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Exporting to california

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How serious are you, and what are you wanting to do?

I don't want to be the go to guy for endless inquiries, but I probably know more than anyone on this board about import/export, particularly U.S.

Let me know if you are curious or serious?

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Hi Peabo,

Reccomend you talk to a courier (FedEx, DHL, or UPS.)

They will provide door/door to you. Couriers are generally used on anything less than 45kgs (100lbs.)

Make sure you negotiate hard with them when the time comes, and play them against each other. That way you will get the best rate tariff.

*An interesting point with be US customs, if you are dealing with something dutiable (this can depend on type of good, as well as value.) If there should be duty, then believe that will be assessed at the point it enters US, and you will not be able to prepay it with the courier. THis would then mean that you are passing an unepected cost to your clients. Make sure you look into this.

Okay Peabo, go do your research, and come back to me if you need something more.

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