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Truevisons (UBC) To Cancel BBC Entertainment From 1st June


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Just noticed the new channels are up and running. NHL hockey as well !!!

Anyways have a question, i have true satellite and the STB is Humax IR-H100C. Now i just noticed i need pin code to access the box and re-organize channel locations. Anyone know what is the default pin ?

I am one of those guys who prefer to have all my sports next to each other. Not randomly dropped over the 100+ channels... :)

For me, the code is 2321.

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What is the quality of the Multichoice picture usually like compared to, say, True?

Well I live in Phuket and my picture quality with Multichoice is much much better than true... but you do need a bigger dish with Multichoice

Please can you tell me who to contact in Phuket to get Multichoice as I want to cancel my Platinum Plus package as soon as possible and get this system in.

Thank You

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What is the quality of the Multichoice picture usually like compared to, say, True?

Well I live in Phuket and my picture quality with Multichoice is much much better than true... but you do need a bigger dish with Multichoice

Please can you tell me who to contact in Phuket to get Multichoice as I want to cancel my Platinum Plus package as soon as possible and get this system in.

Thank You

I asked about this as well.

What you need:

- C-band dish and LNB, pointed at the satellite Intel Sat 10 (3500 for the dish, around 800 for the LNB)

- Dreambox receiver (3900 baht)

- internet connection with a utp cable to the dreambox.

What the guy in Phuket offers is only a C-line for CCcam, which is a little piece of cardsharing software that runs on the Dreambox.

So this guy does not sell you the actual smartcard!

Just for educational purposes:

This C-line tells your dreambox which machine to contact on the internet to get the smartcard information. This information is then used to decode the video stream received through your own satellite dish.

Configuring the dreambox is very simple if you know what telnet is (and how the vi editor works - mainly for people from before the mouse-click-generation), but there's loads of freeware available to help you with this.

Basically this works fine. The information is requested every 10 seconds, and consists of very little data - speed is not an issue, stability however is! I have tested it by providing European smartcard information to a dreambox in Europe from Thailand - it works fine over this distance. It will probably even work over a GPRS connection - just didn't test this (yet).

By the way, this would also work for Thai providers, but can't be discussed on this forum.

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sorry axn beyond is not terrible !!!its f----ing awfull ,please us the correct description. :)

Aw... come on! Nice to see Agent Scully - first in series 1 of the X-Files (looking fresh and yummy), and then a few hours later she'd aged 6 years in series 7. Brilliant scheduling, AXN Beyond (Belief). :D

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Ok i have given it a week , and to be honest it was a week too long !!!!

Today i rang True Care ( really how can they call it care!) and asked if they had had many customers complaining about BBC being taken off? The answer was yes ! I asked if many people had cancelled subscriptions? The answer was yes ! I asked if they were going to put BBC back on? The answer was NO !

As a result i have just cancelled my silevr package card and downgraded my other platinum card to silver!

As of this time next month i will be the proud owner of a new satelitte and be watching Multi Choice from SA . Once that is up and running i will be cancelling the final silver package !!

Thanks UBC for making me get off my arse and get a better satelitte.

PS i will be getting my IPhone 3G from Hong Kong instead of True as well . Ching ching i can hear the money draining from their coffers already and i havent smiled this much in the LOS since the baht crashed !!! :)

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Thanks UBC for making me get off my arse and get a better satelitte.

The major cause of stress, as any psychologist will tell you, is to be found the difference between what you expect and what you get. The problem with Thailand is not what you get in Thailand but what you expect to get in Thailand, and don't.

Thailand is a developing nation, full of people learning how to reach even a basic level of achievement. The problem is that most Thais believe not that they are behind everyone else but that they are in fact ahead of everyone else and that being a Thai is prima facae evidence of being in a position of great privilege. It is sort of like a cross-country runner being so far behind everyone else that he can't see the others at all, and therefore concludes he is in the lead of some other race entirely. They don't have anything to learn from lesser races and they therefore don' t even trouble to listen to what other races say. It is (as any psychologist will also tell you), quite delusional but it is normal for Thailand.

Thai internet is a joke. Thai technical service is a joke. And Thai customer service is even more of a joke than that.

But it all comes from expecting Thais to be as good as at anything as people are in Europe or USA and being disappointed. (Except ripping off copyright stuff of course, they are better than most at that).

Now, that having been dealt with, on to business.

Where do i buy a new satellite dish that gives me decent TV, because I, like you, have had a pocket full of TRUE. It is no wonder to me that they are going broke. I understand why even if they don't.


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After living in the great US of A on several occasions, I can confirm that their TV is almost universally pre-digested, infantile bilge water. It comes as no surprise that the average American has no interest in BBC entertainment. They don't understand it for goodness sake. The humour is too subtle, the drama requires one to think. By all means give them their cartoons but please let the grown-ups have their BBC fix.

I cancelled my platinum subscription today.

:):D:D especially the Blackadder series of yore!

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After living in the great US of A on several occasions, I can confirm that their TV is almost universally pre-digested, infantile bilge water. It comes as no surprise that the average American has no interest in BBC entertainment. They don't understand it for goodness sake. The humour is too subtle, the drama requires one to think. By all means give them their cartoons but please let the grown-ups have their BBC fix.

I cancelled my platinum subscription today.

:):D:D especially the Blackadder series of yore!

talking of infantile bilge,have any of you seen the American version of Life On Mars or worst week of my life . i couldnt believe what i was seeing ,how can anyone take two very good series and come up with such rubbish.?

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I am one who welcomed the change, but it had nothing to do with BBCE or AXN Beyond. I am extremely happy in the trade off of AMAX and STC for ASN and Nickelodeon. Most Americans that are sports fans (i.e. most Americans) are elated with ASN and my kid is elated about Nickelodeon (and that is what is important to me).

Hence, if True wants to trade AXN Beyond for BBC Entertainment, I couldn't care less, but ASN and Nickelodeons are winners.

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BBC World Service is free to air but BBC Entertainment is a pay channel only available on subscription through service providers such as TrueVisions, Astro or Multichoice.

Australia Network is also free to air but I have been told by those who know much more about satellite TV than I do that it is hard to receive directly on a home dish because the satellite is low on the horizon and obstructions can block the signal.

I live in a bungalow in a built-up area so I'm stuffed. If I lived high-up in a condo I would probably be okay.

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BBC World Service is free to air but BBC Entertainment is a pay channel only available on subscription through service providers such as TrueVisions, Astro or Multichoice.

Australia Network is also free to air but I have been told by those who know much more about satellite TV than I do that it is hard to receive directly on a home dish because the satellite is low on the horizon and obstructions can block the signal.

I live in a bungalow in a built-up area so I'm stuffed. If I lived high-up in a condo I would probably be okay.

BBC world service the radio network, but is also there on satellite, but I suspect you mean BBC world, and the oz network can also be used on topup tv on the same satellite as truevisions (who [truevisions] are one of the 20 odd Thai satellite network providers)

Edited by joncl
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talking of infantile bilge,have any of you seen the American version of Life On Mars or worst week of my life . i couldnt believe what i was seeing ,how can anyone take two very good series and come up with such rubbish.?

I watched it for a few minutes, dumb-struck at how bad it was. Maybe I need to force myself to watch it for a few episodes...

Maybe not:

From Wikipedia: "On March 2, 2009, it was announced that ABC would not be ordering a second season."

:) Good decision!

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I am one who welcomed the change, but it had nothing to do with BBCE or AXN Beyond. I am extremely happy in the trade off of AMAX and STC for ASN and Nickelodeon. Most Americans that are sports fans (i.e. most Americans) are elated with ASN and my kid is elated about Nickelodeon (and that is what is important to me).

Hence, if True wants to trade AXN Beyond for BBC Entertainment, I couldn't care less, but ASN and Nickelodeons are winners.

Does ASN stand for American sports network ? Dont get me wrong i love amercian sports especially the baseball, but all i have seen so far on this channel is re runs of old sports that i have already watched live !!! call me old fashioned but what the .... is the point of that !!!

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Re accessing the U.S. H-u-l-u web site while visiting in Thailand...

I had a very useful conversation recently with the tech staff at the Witopia service site on how travelers like us can still view sites like H-u-l-u when we're visiting Thailand, and temporarily away from our homes in the U.S.

I tried their standard service recently and got the dreaded "V-P-N service detected and cannot access this site." But a quick tech support call provided an easy solution that works just fine...though it does take an easy settings tweak.

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...The problem with Thailand is not what you get in Thailand but what you expect to get in Thailand, and don't.

Thailand is a developing nation, full of people learning how to reach even a basic level of achievement. The problem is that most Thais believe not that they are behind everyone else but that they are in fact ahead of everyone else and that being a Thai is prima facae evidence of being in a position of great privilege. It is sort of like a cross-country runner being so far behind everyone else that he can't see the others at all, and therefore concludes he is in the lead of some other race entirely. They don't have anything to learn from lesser races and they therefore don' t even trouble to listen to what other races say. It is (as any psychologist will also tell you), quite delusional but it is normal for Thailand.

Thai internet is a joke. Thai technical service is a joke. And Thai customer service is even more of a joke than that.

But it all comes from expecting Thais to be as good as at anything as people are in Europe or USA and being disappointed. (Except ripping off copyright stuff of course, they are better than most at that).


TRUE. It is no wonder to me that they are going broke. I understand why even if they don't.

I guess I do look at it a bit differently. I expected to have to give up lots when I moved to the "third world" (of if you prefer, a developing country). Actually. I've given up little, although I have had to somewhat adjust my expectations. I agree that Thai customer service in almost anything is a joke. But, I guess we are just lucky with our internet service. It's fine, pretty much as good as what I had in America, maybe a tad slower. There have been very few totally down times for us.

I am rather pleased with the programming on True -- as an American I never expected to get multiple HBO channels, MGM, Star Movies, and Turner Classic Movies. On the other hand, the reception sucks.

As you say, Thailand is "full of people learning how to reach even a basic level of achievement." I think it's also a country struggling to learn how to reach a basic level of modernity. Yet, they are making progress. Skytrain and subway. Not all third world countries have that. Of course, they need to be expanded and improved so there is less overcrowding...that is bad.

When I think where Thailand was in 1987, compared to where it is now in 2009...quite astonishing. But, of course, lots more work to do.

I'm into photography. I walk almost any where in this city with a rather expensive digital camera. I don't worry much about getting robbed of it. I can't walk "almost anywhere" in New York, Philly, or Washington in terms of just general safety. I gave that up when I moved here, too.

Like everyone farang here, I want more...but I'm hardly suffering...sometimes inconvenienced.

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