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Ok thanks for the advice. I guess i am in shock she came onto me like that. I am used to hunting the "nocturnal variety" but she

always came across as the clean ivory soap kinda girl. Maybe she isnt after reading the replies. It can get so crazy here with the

girls and emotions.

Yes my wife lets me take girls. She used to call me "butterfly". Now she calls me "airport". But she has been on my case to settle

down with a nice girl.

PS the Singhas are safely stored in my stomach :o

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Giks don't work in the 7 -11 low income girls do who want a step up the social ladder from gutter to kerb.

This is incorrect, job or social standing does not make on incapable of being a gik lol.

You are so right but I couldn't be bothered to type what I wanted - now you have forced my hand.

A girl who works in the 7-11 has no higher formal education such as a degree or above otherwise she wouldn't be working there. A girl like this would surely want more than a few hanky panky sessions with a farang as this is her opportunity for upwards social mobility.

Where as a university educated girl with a decent office job and no need to send money home to the village is able to make the choice between gik for no rewards or long term relationship - she already has social mobility from lower to middle class - so is not dependant on meeting a rich farang for this movement.

A real gik would be formally educated in my opinion as she has no need to take money from you where as a poor 7 -11 girl requires more money so this cannot be a gik in the true definition as she is requiring more than just a bit of fun.

Of course this is just my experience and opinion..

This is what I was trying to say in one sentence... its still short but cannot be @rsed to type anymore but I'm sure you understand the difference.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

This is not a gik...

Giks are basically free sex with a girl who doesn't want commitment or you in her normal life but a bit of hanky panky with a farang is okay.

If you go ahead with this - i cannot wait to read the second chapter...

She has big family - buffalo sick - male cousin lives near by - sin sod - when go ur country - blah blah blah

Giks don't work in the 7 -11 low income girls do who want a step up the social ladder from gutter to kerb.

Go for your educated girls who know what it is to be a gik...

Hey, you got it right ON. :D This is a T-lock looking for a rise in salary from that 8000 baht at 7/11. :D

:D bone it then move on to another 7/11 :D

And make sure you get her "up the duff" so you can continue this <deleted> on the thread about getting Thai "girls , women", pregnant and how to deal with that. I'll second Maigos :o

Yes my wife lets me take girls. She used to call me "butterfly". Now she calls me "airport". But she has been on my case to settle

down with a nice girl.


Take your pick, :o


I was once in the same situation.

Well, almost same, it was not a 7-eleven but another convenience store brand but that's not important right now.

I went for it. Just as a fling, no strings attached. After erm, being together just about every day she asked me to help with the months rent.. Which was almost reasonable given how much time I spent in her room. :o So I made a donation, the rent was something like 2000 baht I believe.

So good value. Good memories. Fair mammaries.

For a serious relationship however I would pick a girl with a more similar background/education as myself though.

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

Ignore the other baloney advise here on the thread, as they didn't clearly nor directly answer your question.

To be crystal about it, we need to know if you're married or not. That changes everything.

In which case:

1) If you're not married, GO FOR IT.

2) If you ARE married; double your meds, then GO FOR IT.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:D start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

You clearly a stud 'SoiGirlHunter' - these lady's just cannot get enough of your dark mysterious ways and worldly humor. After all pulling a stunning 20 yo from 7-11 is not easy in city such as Bangkok so all credit to you and we are very impressed.

Anyway forgive me for kidding around....why not just ask how much she cash she wants to lay on her back and woo sweet nuthings :o I am sure you know the routine if you frequent Soi's looking for love.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

Thai girls are so shy. Judging by your name, I would wager money that part or all of this is fabricated.

1. 7/11 is never quiet regardless of time of day, so it would be very weird and uncommon for a farang to sit around drinking beer and joking with the cashier. The rest of the staff is doing what?

2. 20ish girls dont work in 711 really, and if they do, you can bet your ass they are not attractive.

3. Again, Thai girls are shy and her grabbing your hand and cornering you sounds unrealistic.

4. If you spend all this time hitting on her why are you so scared and shocked now when she says she is interested in you?

5. Post your photo, it will give us a good laugh I am sure, regardless if its a true story or not.

6. Jeez, on the internet every farang has a stunning girl friend and gik lined up, and then in real life all I see is The Swamp Thing's step-sister walking around with Mr. Beer Lao Tank Top.


Local Man Seriously Over-Using the Term 'Gig'

Marketing executive claims most women he comes into contact with as 'my gig'

BANGKOK - Friends, coworkers, and family have reported that Wirat Pienchop, 27, has been abusing the term “gig” for at least six months.

According to corroborated statements, Wirat, a marketing executive for Proctor and Gamble Thailand, uses the term to refer to women he is currently dating, women he has dated in the past, women he has never dated but knows casually, women in his department in subordinate positions, at least two woman who have refused to go on dates with him, prostitutes he met at hostess bars, and most of his sister’s friends.

Wirat has defended his use of the word, citing its “multiple definitions”, but his best friend Somdej Borosuth claimed otherwise. “He just wants people to think he’s a stud,” Somdej suggested. “Especially Nid,” he continued, referring to Nidawan Cholasap, a recently hired P&G spokesmodel who has declined Wirat’s repeated offer for drinks. When asked about Nid, Wirat insisted he doesn’t need to impress her, since she’s one of his gigs.

Thai girls are so shy. Judging by your name, I would wager money that part or all of this is fabricated.

1. 7/11 is never quiet regardless of time of day, so it would be very weird and uncommon for a farang to sit around drinking beer and joking with the cashier. The rest of the staff is doing what?

2. 20ish girls dont work in 711 really, and if they do, you can bet your ass they are not attractive.

3. Again, Thai girls are shy and her grabbing your hand and cornering you sounds unrealistic.

4. If you spend all this time hitting on her why are you so scared and shocked now when she says she is interested in you?

5. Post your photo, it will give us a good laugh I am sure, regardless if its a true story or not.

6. Jeez, on the internet every farang has a stunning girl friend and gik lined up, and then in real life all I see is The Swamp Thing's step-sister walking around with Mr. Beer Lao Tank Top.

Nah not all correct. 7-11 is quiet lots of times, theres more than one eh? Not all of them are busy 24/7. All the girls that work at EVERY 7-11 in Bangkok are around 20, what are you talking about? Some are very cute, most are not. No. 6 is totally correct though.

Local Man Seriously Over-Using the Term 'Gig'

Marketing executive claims most women he comes into contact with as 'my gig'

BANGKOK - Friends, coworkers, and family have reported that Wirat Pienchop, 27, has been abusing the term “gig” for at least six months.

According to corroborated statements, Wirat, a marketing executive for Proctor and Gamble Thailand, uses the term to refer to women he is currently dating, women he has dated in the past, women he has never dated but knows casually, women in his department in subordinate positions, at least two woman who have refused to go on dates with him, prostitutes he met at hostess bars, and most of his sister’s friends.

Wirat has defended his use of the word, citing its “multiple definitions”, but his best friend Somdej Borosuth claimed otherwise. “He just wants people to think he’s a stud,” Somdej suggested. “Especially Nid,” he continued, referring to Nidawan Cholasap, a recently hired P&G spokesmodel who has declined Wirat’s repeated offer for drinks. When asked about Nid, Wirat insisted he doesn’t need to impress her, since she’s one of his gigs.


Yes my wife lets me take girls. She used to call me "butterfly". Now she calls me "airport". But she has been on my case to settle

down with a nice girl.


Take your pick, :o

I wouldn't say so... I'm with an educated girl and also have the right to do whatever I want. Some people are open minded enough and decide to seperate love and sex.


OP, you sounded 'already decided' before come posting it. :o

Yeahhhh...listen to your heart and do what it said,

also your wife, she agreed you to be 'butterfly'

Why not? Go for it!!!

But seriously, no more pregnancy on a side...buffaloes and neighbor's buffaloes need to go spa or hospital...things.

:D:D BORED!!! MAK MAK!...........MAK!


The OP may as well start slamming a length into this tart, no doubt theres half a dozen other punters already on the job so he should wear a franger & NEVER lead her back to his den. :D

This 7eleven girl obviously realises that it was made round to go round BUT the OP should realise this could easily get expensive if he makes any one of the GOLDEN MISTAKES......which I have absolutely no doubt he probably will. :o

The OP may as well start slamming a length into this tart, no doubt theres half a dozen other punters already on the job so he should wear a franger & NEVER lead her back to his den. :D

This 7eleven girl obviously realises that it was made round to go round BUT the OP should realise this could easily get expensive if he makes any one of the GOLDEN MISTAKES......which I have absolutely no doubt he probably will. :o

If by punters you mean broke ass thai guys then ya maybe, but NO, not a single guy with money or she would not be working 7-11. 12 hour shift (24 if someone calls in sick) is NOT something you do just for the hel_l of it.

Thai girls are so shy. Judging by your name, I would wager money that part or all of this is fabricated.

1. 7/11 is never quiet regardless of time of day, so it would be very weird and uncommon for a farang to sit around drinking beer and joking with the cashier. The rest of the staff is doing what?

They are very late at night. Some more than others or course. Again I have first hand experience, it's perfectly possible to have more interaction than 'sawatdee kha [...] ogaht na choen mai kha'

2. 20ish girls dont work in 711 really, and if they do, you can bet your ass they are not attractive.

Now you're really getting silly. Not much else to say except 'uhm, yes they do.'. As for 'not attractive', you mean less attractive than, say, women in bars? That'd be an achievement. Also, for many 'Falangs', having any girl notice them outisde of a bar setting automatically makes them attractive even if they're garbage collectors.

3. Again, Thai girls are shy and her grabbing your hand and cornering you sounds unrealistic.

This is a very good point, you just reach the wrong conclusion. Girls who want to jump your bones MOST DEFINITLEY touch you. In fact if you get a touch in just about ANY WAY no matter how innocent, by 'accident' or otherwise then this girl IS a serious prospect. Innocently touching your hand or your leg in Thailand is near-equivalent of throwing herself at you. :D Spend some more time in the real Thailand I'd say, or grow 20 years younger. (whichever applies)

> 4. If you spend all this time hitting on her why are you so scared and shocked

> now when she says she is interested in you?

Yeah, that's a valid criticism. If I had to post on Thaivisa on any girl who was interested in me then I wouldn't have a chance to meet a whole lot of girls. :D

> 5. Post your photo, it will give us a good laugh I am sure,

> regardless if its a true story or not.

How about posting yours, "he who never has a Thai girl touch him and considers them 'shy'? " :o

6. Jeez, on the internet every farang has a stunning girl friend and gik lined up, and then in real life all I see is The Swamp Thing's step-sister walking around with Mr. Beer Lao Tank Top.

Again, get out of the tourist bar scene.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

good work mate, next step is the noodle lady.

6. Jeez, on the internet every farang has a stunning girl friend and gik lined up, and then in real life all I see is The Swamp Thing's step-sister walking around with Mr. Beer Lao Tank Top.

Again, get out of the tourist bar scene.

I don't often disagree with you Winnie, but I get what he is saying here. :o

One more thing..i often read on Thaivisa men who say they are sick of girIs who take advantage of them. That they want to find "good girIs". WeII..guys who take out nice young naive girIs and "bone" them, without having any consideration for the after effects, are the kind of guys who end up creating those cynicaI young woman who have IittIe faith in men. Is it any wonder?

good lord, get off your moral high horse. you bore me.

an idiotic question begs idiotic responses. find your grain of salt.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

she aint joking. she want you to take care of her, financially.

not have sex w no strings attached!

A busload of bisexual female bikini models just knocked on my door and want to have an orgy.

What should I do?

Yep, I reckon it's pure fantasy.

wheres the fantasy. bkk is full of girls who get paid to have sex. and they are good at it. its REAL in thailand!

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