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Would Women Have Made The Same Mistakes .

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Can women help clean up the world's economic mess?

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Would the world economy have got into such a mess if more women had been in charge - is a difficult question to answer.

The economic crisis, though, could put a spotlight on what women offer as leaders who could help repair the damage.


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Can women help clean up the world's economic mess?

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Would the world economy have got into such a mess if more women had been in charge - is a difficult question to answer.

The economic crisis, though, could put a spotlight on what women offer as leaders who could help repair the damage.


People shouldnt borrow more than they can pay back and banks shouldnt lend more than they can substantiate they can get back.

As for women running it, doubt there would be any difference.

Edited by yabaaaa
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Can women help clean up the world's economic mess?

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Would the world economy have got into such a mess if more women had been in charge - is a difficult question to answer.

The economic crisis, though, could put a spotlight on what women offer as leaders who could help repair the damage.


They probably wouldn't have got us in quite such a state, but wouldn't have generated much either in the years preceeding. I'm sure women would have brought along their own follies too. Any women worth her salt wouldn't be interested anyway would they?

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Thatcher -- a woman in power -- Need I say more?

See what she did in concert with Reagan......

Thatcher and Reagan brought down the USSR and brought forth the world we now have -- multiple independently "liberated" countries dominated by religiously dominated governments.

Did this woman (Thatcher) make us a better world?

I think NOT -- You are entitled to your own opinion..........

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What roles did women have in households buying houses that the family could not realisticaly afford, taking out second mortgages, and with superfluous spending, in effect bankrupting many individual households?

What role did women have in real estate selling houses to people they knew could never make the payments, or in the mortgage industry, banking, lobyists, etc?

As for women leaders: Thatcher, Rice, Clinton, Pellosi?

Truth is that there are a lot of people to blame, and to single out a sex, is well...sexist.

Now, as far as repairing the damage, I really don't see anyone doing that, just more of the same. As for women standing up and taking a lead, it would be appreciated if it brought about something worthwhile, but I really don't see that either.

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Thatcher -- a woman in power -- Need I say more?

See what she did in concert with Reagan......

Thatcher and Reagan brought down the USSR and brought forth the world we now have -- multiple independently "liberated" countries dominated by religiously dominated governments.

Did this woman (Thatcher) make us a better world?

I think NOT -- You are entitled to your own opinion..........

The Thatcher years was the only time I think that I've been proud to say I'm English. You can keep the rest of the wishy-washy fools that have been in power in my lifetime. I don't think we'll ever have another like her; a female Churchill.

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I used to work in the finance biz and found that men and women in the field were equally as greedy and equally as stupid. I'm not a sociologist but I doubt it would have made much difference who was in charge.

As for who can turn things around, people should have listened to this woman before: Elizabeth Warren


Anyway, they'll certainly be listening to her now....

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Thatcher -- a woman in power -- Need I say more?

See what she did in concert with Reagan......

Thatcher and Reagan brought down the USSR and brought forth the world we now have -- multiple independently "liberated" countries dominated by religiously dominated governments.

Did this woman (Thatcher) make us a better world?

I think NOT -- You are entitled to your own opinion..........

The Thatcher years was the only time I think that I've been proud to say I'm English. You can keep the rest of the wishy-washy fools that have been in power in my lifetime. I don't think we'll ever have another like her; a female Churchill.

I agree and I do not think we would be making the same mistakes if she was in office .

"It is 30 years on Monday since Margaret Thatcher was elected as Britain’s first woman prime minister and 18 years since she was ejected from power by her Conservative colleagues. Yet still it seems that her legacy and significance are being reassessed daily.

The onset of the worst global recession since the 1930s has led many to suppose the era of liberal economics and light-touch financial regulation ushered in by Thatcher and Ronald Reagan is over. Failures of untrammelled capitalism are blamed for the crisis. Discredited “socialist” solutions are back: banks are nationalised or rescued with taxpayers’ funds; borrowed money is pumped into economies in a Keynesian effort to boost demand.

Thatcher, now 83 and suffering from dementia, is sadly unable to contribute to the debate. Friends have pointed to her personal thriftiness: she never owned a credit card, disapproved of speculation and believed high earnings should be the reward of hard work. None the less, liberalisation symbolised by her government’s “Big Bang” reform of the City of London in 1986 helped to create the conditions for exuberant financial innovation."

The iron age

By Brian Groom

Published: May 2 2009 01:42 | Last updated: May 2 2009 01:42


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:) Love the video LOL

Did it ask what women think? Well, Europeans will continue to feel the worst of the global economic crisis in 2Q09 (sorry!) Banking failures are now beginning in earnest--even strong German banks are not immune..... (so sorry Naam)

And I too love little kittens....


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Thatcher -- a woman in power -- Need I say more?

See what she did in concert with Reagan......

Thatcher and Reagan brought down the USSR and brought forth the world we now have -- multiple independently "liberated" countries dominated by religiously dominated governments.

Did this woman (Thatcher) make us a better world?

I think NOT -- You are entitled to your own opinion..........

The Thatcher years was the only time I think that I've been proud to say I'm English. You can keep the rest of the wishy-washy fools that have been in power in my lifetime. I don't think we'll ever have another like her; a female Churchill.

Thank God, Thatcher was an enemy the people of the UK, this is self evident in her management of the UK, the iron lady kept good company, friends with General Pinochet, against sanctions on South Africa's apartheid regime, supporter of the Khmer Rouge after their ouster by Vietnam in 79, and vocally opposed to German Reunification following the collapse of the Berlin Wall to name a few.

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, were disciple's of Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys,the free market economy Friedman championed, has proven a disaster.

We are now just reaping what Thatcher and Reagan sowed, and subsequent governments have so carefully nurtured.

Chile was the first country that Friedman market economy was unleashed upon and drove Chile into bankruptcy, the next step was to borrow from the World Bank which imposed greater privatization upon Chile as a condition of the loan.

This recipe was repeated in Argentina, Bolivia etc with disastrous consequences for all of them.

Every country that has adopted any part of Friedman s economy has seen the concentration of wealth in the hands of an elite at the expense of the majority.

The rebellion against American economic policy led by Venezuela, has now grown to include Chile Argentina Brazil Peru etc

Margaret Thatcher as PM unleashed a war against the people of the UK in order to create the conditions for the privatization of public utilities, this privatization has, as could have been predicted, only benefited those in position to exploit privatization.

Thatchers campaign against the trade unions was in fact a war beginning with police making false accusations of violence against miners and then using this as justification for attacking them.

It was the euphoria following the success of the Falklands War that got thatcher reelected not popularity with her economic policy.

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