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Hey All , Can any one help me with getting an english speaking driving instructor. i have come across a few driving schools in thai (near ekkamai ) but i guess when it comes to something so instinctive as driving in bkk , you dont wanna take chances. Please suggest ?? and what about a driving licence ? can i get it woithout an international licence .. i do hold a work permit .. does that help ?


I am not even sure they have them here..? I will probably be told otherwise but if you want to drive in Bangkok money talks. You are a braver man than me though, I drove in london for years but I blanche' at the thought of going for a spin anywhere here. Pay a driver who is used to it, it will probably work out cheaper in the long run, as it will be you paying for any accidents whether or not it is your fault

Hey All , Can any one help me with getting an english speaking driving instructor. i have come across a few driving schools in thai (near ekkamai ) but i guess when it comes to something so instinctive as driving in bkk , you dont wanna take chances. Please suggest ?? and what about a driving licence ? can i get it woithout an international licence .. i do hold a work permit .. does that help ?

Hey Psycho

A little more clarity is needed here:

1. Do you hold a full driving licence of any kind from your native land?

2. Are the driving lessons for you?

If you have a full licence then acquiring an International licence is quite easy ( so long as you apply from your native country). You do not need an Int. Lic. to aquire a Thai driving licence, just a full native.

If you have no full licence, and therefore no real official driving experience. The lessons are for you to acquire a Thai licence, then go for a Thai instructor ( take the g/f on lessons to translate) as they are most likely to assist in your passing the Thai exam - such as it is.

If you are seeking your first full licence to drive here in Thailand then go this way and when you have passed there will be no end of Farang drivers here who will 'train' you european style later for a nominal fee.



So 'Teach' you mean to drive a car here , u gotta have a girl friend first :o .. never mind actually i have a licence from back home but dont have a intl licence so i gotta apply for one back home it seems from what you say .. and then come here ,take lessons for the thai license & maybe later on get some lessons from farangs instructors. Thanks

So 'Teach' you mean to drive a car here , u gotta have a girl friend first  :o .. never mind actually i have a licence from back home but dont have a intl licence so i gotta apply for one back home it seems from what you say .. and then come here ,take lessons for the thai license & maybe later on get some lessons from farangs instructors. Thanks

You can get a Thai licence if you hold one from your own country, no lessons needed if you can drive already, take a written test, start the car, drive in a circle, then parralel park, job done. If you mess it up pay the guy he will pass you, he will fail you until you pay him so you might as well speed up the process will a backhander

So 'Teach' you mean to drive a car here , u gotta have a girl friend first  :o .. never mind actually i have a licence from back home but dont have a intl licence so i gotta apply for one back home it seems from what you say .. and then come here ,take lessons for the thai license & maybe later on get some lessons from farangs instructors. Thanks

No you don't have to hold an Int. licence to get a Thai licence. What you have to hold is a recognised western FULL licence i.e. British..is best, european or American licences are all excepted as superior licence exams.

If you have one of these then you can get your Thai licence without any 'lessons' just take the 'traffic light test -red amber green, and your set.

Most anyone here can help you with the paperwork needed. Especially a girlfriend.

What is more important is the quality of car you intend buying if at all, and if second hand.

If your intention is only to rent/hire a car on occasions then the licence you have will suffice.


So 'Teach' you mean to drive a car here , u gotta have a girl friend first  :o .. never mind actually i have a licence from back home but dont have a intl licence so i gotta apply for one back home it seems from what you say .. and then come here ,take lessons for the thai license & maybe later on get some lessons from farangs instructors. Thanks

Don't understand why you need driving lessons if you have a license from back home. A Thai inst. speaking Eng. will teach you what? take your home lic.,non immig. visa,medical check,letter confirming address and a little cash and go down to the lic. issuing office. Really not that difficult. I've found if you go alone with no one to translate they will help you more.

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