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no mate....... but i think the above clarifies it.

The "old management rule" might work well when the output requirements are extremely low ( i.e. if Sony sold one TV a month)

Doubt it would hold ground when you have a large production line to run ( which i dont have - just example ).

Its impossible to do everything yourself in "management" ( larger operation ), and the only way to get the quality and quantity out the front door is having the right quantity of good people in your org. So "do it your self" does not stack up.

Quite simple really.

( p.s. the Work permit stuff was quite funny ! enjoyed it :) )

Edited by skippybangkok
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no mate....... but i think the above clarifies it.

The "old management rule" might work well when the output requirements are extremely low ( i.e. if Sony sold one TV a month)

Doubt it would hold ground when you have a large production line to run ( which i dont have - just example ).

Its impossible to do everything yourself in "management" ( larger operation ), and the only way to get the quality and quantity out the front door is having the right quantity of good people in your org. So "do it your self" does not stack up.

Quite simple really.

With your inciteful remarks regarding differing management styles are you are an MBA by any chance.. :) or where you the TV tester in the Sony factory ??

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With your inciteful remarks regarding differing management styles are you are an MBA by any chance.. :) or where you the TV tester in the Sony factory ??

Non of the above......

Seems your and trompelemonde only resort to not being able to provide a credible explaination to your "do it yourself comment" is sarcasm and flaming.......

go for it mate........ flame some more.

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I think you're right, I also think he needs a lie down after all this activity.

Thanks for reminding me.........and when do you return to your brick laying job ?

Is that an attempt at humour?

:) .....maybe a sense of humour is one of the tasks which is delegated to others perhaps.. :D

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I think you're right, I also think he needs a lie down after all this activity.

Thanks for reminding me.........and when do you return to your brick laying job ?

Is that an attempt at humour?

:) .....maybe a sense of humour is one of the tasks which is delegated to others perhaps.. :D

But sarcasm is obviously something you do yourself better !

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PM me if you want a honest Filipino housekeeper with University degree in English, licensed caregiver, first aid graduate that speak fluent English, Chinese, Tagalog and good in Thai, she can also teach all of these languages as she is a teacher, looking for a live in job.

Please let me know where I can find one. I am Filipino and we are here because my husband has been transferred here. I have had to hire a Thai maid because we did not want to hire a Filipina without a work permit. That said my experience with present maid is not fantastic. She can't take instructions properly and gets the sulks when I'm critical of her poor work. I am trying to learn the language because as we all know ...." when in Rome," but I doubt that this will improve the situation greatly. I have to stop my husband(farang) from screaming half the time because of the shoddy housekeeping.

I am paying at the absurd rate of 12k a month but not as a stay in maid. Not to mention letting her go on all the absurd holidays in between. I only require her to report to work monday to friday.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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For the adepts of the "do it yourself", when you earn 500 bahts an hour (actually not really a lot), it makes absolutely no sense do yourself something you can pay someone 50 Bahts to do it for you.

It's the economy, stupid :) !

Edited by Pierrot
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Urge all to report any type of immigration or refugee fraud. Although it may not be too fashionable to talk about civic duty, it is important to realize that immigration fraud affects everyone in Thailand. It is the responsibility of all to report people who are in Thailand illegally, who are taking a job that legal Thais might need, who are violating other immigration laws, etc.

I assume here you are suggesting people dont only report the Philipinas, but the Aussies, the Septics, the Brits and all the other nations who are taking part in "Immigration Fraud" as well in Thailand.. :)

The illegal Europeans, North Americans, South Americans, etc. drive down the wages for those of us who are legal. I know form friends of mine that are English teachers that the market is flooded with illegals that work for 150-200B per hour what a joke and how sad at the same time. I can't tell you how many people come into my place of employment with a visa exemption and think they are even qualified for the position. I doubt I would turn anyone in, I never did in the USA and believe me plenty of illegals from all over the world came into our emergency room but it's not my place or my job to turn them in and I don't know their situation. I myself have always tried to be part of the solution not part of the problem but it is obvious that some people are so self centered they don't care what they do or who they hurt and they feel the world owes them something.

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I've had about 10 Thai maid/housekeepers and 1 Filipino. The 10 Thais all ended up getting fired for stealing or doing absolutely nothing or running up a 3,000 Baht phone bill. Anything they seemed to want disappeared and when asked, I was told they thought I didn't need it any more--apparently, I didn't need my money, my mobile phone charger, nice clothes, sheets, DVD player etc. etc. They spent much of their day gossiping with the neighbor maids, so my life was an open--but not particularly truthful book. And I won't even get into the visitors that seemed to come by.

The current one comes in, cleans like there is no tomorrow, does whatever is asked and uses common sense (so unlike the Thai ones, the garden isn't being watered when it's raining). Leaves a note of supplies needed, phone calls received (with a name and number) etc. etc. This one is virtually always available and if something is planned, I am informed. Sunday is Church day, but even that can be arranged around if needed.

It's nice to come home and have the housework done instead of coming home and having someone START it and completely mess up my few hours of relaxation.

Nice one Mr Scott

This post says it all

Urge all to report any type of immigration or refugee fraud. Although it may not be too fashionable to talk about civic duty, it is important to realize that immigration fraud affects everyone in Thailand. It is the responsibility of all to report people who are in Thailand illegally, who are taking a job that legal Thais might need, who are violating other immigration laws, etc.


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For the adepts of the "do it yourself", when you earn 500 bahts an hour (actually not really a lot), it makes absolutely no sense do yourself something you can pay someone 50 Bahts to do it for you.

It's the economy, stupid :) !

Re-branded as "the Mormons" aka the bricklayers foundation ( not the same as the Free Masons )

You can find them in BKK with white short sleeve shirts and dress pants, little back pack and a bicycle. If they try to say "hi" the minute you accidently make eye contact, you got winner

Other traits (because in the west they dont have it, or its taking advantage )

- dont go to go go bars

- never eat in food stalls

- hardly ever take a taxi ( just too cheap here - its taking advantage of the poor people )

- Would never buy gorceries at a local market ( just too cheap here - its taking advantage of the poor people )

etc. wonder what the economy would be like ?

Edited by skippybangkok
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"Urge all to report any type of immigration or refugee fraud. Although it may not be too fashionable to talk about civic duty, it is important to realize that immigration fraud affects everyone in Thailand. It is the responsibility of all to report people who are in Thailand illegally, who are taking a job that legal Thais might need, who are violating other immigration laws, etc.

Before anyone posts I know this Filipno and I'm friends with her and others at my church".

its all ok folks ...as she is a freind :)

Edited by highchol
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When I taught English, I met lots of 'Flips' working with false visa and degrees. Probably more than 'whiteys'. Generaly really nice, friendly people until they start speaking that language.

Also, a reall pain in the arse for English teachers trying to make a living when they come and offer to do it for half the fee. Nearly as bad as bloody missionaries.

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Just wondering what everyone else thinks about this!! My Thai gf lost out to a job to a Filipno who is here on a 60 + 30 day visa as a nanny/house keeper. The Filipno said that it is easy for her and her friends to find work when they arrive on a 30 day visa and after that their employer just has to write a letter saying that they are a guest in their homes and they will sponcer them.

I know if someone came into my country and took away a job that I could do I wouldn't take too long to have that person remove from the country for working without the correct visa.

This is a good job 12,000 a month with the offer of free food and room, which off course the filipno has taken advantage of.

Now my gf and her friends are still looking for work and the Filipnos are here sending their income home while the Issan girl's family does without..

Any toughts or concerns on this issue???

Come to Hua Hin and see how many Ex Pats are working illegaly, bet you know loads where you live.

Edited by MysteryPlane
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For the adepts of the "do it yourself", when you earn 500 bahts an hour (actually not really a lot), it makes absolutely no sense do yourself something you can pay someone 50 Bahts to do it for you.

It's the economy, stupid :) !

Re-branded as "the Mormons" aka the bricklayers foundation ( not the same as the Free Masons )

You can find them in BKK with white short sleeve shirts and dress pants, little back pack and a bicycle. If they try to say "hi" the minute you accidently make eye contact, you got winner

Other traits (because in the west they dont have it, or its taking advantage )

- dont go to go go bars

- never eat in food stalls

- hardly ever take a taxi ( just too cheap here - its taking advantage of the poor people )

- Would never buy gorceries at a local market ( just too cheap here - its taking advantage of the poor people )

etc. wonder what the economy would be like ?

I am what ever you want me to be in your imagination.

To you I'm a bricklayer, to me your just a trans-gendered satan worshipper.

Edited by trompelemonde
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Why single out Filipinos? There are lots of farangs doing exactly the same thing. Only difference is that Filipinos blend in better with the locals than Farangs.

Have you been to KSR and seen all of those fake ID cards they churn out for farang tourists?

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