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Is It Illegal To Drive Without Thai License?


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I would guess Ms Bino is Thai (wife, g/f etc) :o

Right you are, QED. She is Thai, and had the licence for 17 (ish) years.

Basjke - That long ago, licences were issued for life. Now all new licences are 5 yrs.

Edited by bino
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I would guess Ms Bino is Thai (wife, g/f etc) :o

Right you are, QED. She is Thai, and had the licence for 17 (ish) years.

Basjke - That long ago, licences were issued for life. Now all new licences are 5 yrs.

Thanks for the answer.I learned something new. :D

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Faire enough- and if you have the Yellow Book, it makes sense that should be the ID number used. Those of us who don't have the Yellow Book (majority by my estimation) have our passport number on our driving licences instead.

The documents required for a license include permanent residence certified by Immigration or the Embassy, this is easier with a yellow book, which I thought most people would have. How do people get around this?

Taken from this site:

The following are required to make the application :

1. Passport with valid Non-immigrant Visa. (Individuals with a Tourist Visa don't qualify)

2. Present residence address certified by embassy or Immigration Bureau

3. Medical certificate stating good health

4. 2 photographs Driving License of the respective country Application in person.

Fee : 105 baht for cars and 55 baht for motorcycle. Applications for driving licenses for other forms of vehicle may not be granted.

I think we have a serious mix-up of terminology here. Permanent Residence is something very few foreigners in Thailand have, supposedly only a couple of hundred PRs are granted each year. There are several reasons for this, two being:

1/ The process of obtaining one takes a minimum of 3-4 years (you have to prove you have been paying taxes here for a minimum of three years before you can even apply, if I remember correctly).

2/ The cost for a Permanent Residency is 191,400 baht + any lawyers fees (optional).

Anybody who is interested can take a look at the pinned thread at the top of the Visa Forum.

As in the the requirements you posted, the LTD want an "address certificate" from your embassy or consulate (my consulate calls it a "Certificate of Existence"!). My consulate wanted to see my lease agreement to issue the certificate, some other countries' consulates work with sworn affidavits.

I would guess that quite few foreigners here would have a "yellow book", but I may be wrong. I am almost sure that I personally don't know anybody with such a document, but again I may be wrong.

/ Priceless

The wording is incorrect, it requires proof of where you live, not PR, two completely different things.

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I would guess Ms Bino is Thai (wife, g/f etc) :o

Right you are, QED. She is Thai, and had the licence for 17 (ish) years.

Basjke - That long ago, licences were issued for life. Now all new licences are 5 yrs.

Thanks for the answer.I learned something new. :D

All new Credit card licenses are valid for 1 Year only, it is marked as Temporary Car (whatever that means)

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It depends. I have the new "credit card" type licenses for car and motorbike and they are both valid for five years. It works like this: When you get your first license in Thailand, it will be valid for one year ("temporary"). Then you go to renew it after one year HAS PASSED (i.e. one year and one day minimum!!) you will get a five-year one. Yes, you must go when your one-year license has already expired, as the law says "... must have had the license for MORE THAN one year already to obtain a five-year one). If you go too early you'll get another one-year.

A few years ago after your first, one-year, license expired you would have gotten a life-time license, Thai nationals at least. That was changed to five-year maximum, to increase the amount of plastic used, time wasted and money made (no other reason imaginable as all it takes is to go to the DLT to renew it, workers of course need to take a day off to get there). My boyfriend still has a life-time license for car, he made his first one in 2003 and, after one year (2004) got the life-time one. His motorbike license, made in 2007, could no longer be renewed to life-time.

Best regards.....


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Yesterday I was down at the Land transportation office (Sukhumvit branch) to transfer ownership of a CBR150. I got there at about 9am so I figured I would go for the motorcycle license as well. Turns out I would have to do the VDO/written exam that day but the actual driving exam the next day. Since the head office (Mo Chit) is closer to where I live I figured I'd just go to the Mo Chit office another day and do it all in the same day the following morning (the ride back to the Sukhumvit branch is not a pleasant one during morning rush traffic).

After everything was finished with the transfer I headed back home going up Sukhumvit towards Ekkamai BTS I had only gone past about 5 sois when one of the shites waved me over. I was having none of that and just rode right past him. But because he was so close he actually hit me on the helmet with the ticket book he was holding. Next soi up there's a little police box, bastard steps out and stands in the middle of the road with not a very friendly face. Yanks my keys out and asks for my license. I pull out 200 in plain view but he says no I want to see your license. At which point I say I don't have one :D So he tells me to go into the police box with him. We have a very pleasant chat about me speeding past the other pig and blah blah blah and how I would have to go down to the station to pay a 1,500 fine. Then he asks to see my ID card followed on by: Do you have enough for the fine? Oh you don't? Then how are you going to pay it? Go to ATM huh? How much do you have on you at the moment? (Only had about 400 all up in the wallet luckily and I made sure he could see into it as I was counting). It's a lot of money and a waste of time huh? How about you just pay 200 here to save yourself any hassles? No, no just put it down on that chair. Okay have a nice day. Bye, bye.

I despise these leeches so much :o

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>Some countries allow you to drive for 3 months on a foreign license before getting a local one.

Really? Which ones?

UK is one of them.. as is most of Europe.

DVLA state:

"As a concession, persons who hold an appropriate license issued by a state outside the EU/EEA (e.g. Thailand) may drive with that license for a maximum period of 1 year. If the person is in the UK as a visitor, this 1 year period starts on their last date of entry, but if that person is here as a resident (e.g. settlement visa - fiancé, spouse, FLR, ILR, etc.) then the 1 year period starts on their first date of entry."

Edit: A Thai can be added to an insurance policy using there Thai license....... Likewise a Thai can own a car and insure it with a Thai license in the UK

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Yesterday I was down at the Land transportation office (Sukhumvit branch) to transfer ownership of a CBR150. I got there at about 9am so I figured I would go for the motorcycle license as well. Turns out I would have to do the VDO/written exam that day but the actual driving exam the next day. Since the head office (Mo Chit) is closer to where I live I figured I'd just go to the Mo Chit office another day and do it all in the same day the following morning (the ride back to the Sukhumvit branch is not a pleasant one during morning rush traffic).

After everything was finished with the transfer I headed back home going up Sukhumvit towards Ekkamai BTS I had only gone past about 5 sois when one of the shites waved me over. I was having none of that and just rode right past him. But because he was so close he actually hit me on the helmet with the ticket book he was holding. Next soi up there's a little police box, bastard steps out and stands in the middle of the road with not a very friendly face. Yanks my keys out and asks for my license. I pull out 200 in plain view but he says no I want to see your license. At which point I say I don't have one :D So he tells me to go into the police box with him. We have a very pleasant chat about me speeding past the other pig and blah blah blah and how I would have to go down to the station to pay a 1,500 fine. Then he asks to see my ID card followed on by: Do you have enough for the fine? Oh you don't? Then how are you going to pay it? Go to ATM huh? How much do you have on you at the moment? (Only had about 400 all up in the wallet luckily and I made sure he could see into it as I was counting). It's a lot of money and a waste of time huh? How about you just pay 200 here to save yourself any hassles? No, no just put it down on that chair. Okay have a nice day. Bye, bye.

I despise these leeches so much :o

So you rode past a copper and you were doing so without a license? Gotta say you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Golden rule with the Thai coppers: if you have done nothing wrong, sit there patiently and wait for them to wave you on. Time is money for them.

But in your case, no license, so you were screwed from the get go.

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So you rode past a copper and you were doing so without a license? Gotta say you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Golden rule with the Thai coppers: if you have done nothing wrong, sit there patiently and wait for them to wave you on. Time is money for them.

But in your case, no license, so you were screwed from the get go.

Okay thanks for the personal insult that just came from no where at all. What should I have done after I brought the bike? Left it at the DMV and waited until I actually got my license, come back and ride it back home then?

These bastards do not stop people to keep the roads safe. They do it for one reason and one reason only and they will use any reason they can find to get what they want. If they see someone who they think they can squeeze without any pain they'll do it. The other ones are let through for another day.

Another story: two weeks ago in the car this time WITH license, waved over. Said I went through red lights. Asked for license, handed it over (no money included). Takes my license and gives me a ticket to which I had to go to station to pay (400B) along with license being suspended 15 days after which I have to go back to get it. Six people in the car, all would testify there was NO red light to which I could have gone through within the last 2km and the last being where I just did a U-Turn. So excuse me if I was wary of pulling off the side with my new bike WITHOUT a license.

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I would guess that quite few foreigners here would have a "yellow book", but I may be wrong. I am almost sure that I personally don't know anybody with such a document, but again I may be wrong.
I know this is off topic, about 50% of my expat friends have Yellow Books.
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The documents required for a license include permanent residence certified by Immigration or the Embassy, this is easier with a yellow book, which I thought most people would have. How do people get around this?

Taken from this site:

The following are required to make the application :

1. Passport with valid Non-immigrant Visa. (Individuals with a Tourist Visa don't qualify)

2. Present residence address certified by embassy or Immigration Bureau

3. Medical certificate stating good health

4. 2 photographs Driving License of the respective country Application in person.

Fee : 105 baht for cars and 55 baht for motorcycle. Applications for driving licenses for other forms of vehicle may not be granted.

My Thai wife and I will shortly be re-locating to Sisaket from the UK and I was also wondering about how I get a Thai driving licence so this thread has has raised a few questions in my own mind:-

1) I've seen the above documents listed on the Thai Embassy FAQ web page but also a reference to having to sit a (Thai language) driving test - are you saying that the Thai licence can be obtained purely on a documentary application?

2) We will be residing in hotel for at least 6mths up in Sisaket while we get our house built - will a hotel address suffice for the "residence address" and if so how does one go about getting it verified by the British Embassy?

3) What is the process for obtaining the "good health medical cert"?

Many thanks for any advice you can offer.

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If you do not have a Thai license and are not within the limits of 3 months for a foreign one, and if you do have insurance you are likely not to be covered when the metal scrubs someone elses: any insurance company loves an easy out. It is a couple of hours to do an easy convert if you have a valid foreign license now: why chance not having it.

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>I've been here in Thailand a month now. I have a British driving license but no international permit. Is this legal or not?

It is illegal.

To drive in Thailand you must have a Thai licence for the class of vehicle you are driving or an International Driving Permit which is supported by a valid licence from another country, the IDP is generally valid for one year from date of issue - at point of issue the IDP may be forward dated for up to six months.

An IDP in Thailand is vaild for three months. If you remain in Thailand longer than three months you should/must get a Thai driving licence - not a hard task.

You will probably be able to pass most police check points with an IDP for longer than the technical three month limit, however knowing what the law states means when you are fined by a policemen that wants to make a point you understand what's happening.

I have seen police check points accept a national licence from a foriegn country without the IDP that should be carried and presented - the 'fine' for failure to have an IDP will be 200/400 Baht, typically.

>Some countries allow you to drive for 3 months on a foreign license before getting a local one.

Really? Which ones?

> I will apply for a Thai license just as soon as my work permit is sent to me.

Only need: IDP, proof of address, one year visa stamp. The WP4 makes life easier as with that the LTO know the rest of the paperwork is correct.

When you apply for Thai licence take two copies of everything with you and sign each copy.

> Just concerned about the regular checks I see the BiB doing in my area.

If you get caught once and 'fined' expect your card to be marked and you will be stopped each time as they know you are good for X baht 'tax' each time you go out.

Just to add that ASEAN member country (Singapore e.t.c.) licences are also valid without IDP http://www.aseansec.org/7372.htm

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>I've been here in Thailand a month now. I have a British driving license but no international permit. Is this legal or not?

It is illegal.

To drive in Thailand you must have a Thai licence for the class of vehicle you are driving or an International Driving Permit which is supported by a valid licence from another country, the IDP is generally valid for one year from date of issue - at point of issue the IDP may be forward dated for up to six months.

An IDP in Thailand is vaild for three months. If you remain in Thailand longer than three months you should/must get a Thai driving licence - not a hard task.

You will probably be able to pass most police check points with an IDP for longer than the technical three month limit, however knowing what the law states means when you are fined by a policemen that wants to make a point you understand what's happening.

I have seen police check points accept a national licence from a foriegn country without the IDP that should be carried and presented - the 'fine' for failure to have an IDP will be 200/400 Baht, typically.

>Some countries allow you to drive for 3 months on a foreign license before getting a local one.

Really? Which ones?

> I will apply for a Thai license just as soon as my work permit is sent to me.

Only need: IDP, proof of address, one year visa stamp. The WP4 makes life easier as with that the LTO know the rest of the paperwork is correct.

When you apply for Thai licence take two copies of everything with you and sign each copy.

> Just concerned about the regular checks I see the BiB doing in my area.

If you get caught once and 'fined' expect your card to be marked and you will be stopped each time as they know you are good for X baht 'tax' each time you go out.

If you are here for more than 90 days, you are supposed to have a Thai license. If you are here for less than 90 days, as I have been on touristvisas for 6 years, you do not need a Thai license. And you cant get one, because of your visa.

It goes with police, accidents and insurance. During 6 years I have had 7 cars/trucks, and claimed several accidents (mostly scratches from motorbikes) with my european license.

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Thanks for everybodies replies, good info. And Ztoo, great info about the ASEAN licenses, it turns out I have my Philippine license with me, so in theory I'm covered for a temporary stay. Philippines is another country whereby 3 months on a foreign license is generally considered acceptable.

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Still got the old 5 year Pinko lic and birthday is is on 3rd line from the bottom (in Thai ...2549) which makes me about 21 ..yeah :)

Wiffee just mentioned that they.. Transport sunshine boys and girls have re -introduced a new CC type lifetime license ..she already has the old paper one but want a new yin....anyone confirm.?

If that is your Birthday then you are too young to be on this site and too young to be married, 2549 was 3 years ago!!!!!!!

I have the new type got from Nonthaburi, it was the only one they were issuing, should not be

difficult to change it.

Quite correct...that was date of issue....BD is 3rd line from bottom...2492........about 22 right... :D

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Before attaining my legit Thai drivers license, kept 200thb in my cars ash tray. Got stopped 5 times in 2 years, all for driving in the rh lane on double lane highways (rh lane supposedly used for passing only?). Handed police an expired Michigan drivers license with the 200thb folded underneath and just smiled. All 5 occasions policed handed me my foreign license back and waved me to go on. Now a days with the Thai license, twice had it taken away by policeman, then had to go to police station, wait about 4 hours and pay fine of 500 thb for same. ???

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Before attaining my legit Thai drivers license, kept 200thb in my cars ash tray. Got stopped 5 times in 2 years, all for driving in the rh lane on double lane highways (rh lane supposedly used for passing only?). Handed police an expired Michigan drivers license with the 200thb folded underneath and just smiled. All 5 occasions policed handed me my foreign license back and waved me to go on. Now a days with the Thai license, twice had it taken away by policeman, then had to go to police station, wait about 4 hours and pay fine of 500 thb for same. ???

Shock! Horror! A non-corrupt plod doing his job.

And yes, right land lane is passing only on a double lane highway, especially on long national holidays, end of the month, around blind corners and coming over the top of the hill :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The documents required for a license include permanent residence certified by Immigration or the Embassy, this is easier with a yellow book, which I thought most people would have. How do people get around this?

Taken from this site:

The following are required to make the application :

1. Passport with valid Non-immigrant Visa. (Individuals with a Tourist Visa don't qualify)

2. Present residence address certified by embassy or Immigration Bureau

3. Medical certificate stating good health

4. 2 photographs Driving License of the respective country Application in person.

Fee : 105 baht for cars and 55 baht for motorcycle. Applications for driving licenses for other forms of vehicle may not be granted.

My Thai wife and I will shortly be re-locating to Sisaket from the UK and I was also wondering about how I get a Thai driving licence so this thread has has raised a few questions in my own mind:-

1) I've seen the above documents listed on the Thai Embassy FAQ web page but also a reference to having to sit a (Thai language) driving test - are you saying that the Thai licence can be obtained purely on a documentary application?

2) We will be residing in hotel for at least 6mths up in Sisaket while we get our house built - will a hotel address suffice for the "residence address" and if so how does one go about getting it verified by the British Embassy?

3) What is the process for obtaining the "good health medical cert"?

Many thanks for any advice you can offer.

The driving licence office in Sisaket is on the ring road (Ubon/Sisaket Rd) opposite the big reservoir. They are very helpful. I went there with an Intl Permit and they issued Thai licences (car and motorcy) without a test. Just a couple of photos, licence, house book address (I guess a hotel address would do), two SMALL photos, docs certificate can be done by any docs receptionist for Bt.20-30. I suggest you call in first, they are very friendly but not many speak Eng. so take a Thai speaker. Do not think about bribing them - they are very straight. You should get a one year licence initially, then five years when you renew it. Never had anything verified by Brit Embassy.

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My husband went in with me to do the 2 tests-basically they are reaction tests- and the examining officer(female) was so busy talking to hubby that she forgot to turn the machine on for the first one and for the second one I got 1 wrong and 1 right and she said "Lib loey" and I passed! Thank goodness I have been driving for over 30 years as if I was a beginner-God help the others on the road.

They did want alot of paper work.I have a yellow book issued by the local Amphor for my residential address-but before you get that its a lot of paperwork etc via Immigration.

My first licence expired last month and because my birthday is in March they extended my new licence for 5 years and 10 months-to coincide with my next birthday after 5 years has passed!!!And yes-they would not do anything for me until AFTER my licence had expired.

This was all done at the office in Tiawanon Road, Bangkok and although both times there have been hoards of people it only took one hour max which I think it pretty good

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Faire enough- and if you have the Yellow Book, it makes sense that should be the ID number used. Those of us who don't have the Yellow Book (majority by my estimation) have our passport number on our driving licences instead.

The documents required for a license include permanent residence certified by Immigration or the Embassy, this is easier with a yellow book, which I thought most people would have. How do people get around this?

Taken from this site:

The following are required to make the application :

1. Passport with valid Non-immigrant Visa. (Individuals with a Tourist Visa don't qualify)

2. Present residence address certified by embassy or Immigration Bureau

3. Medical certificate stating good health

4. 2 photographs Driving License of the respective country Application in person.

Fee : 105 baht for cars and 55 baht for motorcycle. Applications for driving licenses for other forms of vehicle may not be granted.


Don't know about outside of Bangkok but photos are taken at the main office and are digital. For a few of the posters above - If you got a new licence you would know that.

Medical certificate from an approved clinic or from the friendly clinic neat the DoT. I have done both without issue

The 105 / 55 are per year. Plus the licence costs.

Passport number & DOB on front. Address on rear.

All true for original one year licence (07) and renewal 2 weeks ago (May 09) so the info is up to date.

Address: Go the Embassy, fill out the form with your address. Give your wifes family address not a hotel. Why tempt fate??

Pay the money and pick up the next morning after 0900.

Driving test: Reaction and vision if you have a UK or similar licence from a country with a recognised testing standard.

The statement above about 3 months etc does apply in some countries but is determined differently per country and is usually null & void when you live in that country after that period. In some countries you have to visit the DoT and have register your "European" licence.

The proof is when you have an accident.

I never have had to show an IDL to hire a car. The rental agreement did not specify one either. Think about it!!

When I insured my vehicle last week they asked for my passport & visa only.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have a Non Immigrant B Visa, but expires every 3 months because I don't have 4 Thai employees in my company.

Will I have any problem applying for a Thai driving license?

I already have my driving license and an Internationl Driving Permit, and I know both can be used in Thailand, but I do not know if they can be used on long term basis.

My work permit is vaid for 1 year.

Can I apply for Thai driving license?

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i have a Non Immigrant B Visa, but expires every 3 months because I don't have 4 Thai employees in my company.

Will I have any problem applying for a Thai dr..........

....... Can I apply for Thai driving license?

Should be no problem :)

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one more question, i heard from the honda salesgirl that i need a thai guarantor if i wanna buy a car no matter what....is that true?

If you pay cash, you dont need a guarantor.

Certificate of residence, which is normally issued by Immigration and valid as long as your permit to stay, and copy of passport. And some money :)

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can i use my company as a guarantor if i wanna buy a car through financing? The car will be bought under my personal name and my company can be by guarantor. Will it be complicating if I use my company? Anyone knows what's gonna be involved?

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  • 1 month later...

whats the punishment if they see me drive without license? no license at all? on Sunday i was driving from Khon Kaen to Chayyapum didnt get any police problem. Also the previous night i was driving from Bangkok to Chaiyyapum by a black avanza.. no police at all.. it was 7hrs trip.. i am just wondering when they catch me what will happen to me? are they going to arrest me? or i can go away with 400 baht fine??

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whats the punishment if they see me drive without license? no license at all? on Sunday i was driving from Khon Kaen to Chayyapum didnt get any police problem. Also the previous night i was driving from Bangkok to Chaiyyapum by a black avanza.. no police at all.. it was 7hrs trip.. i am just wondering when they catch me what will happen to me? are they going to arrest me? or i can go away with 400 baht fine??

Dont know where you are from but ask yourself, what would happen in your own country if you drove with no license ??,

In my experience in Thailand you will get away with "tea money" until the day comes where you hit and injury somebody or god forbid.... kill someone, then you are in proverbial poo poo as you dont have a Thai license, ..you are better getting a Thai DL and you will not have any problems as you are fully legal...dont understand why farangs resist getting a Thai DL it so easy to do...

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my reason is i dont work here.. i just live and i got my 1 year NON - O visa.. when i asked the people who taught me to drive they said i must have thai Work Permit or residenceship... so how on earth i am eligible for this?

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