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For Those Who Do Not Believe In Love In Thailand


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intentional misspelling for mods

whahah my spelling had been this bad since the first day i started posting on TV since 2006 .

i see you are a new register member and had used you last 10 new post .. trying to prove i am trying to lure people into something .


well you may have a dark evil plan . plot or scam working ..

but like i said .

time can tell .

if you are not least keen in the topic :o you are most welcome to stop reading and posting it .

but then again . i will do what i do and will not chnage cos someone try to piss on me .

i had met many user on TV back when i am in chiangmai - and had only move to bangkok for about 1 years .

let say this is what i love doing to expand my social network .


plus maybe you are one person who will not help any strange .

but i am one who will .

i had help many stranger whom i first met . beit a simple direction or a simple translation , or sharing info i know .

you may prefer to live your life in secret or hidden behind the screen . i enjoy mine . having a big social network of friends and pal .

everyone is different . so don't judge me till you met me .

anyway - i am sure you enjoy what yo are doing now . and seem like you had dedicated most of your post to work on your proven that i am trying to lure someone into a scam ..

keep up the good work ..

not to look at all thing bad ..

maybe you are just what i need to remind me that there is alway weirdo out there .

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Oh just to bring this up ..

this is my 1,310 POST on TV forum ..

which i had been for almost 3 years now .

if i am trying to Lure someone or scam trick someone , won't i had been Black listed .

this forum is so full rightous poster who can't wait to smash the axe on any scamming poster here .


you on the other hand 10 post - new to the forum . or newly register . - posted mainly or only on my thread -

hm... i would love to meet you - now i am worry if you are a scammer whahhaha trying to gain .. trust by behaving like a forum police whahha

this is really fun .


anyway - i am sure you are a nice guys and choosing between nice and friendly when you come to a forum , you choose to be big and smart .

-- i had alway prefer the nice and friendly approch . instead of the macho stand . which alot of the poster prefer .

is ok to be new to the forum .. learn to make firends

-- and the best way to do so is meet up with people .

cos this way you have more topic to talk about .

--- i think 2 years ago or is it 3 years ago , my location was put up for consideration for one of the chiangmai TV meeting :o

that why i know alot of the TV member in chaingmai and i went to the CART racing meeting wher ei met alot of the very friendly real people on TV .

of cos there is the hang out and alot of beer party - which i prefer to reduce my beer input deal to my weight .

-- wahaa

anyway said enough . why not you say something about yourself for a start .

rather then is all about me i rather is about you

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Actually I DO feel ashamed for bringing nationality into the discussion. It's just wrong AND unnecessary. What I SHOULD have simply said was;

ANYONE posting a thread titled "For Those Who Do Not Believe In Love In Thailand" is at the very least an attention seeking wonker (intentional misspelling for mods). Or at the very worst a snake trying to lure people in for rip-off. Why would I want to go have a meal with either one?

Have a nice day. :o

Ok, i know im going to get shot down again, but i really dont see how the title of this thread suggests that he was just seeking attention or wanting to lure people for a rip off. There are tons of strange and peculiar titles in ThaiVisa, at times that is part of its charm. Dont see why this one should be singled out particularly, unless you have some personal vendetta against Ta22. To be honest the only thing that has been creeping me out is the way you constantly finish off your posts with "have a nice day :D" and, personally I would rather sit down and have a meal in the company of Ta22, who sounds so bubbly and positive, rather than someone who comes over as quite bitter and cynical.

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Oh just to bring this up ..

this is my 1,310 POST on TV forum ..

which i had been for almost 3 years now .

if i am trying to Lure someone or scam trick someone , won't i had been Black listed .

this forum is so full rightous poster who can't wait to smash the axe on any scamming poster here .


you on the other hand 10 post - new to the forum . or newly register . - posted mainly or only on my thread -

hm... i would love to meet you - now i am worry if you are a scammer whahhaha trying to gain .. trust by behaving like a forum police whahha

this is really fun .


anyway - i am sure you are a nice guys and choosing between nice and friendly when you come to a forum , you choose to be big and smart .

-- i had alway prefer the nice and friendly approch . instead of the macho stand . which alot of the poster prefer .

is ok to be new to the forum .. learn to make firends

-- and the best way to do so is meet up with people .

cos this way you have more topic to talk about .

--- i think 2 years ago or is it 3 years ago , my location was put up for consideration for one of the chiangmai TV meeting :o

that why i know alot of the TV member in chaingmai and i went to the CART racing meeting wher ei met alot of the very friendly real people on TV .

of cos there is the hang out and alot of beer party - which i prefer to reduce my beer input deal to my weight .

-- wahaa

anyway said enough . why not you say something about yourself for a start .

rather then is all about me i rather is about you

Self help therapy group on TV now we are in trouble...

About me...i'll go first...

I am from England and think Ta22 has a valid point but i'm buggered if i can see his point because his threads are too long for my attention defecit disorder to ever reach the end of them.

Please lord of mercy shorten your posts..

I'm sure you are a very nice man a very very nice man but shorten your blooming posts..

what is it you are saying - you found true love in Thailand and haven't been scammed?

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in this day and age its easy to get cynical when people everywhere do "favors" , big and small, which turn into obligations to reciprocate.

christian missionaries do a similar thing, house, feed, educate, befriend, .... in return the obligation is to follow their belief system .... all cloaked in "love"

if I was to meet ta22, and he seems like a genuine, decent , interesting guy, it would have to start on an equal basis , without any small favors like taxi fare etc as this creates a sense of obligation and debt . it appears nice and I think his heart is in the right place . perhaps the offer could have been made in a different way. i suppose someone can bring along a small gift to repay the kindness (many people carry with them small , prewrapped gifts for this purpose).

still, i am not into the whole gift, helping out thing , unless its for a good reason and that i make it clear my reasons for doing so and so that the other person is not left with any feeling of obligation .

otherwise it can be (mis)interpreted as a type manipulation

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I do get what you mean mc2. I really do. But, although i try to be careful, i try not to be cynical.

One small example is a lovely (but completely batty!) Thai lady I know who is in her 60's, I helped her out with some stuff at the market the other day. She insisted on paying for everything (small things, like the songtau, water, coffee). When i tried to pay for something she went nuts. Saying to me "Mama have money! Next time if i no have money, you pay. Not now! I invite you!". I've known her nearly 2 years. Ive helped her out with small things, like writing emails in English, or lending an ear when she feels like having a rant about something. Ive bought her ocasional small things, like her favorite chewing tabacco and she always is sheepish when she receives anything. Never has she asked me for anything, only ever requesting occasional help if i have time. I know im welcome to stay with her any time. Shes just one of those ladies that welcomes people into her life and doesnt ask for anything in return. If she has, she will give. Some people are just like that. But, its always courtesy to give back in small ways.

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I have no personal vendetta against Ta. However if you read his original post, I cant see how it's anything more than a 'flowery' way

of him claiming he's better than most 'farang' (a common thread in many of his posts) that come here looking for love. WHO posts a lecture on Love? and Why? I offered my reasoning. Anyone else care to explain it?

"i had many Gigs in my pass , and i had never ask anyone to be my Gf .

our exchnage is purely sexual needs . non of it is a relationship .

one simple reason . i did not feel love , and i love to ask myself . if i love that person if she get old . or i want to have my chld with this girl .


looking for love at the wrong places .

i am not saying that you can't find love in Bar or bath sallon or some sex spot or A-go-go Bars .

but chances is before you do find one . you might have a rough time .

if you do love one person with your whole heart . seriously her background is not a problem


The prince on a white horse dream .

while most guy can't get even a phone number when their in their own country .

suddenlly getting tons of sex here . is easy to blow your mind that you are some kinda sex guru or love prince here .

so wake up your idea.


while everyone have different view point , the standard of love vary .


while many people used love as an excuse and marriage as a way out for cheap visa . and also all kind of reason to stay in thailand .

there is some who really stay here and is in love in thailand without all the problem i read on the forum ..


there is a chinese saying " if you minger in the dye room . expect your shirt to be stain "

so i guess it boil down to where you try to find your match and the dregree of self .. indose lie you putting yourself into ."


By the way Ta, boastfulness of ones material wealth is both very un-confucious like and un-buddhist like. I guess you can take the singaporean out of singapore but not the singaporean-ness out of the singaporean huh?

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By the way Ta, boastfulness of ones material wealth is both very un-confucious like and un-buddhist like. I guess you can take the singaporean out of singapore but not the singaporean-ness out of the singaporean huh?

:o cm96 you're morphing into Ta's Yodas style of writing...Now stoppit for heavans sake you naughty boy....

Next you'll be leaving hug gaps between sentences

and leaving lines for paragraph endings


then having another brain fart and writing about that too


love is like a bank account in Thailand once you withdraw you lose all interest ! :D


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wow Cm69 - you are becoming one scarey creepy online stalker - if you look hard enough you can Quote me out of the 1,311 post i made online .

and for those who do know me - my way of typing had alway been like this .. notthing chnages ..

is just that i don't really give much attention to what i type and let my finger do the typing .

is a good relaxing way for me .

gosh you are one weirdo Cm69 -

dedicating all your 11 post all on me .. is it that you find me too good to be true ? or just cos something good happen in your life and all the bad thing that happen to you is rejecting all the possiblity that someone else had a better life then you -

i am not a god loving person . and for sinple fact i got not a buddha . i respect buddha and christ and mulsim . but i do not have a religon .. on my ID card is written is written buddhist . but i did not chosoe it , the only reason is when i am 12 when i am told to fill my ID card the officer insist that i must put something in .. and i told him i don't have a religon and he ask what my father follow

and i reply buddhist and he fill in that for me

whahhaha -- i am a god seeking person . i would hoep one day from all my doing in life i can find one god that fit me .. or rather gain my respect eough to speard his teachign .. but at the moment .. i am sorry . i don't have a god in my life .. i do have a goddess which is my WIFE :o whahahhahaha


Seriously Cm69 . why not you just lighten up and coem out .. to meet us . over moo kata , you can pay for yourself and i would not pay anything for you . so this way you don't owe any fav .. -

and meeting up . would surely . clear alot of the confusing guess you got here .

-- what is better then a good MOOKATA -

freindly meet up .. if you feel weird you may leave anytime .

-- i welcome anyone who is keen that we arrange a meet up .. ove rthe next few days .. and do it on the week end .


-------------------------stop the guessing and all assuming BS .

come meet the real person and then come back and do your all your braging abotu how well you know people like me after you meet me .



By the way Ta, boastfulness of ones material wealth is both very un-confucious like and un-buddhist like. I guess you can take the singaporean out of singapore but not the singaporean-ness out of the singaporean huh?

this is so funny . what are you talking .. you LOSE ME here ,. and i was thinking my english is BAD ..gues si found my match


Edited by Ta22
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I have met TA22.....he's harmless.

and he always writes like that...he even put a picture of himself and his wife-to-be on the CM forum, but the mods took it down as this is really supposed to be an annoymous forum. He's just toodarn open about his life, and he always used to offer to buy dinner for everyone.

You can rip the urine out of him all you like and he will still give you a "wahahaha"...he's one of life's eternal optimists, with him the glass is always half full not half empty

I thought he was nuts when he first turned up on the forum.....but once you get used to him he's OK and certainly makes you laugh.

Thats not to say that I don't think he is talking rubbish though LOL

Or maybe he is not...he just struggles to find the right words to express himself

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Love is but the moment you find happiness in others then yourself


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Hallo to all my readers - yes, I'm back.

For anyone in the market for a reality check, read on.

Love is an involuntary emotion; this generally means that when two people think they are enamoured with

each other there is always one who loves more intensely than the other.

This one, if unable to accept the imbalance, is inevitably disappointed to find that this intense love is not

reciprocated in full measure, not realising that the other is in fact giving all the love he/she can and will

thus often react negatively by witholding certain favours and making other peevish gestures.

I have been there and back and my take on this as follows: the only unconditional love I have ever

encountered in my quite long life is that between parent and child.

For those who have not yet been confronted by this basic fact of life I say - time will tell.

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There seems to be way to many relationships which turn to crap here, for that reason I could never be so blindly optomistic about a relationship with a Thai, my girlfriend says she loves me blindly, but the rules are different here its a thrid world country, survival is number one.

Ta22 I am happy for you but be honest, don't you have a little niggle in the back of your mind that says it might not be 100% real.

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i myself had been in thailand for a long time .. not extently long , but at age 33 , i had spend almost 30% of my life here ,

i would not said i had seen all , but i seen alot .

if you so worry it would run away . or knock you off , why not set it free , and if it come back . it would stay .

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Holy sugar!!

Is this optimism i see before me??

not the unselfish, sharing mentality so sadly difficult to find here.....surely.

wow! i bet u get a bunch of ppl trying to bring u down , eh Ta?

Spread the love mate, and allow the sad little kids to vent their tripe .

dont know ya, never met ya, Love ya already!!

Peace and prosperity, blood!


PS - go home!!! go away!! go home!!!<----my sarcastic impression of ThaiVisa posters... hahhhhhah(just so theres no confusion, SARCASTIC impression... yea??)

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i had alway prefer woman to man . but i have alot of Gay friends and same as my wife whom had her gay friends .

it does not matter who you love , is a matter of how you love .

love in giving or just the party taking .

in fact most gay people i know . is much happier then most of the people i met so far.


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