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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging


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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

#3 are prescription drugs.

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Malaysia is living in the dark ages. I spent time there on the way to London ..but in future I refuse to even use AIR ASIA --if it means changing flights at their airport. I'm sure they will get the message soon and fly from BKK'.

Even the cabin crew were..:o well Melay.

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Malaysia is living in the dark ages. I spent time there on the way to London ..but in future I refuse to even use AIR ASIA --if it means changing flights at their airport. I'm sure they will get the message soon and fly from BKK'.

Even the cabin crew were..:o well Melay.

Lets take a look to Singapore and Indonesia then...

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I think this sentence is a disgrace, and all too sadly it will be carried out.

I was in Pennang when they executed the English lad some 10 or so years ago. Plea's from everyone in UK government and around the world and he still was executed.

There is no statistical evidence to say that cannabis is a gateway drug. I tried it as a kid and never went to anything else. Though i accept the latter information is empirical evidence and nothing more.

I drink beer but have never drunk spirits. Why should any starter "drug" be a reason to move on to a stronger one.

This drug they are being executed for is legal in a number of countries, though to be fair my understanding is that central amsterdam is a zone of tolerance rather than it actually being legal. The real truth is that it is a political football. This Country (UK) downgraded it to a Cat C i.e. lower penalty for it. Following a campaign by a newspaper it has been re-graded to the higher cat B. The expert group put in to review the situation recommended that it remain a Cat C.

Interesting to note that some people on here are advocating the return of the death penalty to the UK for this let alone murder ! At the same time America is moving away from it. New Mexico has just abolished the death penalty, Colarado is considering it and have a bill to abolish it going through at the moment and a number of other states are analysing the position. It is a fairly easy position to prove that the poor, the ethnic minorites and the mentally ill are disproportionatly affected by the death penalty.

Ironically in America it is also cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than go through the endless appeals and the costs associated with that. And those by the way are not defence costs, but the costs to the state of running the courts, the prosecution, the state's to administer the prosecution etc. Defence costs on appeals are generally running by the large law firms in their pro-bono departments or by interest groups who support the inmate.

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death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

Agreed, considering its legal in Amsterdam

You are wrong. It is not leagal to traffick in canibus in Amsterdam. You can only LEGALY partake in certain places that sale it. If you walk outside on the street with one in your pocket you have broken the law.

So, by your thinking maybe we should just give them a plane ticket to NL.... They would still be arrested.

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Malaysia is living in the dark ages. I spent time there on the way to London ..but in future I refuse to even use AIR ASIA --if it means changing flights at their airport. I'm sure they will get the message soon and fly from BKK'.

Even the cabin crew were.. :o well Melay.

Lets take a look to Singapore and Indonesia then...

Dear webfact....

Do you even know who those fellows are in your avatar?

Methinks you fly a false flag!!

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I think this sentence is a disgrace, and all too sadly it will be carried out.

I was in Pennang when they executed the English lad some 10 or so years ago. Plea's from everyone in UK government and around the world and he still was executed.

There is no statistical evidence to say that cannabis is a gateway drug. I tried it as a kid and never went to anything else. Though i accept the latter information is empirical evidence and nothing more.

I drink beer but have never drunk spirits. Why should any starter "drug" be a reason to move on to a stronger one.

This drug they are being executed for is legal in a number of countries, though to be fair my understanding is that central amsterdam is a zone of tolerance rather than it actually being legal. The real truth is that it is a political football. This Country (UK) downgraded it to a Cat C i.e. lower penalty for it. Following a campaign by a newspaper it has been re-graded to the higher cat B. The expert group put in to review the situation recommended that it remain a Cat C.

Interesting to note that some people on here are advocating the return of the death penalty to the UK for this let alone murder ! At the same time America is moving away from it. New Mexico has just abolished the death penalty, Colarado is considering it and have a bill to abolish it going through at the moment and a number of other states are analysing the position. It is a fairly easy position to prove that the poor, the ethnic minorites and the mentally ill are disproportionatly affected by the death penalty.

Ironically in America it is also cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than go through the endless appeals and the costs associated with that. And those by the way are not defence costs, but the costs to the state of running the courts, the prosecution, the state's to administer the prosecution etc. Defence costs on appeals are generally running by the large law firms in their pro-bono departments or by interest groups who support the inmate.

You have some valid points.... I say America should eliminate half the apeals process thus, making it cheaper to execute. Then execute those on death row post haste. To get the death penalty in the US it has to be a premediated or extenuating circumstances in the murder..... Personaly I would like to see the death sentence brought back for rape of a child. THAT is worse than drugs.... Death to pedephiles through the justice system....that works for me.

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The drug using TV'ers and the bleeding heart liberals have obviously missed the point. Comparing ganja to alcohol, cigarettes and other LEGAL drugs is stupid. Are the laws fair? Usually not, but the law is the law. If you don't like the laws, move somewhere where the penalties are less harsh.

I don't claim to be any type of expert but I DO remember when I was a kid. The heavy pot smokers are now mostly dead and gone for one reason or another. Most died in their fifties. I know for a fact that many of them moved on to heavier drugs and experimented with nearly any new drug that they found.

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Malaysia is living in the dark ages. I spent time there on the way to London ..but in future I refuse to even use AIR ASIA --if it means changing flights at their airport. I'm sure they will get the message soon and fly from BKK'.

Even the cabin crew were.. :o well Melay.

Lets take a look to Singapore and Indonesia then...

Dear webfact....

Do you even know who those fellows are in your avatar?

Methinks you fly a false flag!!

in my avatar... I had the honor to meet with one of them a year before he died! You know very well from what he died, do you?

Why I chose this Avatar! I am a great admire of John Belushi not only because I got the chance to talk to him in person!

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It is apparent that this is a thread of two halves. Those that have and those that haven't. It is also apparent that those that haven't believe all the utter BS they read or hear on the media. Sure alcohol, coffee and many other things are legal drugs, but it is up to the individual how they use them. Step over societies line when using alcohol and you quite rightly, in my opinion, pay the penalty if you are caught, but at least the penalties for stepping over that line were set in a far more sensible way in most countries than societies line where illegal drugs are involved.

Drink and get p_ssed, go to sleep and carry on as normal in the morning - Generally acceptable (unless you are in the sort of country where I am at the moment - getting caught with any alcohol here carries a long jail term).

Drink and get p_ssed, drive your car and kill someone in the accident you just caused - Not acceptable.

With 'legal' drugs it is usually the impact on society that has set the penalties. With 'illegal' drugs the penalties are set from a completely different perspective. Someone mentioned in an earlier post about where some of the drug laws originated. If some of those who don't know take the trouble to find out the origins of many of the drug laws they will see how utterly pathetic they are. It could quite easily have been alcohol that was made illegal and drugs that remained legal. The drug laws mainly came about for reasons that no sensible person would agree with today and are maintained by the DEA and blindly followed by many other countries using campaigns of mis-information by 'experts' generally with a total ignorance on the use of drugs.

I guess that is my long-winded way of saying I absolutely disagree with a death sentence for grass, but then again spare a thought for poor little old, hard done by me. I can't even contemplate a glass of wine over dinner without considering the prospect of a jail cell let alone go out partying on grass, E's, coke, ya-ba or anything else for that matter.

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They are small fry and pay the penalty. The Masterminds remain free to move more pawns into action

Rightly so... and death penalty... a bit harsh to my opinion...I think there are people that commit more horrific violent crimes that deserve it more.

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Nonsense. How can someone be sentenced to death for just having something?? There are countries where murderers get couple of years only, and for having sth what nature gave us, they got sentenced to death. No further comment.


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Nonsense. How can someone be sentenced to death for just having something?? There are countries where murderers get couple of years only, and for having sth what nature gave us, they got sentenced to death. No further comment.


I like what you said,,,,, "there are countries..." We are not in a one world gorvernment THANK GOD!. PLease, Do you really think "NATURE" grew and cultivated, harvested and bricked up Kilos of cannibus? Do you think these men were taking a leasurly stroll through the jungle, happened upon wild cannibus (good enough quality to brick up). And then they were taking that to another country to smoke? PLease..... They didnt get in trouble for possession. They got into trouble for trafficking.... a joint is one thing... a kilo is another... get a grip and put down your pipe...

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I was in my twenties when this commercial was running on TV:

Used to love rolling up a fattie and laughing at it!

Edit - youtube link bbcode wouldn't work...

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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

Dunno where u get your info from mate, but i happen to know , for a fact, that everybody that has ever taken heroin or ice or whatever, were first on either, or all of, alcohol, coffee, tea or water.

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I was in my twenties when this commercial was running on TV:

Used to love rolling up a fattie and laughing at it!

Edit - youtube link bbcode wouldn't work...

Love the link, illustrates the complete senselessness on which these laws which people are so ready to defend and uphold are based upon... nothing... for the record, that is an egg in a frying pan for those who still chose to believe crap peddled to them by their peers since the 30s...

Times are changing, and hopefully for those who have been effected by these harsh and unjust laws there will be an apology some where along the line as so many lives have been ruined senselessly by laws designed to supposedly stop you from ruining your life yourself, what utter hog wash.

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Oh funny thing I forgot to mention I keep seeing coffee alcohol and cigarettes come up, and i literally smoke an ounce of ganja every 3 days (not going to say where for legal reasons) and wow I don't take any of those other things, I don't even drink coffee.... Yet I'll take 'hard core' substances every now and again(rarely maybe once every 3 months), will no one argue because i am not smoking and drinking alcohol and coffee I will be more healthy even though i smoke copious amounts of marijuana? Doubt it.

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Please guys get the facts and don't confused cannabis with dangerous drugs. I fact in all serious studies alcohol and tobacco are far more addictive drugs and far more damaging to the body too, and don't care what you say that is these days pretty much proven from serious research; just watch many serious in bigoted and unbiased documentaries from respected program makers like the BBC and many others. There are in fact a higher proportion of cannabis users who do not turn to hard dangerous drugs than alcohol users who become hopelessly addicted alcoholics and die of it too or smokers who cannot give it up and die of lung cancer or sever bronchitis. We seem to hypercritically be denouncing countries in the middle East who equally outlaw Alcohol but not be just as critical of countries who outlaw Cannabis so heavily, especially seeing it IS for sure a softer drug than alcohol.

Jeez in many countries Cannabis is legal or certainly not criminalised for general users in many western countries including Britain. I would bet that 80% of the posters here in TVF have or still do smoke or take cannabis, I certainly used to but would certainly not deal with the stuff here where it is so absolutely illegal. Once a very senior police officer in the UK said to me that probably about 80% of his police officers have or do take cannabis socially and that it should be totally legalised so they can concentrate on the hard drug pushers instead of wasting their time chasing after perfectly decent folk who like a "smoke" and no different to those who just like a drink. So how about similarly considering alcohol and tobacco distributors in the same light as Cannabis dealers, all doing it for money not our well being. Maybe in this over protective sad world we live in we should outlaw all drugs then including alcohol and tobacco, but I would hate to live in such a restrictive world. All drugs scientifically rated no more dangerous and addictive than what is already legal like alcohol and tobacco should be legalised, so that would include Cannabis and surprisingly Ecstasy ( never tried it or want to but I accept the unbiased facts I have seen so why should I be against it just because it is not for me hmm? ).

Where I will agree is that each country makes its own laws and we as guests have to respect them and accept them, we can suggest they consider changes to laws but only as our making helpful suggestions. So if the law says the death penalty for an offence then that should be simply the maximum permitted punishment but surely only where the law has deliberately been broken for self financial gain and no doubt of guilt. Personally I only believe in a humane death penalties for those guilty of premeditated murder (including terrorists of course) but then only when 100% proven guilty, any slight doubt of guilt then prison only.

Sure this particular case is indeed very harsh punishment, a bit like the death sentence for a woman showing her face in pubic, now that is even more awful and evil, but the women in those bigoted countries know the laws however insane they may be and they have to honour them or else, same as we do here in SE Asia with ill thought out and unscientifically based drug laws. They ARE the laws here and we voluntarily choose to live by them.

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It would appear that most of the folk on here that have or continue to use illegal substances tend to think the punishment is harsh, ok, I can see where your coming from and you are of course entitled to your opinion.

However, so am I, and it is my opinion that we all have a choice, we can choose to use or not, we can choose to smuggle or not................... It is OUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY to accept the consequencies of our actions or ommissions and if these "harsh" laws were in place before the act were committed I fail to see why the law should become the point of debate rather than the sanity of the convicted.

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RIDICULOUS. What a person puts into his or her own body is their own business, and should never be governed by state. The 'gateway drug' notion is utter BS. I've smoked/eaten dope hundreds of times, and not once I ever felt the need to touch anything stronger... nor has anyone I've known.

If you have a proclivity to mess with mind altering substances, you will, period. Who should have a say in that? Don't give me this bull about it being a 'decay' of society, bla bla. So too is unemployment, getting pissed out of your face, and taking prescription drugs to cure imaginary diseases -- but all of those things are legal.

These guys are going to have a rope tied around their necks and their spinal cords severed from their brains, whilst 10,000 people today in Amsterdam are enjoying a spliff with their cup of hot chocolate and apple pie. Then they'll walk out of there, and go about their day. The world is a fuc_ked up place.

Sad but true, trying to talk to all these TV'ers is like smashing your head against the wall most of the time, they think they are right because they are old and believe what they have grown up knowing, not realizing its pretty much based on lies and profiteering by certain people who had enough political clout and power to push it through. No one will read anything here and do research its just a bunch of morose opinionated people trying to yell louder above each other not realizing that 90% of their posts we read the first line, realize they're fuc_king stupid and move on.

Take a step back from everything you know, read about things your talking about, form an actual opinion not given to you from one specific source, think about it, work on it, then come state it.

Nothing to do with being old. I am in my 60's but totally agree with his and your posts and many many of my peers do too. I often find some much younger folk are the bigoted ill informed types these days.

What you put in your own body has to be up to you of course as you say, like suicide how should that be illegal it is up to each person if they have had enough of life though they should seek or be given help first. No law is going to stop you if you really want to. Too many of these laws are made by religious bigots and imposed on those who don't share these beliefs or teachings, nothing against any religion as long as it does not force itself on those who don't want it and followed just by those who do. The laws should be against those who pedal in and make dangerous drugs to make small fortunes like for example Heinekin, Johnny Walker, Phillip Morris and of course on a serious note those who sell drugs that really do kill (like Heroin for example) just to make money, they are no better than hired killers IMHO. But don't punish those that just USE hard drugs, help them if they really want your help, casual drinkers and pot smokers however do not need any help. Found many alcoholics and smokers who have needed and wanted help but not many if any Cannabis users, hmmmm strange I wonder why that can be ???

Never confuse Cannabis with hard drugs like Heroin ( or even the quite dangerous alcohol) as that is a bit like making using batteries illegal because high voltage power lines can kill. Lets all get real for goodness sake and don't knock something because we do not personally like it. If folk want to smoke, drink, have unprotected sex, smoke a joint or even shoot themselves, as long as it does not endanger others then that is for each person as the Thai girls say "Up to you" and nobody else's business. Now where did I put my beer ?? <G>

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I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

man stupidity on this forum never ceases to amaze me...

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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

Ah yes, most stoners become heroin addicts..... or other types of addicts yes that makes complete and utter sense. I can see you have done in depth and thorough research into the matter.

Lets look at your argument logically for 1 second. I'd say around 40- 50% of teenagers in Western environments will at some point try marijuana, something like 10% will try party drugs (based on no research just things you will see around if you are in the age category I'm specifically talking about, like I am). I'd say less than 1 or 2% of people will move onto harder drugs, most of the people I know on harder drugs started on harder drugs. And thats still under the presumption that they are in some way bad for you. Who says that the meaning of life isn't to die ODing in the back of an alley I haven't heard a better reason for life which will click for everyone anyway. Plus people OD because it is illegal... Criminalizing the substances means its more dangerous for the users because of lack of regulation.

From someone with experience with a lot of drugs, I have taken ecstasy, LSD, Mescaline, Adreanahol, speed, PCP, cocaine, and smoked meth all just to try them(Not going to say where for legal reasons). Put them all down afterwards and said, wow that was fun, never been compelled to try them again aside from the ones which left me with little after effects like LSD. I will smoke an ouce of weed every 3 days and still work 9 - 5 which operating my own small business and a website which does travel bookings around what is even to a 'dope fiend' a high end rate of smoking. Anyway as I was saying from someone who has taken a lot of drugs and not have had any problem, your all pussy's, complete and utter pussy's. People with addictive psychologies will always find something to ruin themselves on there will always be that 5 - 10% of the population which is useless. Don't let them take the excuse it was a substance fault, the fault was within them from the start.

And to those of you who are parents or related to someone who has died from drugs, my sympathies to you, but don't blame the substance, it is more likely your fault than anyone else's.

Well said, I am well with you my friend.. You get so many people on here talking utter ballacks, about stuff leading to harder stuff.. It is utter horse shi te! I can't write anything else, cause you are absolutely spot on.. well in!

Anyone who disagree's aint got a clue what they are talking about...

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I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

man stupidity on this forum never ceases to amaze me...

Yeah....Malaysia is such a wonderful place with such altruistic politicians and equal rights with justice for all. You should be ashamed of yourself Pipomusic!

Love, Dick Cheney

Edited by humfurry
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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

I don't know of any credible studies, but I suspect the number of people who smoked tobacco or drank alcohol before using heroin is comparable to the number who used cannabis. Without a study showing a causative relation, don't blame marijuana for heroin use, it would be like blaming soda pop for alcoholism.

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Helps with people dying of cancer, why deny it to them if its going to easy their last painful days?


Reduces the size of tumors, even lung cancer, so goto hel_l all you "it causes cancer" folks, so does being alive to long.


It may fry your brain in the short term, but hel_l it seems that this study shows it reduces the effects and severity of Alzheimer's


WOW A WHOLE LIST OF MEDICAL USES ZOMGZ hang those dam_n doctors, they are peddling obviously a dangerous and illegal substance....

Or perhaps you want to stick with your 30's close mindedness, seeing as we are a multi race forum I thought I'd pick out my favorite quotes which should hit a cord with all of you.... Here is some 30's anti doping propaganda.

Here you'll all appreciate this one

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

Oh no, not the saggins! (reverse it)

"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"

Hear that, if you smoke pot, you become a pussy and don't want to fight, what a horrid world that would be. And equality oh noes!

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

Uh my brother doesn't smoke anywhere near as much as me, and yet he has stabbed me and thrown my through a window, before he even knew what pot was... But we all hear the cases about how people murder each other over a spliff EVERYDAY right...

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."

Yes something that makes you lazy is the most violence causing drug on earth. I totally agree 100,000,000% because this seems so god dam_n believable.

Also I would like to point out there is absolutley positively no recorded incident of someone dying from smoking marijuana... NOT ONE, they have done tests on animals that show it would take 4000 times the possible dose from smoking to kill you, 4000 times... and TRUST ME I TESTED IT!

One last time for those who didn't look before here is a link to a very well written article about why people are stupid and why marijuana is illegal. Here have a look at it. http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/200...anaIllegal.html

And for those who have said we have gone off topic, we are debating the law on which the conviction was made and thus have not strayed off topic. OH, and I for one am enjoying it thoroughly.

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