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Reds to rally at Royal Plaza

By The Nation

Published on April 25, 2009

Reds to rally at Royal Plaza

The red-shirt movement yesterday announced it would stage a rally at the Royal Plaza today, in what was an immediate response to the government's revocation of the emergency decree in Bangkok and some surrounding provinces.

Somyos Pruksakaseamsuk, co-leader of the movement, said that since the government had now revoked the state of emergency, the leadership had decided to relocate its protest venue from Samut Sakhon to the Royal Plaza in Bangkok.

It plans to rally there from 5pm to 11pm today.

Somyos insisted that the demonstration would not last long and would not result in any violence. The group expects at least 5,000 people to attend the rally.

"This gathering will be a new start, carrying on the April 13 movement's mission," he said.

The group has demanded the release of every red-shirt leader, the cancellation of all legal action against them and restoration of the 1997 constitution.

Moreover, Somyos said he would like to urge the government to stop blocking the red shirts' media, especially community radio and D-Station TV.

The red-shirt leaders are preparing to file a complaint to the Administrative Court over the D-Station closure order, he added.

Jatuporn Promphan, a Pheu Thai MP and co-leader of the red shirts, said he would not be attending today's rally, adding that he wanted to map out with fellow leaders what the movement's next strategy should be.

Prime Minster Abhisit Vejjajiva said he was not concerned about today's rally. He said the anti-government movement had the right to protest, since it was guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, the PM urged the demonstrators to exercise their rights without infringing on those of others.

Meanwhile, the Criminal Court yesterday approved the release of the three detained co-leaders of the red-shirt movement on bail of Bt500,000 each.

Veera Musigapong, Natthawut Saikua and Weng Tojirakarn were temporarily released on condition that they not mobilise, instigate or cause chaos nor obstruct or damage official investigations.

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For the sake of peace in the land of fish & padi. Any mentioning of Thaksin over public media (local and foreign) should be banned. In 6 months, nobody will remember.

That would be a smart move. But who will they blame for everything that goes wrong?

Smart AND responsible ? That would be a welcomed change !

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somebody with experience please tell me your honest and professional opinion.


Do you think he has had a nose job?

I hope this is "talk" and not really a call to violent action.

The last thing Thailand needs is an urban vs rural civil war.

Could this really happen?

I live in a very small rural town in the middle of nowhere Thailand. All I can say from here is that people are not happy. Things have changed. No violence........just a uneasy feeling.

I can also say that rural peoples, in general, are hurting from the economic events that have taken place over the past 9 years. I don't know how much more they can take and still smile, smile, smile.

Like many of you, I have been around Thais for a long time. And, like me, you no doubt know that they hide their negative feelings/emotions. They don't like getting angry........they internalize their anger.

But, at some point the point the pot boils over..........they explode. When that happens I just walk away from them.

Is the pot about to boil over? If so, what will the military arm of the power elite do?

My guess is that, if nothing changes in terms of the visa rules and business climate, the pot will boil over within the next 24 months.

There are too many frustrated, uneducated, unemployed, underemployed young males out there with nothing to do but take their anger out on someone or something.

It only takes one charismatic figure to guide them in either a positive or negative direction.

In China, when situations like this materialize, the govt. starts some huge employment generating project (e.g., dam building). Or they increase the dial on the xenophobia meter to get the public looking the other way (those horrible Japanese).

[by the way, I like Japanese people.......no offense]

Too many Thais are being hurt; they can only take so much. Maybe Thailand needs to start building some very large dams :o In fact, given global warming and future water shortages, that would be a wise move.

What will the military/police/security forces do? I have no idea. But I think it is safe to say they will act in their own self-interest.

Amazing Thailand!

Thailand is no longer the Land Of Smiles.... simply Amazing Thailand.

Very sad really.

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Pheu Thai Party MP Arunee Chamnanya


Pheu Thai Party MP Narumon Thandamrong


Pheu Thai Party MP Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk

Press, Pheu Thai Party MPs have a war of words

A press conference held at the Parliament yesterday by Pheu Thai Party MPs turned into a bit of a battlefield after Opposition MPs put forward a woman who was allegedly assaulted during the crackdown on Songkran Day.

The press conference was held after Pheu Thai Party MP Arunee Chamnanya finished her speech at the joint session, saying a man had grabbed a woman's hair while soldiers stood by watching.

Once Arunee finished her speech, she and some other Pheu Thai Party MPs decided to meet the press outside the chamber with the victim, Mintra Sorot. All this was taking place while the government was giving their version of the incident.

To counter the allegation, the government presented a video that showed Mintra spitting at the man before he grabbed her hair. However, Mintra denied anything like this had happened during the press conference.

Instead, she said, that while she was at the Victory Monument on April 13, she and the man had an argument about whether or not the military had used arms during the crackdown. She said that as soon as she named the weapons used by the military, the man got angry and grabbed her by the hair.

Mintra also held up photographs of the man pulling her hair, while many soldiers stood by in the background.

After that a war of words broke out between the reporters and the Pheu Thai Party MPs when they were asked why they had not waited to hear the government's explanation before calling the conference.

Pheu Thai Party MP Narumon Thandamrong opened the battle by shouting: "Who are you to condemn us? We are just holding a conference."

"You are biased," Pheu Thai Party MP Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk yelled at a reporter before saying that they should all go to the police instead of meeting the press.

The incident ended up with many reporters walking out of the press conference.


-- The Nation 2009-04-24

Leaving out the spitting does somewhat undermine their claim. Of course pulling hair is not right but then again neither is spitting on someone. So far the PTP seem to be grasping at straws with their video propoganda offensive

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Pheu Thai Party MP Arunee Chamnanya


Pheu Thai Party MP Narumon Thandamrong


Pheu Thai Party MP Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk

Press, Pheu Thai Party MPs have a war of words

A press conference held at the Parliament yesterday by Pheu Thai Party MPs turned into a bit of a battlefield after Opposition MPs put forward a woman who was allegedly assaulted during the crackdown on Songkran Day.

The press conference was held after Pheu Thai Party MP Arunee Chamnanya finished her speech at the joint session, saying a man had grabbed a woman's hair while soldiers stood by watching.

Once Arunee finished her speech, she and some other Pheu Thai Party MPs decided to meet the press outside the chamber with the victim, Mintra Sorot. All this was taking place while the government was giving their version of the incident.

To counter the allegation, the government presented a video that showed Mintra spitting at the man before he grabbed her hair. However, Mintra denied anything like this had happened during the press conference.

Instead, she said, that while she was at the Victory Monument on April 13, she and the man had an argument about whether or not the military had used arms during the crackdown. She said that as soon as she named the weapons used by the military, the man got angry and grabbed her by the hair.

Mintra also held up photographs of the man pulling her hair, while many soldiers stood by in the background.

After that a war of words broke out between the reporters and the Pheu Thai Party MPs when they were asked why they had not waited to hear the government's explanation before calling the conference.

Pheu Thai Party MP Narumon Thandamrong opened the battle by shouting: "Who are you to condemn us? We are just holding a conference."

"You are biased," Pheu Thai Party MP Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk yelled at a reporter before saying that they should all go to the police instead of meeting the press.

The incident ended up with many reporters walking out of the press conference.


-- The Nation 2009-04-24

Leaving out the spitting does somewhat undermine their claim. Of course pulling hair is not right but then again neither is spitting on someone. So far the PTP seem to be grasping at straws with their video propoganda offensive

The television news footage of the reporters, apparently having enough BS for one session, leaving en masse while the PTP'ers were still going on and on... like, "But.. But... But... We're not finished"

was revealing and humorous.

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The television news footage of the reporters, apparently having enough BS for one session, leaving en masse while the PTP'ers were still going on and on... like, "But.. But... But... We're not finished"

was revealing and humorous.

Getting caught omitting ther spitting bit is ridiculously stupid and wont endear any party to reporters. If you are goign to ammend or embellish a story you arent meant to get caught. This was a really amateurish job that just undemines the PTP claims. Didnt they know there was video of the woman spitting? The irony is in the PTP saying you are bias to reporters while presenting a nicely edited bias video themselves and gettign immediately caught.

They could have shown the whole thing. The spitting wouldnt have endeared the woman to many viewers but pulling hair is still not nice. Presenting the whole thing would have gained more sympathy than this failed stunt.

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On the Thai TV a few minutes, more reporting from the Red Shirt Mob about the huge numbers of followers killed by the army...... the army collected the bodies and disposed of them , so they would never be found....

I thought DStation was already censored by Mark.

I don't think they will ever let us watch DStation again because the reds have some video clips they don't like.

Showing what?

And why aren't they on Youtube?

Because they are just filming them now. Not ready yet.

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Because they are just filming them now. Not ready yet.

Psyops would predict that kind of thing will indeed happen. Clips that mysteriously appear some time after an event are always to be viewed with suspicion.

The flip side is that if they had real good quality proof they would have used it on ionternational media when the story was still headline news.

Quite honestly with the edit out the spitting clip used the other day it looks like PTP are struggling to suppor ttheir meme with any quality hard evidence.

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It is pretty colear that much of PTP is just complete amateurs.

With out father or mother giving the lines to speak they just can't seem to

organize nor improvise in most free speaking situations.

Seems even in Parliament they have trouble with the scripts let alone speaking

extemporaneously on subjects they SHOULD by rights be fluent in.

Not hard to believe after Newin saw 'the troups' he would have to lead forward,

and a close up with his self-exiled boss, he saw the writing on the wall and

bailed to better fishing in a working governing body.

150 cyphers and a few old coots and supporting players,

the REAL players being relegated as backroom boys only at that point.

I bet he was just gritting his teeth during in Somchai's utterly inept tenure.

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It is pretty colear that much of PTP is just complete amateurs.

With out father or mother giving the lines to speak they just can't seem to

organize nor improvise in most free speaking situations.

Seems even in Parliament they have trouble with the scripts let alone speaking

extemporaneously on subjects they SHOULD by rights be fluent in.

Spot on, or should I say, Spit on ? :D

This is a pity, because any democracy needs a functioning well-led opposition, in Parliament. And who would lead the PTP. if there were to be an immediate election, as some might wish ? :o

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Because they are just filming them now. Not ready yet.

Psyops would predict that kind of thing will indeed happen. Clips that mysteriously appear some time after an event are always to be viewed with suspicion.

The flip side is that if they had real good quality proof they would have used it on international media when the story was still headline news.

Quite honestly with the edit out the spitting clip used the other day it looks like PTP are struggling to suppor ttheir meme with any quality hard evidence.


first, did you saw a clip how the lady was spitting at this man? did you saw any clip or pic of this incident at all?

are you sure that the spitting was EDITED OUT or that they just had material from an other camera, an other TV station?

that man who dragging that lady holding her hair a couple of meters was in different news, i am sure i saw it on BBC as well. there have been a lot of reporters around.

Thai Rath did run a story on the frontpage that this is and innocent angry resident who fights with red mob at din daeng over the gas truck. for the pic, to make him look more resident of din daeng and not like a reporter, it looks like that they photoshoped out his camera bag and his camera.

Thai TV reported that as well as a angry resident at din daeng and that is all about the gas truck. somehow they had to justify the a man pulling the hair of a red shirt lady.

really worse was Voranai Vanijaka in the Bangkok Post how he had described the situation: this is by far my favourite - the two red-shirt women ranting and raving, running up to a group of men? One, a flabby woman perhaps in her forties, took off her shirt, revealing a black bra, in rage, posturing and taunting the men? While the other one simply jumped on a man and attacked him?

but that is not true. from other camera angles and with other pics it's clear that it was on a different part of town 5km away from din daeng.

bangkok pundit links to some thai webboards who have that story, more photos, that explains how the incident was false and misleading reported.


two women had the courage and walked to the front of the army line. no reason to moch them. the situation was tense, there have been rumours of a lot of death, the woman in emotional stress and dispear. as they walk they shout 'enough', 'enough', 'people died'. man who looks like a thai journalist steps, teased them a little and ask back 'why enough? in the battle of words they are using maybe not the politest language.



links below, to two video of good quality that show the situation, are also linked on the manager online news.

http://vimeo.com/4132842 at 0:15 you can see that the second woman (not the one that got the hair pulling treatment) is spitting, but it looks like that she just spit on the ground in front of him. but a split second before the man makes also a spitting gesture.

the uploader also says that the "reporter" is responsible that the second woman is without her shirt. "big fight start later on, where the man arm the 2 girls tacking the shirt of one of them, lettting her in bare bra in the street in front of douzens of reporters, before pulling the other ones from her hairs, draging her on the ground on almost 5 meters stoping just on the feet of the soldier " but that scene how the other woman lost here shirt is not shown is his videos.

on a pro PAD website and also on the manager online i found only the spitting of the short haired woman captured on video. did the government published somewhere that video that shows that the woman with the long hair is spitting on that man.

i didn't follow that parliamentarian discussion on TV, but here is a short video clip from that debate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYkFGspkekE

PTP speaker focused on the hair pulling scene and how the soldiers just stand there and do nothing. she also introduced the woman with the long hair,who is attend and sitting in the audience. Suthep comes with a video before that moment, from the battle of words. and he says that the man is a soldiers and with that he is right. here you can also see the short hair woman spit on the ground, but not the woman with the long hair spit at the man.

PTP plays a clip as it appeared on Channel 7, you can see the station logo. they also kept the original audio from the TV broadcast. you see the women coming ,cut, the spitting scene is not shown and also not the battle of words, than the hair pulling. but the edit was done by channel 7 before it was on broadcast, listen to the audio of a anchorman talking. so difficult to claim it was PTP who have done the edit.

it don't see a TV station logo at the clip from Suthep, it's also from an different camera. it sound a little bit like someone played on the audio, make the voice a little bit more higer and more annoying. but that effect can have various reasons.the hair pulling scene is conveniently cut off. on this clip is also not shown how the short hair woman lost her shirt. difficult to say if there is some cut or not. the journalist from the Bangkok Post saw the scene how the woman take her shirt off, isn't that pretty lame that the government or Suthep didn't have this as well. that would fit the version the government is painting.

in this clip, how it was shown on channel 3:

gain, a different camera from the PTP clip and the Suthep clip. but the cameraman must stand right next to the cameraman from the suthep clip. as you can tell from the timestamp, running clock, in the video, there was nothing edited by the uploader. but the scene is edited by the TV station, the sound is taken of and also the spit scene not shown, cut out.

but this is so silly, to focus on that spit, i saw that a video of that incident last week, before it came to an parliamentarian debate or some PTP complaint. the hair pulling scene was and is disturbing and ugly. how someone can come up with that excuse that she spit on him and so is everything justified. and additional accuse the PTP that they cut and edited that moment just for propaganda reason. but the government won the debate because they show the spit scene. HALLO.

anyway the man is not a Soldier, PTP investigation got there something wrong. and he isn't a reporter for any thai media at all. take photos his hobby, thats why he also had no Press ID. but one thing is for sure, he is one of the yellow shirts.

and if you think he is cool and you have hi5, you can add him as friend

and this not the only moment red shirt got attacked. outside the police ring about the protest site at GH was also a mob waiting, beating women and old men in red shirts. nothing of this in thai media.

from the press conference that is mentioned in The Nation article above is a clip on youtube.


you see a reporter asking his question why they don't wait for the government explanation, laughing, giggles and than he left the room with a few others.

later you see MP Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk outside of the press conference room, walking to a hall and the camera follows her how she goes some stairs. guess it was fater the end of the press conference. in the background you here some people hoot and making monkey noises. guess that cames from some bright members of the thai press.

yep, everybody should just listen what the government have to say. brave.

that government's explanation and responses are funny anyway. the other one with the bus driver who did to the ground at the moment as a gunshot was heared ..., lucky, the man is alive. he got just a big bang with a club on the head at the same moment someone shot in the air. getting afterwards dragged across the street and more further beating is no problem at all. guess nothing was learned from tak bai and how surprising quick people can die. and wouldn't the PTP should ask the same question or make a ponit of that? does it really only count if someone is dead.

what i not really understand, how this debate works, why have Suthep immediately his 'counter evidence' on the hand. and wouldn't such cases belong to somekind of fact finding commission? is that pre-arranged? like the PTP gave their material to the government before, discussed it with them. and later the show in the parliament in just a re-enact for the public. maybe part of the deal, will will never hear from and why the Red Shirt 'gave up' and leave the town.

now we have something that shows the public that both side works on that issue and keeps them both saving face.

and evidence, that shows much more later up must me staged, produced and faked? are you sure? what about the death of that man during the G 20 protest in london. that he was kicked by the police before came much more later up. now there have been 3. different autopsies already to investigate the reason of his dead. and that case is big in the news and media.

but in thailand, when abhisit declares everything went to the norm and without death that must be 100% true? no reason not to believe that, it was printed in The Nation, and no need for further question and investigation. only under thaksin the army was killing people like in thak bai or all over the south and people disappeared.

and what about the two red shirts found dead in the river, handcuffed. last seen alive the evening before the violent crackdown. because their motobikes are missing they must be related to a robbery was the police statement. ohh, yeah. never heard so much about these cases after, no calls that dr. Pornthip must lead the forensic investigation.

abhisit lost his innocence allready, the thai media is heavy censored, self-censored and full of bias. the international media, and that is the nature of the media, is only interested on fresh, fresh news. a follow up about some dead protestors in that country far away will not make the headlines. so no worry.

in the international media abhist isn't recognised as the hero anyway, more like a puppet, how he come to power was not that pure democratic, but third world way, the army as support. abhisit 3. google hit is that profile from times-online. check it out. and the crackdown on the red shirt didn't help so much to get an better image. some people call international medi favours red. i don't think, praise a government, that isn't the job of the media. point out the flaws of those in power it is.

there is also a lack of evidence and images who support the theory that the red shirts attacked innocent residents. and that it's was the red shirts who killed two of them. they are not in the thai media. but such images exist. it's a mob as well, armed with clubs and sticks. hooligans who are up to a fight. probably newin thugs and yellow shirt guards. sme setting up a street blockade, hassle taxi driver, single red shirt persons.

who actually brought the gas tanks to that area? planned red shirt actions? somewhere else who wants to push the situation, bring more chaos to the chaos?

are there investigations, is the driver somewhere on tape? riot police in he West is filming the situation all the time, to collect, evidence identify single attacker, stone thrower and so on.

the main protest site of the reds was on the GH, peaceful, the Reds are a mass movement as well. hundreds of thousands in the street.

in the streets around bangkok of course red shirts as well not so peaceful. but it wasn't an organised revolt with a well planned strategy. things went out of control. hooligans on a protest we have in the West as well, take the anti-nuclear movement, G 20 protests, G 8 protest. just take the recently NATO meeting in Strasbourg. burning streets, but did that discredited the Peace Movement at all?

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Because they are just filming them now. Not ready yet.

:D:o You cannot underestimate their followers they made merit and cried for the death that cannot name one.....but no apology to the real death of 2 residents at nanglearg, shameless thugs.

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Because they are just filming them now. Not ready yet.

:D:o You cannot underestimate their followers they made merit and cried for the death that cannot name one.....but no apology to the real death of 2 residents at nanglearg, shameless thugs.

two death, too funny right? how this two residents have died? who killed them? anymore details on this? was any spitting involved? video? what is the stage of investigation?

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Funny something is thought to be made. Is this photo real?


Many of them will never stop the fight until true democracy is back. They can fail in early days but at the end, democracy must win.

I often see that people having big business are not keen getting involved in political fights. They close their eyes when things are not right. But many reds have nothing to lose and they will fight for what they believe correct.

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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

This one you posted is from

March 8th 2552

as proved by your photo-bucket properties tag....


Dear, this is old news and not relevant to current affairs.

You barely got any numbers this Saturday,

no matter what shirts they wore.

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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

here is a video

don't know how many people have been there, and can not say it from that video or others pictures. i seldom take looks at demonstrations and keep the numer of protestors in memory. how much the normal rate of protestors per sqm and how much spm has the sanam luang?

it's for sure more than 500 people. looks actually impressive, and that after what happend last week. despite the shut down on their media channels, TV and radio stations, internet censorship. good to know that they have a communication network still running.

i wish them all the best, that abhisit government and their propaganda spin and the blind fellowship and applause for the army in town insult my intelligence.

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Well P_D your intelligence need not be insulted.

Just pretend they aren't there,

or then again read their actual words and actual record,

and then decide who makes sense in this world today,

not some hypothetical perfect one.

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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

This one you posted is from

March 8th 2552

as proved by your photo-bucket properties tag....


Oops! I think someone is going to be very red-faced after this :o

was there a rally on 8. march? how was the weather that day? no sunshine? any other pics from the 8. march?

opera browser, right click, image properties - shows that:

Orientation of image: 1

File changed date and time: 2009:04:26 14:13:57

Image input equipment manufacturer: NIKON CORPORATION

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Exposure bias: 0

Maximum lens aperture: 3,6

Metering mode: 5

Light source: 0

Flash: 0

Lens focal length: 18

Sensing method: 2

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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

This one you posted is from

March 8th 2552

as proved by your photo-bucket properties tag....


Oops! I think someone is going to be very red-faced after this :o

was there a rally on 8. march? how was the weather that day? no sunshine? any other pics from the 8. march?

opera browser, right click, image properties - shows that:

Orientation of image: 1

File changed date and time: 2009:04:26 14:13:57

Image input equipment manufacturer: NIKON CORPORATION

Image input equipment model: NIKON D40X

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FileSource - DSC - Digital still camera

SceneType - A directly photographed image

Thumbnail: -

Compression - 6 (JPG)

JpegIFOffset - 752

JpegIFByteCount - 12695

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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

This one you posted is from

March 8th 2552

as proved by your photo-bucket properties tag....


Oops! I think someone is going to be very red-faced after this :D

was there a rally on 8. march? how was the weather that day? no sunshine? any other pics from the 8. march?

opera browser, right click, image properties - shows that:

Orientation of image: 1

File changed date and time: 2009:04:26 14:13:57

Image input equipment manufacturer: NIKON CORPORATION

Image input equipment model: NIKON D40X

Software used: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

Exposure time: 0,02

F number: 7,1

Exposure program: 3

ISO speed rating: 400

Exposure bias: 0

Maximum lens aperture: 3,6

Metering mode: 5

Light source: 0

Flash: 0

Lens focal length: 18

Sensing method: 2


Model - NIKON D40X

Orientation - Top left

XResolution - 96

YResolution - 96

ResolutionUnit - Inch

Software - ACD Systems Digital Imaging

DateTime - 2009:04:26 14:13:57

YCbCrPositioning - Centered

ExifOffset - 227

ExposureTime - 1/50 seconds

FNumber - 7.10

ExposureProgram - Aperture priority

ISOSpeedRatings - 400

ExifVersion - 0221

DateTimeOriginal - 2009:03:08 17:56:37

DateTimeDigitized - 2009:03:08 17:56:37

CompressedBitsPerPixel - 2 (bits/pixel)

ExposureBiasValue - 0.00

MaxApertureValue - F 3.48

MeteringMode - Multi-segment

LightSource - Auto

Flash - Not fired

FocalLength - 18.00 mm

UserComment -

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SubsecTimeDigitized -

FlashPixVersion - 0100

ColorSpace - Uncalibrated (-1)

ExifImageWidth - 968

ExifImageHeight - 552

SensingMethod - One-chip color area sensor

FileSource - DSC - Digital still camera

SceneType - A directly photographed image

Thumbnail: -

Compression - 6 (JPG)

JpegIFOffset - 752

JpegIFByteCount - 12695

Holy Pineapple Juice ! :o

Have I stumbled into the Photography Forum?

Thank you kindly webfact for the WEB FACTS regarding the photo...

It helps us know now what we know about this 2 month old photo deceptively being posted.

Edited by sriracha john
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Koo hows about a pic from Saturdays rally?

This one you posted is from

March 8th 2552

as proved by your photo-bucket properties tag....


Oops! I think someone is going to be very red-faced after this :o

was there a rally on 8. march? how was the weather that day? no sunshine? any other pics from the 8. march?

Not sure if there was a rally on March 8th, but the weather was rather nice that day.


Weather Underground: March 8, 2009

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I just double checked my original observation..

PHOTO BUCKET lists it as March 8th 2552/2009 when this image of Koo's was posted.

Makes no difference WHAT THE CAMERA PASTE IN SAYS,

the POSTING to Photobucket was March 8th.

Plus I am a photographer and I recognized the picture as old,

that's why I LOOKED at the info....That guy on the crane was a big clue.

I am also a videographer and like cameras and cranes too.

You can back date a camera's clock take a picture

and then copy that data into here to back up your attempt to discredit my observation.

But it didn't work... back to the grind stone kiddies.

As too Koo, I think she just was posting to show Red Resolve and grabbed a pic she liked.

I just thought current affairs deserved current imagery to reflect current realities.

But lately I have felt I have been cutting Koo to much slack.

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that /DSC_0290-8-3-52.jpg canchanged everybody who knows a little about computer

with windows, download, right click, rename, type a name, enter.

if i transfer pic from the cam, to my computer, after the plug in, some whatever program poped up and ask me how i want name the session. all pics than get the name ownselectedname00001.jpg, ownselectedname00002.jpg, ownselectedname00003.jpg and so on. if i upload pics they don't get renamed on photobucket

but it looks like that the pic in question was the latest uploaded one to that photobucket account. http://s591.photobucket.com/albums/ss355/koo82/?newest=1 . that means also nothing, the account owner could delete that file, rename a garfield image as DSC_0290-8-3-52.jpg , upload and we would have a garfield image here.

that exif data you could change as well, but that is more tricky, and you need special software.

strict rule should be, if you see pics on a website, and wanna use it, verify your information, double check before you do it.

A, if you bring pics from the 8. of march. with that crane, the grey sky and other details, fine. you caught her. bravo.

with that DSC_0290-8-3-52.jpg theory you don't have evidence enough. but eagle eyes. as photographer. i have never heard form somebody who can spot that a jepg must be older. does jepg fade out with the time? become more grey, or blue? how you do that?

a hint could be the leaves on the tree, maybe now less after the dry heat the last weeks. but that would you do with knowledge of botany.

anyway, back to the topic, isn't there any video evidence thats show that the woman, who get her pulled by that yellow fan boy in a green shirt, spit at that man before she get pulled on her hair? or isn't that just government and The Nation propaganda and none of them saw that they are actually wrong, make a mistake or lied?

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And I didn't use WINDOWS.

And this info is from PHOTO BUCKETS SERVER.

Nothing to do with my computer or the camera.

Strictly upload date and my good memory.

There are pictures showing hair dragger was a photographer

and his camera and lense bag were photoshoped out in some.

He was not a soldier.


And other shots sure look like these two women

were sent from the redshirt lines to create a incident and photo op.

Anything to make the army look bad and over the top.

That was the plan all along:

'Bring the army out and try to compromise it on the world stage."

Guess they are still trying, but that mud ain't sticking.

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strict rule should be, if you see pics on a website, and wanna use it, verify your information, double check before you do it.

20-odd posts and 4 days into your membership and you want to dictate Thaivisa policy? :o:D

Besides koo knew exactly what he/she was doing.

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