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The Duke's Deserves Your Vote!

Ulysses G.

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I've known Dave of the Duke's for almost 20 years and I don't remember him ever givimg me any food for free. He sometimes takes french fries off of my plate to "test" them, but that is not exactly a bribe. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I've known Dave of the Duke's for almost 20 years and I don't remember him ever giving me any food for free. He sometimes takes french fries off of my plate to "test" them, but that is not exactly a bribe. :)

A man after my own heart. What about water?

Edited by chiangmaioldhand
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Once again, Mapguy does his usual whining and complaining act while again offering no solution. Hey, we are in Chiang Mai, not Paris!

OK, according to the high and mighty Mapguy, the Duke's sucks, but he does not bother to tell us a better restaurant in the area, which is the whole point of the thread.

Mapguy, didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything good to say, shut the f___ up? :)

Huh???!!! "Whining and complaining?" I don't get that. I don't think I said The Dukes "sucks." I think the point of the thread (the topic) was how great The Dukes is. Well, it isn't. Then I was assaulted the "F" word? Whaaaaat?! Immensely more crude than The Dukes' cooking. Seems to be a bit of agita there! Or maybe too much cholesterol! Better lay off the ribs and the creamy dressings, UG! :D

Anyway, while this is not Paris (where you can get some really bad meals as well as good ones) I have been "challenged" to make recommendations for Chiang Mai. I'm just not normally into casual advertising, for friends of 20 years or whatever. I am not an editor for the Michelin Guide.

Anyway, try Le Crystal, the Steak House, and the Kantary Grill. Try the little Japanese-Thai "fusion" restaurant (Can't think of the name of it) at the very end of Sirimangkalajan Soi 11 (That's going east). I know they could use the business. Who couldn't these days! Try the new Becco Fino (Nimmenhamena Soi 7). Try the buffet at the Shangra-La. Some of these places are more expensive than others. Check them out yourself, UG. Enjoy!

In the meantime, I'd enjoy hearing what you have to say about wines!

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Perhaps I am blind but can somebody please point out where this forum is sponsored by 'The Duke's' restaurants??? If it is, then I apologise for the following.

Well, Ulysses is a sponsor, and I see nothing in the rules against sub-sponsoring. :)

Seriously though, I do agree this site often goes way overboard in its iron fist approach to people posting harmless information or recommendations some/most of the time.

Like the extremely informative thread about the crooked shysters in Chiang Mai. That was very valuable information based on the experiences of 2 or 3 different members pertaining to a single law firm.

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I think the point of the thread (the topic) was how great The Dukes is. Well, it isn't.

So pronounces Mapguy. :)

Luckily, most other members of Thai Visa realize that we are out in the sticks in a third-world country and the Duke's is pretty darn good considering all of that. In fact, if you look at this thread, about 9 out of 10 residents do not agree with you, and if you ignore jealous competitors and hateful trolls - who never have anything good to say about anything - the odds are even higher.

Not bad for a restaurant that you refer to as, "Laughable"! :D

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The Miele Guide is having a public voting for the best restaurants in Asia. The Duke's deserves to be a winner. Post#1

Let me be as honest as possible, we are talking about foreign restaurants in THAILAND. Post#16

I think we have clarified that I am only talking about Chiang Mai. Post#21

I will admit that, I have not bothered with trying the very expensive restaurants in some of the 5 star resorts (like the Oriental), partially because I'm afraid that I will be disappointed and out of a lot of money and partially because they are so out of the way on a bicycle and I hate taking Tuk Tuks. Post#26

i get it now this list is a joke... i know this is a joke. Post#34

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Far too many snobs and <deleted> on this site nowadays, and in this city it seems. If you want to be pampered with high-end eating in a predicably boring, snotty European-esque eatery, I suggest you p off there. :D

Post 51. :)

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I agree with Hill16....While UG is one of the nicer more civilized of the frequent posters here, he seems to frequently start threads on the Dukes! It is getting old UG...I think it's Ok if someone has a positive experience to mention the business...but not every few months or so, then it looks like free advertising.



As much as I enjoy playing around, I really do not want to offend kind posters like bungalowbill and some others. It is just that I really am grateful that we have some really good restaurants and I want to spread the word around about them. However, there are not that many, so I perhaps mention the Duke's more than I should.

Some folks are quite upset about this thread. I am the OP of the thread and have no objections if the mods want to shut it down :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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