.

No - never.

I think that you need to be a bit more discerning in the way you choose your partners.

Alternatively, try another country as your recent posts have shown you suffer from a severe lack of judgement when selecting Thais as friends.

Nor I.

Me neither.

Neither I

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15:41:42']I am sure many of us here have been scammed by our g/f / partners and maybe we do not know about it.

No - never.

I think that you need to be a bit more discerning in the way you choose your partners.

Alternatively, try another country as your recent posts have shown you suffer from a severe lack of judgement when selecting Thais as friends.

Nor I.

Me neither.

Neither I

Never paid a little...just a little over the odds for a taxi.....or tuk tuk.....never????

Never paid a little over the odds for a drink.....ever??

Never given out a tip just a little over the odds???

Never paid the 500 baht 'departure tax'........ :)

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Never paid a little...just a little over the odds for a taxi.....or tuk tuk.....never????

Never paid a little over the odds for a drink.....ever??

Never given out a tip just a little over the odds???

Never paid the 500 baht 'departure tax'........ :)

Hi Geo,

We are talking about being scammed by a wife/gf here.

Of coarse we've all been scammed on the street in Thailand but that is not the subject here.

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Scam scam everywhere, just be aware an inform is the best bet for us all. Just yesterday I got a Marketing call 1411, answer once(bet I was charge?Bastar#) anyway they rings several time didn't answer. Any Thai Lawyers here, can we take these scammers to court(?) :D:D:D:):D:D

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I am sure many of us here have been scammed by our g/f / partners and maybe we do not know about it.

No - never.

I think that you need to be a bit more discerning in the way you choose your partners.

Alternatively, try another country as your recent posts have shown you suffer from a severe lack of judgement when selecting Thais as friends.

I agree!!! This Guy is unreal best find somewhere else to life of even grow up ………..nutter.


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I know what you mean, I hope i'm wrong, but expierience & common dog pond can put suspicions in your mind,My g/f of 1 year has lost 2 phones when she's without it's hard to contact her, so she runs her own race,the other form of contact can be irregular (sister's phone) @ school or friends will not answer me, if it rings & she's home I get to speak to g/f maybe 2 times a week,is this an old trick ,maybe stored phone or sell?any similiar expieriences?

regards songhklasid.

Don't know if you're still with her but the next time there is a phone on the scene record the IMEI number and 'when' it's lost, report it to the network (Can this be done in Thailand?) so it can be disabled.

Tell her this and see what her reaction is.

A phone to a Thai is like an appendage to their body, so I have a lot of trouble believing she doesn't have a phone.

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yes I have been scammed, and have learned from it, but it was in the UK

in 19 years i have been scammed twice ,once by an english buisnesswoman and once by the guy that empties the cesspit,never ever been scammed by anyone else.

Unscrupulous English Businesswomen? What happened there?

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