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Dual Pricing. If You Thought It Could Not Get Worse...

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Act like a Thai in the pool. For example don't take a shower before you go in, swim with your clothes on, allow your kids to run around screaming and shouting, bring your own food and drink and leave a mess everywhere that way you should be entitled to the Thai price.

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why should a business not be allowed to charge certain people more to enter or to restrict certain peoples from entering? why should anyone be able to control or dictate to another person how they run their business?

I am sure if they were charging less for farang there would be no problem at all.

You can always go home where everyone gets in for the same price.

The OP was commenting on why a Farang funded comunity is made to pay MORE than local ppl to use the falang bought facilitys.

Why you ask? because it is racism.

Act like a Thai in the pool. For example don't take a shower before you go in, swim with your clothes on, allow your kids to run around screaming and shouting, bring your own food and drink and leave a mess everywhere that way you should be entitled to the Thai price.
why should a business not be allowed to charge certain people more to enter or to restrict certain peoples from entering? why should anyone be able to control or dictate to another person how they run their business?

I am sure if they were charging less for farang there would be no problem at all.

You can always go home where everyone gets in for the same price.

Rubbish. If any Thai I was familiar with was overcharged for any service whatsoever I would also tell the owner where to stick it. As for going home [the house I bought here not being my own after all] so what now? O.K. I am England still objecting to being ripped off by anyone regardless. Now what would you suggest?


I find it distasteful when it happens far from me, but in my backyard, it would be really terrible.

why should a business not be allowed to charge certain people more to enter or to restrict certain peoples from entering? why should anyone be able to control or dictate to another person how they run their business?

I am sure if they were charging less for farang there would be no problem at all.

You can always go home where everyone gets in for the same price.

ok then, if you ever come into my bar I will charge you double, bet you kick off then???


The OP was commenting on why a Farang funded comunity is made to pay MORE than local ppl to use the falang bought facilitys.

Why you ask? because it is racism.

No. It is not Farang funded. We are talking about Hi So Thais [in Chumphon anyway] aspiring to live here who are not exactly starving despite the worldwide economic crisis and still holding on to their SUVs looking at me and my bike.


To the racist thai persons reply, yep, obviously you are or think you are a hi-so, average command of english, use the internet and a hatred of foreigners.

I would sincerely love for thailand to kick out all the foreigners, and then let in sink into economic oblivion.

Funny thing I have noticed it's the hi-so's who are the most racist, the average isaan doesn't give a shit about your ethnicity, they're poor and they're used to it.

But, see it's the farangs that piss off the hi-so's because they know that no matter how much plastic surgery, how much education, they are still not better off than an averageuni grad in the west in their first job.

I love that. I hate hi-so's because they inflict the worst attrocities on those of they think beneath them, all because they have "breeding and manners" and a little money.

One of my wife's great aunts was killed by the "lady of the house" because she spillt some water on her by accident, many many years ago, there where no charges of course.


This one would get under my skin.

I'd likely just have a few beers (to give me a bit of attitude), then go along, put 30 baht on the table and jump into the pool regardless. What are they going to do anyway, call the police?


yeap! Hi So Thais stink, I cant stand them with there big hair do's. most Thais that I meet with real money are decent people, its the Hi-So's that think they have money because they drive a second hand BMW. stuck up brainless idiots.

To the racist thai persons reply, yep, obviously you are or think you are a hi-so, average command of english, use the internet and a hatred of foreigners.

I would sincerely love for thailand to kick out all the foreigners, and then let in sink into economic oblivion.

Funny thing I have noticed it's the hi-so's who are the most racist, the average isaan doesn't give a shit about your ethnicity, they're poor and they're used to it.

But, see it's the farangs that piss off the hi-so's because they know that no matter how much plastic surgery, how much education, they are still not better off than an averageuni grad in the west in their first job.

I love that. I hate hi-so's because they inflict the worst attrocities on those of they think beneath them, all because they have "breeding and manners" and a little money.

One of my wife's great aunts was killed by the "lady of the house" because she spillt some water on her by accident, many many years ago, there where no charges of course.

I don't hate the racist Hi-So's, I pity them.

yeap! Hi So Thais stink, I cant stand them with there big hair do's. most Thais that I meet with real money are decent people, its the Hi-So's that think they have money because they drive a second hand BMW. stuck up brainless idiots.

Yes sir. The real moneyed Thais keep making me drink with them and continually ask me about politics. I make vague suggestions yet I am treated as a great political scientist.


I think when a business has pricing based on race, they do it only because they can get away with it with little or no complaint and feel no backlash.

If enough people were to complain than I would think that a change would happen.

Shame you could not put in a Farang Pool and charge a reduced price to Farang and a higher price for Thai. (Just joking, I would not want to see that happen either).

Just for the record, I do everything I can to avoid double pricing. If it means I have to skip going into a park or pool or special event than so be it.

Check this one out. Four years ago, I bought our house in one of those Heavenly looking Moo Baans you see in the Glossy flyers, with the park, swimming pool etc. No complaints. After a while the pool was abandoned with the water a lovely scummy green.

"well," I thought "what a shame but at least I am not being charged a maintainance fee. Just one of those things."

My moo baan has now started an expansion program and lo and behold the pool is well and truly open, looking fantastic. The only thing is - wait a moment - Admission is 30 Baht for Thais and 50 for Farang IN A RUDDY RESIDENTIAL AREA trying to sell more houses!

I can see both sides for and against when it is a national park or temple [not that I an in favour] but come on now, we are not talking resident/ non resident here, simply the colour of your skin. I find it the most grotesquely cynical injustice when my Wifes family can visit from Phuket and pay less than I do despite the fact I LIVE HERE AND THEY BLOODY DONT!

I would be interested in what you think even if you are going to call me a miserable git.

If your not paying a maintenance fee then there's really not much you can do legally. HOWEVER that wouldn't stop me from going there on a crowded day and taking a NICE FAT DUMP right in the pool. Then on my way out I would point it out too the attendant like "Tell your kineeow cocksucking owner thats for my extra 20 baht, racisit bastards" Best if you can memorize the phrase in Thai before ya go.

I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice

You are completely crazy. Or you are joking... badly.


I read these posts and I am really annoyed with it also.

I live in Malaysia and there is a bit of dual pricing here but really it is not racist.Everyone here, well nearly, will overcharge evryone if they get the chance.

I like to come up to Thailand, the beaches and food are better there. I am lucky I suppose I was going to buy an appartment and didn't

This dual pricing annoys the shit out of me.

I was so pleased to go to Suphan Buri and find the government attractions were all same price for all. True. It seems the old PM said he noticed when he travelled he was charged the same as everyone else.

But don't get excited, the new privately owned Dragon show has 3, yes 3, price levels. Local locals 199, out of town Thai 299, and Farangs 499. All in Thai of course.

The Buffalo Show the same. Songkla zoo doubles the fare. The mini Bus in Trang 30 local 60+ foreigners and u sit alongside each other.



wow! that has to be the most racist thing I have read in a while!

No way I would accept this, its pure blatant racism, why the hel_l should you pay more to use a pool where you live.

Just go there and give them hel_l!

On a side note I just signed up for membership at the Thai-Japanese Youth Center in Din Daeng which offer every kind of sport available, weight lifting (jungle gym roid rage type), race track and swimming pool for the generous sum of 40 baht a year! Thats right 40 baht a year! No dual pricing here, of course the place is subsised by our overlords the japanese, but that doesnt deter me!


Gotta say I agree with the Hi-So comments, I live with them and meet them every day and they are not exactly the friendly type most of the time. I do make an effort to try and seduce their daughters. Although one time in RCA when I was chatting up a hi-so hottie, I was kindly asked by a male friend of hers to leave the establishment before I would have an accident. I was a complete newbie at the time.


It does make you mad doesn't it?

It did also piss me off when they did the same at

Baan Pra Tap Jai in Phrae

I mention it often to my wife :D

She wonders if it is due to our USD being worth so much more than THB

I say well.....could be but I was paying for both of out tickets....LOL

I guess you could pay the 20 baht & pee in the pool or make bubbles come out of your shorts. :o

No good answer & I have to admit on the last few months before we came home things like this

got on my nerves more & more. Made me finally think a nice place to visit 4-6 months a year but I will

probably never call it home. Even thought we own a condo there & she is Thai I will not do the house

deal till I can get a fair shake on the land.....Like she does here at our home in the US.

Lastly to be fair it does in fact happen in a small way here in the US also.

Places like Disney land offer resident discounts on things like Florida Resident discount cruises

Or Disney California offers gate discounts to California residents.

Same here in Hawaii at places like Sea Life Park they offer ticket discounts if you have a Hawaii ID

So I am sure there are many other"resident" discounts here in the US which are in fact a form of discrimination.

But in your case I guess you would then pay less eh? :D


I can guarantee you there is not even one residential development in the USA that is charging a different price to use shared facilities like pools based on race/nationality. Things like national parks can be justified. Private housing, no way!!!!!

I can guarantee you there is not even one residential development in the USA that is charging a different price to use shared facilities like pools based on race/nationality. Things like national parks can be justified. Private housing, no way!!!!!

Oh right !!

I forgot about the National Parks too.

They give a discount if you have a State ID for that State.

But the others I mentioned like Disney & Sea Life Park Etc,

Those are all theme parks,

Then you also have facilities like golf courses here where if you live in the area ( show your ID/address )you get a discount.

So I guess we do it but a little differently.

Perhaps if the Thai's said Thai ID card discount then it would be a lot more like here with the different prices for tourists vs locals.

Which brings me full circle to my original complaint.

Where as my wife is here in the USA & gets every privilege I do

I will always be a tourist in TL :o

  • 5 weeks later...

I helped a local restaurant translate their menu into English. They asked me to "upper price for farang" :D

I asked "why? is the farang going to get a better meal? a bigger meal? better service? no? so why farang pay more?"

...no answer...

A previous poster mentioned that it seems like Thais feel it's perfectly reasonable to charge farang more, and I agree.

'a certain someone that I know' :D is indignant that one of the neighbouring countries (Laos? Cambodia? ...?) will charge her foreigner price for things, equal to that charged a farang. ROFL

I wish we could do something about it, nicely and without having to make a fuss everywhere we go.

ah well... all part of the fun... :)

edit: typo


Go to the pool, put down the B30 and if they query it, just tell them in Thai, that you are a Thai citizen and walk off without any further discussion.

Game set and matched.

I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice
Racism is racism, it's not a card. You hate that they come here and spend money...if they didn't you would be Burma.

Could you imagine going to Disney World and having different prices depending on your skin color?

Jackass :)


"Racism is racism"

I can't argue with that. Is "Thai" a race? No, it's a nationality. Dual pricing in Thailand would be racism, if all Asians paid one price, and non-Asians paid another price. However, since Thais pay one price, and everyone else pays a different price, it's "nationalism" - not "racism".

"Racism is racism"

I can't argue with that. Is "Thai" a race? No, it's a nationality. Dual pricing in Thailand would be racism, if all Asians paid one price, and non-Asians paid another price. However, since Thais pay one price, and everyone else pays a different price, it's "nationalism" - not "racism".

You're joking right? You think they would charge the farang price for a Lao, a Burmese, a Malay?


It's defacto racism because in most cases, the only thing that identifies William or James as a foreigner, but not Takeshi or Kim Wang-Lo is the color of skin.

It's a white guy tax -- nothing more. And that's racist.

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